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Family: Annonaceae
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Alphonsea gaudichaudiana (Baill.) Finet & Gagnep.
Collector/Expedition: Nanthavong, K.
Collection number: OD147
Collection date: 8th April 2005
Filing region: Indo-China
Country/Territory: Laos
Barcode: E00683910
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. MQQ0589 ROYAL BOTANIC Plants of Lao PDR |. BIOTIK project funded by the European Commission ASIA IT&C programme Leg.: Nanthavong, K. BT 147 d.d.: 8 April 2005 copyright reserved With: Lamxay, V. Annonaceae 6 Alphonsea gaudichaudiana (Baill.) Finet & Gagnep. Det.: Kessler, P.J.A. 10/2005 Laos, Khammouan, Nakai Oudom Souk 17°42'N, 105°08' E Alt: 533m Laos, Khammouan prov., Nakai district, Oudom Souk, protected forest behind field station N; E Degrade forest, dominated by Pinus merkusii Tree c. 17 m tall, c. 25 cm, bark greyish white, horizontal branches, fruitlets greenish becoming yellow, seeds brown. 2 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH : Partners: National University of Lao PDR, Vientiane; Institut Frangais de S88 FRUIT AND SEED COLLECTION Pondichery, India; CIRAD, Montpellier, France; Nationaal Herbarium | & 00683910 Nederland, Universiteit Leiden branch, The Netherlands |
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Family: Annonaceae
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Alphonsea gaudichaudiana (Baill.) Finet & Gagnep.
Collector/Expedition: Nanthavong, K.
Collection number: OD147
Collection date: 8th April 2005
Filing region: Indo-China
Country/Territory: Laos
Barcode: E00683917
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Herbarium specimen/sheetE00683910
Family: Annonaceae
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Alphonsea gaudichaudiana (Baill.) Finet & Gagnep.
Collector/Expedition: Svengsuksa, B.
Collection number: BT 226
Collection date: 9th March 2006
Filing region: Indo-China
Country/Territory: Laos
Barcode: E00683916
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. L, oO) © wy g fax) 2 = xo} o Plants of Lao PDR a BIOTIK project funded by the European ps Commission ASIA IT&C programme o am Leg.: Svengsuksa, B. BT 226 % d.d.: 9 March 2006 yd With: et al. rs fe} Annonaceae o Alphonsea gaudichaudiana (Baill.) Finet & Gagnep. Det.: Svengsuksa, B. etal. 3/2006 Laos, Khammouan, Nakay Nakay 17°42'18" N, 105°08'30" E Alt: 575m Laos, Khammouane province, Nakay district, Nakay village. Remnants of pine forest behind Nam Theun Protection office. Tree c. 8 m tall, c. 20 cm in diameter, fruits green, unripe. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH Partners: National University of Lao PDR, Vientiane; Institut Frangais de | | | Pondichery, India; CIRAD, Montpellier, France; Nationaal Herbarium Nederland, Universiteit Leiden branch, The Netherlands E00683916
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Family: Annonaceae
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Alphonsea gaudichaudiana (Baill.) Finet & Gagnep.
Collector/Expedition: Nanthavong, K.
Collection number: BT681
Collection date: 8th October 2006
Filing region: Indo-China
Country/Territory: Laos
Barcode: E00683931
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MQ00589 GARDEN Plants of Lao PDR j téiven BIOTIK project funded by the European a Commission ASIA IT&C programme Leg.: Nanthavong, K. BT 681 d.d.: 8 October 2006 With: Kessler, P.J.A. et al. Annonaceae copyright reserved Alphonsea gaudichaudiana (Baill.) Finet & Gagnep. Det.: Nanthavong, K. 10/2006 aa ee Laos, Khammouan, Nakay Sop Ma 17°48'08" N, 105°03'10" E Alt: 539m ee Ee ee ee eee Laos, Khammouan privince, Nakai district, Ban (village) Sop Ma. Rainforest on poor laterite soil. Canopy height c. 30 m. Along new established road. Tree c. 10 m tall, c. 25 cm in diameter, bark grey, twigs spreading horizintally, fruits young green. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Partners: National University of Lao PDR, Vientiane; Institut Frangais de EDINBURGH Pondichery, India; CIRAD, Montpellier, France; Nationaal Herbarium | | Nederland, Universiteit Leiden branch, The Netherlands E00683931
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Family: Annonaceae
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Alphonsea hainanensis Merr. & Chun
Filing region: Inner China, Korea and Taiwan
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01145060
No label status given
Fam: ANNONACEAE Alphonsea hainanensis Merrill & Chun Deterf rev. Paul Kessler II 1990 Rijksherbarium Leiden FLORA OF HAINAN { Anon. ) HERBARIUM OF Lincnan Naturat History Survey ano Museum INGNAN University. CANTON, CHINA. 6th Hainan Expedition Mitxespnor AXA Bonn: C 4 Rare; gentle slope; loam; thicket: woody ; erect; 6 m.; 18 cm. Fruit, red. Holon EKhin (lai) NAAM SHAN LENG, 7A Ill 2 Ns ese Nig) Diswwigt, FE) ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN COLLECTED WITH THE COOPERATION OF ARNOLD ARBORETUM, HARVARD UNIVERSITY AND NEW YORK BOTANICAL GARDEN, EDINBURGH Coll. Lau, S.K. 256 Det. B.D. Merrill. July 14, 193. TAA E01145060 copyright reserved M@QQ589
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Family: Annonaceae
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Alphonsea javanica Scheff.
Filing region: Malay Islands
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01145098
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. FLORA OF SABAH HERBARIUM OF THE FOREST DEPARTMENT SANDAKAN ite rw No. SAN 56813 Family Annonaceae Z| ‘i 4 fc iY f Botanical Name Apprawsea ete e o Det. @ — Vernacular Dialect — 5 Locality (see reverse for map) Tung Hap Logging area, ra ° District Sandakan Alt. m.a.s.l. ; a Collector $igin et al. Date 26.35.84 Habitat Side of Logging road Notes : Tree, 45 cm girth, 30 m height. Flowers pale green. Duplicates to : K/L/SAR/KEP/SING/BO/PNH/AA/OX/ ¢y.. nN Herbaria receiving duplicates are requested to communicate new EDINBURGH identifications to the Forest Botanist, Forest Research Centre Sandakan TMA a aa APC-12193 E01145098 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN
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Family: Annonaceae
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Alphonsea johorensis J.Sinclair
Collector/Expedition: Sidek bin Kiah,
Collection number: 32139
Collection date: 21st October 1936
Filing region: Malay Peninsula
Country/Territory: Malaysia
Isotype of Alphonsea johorensis J.Sinclair
Barcode: E00393090
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fex= YW i= \--¥ Le] 0) B,Ve [ote] "\e Fam: ANNONACEAE Al Phonsea jJohorensis J Ret: rey. = Paul k Rijksherbar See lum Leiden OVALE Bea SORDEN Ro a Pe a eae Settee E Tsotupr p newer \0 ort So sa ic loss eh Bukd . Soma WW: hee (A4SS) Bae IS. 2 1988 Singapore Field No. 3 2/ 39 | DISTRIBUTED FROM THE BOTANIC GARDENS, SINGAPORE Maay PENINSULA Name mere po Arvondtats SiicQe Locality oo Mayu, é, oboe Altitude Kod Date2/*OA-./73 5 pa fac Leont Cott, Lobo A. Gardens 40—24534 t—100/100—10/49
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Family: Annonaceae
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Alphonsea johorensis J.Sinclair
Filing region: Malay Peninsula
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01145084
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Pr 2 6 [--9--) bate an a ra <8 cas] copyright reserved Singapore Field No. 002k. DISTRIBUTED FROM THE BOTANIC GARDENS, SINGAPORE MALAY PENINSULA Name Alphonsea johorensis J.Sinclair Locality 125 mlse Mandai Road, Singaporee Altitude Dat@th Sept. ROYAL BOTA\ : 1953 Acc Det. JeSineleir Coll. J.Sinclair | LMU I Outer petals brownish yellow, inner E01145084 Gardens 40—17070—5,000-2/47 pale yellow. Rare.
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Family: Annonaceae
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Alphonsea johorensis J.Sinclair
Filing region: Malay Peninsula
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01145085
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Fam: ANNONACEAE Alphonsea Johorensis J Det.: rev. Pau] Kessler Rijksherbarium Leiden J.) Sancloair- II 1990 ROYAL Se nae GARDEN 1 URGH HHT E01145085 Popular English Name— Habitat Eady of newd , dora, frome. Height above mean sea-level - feet: Station [2 ey nnk Nin abide ae barred Wame LD panae 0 foherented |, dice Ban : copyright reserved oO) © wn S ® ° =
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Family: Annonaceae
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Alphonsea lutea Roxb.
Filing region: India, Bangladesh & Pakistan
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01145068
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EX HERB. BALEOUR. ‘suejeusqueo saBeiane yieg aie sanjeriy 87 SOGGY 40g 4aniasqo eaiBap Z “juewjwinij| OSG peasesai yyBiuAdoo ons Cli: pe 1 AN mit ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN a | E01145068
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Family: Annonaceae
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Alphonsea lutea Roxb.
Filing region: India, Bangladesh & Pakistan
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01145069
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sadesane ypteg aze sanjen iy 87 aS Janiasqo aauBap Z “ueUlwni|| OSA peasesai }yBUAdOS ) XR _\ ol Thows, abu (6.6198 2 Quien CRoxl, E£01145069 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH Atip how 2 « oe
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Family: Annonaceae
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Alphonsea lutea Roxb.
Filing region: India, Bangladesh & Pakistan
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01145070
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Abe owrea Rurlea CRorb.) i Wook tok th. I TeV. def, Vd 6. 4.198 8 copyright reserved ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN E ‘ i YI 4 iN [ulin
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Family: Annonaceae
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Alphonsea maingayi Hook.f. & Thomson
Filing region: Malay Peninsula
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01145089
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDI 0 E01145089 Singapore Field No. 40160 DISTRIBUTED FROM THE BOTANIC GARDENS, SINGAPORE MaLay PENINSULA Name Alphonses. Maingayi Hk.f.et The Locality Sungei Menyala Forest Reserve Port Dickson, Negri Sembilan Altitude Date 13th Nov. . 1953 Det.J Sinclair Coll, JsSinclair Tree Noe 152. Hieght 50 ft. Gardens 40—24534—100/100—10/49 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH a copyright reserved
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Family: Annonaceae
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Alphonsea maingayi Hook.f. & Thomson
Filing region: Malay Peninsula
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01145090
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH NL E01145090 Fam: ANNONACEAE Alphonsea maingayi Hook. f. & Thomson Detw: rev.: Paul Kessler Ti 1999 Rijksherbarium Leiden Popular Eysglish Name aan = | Habitat 1 Oh2zt- Height above mean sea-level Bcf. shee et, Station Comft-3 7 tee Z akan Fopt- Tee te ft aL if. ne Qon Date aA iirc Le i? 5 ‘ Collector James Sinclair. Reference Number 7 9 ZL Rema er: M@00589 xo} ® © A) n 2 a = oa os > 2. ° Oo
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Family: Annonaceae
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Alphonsea mollis Dunn
Collector/Expedition: Henry, A.
Collection number: 11923
Filing region: Inner China, Korea and Taiwan
Country/Territory: China
Isotype of Alphonsea mollis Dunn
Barcode: E00699573
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00699573 JIsor ee ea moles Dann , J. umn. Soe . 35° 429.5 C1903) | cated o> 42 92 3 by Yawn! lef. GLAly I. ©. tog 9 TL ie ae “4 p Uphonata molly Kann bn Hm. hun . Soe. xev. 455 (703) A. HENRY : | CHINA, te AL Gan | xunwan Spares Yoke i fori &4¢. eis aga?! | tue Le af re] yp?" aoe” ge cece copyright reserved
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Family: Annonaceae
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Alphonsea monogyna Merrill and Chun
Filing region: Inner China, Korea and Taiwan
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01145061
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oO oO ® S = Fam: ANNONACEAE Alphonsea monogyna Merrill & Chun Deter rev.: Paul Kessler LL Lego Rijksherbarium Leiden copyright reserved PLANTS OF HAINAN Collected for The New York Botanica with the Botanical Institute of the Colle : j Yatsen University, Third Hainan Expedition, = ci No. 70114 F.C. How & N. K. Chun Feb.” “tags Abpea et e2 + Chere Yown lin 27 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN NN E£01145061 ing, Yaichow; Shrub, Sm.ht, in woods; fr, pals green, pubescent. € Bic tates
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Family: Annonaceae
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Alphonsea monogyna Merrill and Chun
Filing region: Inner China, Korea and Taiwan
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01145062
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Wii E£01145062 Fam: ANNONACEAE Alphonsea monogyna Merrill & Chun 1990 H 4 Deters rev.: Paul Kessler Rijksherbarium Leiden . 64215. Y. Liang Hainantshrubsht.2m.;in mixed &shaded forest along streame PLANTS OF HAINA Britton Herbarium, N. Y. Botanical G Jane Fourth Hainan Expedition of Sun Yatsen University Sept. 1933-March 1934 3 Mies |, copyright reserved oD 0 Ww a a g es
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Family: Annonaceae
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Alphonsea monogyna Merrill and Chun
Filing region: Inner China, Korea and Taiwan
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01145063
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Wi 0 E01145063 Lau, Ss Ks No. 54 The woody is very hard, can be used as poles. Fam: ANNONACEAE Alphonsea monogyna Merrill & Chun Pet. Fr rev.: Paul Kessler Pie ico ° Rijksherbarium Leiden FLORA OF HAINAN HERBARIUM OF Lincnan Naturat History Survey AND Museum LincnaNn University. CANTON, CHINA. 6th Hainan Expedition Alphonsea monogyna Merr. & Chun Rare. Thicket on moist, sandy soil. foody; erect. 5 Cie; diame 5S Clie ate red. Tgiovet (Lois) YEUNG LING SHAN, 3 4}il} (Ngai District, WE Mi) COLLECTED WITH THE COOPERATION OF ARNOLD ARBORETUM, HARVARD UNIVERSITY AND NEW YORK BOTANICAL GARDEN. Coll. Lau, S. K. 34 Det. B. D. Merrill. June 7, 1932. 10 copyright reserved a 0 Ww g g g a
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Family: Annonaceae
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Alphonsea monogyna Merrill and Chun
Filing region: Inner China, Korea and Taiwan
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01145064
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M@Q0589 Fam: Annonaceae 3 a : . 2 Alphonsea Lrang Yrorense, PT. Fe g | i £ — ; _ pees Paul Kessler ( 1990 = Rijksherbarium Leiden | : i Flora Malesiana Revised for: { ee ee a /\9 » Det. J. Sinclair No. ¥44S PLANTAE YUNNANENSES COLLECTAE CIRCA PE YEN TSIN IN YUNNAN BOR.-OCCID. A : 7 3 . _f ffee y ta, yre as Bua acl Vere lena ih ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Co Oerrfreer wurde © f EDINBURGH BLOC ip DMN AN ff & Coll. Pater Simeon Ten. E01145064
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Family: Annonaceae
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Alphonsea monogyna Merrill and Chun
Filing region: Inner China, Korea and Taiwan
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01145065
No label status given
MGQQ589 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH copyright reserved Fam: Annonaceae wu ; Alphonsea t DOMAWAUA HUA S io Y. = K ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN i EDINBURGH i ahad a Bet.: Paul Kessler (l 1990 E01145065 E Rijksher Darius PE: Y = § : | |
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Family: Annonaceae
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Alphonsea monogyna Merrill and Chun
Filing region: Inner China, Korea and Taiwan
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01145066
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OV oe Ww fax) g g = YUN NAN N° /63?7 AA maann, Ay CUA Jin ie oe Sik ce Want Perea 7 L A /~ 2:1 gy : I, DUCLOUX DT Ifthe 78 l 1704 so} o ae - o ” : 2 / tS f. £ a” iS he oy \ § ° \ 2. ° \ fo os Fam: Annonaceae Alphonsea Loang WManens: gear i Ef Det.: Paul Kessler 1990 Rijksherbarium Leiden ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN NH E£01145066
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Family: Annonaceae
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Alphonsea sclerocarpa Thwaites
Filing region: Sri Lanka
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01145077
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. oO oO wn g g g = copyright reserved PLANTS of CEYLON Alphonsea sclerocarpa -ocality BADULLA DISTR.: Duhinda Falls Jecurrence Forest along the path ate 18. Oct. 1977 Ns a m Pe eR No. 477 smatks tree 7 m tall ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN WN E01145077 Dub!. ex Herb. Hamburg pT Ea.
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Family: Annonaceae
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Alphonsea sclerocarpa Thwaites
Filing region: Sri Lanka
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01145078
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eewat« Qn C& ‘a WAY. AY. rev. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN seq bu 75.50} Wii £01145078 SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION From THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL HERBARIUM PLANTS of CEYLON Alphonsea sclerocarpa (Anhonaceae) Locality Mukkuwatta forest, Ratnapura District, Sabaragamuya Province, . Occurrence In primary forest, South of Adams Peak. Date 26 Aug. 1976 Alt. . 1200 m Coll. S.Waas a atks (ree 8, bole 4m bark grey inne horizontal br brown. 10 copyright reserved
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Family: Annonaceae
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Alphonsea sclerocarpa Thwaites
Filing region: Sri Lanka
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01145079
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| Fam: ANNONACEAE Alphonsea zeylanica Hook. f. & Thomson BEt.: rev.: Paul Kessler II 1990 Rijksherbarium Leiden Seqaloype Trew Son, FR.dnd. 4545 3018SS) QL ATBY Afb Of ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN i i 1145079 Ubpkinace ,eylanita , ook, f Atk “Y CEYLON PLANTS. Cott. Cot, WALKER. a ao, ® 4 ® n e a cony D } > Qa ° Oo Me00589
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Family: Annonaceae
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Alphonsea ventricosa Roxb.
Filing region: India, Bangladesh & Pakistan
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01145071
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° oe | meeess9 Lowen Bw rep Cage os CRor&.)WA. | ATL det. © Use Y.6.198} ROYAL BOTANIC EDINBURGH GARDEN copyright reserved FLORA BENGAL. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN WC sia
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Family: Annonaceae
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Alphonsea ventricosa Roxb.
Filing region: India, Bangladesh & Pakistan
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01145072
No label status given
ewsea ver Ne COro- CRox 2.) WR .\. st Te. rev. ec Plably ©-6.198) ~ w Herb. Hort. Bot. Calcuttensis. No. Atjphenr Ce Aen glee Co 4 Cult. in Hort. Bot. Cal. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN — mS WNL E£01145072 copyright reserved oD 0 wn d fav) g =
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Family: Annonaceae
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Alphonsea zeylanica Hook.f. & Thomson
Filing region: Sri Lanka
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01145080
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‘i ret Cott. Col. WALKER. Lyka a /TO0%,, f 4 Sk CEYLON PLANTS. _ So Gr Oe 980 copyright reserved 4 Ke)
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Family: Annonaceae
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Alphonsea zeylanica Hook.f. & Thomson
Filing region: Sri Lanka
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01145081
No label status given
a oO wn Q S S = A Fam: ANNONACEAE Alphonsea zeylanica Hook. f. & Thomson Deter: rev.: Paul Kessler rt Hero Rijksherbarium Leiden Jeo 1606. EDINBURGH Uphimata xeytaniea, Meo eM , t / A. £ ~ Coun. Con. WALKER. E01145081 pans we for . ah Reerae Sete copyright reserved ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN
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Family: Annonaceae
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Alphonsea zeylanica Hook.f. & Thomson
Filing region: Sri Lanka
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01145082
No label status given
Ne Gwr2ta wihows ca ; ee lach\. & Hh. 4 rev gee PU, 7.5.198} ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN iii E£01145082 SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION From THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL HERBARIUM PLANTS of CEYLON Alphonsea? Zeylanica Locality Maskeliya Valley, Kandy go’ 29'N 6 55'r Occurrence Fain forest on slope; common q April Date S72 April 19 Alt, ?00 m Coll. M.Jayssuriya No, 754 M.0,Dassanayaka, S,Balasubramanium Remarks ¢ ‘ _ Annonaceaa; tree bole 3m, crown 13 m3 flush pink; flowers cream coloured, Ceylon Flora Project —S i copyright reserved MQ00589
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Family: Annonaceae
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Alphonsea zeylanica Hook.f. & Thomson
Filing region: Sri Lanka
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01145083
No label status given
2 @lably £5190} Plants of Ceylon Siphonsea selerecarpa ~“oCe Rangale to Corbets Gap. Alt, 300 m Dates 13 May 1969 Lege Kosterm.ns 23509 Notes: Tree 5 my branches stiff,upricht, Bark light brown, rough, fissured, Flowers yellows 'Me@2589 | xo} ae © A) n 3 oo] = DS a. ° o
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