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Family: Annonaceae
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Anaxagorea luzonensis A.Gray
Filing region: Indo-China
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01141162
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN mn E01141162 Anaxagorea luzonensis Gray Det.: F.D.J. van Benthem Utrecht 1982 EX HERBARIO KEWENSI. SIAM: (Aq (0, — Unayagorca lazoncriars, ReGx Coll. Dr, A. F. G. Kerr, 27 Revision of the genus Anaxagorea (Annonaceae) ee eee OCI Onaceade)) oO hol ae] $ <i Oo 77) o sped Ho dD = > Qa fo} [) MeQ0493
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Family: Annonaceae
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Anaxagorea luzonensis A.Gray
Filing region: Philippines
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01141164
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN PP) LE) ead Revision of the genus Anaxagorea (Annonaceae) Anaxagorea luzonensis A. Gray Det.: F.D.J. van Benthem Utrecht 1982 copyright reserved PPMH, SAW, ove Name Cyne. a ae Cw | Popular English Name — Habitat Rerkey hoe om 2 fee Acne AC fp Rae a Height “ee mean sea-level wae a Station Akpgme r dm weekly Dave 30, Priory /4 sa Collector James Sinclair. Reference Number Wyb he remarts Matepe Way Cormeen Merce 2-ty fe hae hnubiot eo se Mos So anerrmal Arecanst-, fer we whale Ire Lae Ko A,B, AF, y Z Ls = Z.. [, NY ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN ini E01141164
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Family: Annonaceae
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Anaxagorea luzonensis A.Gray
Filing region: Philippines
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01141165
No label status given
MeQ0493 | ROYAL BOTANIC Ce7-U: 80} aN EDINBURGH Revision of the genus Anaxagorea (Annonaceae) Anaxagorea luzonensis A.Gray Det.: F.D.J. van Benthem Utrecht 1982 copyright reserved Rennmnata THES FLORA OF .. Pepe thei DISTRIBUTED FROM THE HERBARIUM BOTANIC GARDENS, SINGAPORE .. Date 20th May 1958 I agor ce zane nS \S Name Snaxagorea a Pen Athenee) Vernac. Name ....... Co yIeSincled ae a Geb Kd a Det. J.Sinclair cestry, Mount aon | ALLE cect a b 2h £t.tall th siiiTLexr | ROYAL Bae oe TT 1141165 Ni otes Nat tive 2. but not so tall as A Leayes, Leaves dark reen and gloss, above, ined Limi’ green adult ‘Benet. Flower’ whites | in full flower bud. Duplicates to A, B, BKF, BM, BRI, cAuB, by)": eT, Ky lig My Ny Py *PNH, "SAN, SING. + Javal nied fw
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Family: Annonaceae
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Anaxagorea luzonensis A.Gray
Filing region: Philippines
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01141166
No label status given
Revision of the genus Anaxa orea (Annonaceae) Anaxagorea luzonensis A. Gray Det.: F.D.J. van Benthem Utrecht 1982 PHILIPPINE PLANTS Locality Province Dé Island Number, col- lector and date. mm oO t+ fav) g g = ROYAL BOTANIC 9 10 copyright reserved ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN 00
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Family: Annonaceae
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Anaxagorea luzonensis A.Gray
Filing region: Philippines
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01141167
No label status given
Revision of the genus Anaxagorea (Annonaceae) Sew eee Scns shaxagorea \Annonaceae ). Anaxagorea luzonensis A.Gray Det.: F.D.J. van Benthem Utrecht 1982 FLORA OF THE PHILIPPINES. HERBARIUM, BUREAU OF SCIENCE. LAMAO RIVER Py INCE. OF BATAAN LUZON fo? §- Ba PPRVEN ro 4 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN rar MeeQ0493 xo} cy Pad PI ® no ® i ot non js = ry Qa 9° o
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Family: Annonaceae
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Anaxagorea luzonensis A.Gray
Filing region: Philippines
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01141168
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oF i] | <orocew | ject_set_vot_er_orv_sco_ MOAI WO wo _se0_a0_s10_ 90 90 @—hysung =e eseeimmaill 3 2) se |e ee | | | ee | ae | ee | se | a |e | ee |e a Pex=YiWI-S=r-D IL OLBLXe [oke) HOUNENIGT Naduvo SINVLOG TVAOU 9 9 1 at RIZAL LUZON aU fer BUREAU OF SCIENCE NO=*- 2S SACD FEO@RA-OF THE PHILIPPINES. if OL we Ur twata OF HERBARIUM, BUREAU OF SCIENCE. PRTVT NCE M. RAMOS ducorcag, 217 = Coll. EDINBURGH i ze Ww a cys < © Q z= < oO a a <x oO a 7861 34007399 Msujueq UeA “fT a-a --4ed AeIN stsusuozny, eer0sexeuy (aeeoRPUCUUY) eerOSexeuy snues ey} JO UOTSTACY
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Family: Annonaceae
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Anaxagorea luzonensis A.Gray
Filing region: Philippines
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01141169
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|x | |e & | ae |e | Se | He | ge i] ms STAVES BIEL ole Le Lore) _ lea eee, Oe ae ee A ae 80°00 BS Cor Bs ited Naquvo ya Aner: TVAOU Revision of the genus Anaxagorea (Annonaceae) Anaxagorea luzonensis Gray Utrecht 1982 Det.: F.D.J. van Benthem x ; 5 x g & y - 5 < 3 ran NX MLAS iii ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH
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Family: Annonaceae
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Anaxagorea luzonensis A.Gray
Filing region: Philippines
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01141170
No label status given
Revision of the genus Anaxagorea (Annonaceae) Anaxagorea luzonensis A.Gray Det.: F.D.J. van Benthem Utrecht 1982 HERB. HORT. REG. BOT. EDIN. ‘70. Anayag orea fat tremor A Gray 4 i 7 th on. (God Oo a . 190A. Gy yl SS 2 xr dene Se (i — posers -C SKee#t Pes, « ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Wii E£01141170 9 10 copyright reserved mm oO +t fav) ® g =
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Family: Annonaceae
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Anaxagorea luzonensis A.Gray
Filing region: Philippines
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01141171
No label status given
ee ™ Mee06493 copyright reserved ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN wii £01141171 PHILIPPINE PLANTS. 7 4 es a ies ta CO2ELA AALeacocAUALL« iy Locality pa} 5 Localit, Palo Revi oi _ Sion of the genus Anaxagorea (Annonaceae) Province , Island yt 3 o - va I Le Anaxagor ea ; Ne on Number, col- = luzonensis A.Gr ay lector and date. } ? A Il tT ee Fay 10ane ‘ ; A Shs JV&llesLIVO Det.7eke 4 F.D.J. van Benthem Utrecht 1982
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Family: Annonaceae
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Anaxagorea luzonensis A.Gray
Collector/Expedition: Middleton, D.J.
Collection number: 5621
Collection date: 20th August 2012
Filing region: Indo-China
Country/Territory: Thailand
Barcode: E00683668
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. ~” - so 2 ® = Nf 9.10 copyright reserved FLORA OF THAILAND Annonaceae Anaxagorea luzonensis A.Gray Sp. Det.: Pramote Triboun Prachin Buri: Na Di: Khao Yai National Park. Trail to Heo Narok waterfall. 380 m altitude. iS 14°17 197 Ne 10122326" B ; Lowland evergreen forest. Shrub 40 cm tall. Leaves dark green above, paler beneath. Calyx green. Perianth white. Stamens yellow. Fruit green. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN D.J. Middleton, C. Hemrat, M. Poopath & P. Triboun 5621 EDINBURGH ‘ 20 Aug. 2012 | | ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH (E) FOREST HERBARIUM BANGKOK (BKF) E00683668 = BANGKOK HERBARIUM (BK)
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Family: Annonaceae
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Anaxagorea luzonensis A.Gray
Filing region: Myanmar (Burma)
Country/Territory: Myanmar
Barcode: E00901462
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. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Hd E00901462 Revision of the genus Anaxagorea (Annonaceae) Anaxagorea luzonensis Gray Det.: F.D.J. van Benthem Utrecht 1982 ab Revised ~ a+ Det. J. Sinclair Flora Malesiana (Ei (3) 8 9 copyright reserved 5 SE as =e 4 rs ae 3 4 Fi 0 cm
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Family: Annonaceae
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Ancana ancana
Collector/Expedition: Baker, R.T.
Collection number: 732
Collection date: December 1893
Filing region: Australia
Country/Territory: Australia
Barcode: E00019302
No label status given
GL ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Rie Wad EDINBURGH Q C Arcana s honopetolo FMall SO Set. Austobaihge 3: 65 (16) | Shift .F aa Ve - ANON?” AN CANA vc Wlukie. PLANTS INDIGENOUS TO NEW SOUTH WALES, AUSTRALTIA.. (0 copyright reserved 7234. if , gies geass Bot. dhe Ar ae Msn.opettels : oe Y. WA N. Oz Arana CLae Le : cn Bee: (73 Comm: R. T. Baker, Technological Museum, Sydney.
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Family: Annonaceae
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Annickia chlorantha Oliv.
Filing region: Tropical Africa
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01141589
No label status given
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN WT E01141589 | Bipinde, Urwaldgebiet. | 190 7. ao] ca = a ro) n ® i=) oo on = r) 2. ° oO
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Family: Annonaceae
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Annickia chlorantha Oliv.
Filing region: Tropical Africa
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01141590
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN i ile J cle, Oy ek bas ride LWA Abie , ne a Dabid i. wv _ Suanta. ELA 1962 Rev UE, FhonsQe Zz ¢ = ha Oo hadi xo] o e Ci 77) 2 a ey’ = a) 2 fo) Oo
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Family: Annonaceae
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Annickia kummeriae (Engl. & Diels) Setten & Maas
Filing region: Tropical Africa
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01285904
No label status given
ms fex-Y,WI-.-1-¥ Lele] BTve (ore) OL 2] HOUNENIGA Naduvo OINVLOd TVAOU ed «0940 C79 Be iz a Cen 7% Originale et spec. nov. EDINBURGH ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Wy Cu VID OF yg en | CP4. empane, Creme , On Fy FAT E01285904
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Family: Annonaceae
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Collection number: 17218
Collection date: 14th August 2001
Filing region: W. Tropical South America
Country/Territory: Peru
Barcode: E00201540
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/ ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN i i 54 li TREE FLORA OF PERU Annonaceae Loreto, Yurimaguas-Muniche km9 5°53.38’S,76°10.84’ W 200m alt. Remnant of high forest on flat clay-sand land Tree 10m x 20cm dia, unbuttressed, bole cylindrical, dark brown narrowly and shallowly fissured bark, dark fragrant slash leaves alternate and distichous, flowers greenish-cream, not scented (3 p.m T.D.Pennington & A.Daza 17218 14/8/2001 Universidad Nacional Agraria la Molina (MOL) so} o ra ® 77) y x = 2 = ray re) 6
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Family: Annonaceae
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Collector/Expedition: Bridgewater, S.; Ratter, J.A.; Filho, J.F. & Dias, T.,
Collection number: S2251
Collection date: 24th August 1999
Filing region: E. Tropical South America
Country/Territory: Brazil
Barcode: E00100021
No label status given
HERB. HORT. EDINB. MQG0589 xo, $ & ) 7 2 eed io D = > Qa ° o Pari o) - P.J.M. & H. Maas 14 Feb 2020 FLORA OF BRAZIL State of Rondénia Coll No: $2251 Date: 24" Aug. 1999 Aamcahc Roe Salacia- Common name: Det: Description: Treelet to 6m; dbh 6cm: bark smooth with numerous lenticels. Locality: Mesotrophic cerradao. 29km from Caceres on the road to Jacobina. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN WU Fiho, Terezitha Dias oe 8 Eo0o01000 uim F A Filho, Terezinha Dias. : onseca 21
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Family: Annonaceae
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Collector/Expedition: Ratter, J.A., Bridgewater, S. & dos Santos, J. Batista,
Collection number: R8012
Collection date: 22nd July 1998
Filing region: E. Tropical South America
Country/Territory: Brazil
Barcode: E00100863
No label status given
HERB. HORT. EDINB. TESaH) 184994910 <P aaics) ee)| xo) co) Po i o ” cd) re aa = fo) mS es a feo} is) FLORA OF BRAZIL State of Bahia No. R. 8012 Annona ; Municipio de Cocos, 11km from Cocos on the road to Santa Maria de Vitéria, 14°05's 44°30'W, alt. 700m. In dense cerrado sensu stricto. Tree, 5m tall, 13cm dbh with rather smo n tall, oth gre bark splitting in vertical fissures below. ad Date: 22 vii 1998 _ ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN & FRUIT AND gyi Cal JA Rater 8 Berner bi TON E00 100863 dos Santos.
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Family: Annonaceae
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Collector/Expedition: Ratter, J.A., Bridgewater, S. & dos Santos, J. Batista,
Collection number: R8012
Collection date: 22nd July 1998
Filing region: E. Tropical South America
Country/Territory: Brazil
Barcode: E00100862
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Family: Annonaceae
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Collector/Expedition: Ratter, J.A., Bridgewater, S. & dos Santos, J. Batista,
Collection number: R7997V
Collection date: 20th July 1998
Filing region: E. Tropical South America
Country/Territory: Brazil
Barcode: E00102417
No label status given
HERB. HORT. EDINB. EDI] HBO G ce} ® > “ ® 7) ® —_ - = = = > ei ° re) FLORA OF BRAZIL State of Minas Gerais No. R. 7997V Annona 30km from Januaria on the road to Pandeiros 15°32'S 44°36'W, alt. 550m. In mesotrophic cerradao. Slender-trunked shrub, 2m tall. Looks intermediate between A. crassa and A. crassiflora. Vegetative ecological voucher ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Date: 20 vii 1998 EDINBURGH nui Cal .A Rate, S Beater) Ba
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Family: Annonaceae
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Collector/Expedition: Ratter, J.A.
Collection number: R7988
Collection date: 15th November 1997
Filing region: E. Tropical South America
Country/Territory: Brazil
Barcode: E00055476
No label status given
UERR HORT EDINB. . Ja4I9YI1C (ee)| NINH TNE mit copyright reserved FLORA OF BRAZIL State of Tocantins No. R7988 Annona 55km S of Porangatu on the Brasilia-B elém hi (BR153), 13°50°S 49°03°W, alt. 500 aie m. In campo cerrado. Little-branched slender-stemmed > , sh Petals pale marzipan brown. Tub to 1.5m tall. 15 xi 1997 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH ‘ ; i i) , Coll: J.A. Ratter, S. Bridgewater, J. Fonséca p: Ribeiro & C, Proenga. “ca Filho, JR, —£00055476
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Family: Annonaceae
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Collection number: 31
Collection date: 31st October 1991
Filing region: E. Tropical South America
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00016204
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. MAS cipete, H.T peg) Ta 18499Y9/0 aaies col! copyright reserved FLORA OF BRAZIL State of Roraima Estagao Ecolégica Ilha de Maraca (3° 22"N 61° 26'W) No.: 31 ANNONACEAE Annona Nome vulgar: Ata braba Arvore, fruto verde. Floresta mista, com baixa densidade de Peltogyne (LP3), solo arenoso, dosse] 20--30 m, trilha 1 (+ 4.5km da sede) ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Mate: 31 /OCT/4 991 wig ni me : Marcelo T. Nascimento
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Family: Annonaceae
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Collector/Expedition: Gonzáles, P., Goodwin, Z.A., Aparco, W. & Balvin, R.
Collection number: 6964
Collection date: 21st February 2020
Filing region: W. Tropical South America
Country/Territory: Peru
Barcode: E01059286
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. Oo) 0 Ln 2 2 g = th, ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH copyright reserved Herbario San Marcos (USM) FLORA DE PERU ANNONACEAE Annona Peru, Departamento: La Libertad, Provincia: Pataz, Pataz: Km 111 entre Chagual y Pataz. 7°49'24" S, 77°36'55" W Alt: 2071m Bosque seco dominado por Acacia aroma y Caesalpinia spinosa. Arbol 3-6 m, escaso, frutos. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Paul Gonzales 6964 21 Feb 2020 EDINBURGH Zoé Africa Goodwin; Warner Aparco & Richard Balvin | IOAN | Proyecto del Fondo Newton-Paulet - Aumento del conocimiento de ecosistemas secos y montanos a través del Peru FONDECYT - UNMSM Financiado por el Numero de Convenio/Contrato 026-2019
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Family: Annonaceae
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Filing region: Caribbean
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01141664
No label status given
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN ED GH ii £0114166 f\ nwa S¢. P.J.M. & H. Maas 14 Feb 2020 M@@@322 | 2285 aah SCE er mano ! copyright reserved
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Family: Annonaceae
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Collector/Expedition: Burtt, B.L.
Collection number: 12678
Collection date: 24th March 1980
Filing region: Malay Islands
Country/Territory: Malaysia
Barcode: E00983143
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN \ MN E00983143 HERB. HORT. EDINB. Herb. Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh | FLORA OF SARAWAK Seventh pyvision: S. Hose Mtse Sungei Melinaue = eee es 0.9 eer Camp fo Ge 2 6'N 113 38°15'R Cc : eee A 2 ww oe ton hentai the ne. bom, ALAS CALA Le f- ’ g ce Pe Pine t io Oy eae Cn i AA es One. ten BUELL , ALR fvidtits ; a hp St (980 Date: otf¢ Oboe a z L.. Buttt oa, WF ae - & R § B. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN bt a copyright reserved oD 0 wn 2 g g =
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Family: Annonaceae
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Collector/Expedition: Goodwin, Z.A.
Collection number: 1021
Collection date: 13th October 2008
Filing region: Central America
Country/Territory: Belize
Barcode: E01012129
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. | OV o wn 2 a ®g = ROYAL BOTANIC Flora of Belize copyright reserved Annonaceae Annona L. Cayo: Chiquibul Forest Reserve; Las Cuevas Research Station; permanent 50 ha plot | km northwest of station. 600 m 16°43'48" N, 88°59'38" W Tree. Collected for the Community Ecology Research Oxford research testing for enemy-mediated density-dependence in the mortality of seedlings. Tropical evergreen seasonal broad- leaved lowland forest on limestone; canopy to ~25 m dominated by Protium copal, Manilkara zapote, Heisteria media, Drypetes brownii, Dendropanax arboreus & Sabal mauritiiformis. Understory dominated by Cryosophila stauracantha. | SS Collector: Goodwin, Zoé A. 1021 | NANA -_% Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh (E) E01012129
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Family: Annonaceae
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Filing region: E. Tropical South America
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01285938
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oO) © Ww 2g g g = copyright reserved 1 Pina e.. 4- P.J.M. & H. Maas 14 Feb 2020 iy yee ‘ j ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN \ | fi i ae EDINBURGH a ae UUM } Yee < s } ¥ a E01285938
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Family: Annonaceae
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Filing region: E. Tropical South America
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01285939
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. copyright reserved FLORA OF BRAZIL Territory of Roraima No. M. 86 Annonaceae $a SEMA Ecological Reserve, Ilha de Maraca, Roraima. Terra firme forest, Proctor plot 1. 3°22'N 61°26'W. Liana, flowering high in tree, Buds : pale green. Petals greenish yellow Ww with red tinges when they fall. wo WwA_ aq: ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN A mM EDINBURGH P.J.M. & H. Maas 14 Feb 2020 Date. 23 4 1987 DMNA dhs oe E01285939
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Family: Annonaceae
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Filing region: E. Tropical South America
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00880907
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. | Las oISSv19 BE HELIA DT@ <P aiis) (e@)| i MOTIMNUACH TN copyright reserved FLORA OF BRAZIL Territory of Roraima No. M. 91 Annona SEMA Ecolegical Reserve, Ilha de Maraca, Roraima. Bdge or forest close to the station. By 22 N (Gl 264 Small tree, 4m tall. Bark dark brown. Flowers fleshy, sepals green. Outer whorl of petals yellow-orange inside, white at base, greenish orange outside. Inner: whorl cream. Stigmas and anthers cream. Strong, pleasant, slightly musky scent - night scented. (Beetles MI2 in flower feeding/pollinating. ) Fruits green, some borne on branches and some cauliflorous ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Ta 4 oe £0088090 cou. William Milliken
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Family: Annonaceae
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Filing region: E. Tropical South America
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00883015
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. ISS) 109994910 Pa ait) cok copyright reserved FLORA OF BRAZIL Territory of Roraima Now. o25 Annona SEMA Ecological Reserve, Ilha de Maraca, Roraima. Regeneration plots, terra firme forest near station. 3°22'N 61°26'W. Slender tree, 4m. Calyx buff and fleshy. Corolla cream with petals joined in 'arch' over cream anthers and stigma. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN q Date. 29 7 1987 | ei: WEDan HilLLnen Ute F, Coote, Watson, E00883015
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