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Family: Verbenaceae
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Aloysia scorodonioides (Kunth) Cham.
Filing region: W. Tropical South America
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00872493
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN i E00872493 xo] ® ra ® no a al = > ~ a (o) 2)
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Family: Verbenaceae
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Aloysia scorodonioides (Kunth) Cham.
Filing region: W. Tropical South America
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00872494
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN 0 E00872494 HESS OE | ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH ae 2 9 10 copyright reserved See 6: 7. 8 Pie eae:
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Family: Verbenaceae
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Aloysia scorodonioides (Kunth) Cham.
Collector/Expedition: Pennington, R.T., Pennington, T.D. & Daza, A.
Collection number: 1864
Collection date: 24th April 2006
Filing region: W. Tropical South America
Country/Territory: Peru
Barcode: E00567687
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| ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00567687 | HERB. HORT. EDINB. The Flora of Peru Verbenaceae saptapa, yen Sth oor (vada | Claw : Peru: Huancavelica, Below San Antonio, road to Rio Mantaro 12° 4° 83.6" S 74° 43° 96.7" W (WGS84) Alt.: 1530m Habitat: Seasonally dry tropical forest Description: Shrub 2m x 2m at base Pennington, R.Toby with Terry Pennington, Aniceto Daza. No. 1864 : 24 APR 2006 The Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh in collaboration with Universidad Nacional Agraria, La Molina. Be er TO TAT copyright reserved
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Family: Verbenaceae
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Aloysia scorodonioides (Kunth) Cham.
Collector/Expedition: Pennington, R.T.
Collection number: 1665
Collection date: 10th March 2006
Filing region: W. Tropical South America
Country/Territory: Peru
Barcode: E00554658
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. re Ey NE eS ° --7--) The Flora of Peru Bag oie aha Peru: Cajamarca, Road Celendin - Balsas, Marafion valley, survey area B copyright reserved a 6° 51° 52.2" S 78° 2’ 63.7" W (WGS84) Alt.: 1410m Habitat: Seasonally dry tropical forest Description: Shrub 2m x 3cm at base Pennington, R.Toby with Aniceto 10 MAR 2006 Daza, Jose Luis Marcelo. No. 1665 ee ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN The Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh in collaboration with Aa ata | | Universidad Nacional Agraria, La Molina. E00554658 |
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Family: Verbenaceae
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Aloysia scorodonioides (Kunth) Cham.
Collector/Expedition: Pennington, R.T., Daza, A. & Mackinder, B.
Collection number: 1781
Collection date: 26th March 2006
Filing region: W. Tropical South America
Country/Territory: Peru
Barcode: E00567530
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. HERB. HORT. EDINB. The Flora of Peru Peru: Apurimac, Road to Andahuaylas from main road Chalhuanca to Abancay, survey area 2 Verbenaceae copyright reserved 13° 41° 51.6" S 72° 54’ 92.4" W (WGS84) Alt.: 1850m Habitat: Seasonally dry tropical forest Description: Shrub 2m x 3cm. Corolla lobes pale pink, tube darker. Pennington, R.Toby with Aniceto Daza, Barbara MacKinder. No. 26 MAR 2006 1781 —-?2. AAA ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN ys EDINBURGH The Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh in collaboration with | | Universidad Nacional Agraria, La Molina. E00567530
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Family: Verbenaceae
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Aloysia scorodonioides (Kunth) Cham.
Collector/Expedition: Pennington, R.T., Monro, A.K. & Daza, A.
Collection number: 1168
Collection date: 2nd November 2002
Filing region: W. Tropical South America
Country/Territory: Peru
Barcode: E00567532
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HERB. HORT. EDINB, ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Th ED) copyright reserved = is} FLORA OF PERU venae Neagen Seerhmsedhan (Neth) Apurimac: Below Abancay on new road to Chalhuanca. 13°39.94'S, 72°55.78 W. 1900 m alt. vi Seasonally dry InterAndean valley Shrub to 2 m. Corolla white, the tube tinged pinkish. Sweet scent (11.15 am) R.T. Pennington, A.K. Monro, A. Daza 1168 2 Nov 2002 Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh in collaboration with Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Funded by UK Darwin Initiative ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00567532
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Family: Verbenaceae
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Aloysia scorodonioides (Kunth) Cham.
Collector/Expedition: Pennington, R.T., Daza, A. & Marcelo, J.L.
Collection number: 1708
Collection date: 11th March 2006
Filing region: W. Tropical South America
Country/Territory: Peru
Barcode: E00567533
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HERB. HORT. EDINB, The Flora of Peru Fe tier (IGG. Peru: Amazonas, Road Balsas - Leimebamba, Mararion valley, survey area D copyright reserved 6° 50° 41.4" S 77° 59° 45.3" W (WGS84) Alt.: 1570m Habitat: Seasonally dry tropical forest Description: Shrub 2m x 5cm at base. Leaves very asperous Pennington, R.Toby with Aniceto 11 MAR 2006 Daza, Jose Luis Marcelo. No. 1708 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN ee de EDINBURGH | The Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh in collaboration with Universidad Nacional Agraria, La Molina. E00567533
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Family: Verbenaceae
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Aloysia scorodonioides (Kunth) Cham.
Collector/Expedition: Pennington, R.T., Daza, A. & Mackinder, B.
Collection number: 1771
Collection date: 26th March 2006
Filing region: W. Tropical South America
Country/Territory: Peru
Barcode: E00567534
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ROYAL eee — HERB. HORT. EDINB, tlitilt ROYAL The Flora of Peru Q “(ey Verbenaceae Ran Sree (\e.tk) Peru: Apurimac, Road to Andahuaylas from main road Usa, Chalhuanca to Abancay, c. 8km from junction, survey area 1 13° 39° 94.4" S 72° 56’ 48.5" W (WGS84) Alt.: 2000m Habitat: Seasonally dry tropical forest Description: Shrub 2m x 5m at base. Bark brown, fissured. Pennington, R.Toby with Aniceto Daza, Barbara MacKinder. No. 1771 ee The Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh in collaboration with Universidad Nacional Agraria, La Molina. 26 MAR 2006
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Family: Verbenaceae
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Aloysia scorodonioides (Kunth) Cham.
Collection number: 150
Collection date: 17th April 2005
Filing region: W. Tropical South America
Country/Territory: Peru
Barcode: E00981076
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. MQ00589 3 ie i ® m 4 tml Fe re 4 > 2 fe) a The Flora of Peru Verbenaceae Aloysia scorodonioides Cham. Peru: Cajamarca Caserio San Jose, ca. 5km al este de Pucara 6° 2’ 59" S 792 6’ 29" W Altitude: 901m Bosque seco 432 fy O17) ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN I il Reynaldo, Linares-Palomino 150 17 APR 2005 E00981076
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Family: Verbenaceae
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Filed as: Aloysia ternifolia Moldenke
Current name: Aloysia dusenii Moldenke
Collector/Expedition: Balls, E.K.
Collection number: 5931
Collection date: 6th February 1939
Filing region: Temperate South America
Country/Territory: Argentina
Barcode: E00399496
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Be LTH ATT PLANTS OF ARGENTINA EOS EDWARD K. BALLS, Collector rs 6, 1939 oe o = rT ® o o | i eS = a > 2 ° (2) Eiprctititm % Fs Andee, 19 98-999. Gx, 6.1 Batee, $°93/, We ring amati Lech yttionr tn Aimee Aomenrtcd ALade & YQ” dame, ow shane hye te ning Ly om hing whose = ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN | EDINBURGH iii eens E00399496 il
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Family: Verbenaceae
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Aloysia virgata (Ruiz. & Pav.) A.L. Juss.
Collector/Expedition: Lewis, M.
Collection number: 37512
Collection date: 5th September 1990
Filing region: W. Tropical South America
Country/Territory: Bolivia
Barcode: E00066325
No label status given
HERB. HORT. EDINB. BOLIVIA VERBENACEAE Aloysia virgata (Ruiz Lopez & Pavon) A. L. Jussieu A i Det. M. Nee (NY), 1990 aa GANTA CRUZ: Andres Ibanez Prevince 1 "Angostura" — - Along the eld road between Santa Cruz and Cochabamba where, caming from Santa Cruz, it first enters the deep canyon of Angostura. Ca 50 km SW of Santa Cruz. 18°10'S 6a°73e W 600 m Shrub in slope woodiand (secondary), | P Inflorescence white. S September 1990 ROVAL, Botayie GARDEN Marko Lewis 37512 IN TIAA e NISSOURT. BOTANICAL GARDEN od MISSOURI BOTANICAL EQO066325 GARDEN (MO) JARDIN BOTANICO DE QUIME xo) 7) Pa ie ® n 1g g a) cm (oy < > a ° [S)
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Family: Verbenaceae
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Aloysia virgata (Ruiz. & Pav.) A.L. Juss.
Collector/Expedition: Chagas E Silva, F.
Collection number: 01721
Collection date: 10th August 1994
Filing region: E. Tropical South America
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00004460
No label status given
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN gg E00004460 HERB. HORT. EDINB. EVEL 11989 / CENTRO DE CIENCIAS BIOLOGICAS Universidade ¢ Estadual de Londrina DEPARTAMENTO DE BIOLOGIA ANIMAL E VEGETAL - NOME CIENTIFICO 7 = - a , r : 7 Riou UUGI (Rut O} AL. puro. LorpTePassssacgerten = LY UONIA — re V { L U DETERMINADO POR a -/ Sie Le. i c - u CC o rai 52 £ Verbenaceae NOME VULGAR LOCALIDADE BR entre Londrina @ Ibipora MUNICIPIO/ ESTADO/ PAIS s PR : BRASIL 4 Toieora OBSERVACOES flores brancas, od > com 9m altura, batao floral ver , Ae vce ariferas, COLETORES NUMERO COLETOR OL7 24 Chagas @¢ Silva, Fa DATA = copyright reserved
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Family: Verbenaceae
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Aloysia virgata (Ruiz. & Pav.) A.L. Juss.
Collector/Expedition: Dubs, B.
Collection number: 1843
Collection date: 19th October 1995
Filing region: E. Tropical South America
Country/Territory: Brazil
Barcode: E00050391
No label status given
copyright reserved Flora of Mato Grosso Mato Grosso Botanical Study Group Se Aloysia virgata (Ruiz. & Pav.) A. L. Juss. B. Dubs No. 1843 Date: 19-X-1995 Serra das Araras, Vale do Currupira, mun. Alto Paraguai 15210) S562 51.W, Mato Grosso MT Secondary vegetation, forest margin Tree, 4 m high; calyx green, corolla white ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN determined by: _B. Dubs, 1996 EDINBURGH TD ee ee wil EO00050391 eS eee
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Family: Verbenaceae
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Aloysia virgata (Ruiz. & Pav.) A.L. Juss.
Collector/Expedition: Dubs, B.
Collection number: 1624
Collection date: 5th August 1994
Filing region: E. Tropical South America
Country/Territory: Brazil
Barcode: E00050861
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. xo} ® Pa et co 7) com. + a = Da Ss ms) a fe) Oo ee Flora of Mato Grosso Mato Grosso Botanical Study Group -rrvwOhR09@S——— Aloysia virgata (Ruiz. & Pav.) A. L. Juss. B. Dubs No. 1624 Date: — 5-VIII-1994 Serra das Araras, Vale do Currupira, mun. Alto Paraguai ra 15°10'S / 56°51'W Mato Crossan margin of semideciduous forest shrub, 4 m high; corolla white e ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN determined by: J. A. Ratter, 1996 GH cn ete ee } E pi il 0050861 SSS eee
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Family: Verbenaceae
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Aloysia virgata (Ruiz. & Pav.) A.L. Juss.
Collector/Expedition: Kirkbride, J.H.
Collection number: 3625
Collection date: 8th October 1980
Filing region: E. Tropical South America
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00022766
No label status given
ay HERB. HORT. EDINB. copyright reserved Verb. BRASIL DISTRITO FEDERAL Se 4 Ko. 3625 770 m. alt. ”~ gygi@ virgata (Ruiz & Pavon) A.L. A | a Stephen F. Smith, 1994 as ii a aaa Arvore até 8 m com casca joven branca | = icine e casca velha castanha,. Soe Na margem de nata decidua sobre : ’ rochas calcareas. 0 ss ‘ ——— - B a Ri aa s a c ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN ate oye ee an Soe EDINBURGH QQ } J. H. Kirkbride, Jr. 8 outubro 1980
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Family: Verbenaceae
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Aloysia virgata (Ruiz. & Pav.) A.L. Juss.
Collector/Expedition: Ratter, J.A.
Collection number: R7441
Collection date: 13th November 1994
Filing region: E. Tropical South America
Country/Territory: Brazil
Barcode: E00746656
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. copyright reserved FLORA OF BRAZIL State of Goids No. R. 7441 Aloysia virgata (Ruiz & Pavon) A. Juss. - 18km from Alto Paraiso de Goias (14°07'S 47°31'W) on the road to the Nova Roma. In remains of mesophytic forest by the roadside. Multi-stemmed, much branching, slender shrub, 3.5m tall. Thickest stem 3.5cm dbh. Bark pale fawn with shallow vertical fissures. Date: 13 xi 1994 Colle haber, ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Newton R. de Oliveira, 00746656 EDINBURGH Nelson Oliveira Pais, S. Bridgewater, | | | | | || | Cassia Munhoz, T. Pennington, J.F. Ribeiro E & Anna P. Silva.
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Family: Verbenaceae
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Aloysia virgata (Ruiz. & Pav.) A.L. Juss.
Filing region: Cultivated
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00872490
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Aloysia virgata var. elliptica (Brige ) Moldenke Identified by H. N. Motpenxe and cited by him in his Monograph of the Genus July, 1969 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN i E00872490 THE HERBARIUM OF CULTIVATED PLANTS BOTANIC GARDENS SINGAPORE Comm. ex Herb. Hort. Bot. Sing. 1 55 Introduction No, 0.2.7 ccc... Notes: Shrub 4 ft. Flowers tiny white, sweet scented. Gardens SA—W 4035 copyright reserved
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Family: Verbenaceae
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Aloysia virgata (Ruiz. & Pav.) A.L. Juss.
Filing region: W. Tropical South America
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00872495
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN wi E00872495 J. STEINBACH: HERBARIUM BOLIVIANUM. eae ae ) f Th, (yt pea rticeides Stead. Stender R i & § A 1 ia lit Prov. Sara Depart. Santa Cruz Meereshohe ............. “0 m Datum.8i, des. Gae a leg. José Steinbach xo} a) 2 — ) n i ~~ <= 2 ‘= > Qa ° is)
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Family: Verbenaceae
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Aloysia virgata (Ruiz. & Pav.) A.L. Juss.
Filing region: W. Tropical South America
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00872496
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So ® = — co) n = ~ = se ‘= a) Qa ° oO FLORA SOUTH AMERICA. Pe Ul gfer na yr Wane Guanai, Bolivia, 2,000 ft., May, 1886. Leg. H. H. Russy, M. D. PURCHASED 1889 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN WM E00872496
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Family: Verbenaceae
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Aloysia virgata (Ruiz. & Pav.) A.L. Juss.
Filing region: W. Tropical South America
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00872497
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IC ROYAL ae copyright reserved ee | | BESS =a i 0) cm ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN URGH 4 0 E00872497 y PLANT BOLIVIANZ. A Micuet Bane Lecra. Ex. Herbario Collegii Columbiz, a N. L. Britton et H. H. Rusby distributee, Lippia urticoides (Cham) Stend. Coripati, Yungas, April 27, 1894. No. 2165. a
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Family: Verbenaceae
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Aloysia virgata (Ruiz. & Pav.) A.L. Juss.
Filing region: W. Tropical South America
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00872498
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Ode - See er a a es Coen » forth eee SD es = beste Hf cag pa copyright reserved ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN HM E00872498
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Family: Verbenaceae
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Aloysia virgata (Ruiz. & Pav.) A.L. Juss.
Filing region: W. Tropical South America
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00872499
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i x copyright reserved ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN WN E00872499
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Family: Verbenaceae
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Aloysia virgata (Ruiz. & Pav.) A.L. Juss.
Filing region: W. Tropical South America
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00872500
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN mn E00872500 2a i Se Af ae ae VELL ~- tle LEA. 2 E22 Vie J ROYAL copyright reserved
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Family: Verbenaceae
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Aloysia virgata (Ruiz. & Pav.) A.L. Juss.
Collector/Expedition: Pennington, R.T. & Daza, A.
Collection number: 1983
Collection date: 30th September 2007
Filing region: W. Tropical South America
Country/Territory: Peru
Barcode: E00567527
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HERB. HORT. EDINB, Be TTT 7 if | ROYAL BOTANIC GARD The Flora of Peru Verbenaceae Verbenaceae Ranse \aregtin (Saat Qed : Peru: Junin, Road Mazamari-Puerto Ocopa, c. 2km up side road to Los Angeles copyright reserved 11° 18° 12.6" S 74° 26° 42.1" W (WGS84) Alt.: 610m Habitat: Roadside Description: Tree 5m x 10cm. Bark very pale brown, fissuring vertically; inner bark pale brown; slash very thin, pale, oxidising yellow-brown. Calyx green; corolla white. Sweet scent (13.50hrs) Pennington, R.Toby with Aniceto 30 SEP 2007 Daza. No. 1983 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN ia? Ta i ie ait Sa EDINBURGH E00567527 The Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh in collaboration with Universidad Nacional Agraria, La Molina.
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Family: Verbenaceae
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Aloysia virgata (Ruiz & Pav.) Juss.
Collector/Expedition: Dexter, K.G., Marcelo Peña, J.L., Yomona, A.D. & Pennington, R.T.
Collection number: 5892
Collection date: 6th March 2012
Filing region: W. Tropical South America
Country/Territory: Peru
Barcode: E01509467
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Family: Verbenaceae
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Aloysia virgata var. virgata
Collector/Expedition: Mathews, A.
Collection number: 585
Filing region: W. Tropical South America
Country/Territory: Peru
Barcode: E00746652
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GL} AL BOTANIC GARDEN / q iF ui (NNN i E00746652 tl ie: piss a <i oe
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Family: Verbenaceae
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Aloysia virgata var. virgata
Collector/Expedition: Ratter, J.A., Pott, A., Narciso, S. & Camargo, J.
Collection number: R5092
Collection date: 4th October 1985
Filing region: E. Tropical South America
Country/Territory: Brazil
Barcode: E00746655
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copyright reserved Aloycis yirseb (baie Paven) A.C. Tos Fide Kar eh Lit 31-441 FLORA OF BRAZIL State of Mato Grosso do Sul No. R. 5092 : Lippia cf. ucbicoicdes Theued Fazenda Nhumirim, (Pantanal subregion of Nhecolandia), 19°14'S 57°01W, c. 100km SE of Corumba, alt. c.89m. Deciduous forest close to a salt lake (Salina 2). 5 Understorey tree of slanting Gochnatia- like form, reaching 5-6m tall. Corolla white; anthers pale yellow. One specimen encountered was more than 30cm RUN eat SARDEN an eee eben Date. NOs | | i il iil I Il con; JeA. Ratter, Arnildo Pott, Silvério Narciso & Jesvino Camargo
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Family: Verbenaceae
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Aloysia virgata var. virgata
Collector/Expedition: Sellow, F.
Filing region: E. Tropical South America
Country/Territory: Brazil
Isolectotype of Lippia urticoides (Cham.) Steud.
Barcode: E00719000
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Pe SRN ie oO A GL Herb. Reg. Berolinense. _ _, é tayyea a Tee Goarvwr el bed LEAR Ce Brasilia. Sellow legit. Leff q e LECTOTYPE of Ara sar: A.C0x Aen.(Cham Sreud.... selected by Shu teedetetin. cca a ne | ISSV1D BED BELT A ETe WA noe NeMe clase bets S sceseN¥e cetees Or oTt Ay sos = nesosaeee oe aad io . xo} cy > = oO 72) ~ ted = Lg be > rok ° [o} ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH i E00719000
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Family: Verbenaceae
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Baillonia amabilis Bocq.
Filing region: E. Tropical South America
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01377341
No label status given
HERB. HORT. EDINB. M@0e@589 xo} o Pad i 1) n ® pa cod = Do = Pa) Qa ° ce) FLORA OF BRAZIL State of Mato Grosso do Sul No. R. 5951 Baillonia amabilis Bocq. Area of Fazenda Acurizal (headquarters 190238 °S557 10tW) In damp Cambarazal area (woodland of Vochysia divergens). Shrub to 2 m tall. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH WM Pateet tte | Coll.: J.A. Ratter, Arnildo Pott & E01377341 Vo Port.
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Family: Verbenaceae
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Baillonia amabilis Bocq.
Filing region: E. Tropical South America
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01377342
No label status given
HERB. HORT. EDINB. | MQG0589 | = [se ol ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN FLORA OF BRAZIL | EDINBURGH i ee E01377342 copyright reserved No. R. 5947 Baillonia amabilis Bocq. Between the Morro de Azeite and the Passo de Lontra (c. 19°40'S 57°10'W). In a damp scrubby area. Rheophytic shrub, 2m tall. Corollas cream with strong scent of honey. Date 14.11.1987 Co 1i.: J.A. Ratter, Arnildo Pott & Ve. Pott.
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