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Family: Verbenaceae
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Glandularia J.F.Gmel.
Collector/Expedition: Gardner, M.F. & Knees, S.G.
Collection number: 5670
Collection date: 28th February 1993
Filing region: Temperate South America
Country/Territory: Chile
Barcode: E00392050
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. Be ais EDINBURGH Pr SO Te ; copyright Ta) FLORA OF CHILE 4 Verbena laciniata Briq. Region IV - Coquimbo: Prov. Elqui. 16km north of Hurtado on road to Vicuna. 30° LO" 4S 670° (39 We een { Very steep slopes of fine mudstone. Very dry } semi-desert, sparsely vegetated. ; Prostrate perennial with long tap-root. : ! iL r hi : Clandulars a X0- isi eS Flowers white to deep mauve EDINBURGH | l M.F. Gardner & | -G. Knees 5670 28 February 1993 Det. M. | | | r : Y ae Sheet I. lou | Qo10 E00392050
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Family: Verbenaceae
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Glandularia J.F.Gmel.
Collector/Expedition: Krapovickas, A., Harley, R.M., Cristóbal, C.L. & Schinini, A.
Collection number: 28039
Collection date: 19th October 1994
Filing region: E. Tropical South America
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00003898
No label status given
HERB. HORT. EDINB. MQ@Q0589 copyright reserved ( Kau oliudanea Sp. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDENS, KEW (K) & INSTITUTO DE BOTANICA | DEL NORDESTE (CTES) ai ug . =| Glandularia Det. PARAGDAY, Depto Caaguazu. 8 km. N. of Caaguazu on the road to Yhu. 25°123''S) 56° 00' W Swamp. Herb to 1.2 m. with erect to spreading stems supported by surroundin vegetation. Calyx green. Corolla lilac with paler tube. Throat of Corolla bluish ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN IN ea trenton Cee es
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Family: Verbenaceae
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Glandularia J.F.Gmel.
Collector/Expedition: Darwin, C.R.
Collection number: 229
Filing region: Temperate South America
Country/Territory: Argentina
Barcode: E00215460
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Vay, nie Collected by Charles Darwin Voyage of the Beagle 1831-1836 Glandularia Sp. Fide Duncan M. Porter an litt. Senv. 14g] ITTUTEN OUT EOH TT q ROYAL P hbinis ia EN N.C) 002154
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Family: Verbenaceae
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Glandularia J.F.Gmel.
Collector/Expedition: Gonzáles, P., Goodwin, Z.A., Marcelo Peña, J.L. & Sachahuaman, I.
Collection number: 5790
Collection date: 5th February 2020
Filing region: W. Tropical South America
Country/Territory: Peru
Barcode: E01199300
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. OV 0 Ww 2g a g = copyright reserved Herbario San Marcos (USM) FLORA DE PERU VERBENACEAE Glandularia Pert, Departamento: La Libertad, Provincia: Bolivar, Uchumarca: Arriba de Uchumarca, 75 km entre Balsas y Bolivar. 7°03'12" S, 77°49'15" W Alt: 3527m Transicion entre matorral y jalca. Hierba escasa, flores azules. Paul Gonzales 5790 5 Feb 2020 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Zoé Africa Goodwin; José Luis Marcelo-Pefia & Inés Sachahuaman EDINBURGH | | AN il | | Proyecto del Fondo Newton-Paulet - Aumento del conocimiento de ecosistemas secos y montanos a través del Pert E01199300 FONDECYT - UNMSM Financiado por el Numero de Convenio/Contrato 026-2019
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Family: Verbenaceae
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Glandularia J.F.Gmel.
Collector/Expedition: Gonzáles, P., Goodwin, Z.A., Marcelo Peña, J.L. & Sachahuaman, I.
Collection number: 5806
Collection date: 5th February 2020
Filing region: W. Tropical South America
Country/Territory: Peru
Barcode: E01199306
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HERB. HORT. EDINB, OF 0 wy 2g a g = xo] co) Pa — o o rm. . ad £ oD i Ps) ‘ a fo] (om as ~ Herbario San Marcos (USM) . FLORA DE PERU VERBENACEAE Glandularia Peru, Departamento: La Libertad, Provincia: Bolivar, Uchumarca: Arriba de Uchumarca, 75 km entre Balsas y Bolivar. 7°03'12" S, 77°49'15" W Alt: 3527m Transicion entre matorral y jalca. Hierba 30 cm, escasa, flores lilas. Paul Gonzales 5806 5 Feb 2020 Zoé Africa Goodwin; José Luis Marcelo-Pefia & Inés Sachahuaman ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN aa ee ee EDINBURGH Proyecto del Fondo Newton-Paulet - Aumento del conocimiento de ecosistemas secos y montanos a través del Peru | | | WM | || | | | FONDECYT - UNMSM Financiado por el Numero de Convenio/Contrato 026-2019 E01199306
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Family: Verbenaceae
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Glandularia araucana (Phil.) Botta
Collector/Expedition: Comber, H.F.
Collection number: 246
Collection date: 12th December 1925
Filing region: Temperate South America
Country/Territory: Argentina
Barcode: E00399596
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH s mA ROYAL sou Viel GARDEN re ie aL ae E00399596 = Verbena raucaua, PKp ees 246 XXX, XXX ClandWaria ATAU CANA ; b ooo ft. Verbena. ate: 12.12 .2u Alt: 6,000 £e5 Locality: Valle Escondido, Palau Mahuida. Photo 246. Prostrate perennial growing in sand and rocks in full sun, fls. bright yellow, leaves dark’ green. Good plant for rock garden.
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Verbenaceae
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Glandularia araucana (Phil.) Botta
Collector/Expedition: Comber, H.F.
Collection number: 892
Collection date: 1926
Filing region: Temperate South America
Country/Territory: Argentina
Barcode: E00399597
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wilt : \ Clanduloria ATALCORA i at 2 7 | 692. Lbitina ANAMMA ATLA Ptcl 1926 Acagatina H. F. Comber g92 es EY ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH | Qa 2 fi 3 Andes | | | g sh wf q yg to CPt ey | E00399597
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Family: Verbenaceae
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Glandularia araucana (Phil.) Botta
Collector/Expedition: Comber, H.F.
Collection number: 893
Collection date: 1926
Filing region: Temperate South America
Country/Territory: Argentina
Barcode: E00399598
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(ot ae L\\AN QUANOATU A AT OER QO VA ne 693. Veuena araweana Pht \N9,6 j Aragnt UNA ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN ‘ EDINBURGH Andes | E00399598 btl a / : ¢ b: embev’ | copyright ae)
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Family: Verbenaceae
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Glandularia aristigera (S.Moore) Tronc.
Collector/Expedition: Krapovickas, A., Harley, R.M., Cristóbal, C.L. & Schinini, A.
Collection number: 28014
Collection date: 15th October 1994
Filing region: E. Tropical South America
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00003896
No label status given
HERB. HORT. EDINB. si Slowdutana ar page Ga Moore. \Worcos ul (Verbena buwisecta bry.) oor SA... q5_ ROYAL BOTANIC GARDENS, KEW (K) & INSTITUTO DE BOTANICA DEL NORDESTE (CTES) copyright reserved Glandularia platensis group Det. PARAGUAY, Depto Presidente Hayes. Remanso, en campo de futbol. 252109 SA57° 32) We Grassy area. Much branched herb with erect or spreading branches to 60 cm. Calyx green with vinaceous teeth, corolla purplish-lilac with white throat and paler tube. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN I Leg. R.M. Harley, A. Krapovickas, C.L. Cristobal & A. Schinini DATE: 15.X.94 No 28014 oO) © Ww g © g Ps
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Family: Verbenaceae
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Glandularia aristigera (S.Moore) Tronc.
Collection number: TS5107
Collection date: 7th September 1970
Filing region: Australia
Country/Territory: Australia
Barcode: E00014092
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Es HSSaH 194994910 XP aiec) (ee) 2 Ltt ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN 0 E00014092 copyright reserved QUEENSLAND AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE Verbona SOUMLILAG Mame Trees es ewer ccveveveteesesesé ‘ Common NAME ceccecsccccsccsaccccssvesedsuce Penhly 53.05 ee mace esovversceeeces Date M2297, sees Collector «28, F207... : Topoges alte, aspect = Verbena aristigera S.Moore. (=V.tenuisecta Briq) Plont form SpFeaSing, herp... Height §0.m Ait WE. coleur(s) PRE sc vvccychaweeeasas sis Local abundance POPMPR, ...... cee cece ecece Other notes September 2000 Det. A.A.MUNIR
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Family: Verbenaceae
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Glandularia atacamensis (Reiche) J.M.Watson & A.E.Hoffm.
Collector/Expedition: Werdermann, E.
Collection number: 789
Collection date: October 1925
Filing region: Temperate South America
Country/Territory: Chile
Barcode: E00273202
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S | oO Es = cy a o oe a tS | ro > rot ° 0 | Plantae Chilenses Nr. ihe Dr. E. Werdermann 1 Prov. Antofagasta Dep. Taltal EDI Gi Verbena porrigens Phil. Taltal according to Alt. an ZOU. m Zuloaga et al. (2008) Monogr. Syst. Bot. Missouri Bot. Gard 107 (3):3112 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Glandularia porrigens (Phil.) J.M.Watson & A.Hoffm. INBURGH is the accepted name for 00273202 X. 1926
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Family: Verbenaceae
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Filed as: Glandularia ballsii (Moldenke) Botta
Current name: Junellia ballsii (Moldenke) N.O'Leary & P.Peralta
Collector/Expedition: Balls, E.K.
Collection number: B6036
Collection date: 13th February 1939
Filing region: Temperate South America
Country/Territory: Argentina
Cotype of Verbena ballsii Moldenke
Barcode: E00259086
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i) | 8 Q ° 3S < =f e = = = ® o ® < © ro OL 6 PLANTS OF ARGENTINA Mm Catt, 4, Ralls, 6636
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Family: Verbenaceae
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Glandularia berteroi (Meisn.) M.Muñoz
Collector/Expedition: Gardner, M.F. & Knees, S.G.
Collection number: 8391
Collection date: 1st January 2009
Filing region: Temperate South America
Country/Territory: Chile
Barcode: E00282695
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= TLE TT \ecloana Foi {eli Wale . Det. M.F. Gardner jan A fA 910 FLORA OF CHILE ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN (E) Family: Verbenaceae Verbena berteroi (Meisn.) Schauer Locality: Region VI [Libertador Gral. Bdo. O'Higgins]; Provincia de Colchagua; San Fernando; Termas del Flaco. 34° 57’ 3.18" S 70° 25’ 41.5" W (WGS84). 1756 m. Habitat: South-facing rocky slopes dominated by Acaena splendens, Calceolana hypericina, C. dentata, Verbena berteroi and in places by thickets of Diostea juncea Description: Prostrate woody-based herb to 1.5m across; flowers lilac-mauve ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN wil oe Collectors: M.F.Gardner & S.G.Knees 8391 WS Date: ist January 2009 E00282695
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Family: Verbenaceae
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Glandularia berteroi (Meisn.) M.Muñoz
Collector/Expedition: Cuming, H.
Collection number: 519
Filing region: Temperate South America
Country/Territory: Chile
Barcode: E00392046
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Cee). Enema? feng >| Cane 5 mi C514. | P Pluses “A — Cilandularia bates (Horan) NY. Maaog | Fidew\\ dod (.003}Phfcloaja 8(4) 20S | ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN || EDINBURGH E00392046
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Family: Verbenaceae
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Glandularia berteroi (Meisn.) M.Muñoz
Collector/Expedition: Cuming, H.
Collection number: 519
Filing region: Temperate South America
Country/Territory: Chile
Barcode: E00392047
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ROYAL anes eanee Ii | : Vata BIAL i- he ne tert a Jbe aed 4 6 ; 4 3d Clandwlacia bectersi (Hei sn}. Murs Fide \\ Yee. (1962)? Nolagia R205, AN oH a ‘i PADIS 8 Xe) 8 rey Die aL ale ROYAL BOTANIC —— il fy 1 : + Clandad ara \ac pase | ede ohn gla age (7° YZ IS~ b> ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN a EDINBURGH E00399615
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Family: Verbenaceae
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Glandularia berteroi (Meisn.) M.Muñoz
Collection number: 3406
Collection date: 7th November 2002
Filing region: Temperate South America
Country/Territory: Chile
Barcode: E00669058
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. Cowetor, E: Tuanda2 y Voalwos ae <- HTNTONOOT TOT OOTU ATI SEL er So ca) > See ® 7) 4 a = DB = a ei fo} (o} SZ. HERBARIO UNIVERSIDAD DE CONCEPCION CONC N° 177818 : GLANDULARIA BERTEROI (Meisn.) M. Muiioz \ CHILE. Region Metropolitana. Prov. Chacabuco. Altos de Chicauma, antigua huella hacia Paso del Carbon, sector norte. 850 m s.m. (33°12'S-70°57'W). 7-XI-2002 Leg. N.Garcia, L.Faundez y F.Salinas 3406 ROVAL BORN BEEN! | En quebrada, bosque esclerofilo de Cryptocarya alba y Lithrea | a | | caustica. ; ce E00669058
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Family: Verbenaceae
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Glandularia bipinnatifida (Nutt.) Nutt.
Collection number: 13548
Collection date: 20th May 1987
Filing region: Central America
Country/Territory: Mexico
Barcode: E00091837
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. xo} ) Pa I o n 4 od = = J P) 2 ° Oo SONORA Plantas de Meéxiao: Desarrollo del Herbario Herbarto Nacional (MEXU) VERBENACEAE Glandularia bipinnatifida ,Nutt.) Nutt. Loc. Puerto Cananea 13 km al W de Cananea Mpio. Cananea Altitud: 1760 m.s.n.m. Lat. N 31°01' Long. 110°23! : Hierba postrada de flores lilas, abundante. Veg. Encinar. Suelo arenoso amarillo. Col. Pedro Tenorio L. # 13548 y C. Romero de T. 20 de mayo de 1987 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN wy BAJO EL PATROCINIO DE CONACYT
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Family: Verbenaceae
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Glandularia bipinnatifida (Nutt.) Nutt.
Filing region: North America
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01377184
No label status given
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN wT HERB. HORT. EDINB. PLANTS OF TEXAS, U.S.A. Verbenaceae Glandularia bipinnatifida (Nuttall) Nuttall Archer County: 6.4 miles east of Archer City, Texas, on highway 25. Large perennials common on limestone outcrops, decumbent. Ray E. Umber 283 1l May 1973 HARVARD UNIVERSITY HERBARIA se) o P PI o a 4 ee = =) 5 rot fa 3) M@00589
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Family: Verbenaceae
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Glandularia bipinnatifida (Nutt.) Nutt.
Filing region: North America
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01377185
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E01377185 PLANTS OF TEXAS, U.S.A. Verbenaceae Glandularia bipinnatifida (Nuttall) Nuttall Wichita County: 6.4 miles south on Texas route 25 from junction of 25 and 287 in Eelctra, Texas. Common in sandy loam, procum- bent. Although the bract is shorter than the ca Lyxs this is probably G. bipinnatifida. Ray E. Umber 281 Ll Ma HARVARD UNIVERSITY HERBARIA > xo} ) Pa I ® 7] 4 aod £ D = > 2 ° oO
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Family: Verbenaceae
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Glandularia bipinnatifida var. bipinnatifida
Filing region: North America
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01377169
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. ot 1G copyright reserved PLANTS OF COLORADAO, U.S.A. Verbenaceae Glandularia bipinnatifida (Nutt.) Nutt. var. bipinnatifida Las Animas County: About 12 miles N of Trinidad, Colorado. Frequent - flat prairie in a mesa region loam — procumbent prostrate to 3 " tall. Along side Ludlow Valley stream — not fragrant - colored tubes and ee te GARDEN RGH | o4/ F Ray E. Umber VO v 566 8 August 1973 E01377169 ae HARVARD UNIVERSITY HERBARIA ee a
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Family: Verbenaceae
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Glandularia bipinnatifida var. bipinnatifida
Filing region: North America
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01377170
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. ae) ® Pad he ) 7 oO be aa) £ 1S feo > 2. ° oO PLANTS OF NEW MEXICO, U.S.A. Verbenaceae Glandularia bipinnatifida (Nutt.) Nutt. var. bipinnatifida Union County: 3.6 miles SW of Folsom, New- Mexico on 325. Common —- gravelly loam prairie - 635 - 635/1 some slightly fragrant decumbent and ascending (young over). i ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Ray E- Umber EDINBURGH IAQ Fs cade 9 August 1973 01377170 VARD UNIVERSITY HERBARIA
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Family: Verbenaceae
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Glandularia bipinnatifida var. bipinnatifida
Filing region: North America
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01377171
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. MQQ@589 copyright reserved PLANTS OF TEXAS, U.S.A. Verbenaceae Glandularia bipinnatifida (Nutt.) Nutt. var. bipinnatifida Jackson County: 9.2 miles west of Olustee, Oklahoma. Plants procumbent, growing along the side of the railroad, frequent; flowers with white tube hairs. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH ayn eae UNA 427 29 May 1973 £01377171 HARVARD UNIVERSITY HERBARIA
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Family: Verbenaceae
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Glandularia bipinnatifida var. bipinnatifida
Filing region: North America
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01377172
No label status given
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH MVM | 1377172 | ee ee HERB. HORT. EDINB. PLANTS OF ARIZONA, U.S.A. Verbenaceae Glandularia bipinnatifida (Nutt.) Nutt. var. bipinnatifida Cochise County: 6 miles W of Portal, Arizona. Infrequent - open places — rocky slopes - ascending to 8" —- oak - Juniper Pinyon. Ray E. Umber 641 20 August 1973 HARVARD UNIVERSITY HERBARIA xe] o Pa tee co 77) C3) i oad = = Yoo 1 2. fe} oO MQ@Q0589
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Family: Verbenaceae
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Glandularia bipinnatifida var. bipinnatifida
Filing region: North America
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01377173
No label status given
HERB. HORT. EDINB. copyright reserved PLANTS OF TEXAS, U.S.A. Verbenaceae Glandularia bipinnatifida (Nutt.) Nutt, var. bipinnatifida Brewster County: 12.8 miles N of the junc- tion of Texas routes 118 and 170 at Study Butte. Growing with Larrea in rocky, cal- careous soil. Plants abundant, erect to procumbent; tube hairs slightly colored, ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH Ray E. Umber IM e oe HARVARD UNIVERSITY HERBARIA E01377173
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Family: Verbenaceae
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Glandularia bipinnatifida var. bipinnatifida
Filing region: North America
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01377174
No label status given
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBU Mi 01377174 HERB. HORT. EDINB. PLANTS OF NEW MEXICO, U.S.A. Verbenaceae Glandularia bipinnatifida (Nutt.) Nutt. var. bipinnatifida De Baca County: 13.5 miles S of Fort Sumner Highway 20. Common to abundant - red sandy prairie, not fragrant - colored tube hairs. 4 with extra-petaloid structures, little seed set on it, - 635 - ascending perennial. Ray E. Umber 595 11 August 1973 HARVARD UNIVERSITY HERBARIA i) xo] oO Pa hes co 7) o i aad on pS Soe ) 2. fe} oO M@ee@589
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Family: Verbenaceae
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Glandularia bipinnatifida var. bipinnatifida
Filing region: North America
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01377175
No label status given
HERB. HORT. EDINB. a 0 wn © fav) g = copyright reserved PLANTS OF COLORADO, U.S.A. Verbenaceae Glandularia bipinnatifida (Nutt.) Nutt. var. bipinnatifida | Las Animas County: 4.2 miles § of Dehli, Colorado. Erect ~ ascending - decumbent (almost), bee captured. Very abundant in roadway - loam — all seedlings seen - not fragrant. Colored tube hairs. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH Ray E. Umber TT si sore 7 HARVARD UNIVERSITY HERBARIA
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Family: Verbenaceae
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Glandularia bipinnatifida var. bipinnatifida
Filing region: North America
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01377176
No label status given
HERB. HORT. EDINB. MQQ0589 ao) co) Pad a CY) ” ®o ben oo <= a = oy 2. ° oO PLANTS OF NEW MEXICO, U.S.A. Verbenaceae Glandularia bipinnatifida (Nutt.) Nutt. var. bipinnatifida Torrance County: 1 mile N of Punta de Agua, New Mexico. Rocky calcareous - Juniper zone. Not fragrant. 635 (635/1) decumbent (ascen- ding) - common - perennial. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN mR EDINBURGH VU le £01377176 HARVARD UNIVERSITY HERBARTA 1 I ee
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Family: Verbenaceae
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Glandularia bipinnatifida var. bipinnatifida
Filing region: North America
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01377177
No label status given
HERB. HORT. EDINB. copyright reserved PLANTS OF TEXAS, U.S.A. Verbenaceae Glandularia bipinnatifida (Nutt.) Nutt. var. bipinnatifida Pecos County: Farm to Market Road 1053, 15 miles southwest of Imperial, Texas. Abundant procumbent perennial in wet places in clay soil. Flowers fragrant; corollas 1-1.3 cm. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH Ray E. Umber WSU a2 —— £01377177 HARVARD UNIVERSITY HERBARIA
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Family: Verbenaceae
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Glandularia bipinnatifida var. bipinnatifida
Filing region: North America
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01377178
No label status given
HERB. HORT. EDINB. SB co) Pad a ® n ® a oka £ be Py a ° oO PLANTS OF TEXAS, U.S.A. Verbenaceae Glandularia bipinnatifida (Nutt.) Nutt. var. bipinnatifida Lea County: US route 62 west of Hobbs, New Mexico, 8.5 miles east of the Eddy County line. Abundant along roadside; plants per- ennial, procumbent, not fragrant. Flowers with colored tube hairs. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH WIAD Ce 28 May 1973 420 i E01377178 HARVARD UNIVERSITY HERBARIA
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Family: Verbenaceae
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Glandularia bipinnatifida var. bipinnatifida
Filing region: North America
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01377179
No label status given
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E01377179 HERB. HORT. EDINB. PLANTS OF TEXAS, U.S.A. Verbenaceae Glandularia bipinnatifida (Nutt.) Nutt. var. bipinnatifida Presidio County: US route 90, 15.2 miles west of the city of Alpine and 2.7 miles west of the Brewster County line. Grassy plain with Yucca and some Juniperus. Soil rocky. Flowers with colored tube hairs. Ray E. Umber 410 27 May 1973 HARVARD UNIVERSITY HERBARIA i) rs} ne} o = te ® 7) ® as Hay) = Sh = Ey a ° rs)
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