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Family: Verbenaceae
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Duranta erecta L.
Filing region: Caribbean
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01377411
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3 ® a ® r : ba i 2 S S re) 3)
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Verbenaceae
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Duranta erecta L.
Filing region: Caribbean
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01377413
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X ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH WLW £01377413 y ee | oe Gis \ i Lass Wie ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH 4 £0137741 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH copyright reserved OD 0 Ww Sg g fa) =.
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Verbenaceae
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Duranta erecta L.
Filing region: Caribbean
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01377412
No label status given
fon) 0 wn 2 2 2 = ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH NAA £01377413 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH copyright reserved a / ea a y) CVA Le. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN E£01377412
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Family: Verbenaceae
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Duranta erecta L.
Filing region: Caribbean
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01377414
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Me@ee@589 copyright reserved Ce gale vy whe suk aA, owe t 7 J t p Ald . ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E01377414
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Family: Verbenaceae
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Duranta erecta L.
Filing region: Caribbean
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01377415
No label status given
oO 0 wn 2 © @ = copyright reserved ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINB wii) ee 1377415 PRESENTED.
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Family: Verbenaceae
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Duranta erecta L.
Filing region: E. Tropical South America
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01377416
No label status given
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E01377416 , OSpnorx Dr. E. Hassler, Plante Paraguarienses / 1913 “ £ S A. fz 4 PARAGUARIA CENTRALIS: Jn regione lacus Ypacaray. Lect. mens.: Ap cl. So co) ce ® 77) 4 cod on Da e fo} fo) oO Me@e0589
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Family: Verbenaceae
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Duranta erecta L.
Filing region: E. Tropical South America
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01377417
No label status given
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Family: Verbenaceae
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Duranta erecta L.
Filing region: E. Tropical South America
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01377418
No label status given
7 Cen LISS SBMS Ls ceric sun das) cw eee mam ceeceaeermms ao — } cp ‘Lg, f ° Shy fe hie 2 ii Nh cesecH@. Hevta CLG + PiClit Ct de 2. ¥ i" " =O MS RAN EMELINE ONG RFRA SARS ef. @- en caconseunatte — : co f V f e eg if NS fs /, fever é —e é = CARON ITAA i ; ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN TT ao] ® Ps a ) n co) — — no Da = > Qa fe) iS)
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Family: Verbenaceae
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Duranta erecta L.
Filing region: Cultivated
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01377424
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E01377423 we LUM bij ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E01377424 - Y Up anise : 2s <a * ct a : o * copyright reserved a 0 Ln 2g a g =
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Verbenaceae
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Duranta erecta L.
Filing region: Cultivated
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01377423
No label status given
\ t b f 7 h % ; ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH ' LION : Eb peme E01377423 . ee ‘ 2 /) # / Bs bee aes a eT AHL Cif. Vy « z | * ae Lurante 2g : tae a = ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E01377424 copyright reserved OD 00 wn a g g =
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Verbenaceae
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Duranta erecta L.
Filing region: Cultivated
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01377425
No label status given
0) EDINBURGH. ) copyright reserved ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH MAMI Deals aauatons E01377425 a 4 & Identified by H. N. Morpenxs and cited . bia Ltt Ate, Herb. Hort. Bot. Calcuttensis, ~~ ‘ by him in his Monograph of the Genus No. j a Tee fh tr August, 1936 AAS LAVA 4; Cult. in Hort. Bot Cal. # ial a b> M@ee@589
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Verbenaceae
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Duranta erecta L.
Filing region: Cultivated
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01377426
No label status given
MQE0589 copyright reserved \e f ecto Vermneg 7. 2 4 As L ‘a ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E01377426 Le sioigh pee LAP te oe Sa a
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Verbenaceae
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Duranta erecta L.
Filing region: Cultivated
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01377427
No label status given
MQQ@589 era Pree iC Rear Pare ee copyright reserved 1| | Cirti vated plate bone Cle HERB. ROY. BOT. GARD. EDIN® “4 Roe PREcG al t Corn. ut WR. bates = 3) Drakes Fa mren) pong i (W $5.) J of
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Verbenaceae
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Duranta erecta L.
Filing region: Cultivated
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01377428
No label status given
MQG0589 copyright reserved a HO). Beor en ely So be LES O- ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN P To z EDINBURGH ee a... TT
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Verbenaceae
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Duranta lineata Hayek
Collector/Expedition: Daza, A.
Collection number: 4054
Collection date: 4th December 2005
Filing region: W. Tropical South America
Country/Territory: Peru
Barcode: E00554670
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH Flora of Peru Verbenaceae copyright reserved Duranta Dwenkt, \eumpv Peru: Junin Carpapata 11° 15° 52.98" S.75° 32° 50.7" W (WGS84) Disturbed Andean Scrub Altitude: 2300m Small shrub to 1m, often almost prostrate. Flowers purple, corolla throat white within; no scent (18.00hrs) ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00554670 | | Daza, Aniceto 4054 04 DEC 2005 with Toby Pennington
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Verbenaceae
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Duranta mutisii L.f.
Filing region: W. Tropical South America
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00872475
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Family: Verbenaceae
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Duranta pearcei Rusby
Collector/Expedition: Bang, M.
Collection number: 2406
Collection date: 2nd September 1894
Filing region: W. Tropical South America
Country/Territory: Bolivia
Type of Duranta pearcei Rusby
Barcode: E00259094
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peniesas }y6iUAdoo ‘s CNG ee HOUNANIGA NaGUuvd OINVLOG TVAOU & PLANT BOLIVIANA, A Micuet Banc Lucram, Ex. Herbario Collegii Columbiz, a N. L. Britton et H. H. Rusby distribute. Duranta Lorentzii Griseb (2?) Coroico, Yungas, Sept. 2, 1894. No. 2406. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN DINBURGH | = |
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Verbenaceae
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Duranta peruviana Moldenke
Filing region: W. Tropical South America
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00872476
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN MU E00872476 University of California Botanical Garden, Berkeley Accession Number 46.1231 Duranta peruviana Molde Determination by Date prepared October 1962 Source: NER Collector: Field collection data: Peru, - rere ~ ro] o Pad i“ ® 7) 2 ad my io) = > Qa ° 15)
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Family: Verbenaceae
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Duranta recurvistachys Rusby
Filing region: W. Tropical South America
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00872477
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN i E00872477 cee STEINBACH: HERBARIUM BOLIVIANUM Oi Nr. SHS... Standort Suttialde VOU italy : Prov. Chapare Depart. Cochabamba. Meereshohe....... OV. m. Darn e.2 eee leg. José Steinbach. copyright reserved
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Verbenaceae
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Duranta serratifolia (Griseb.) Kuntze
Filing region: W. Tropical South America
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00872478
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copyright reserved a ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN PLANTAE BOLIVIANZ. A MicurEL Bane Lecra. EDINBURGH Ex. Herbario Collegii Columbie, a N. L. Britton et II. H. Rusby TAMIL sind E00872478 Duranta Lorentzii Griesb. Coripati, Yungas, April 29, 1894. No. 2172.
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Verbenaceae
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Duranta serratifolia (Griseb.) Kuntze
Collector/Expedition: Pennington, R.T., Daza, A. & Marcelo, J.L.
Collection number: 1518
Collection date: 1st February 2006
Filing region: W. Tropical South America
Country/Territory: Peru
Barcode: E00933636
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Family: Verbenaceae
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Duranta sprucei Briq.
Collector/Expedition: Spruce, R.
Collection number: 5526
Collection date: 1857
Filing region: W. Tropical South America
Country/Territory: Ecuador
Isotype of Duranta sprucei Briq.
Barcode: E00373269
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ae , * ee 4 WD 4 | q g i 5 : B q a8 j oy se /” s S , it c J J It Vel J A IT 1b. Drera A of go A Bee Ce rene 0D lL, FE. Spruce’ WEY I. ISOTYPE PORE... BOW = se Brel... Here. Corer... 244 (igh) ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00373269 RRS Tee eee era.) 7 copyright reserved
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Family: Verbenaceae
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Duranta stenostachya Tod.
Filing region: India, Bangladesh & Pakistan
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01377368
No label status given
MQG0589 copyright reserved Dy -an bn. Det. D.G. Long ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH PM 01377368
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Family: Verbenaceae
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Duranta stenostachya Tod.
Filing region: India, Bangladesh & Pakistan
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01377369
No label status given
xo} ® Pa -— FF ® n 4 oe? = SD & ‘= > 2. ° o GORDON COLLEGE HERBARIUM ~ PLANTS OF =) a N “2$Fo4 eet Quaranta sleno sfa chy Zod, Wowfum, Harona te fos key ROYAL BOTAN GARDEN etn a ee om nets Tf wn 1 ee E01377369 RR 1
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Family: Verbenaceae
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Duranta triacantha Juss.
Filing region: W. Tropical South America
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00872479
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ee) cE Be Ze copyright reserved W. Jameson.—Pu. ASQuATORIALES. | (sive Andium Quitensium) | N° 3/4 Nomen Plante. Gaventa OtaCautha poe atalis, cum altit. s. m. Lhecet a9 (ade cot : i Suleache, Nocngn ve belle eee Leis loufiattt eee eee Floret. Oa fre aia > ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN WM £00872479 3
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Family: Verbenaceae
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Glandularia J.F.Gmel.
Collector/Expedition: Brooks, R.R., Gaede, O. & Hueyo, G.
Collection number: MS123
Collection date: 16th January 1996
Filing region: Temperate South America
Country/Territory: Argentina
Barcode: E00312647
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VUITT) 7 oe | imine iin 10 Ps 8 9 copyright Tae) Bee Ee a S| 7 6 Massey University Metallophyte Herbarium ae ) mI Metallophyte Flora of Argentina 432 ARGENTINA fea Cae. i |0 fo 3 km northeast of Carolina. Copper on mineralization in gneiss. National Geographic "Mercosur" Botanical Expedition - Jan./Feb 1996 32°S2'S 66°00'W 1300 m fe Prostrate herb, 20 cm; flowers blue. f 16 January 1996 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH || | Robert R. Brooks, E00312647 O. Gaede & G. Hueyo MS123 MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN HERBARIUM (MO)
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Verbenaceae
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Glandularia J.F.Gmel.
Collector/Expedition: Brooks, R.R., Gaede, O. & Hueyo, G.
Collection number: MS160
Collection date: 19th January 1996
Filing region: Temperate South America
Country/Territory: Argentina
Barcode: E00314558
Label data partially captured
inti ra} ag ee O§ mm copyright reserved Massey University Metallophyte Herbarium Metallophyte Flora of Argentina ARGENTINA Cordoba Iggam Quarry, 10 km north of Alta Gracia. Ultramafic rocks associated with carbonates intruded into foliated gneiss. Quarry inte serpentinite hosting chromite. National Geographic Hi "Mercosur" Botanical Expedition - 4 Jan./Feb. 1994 31°37'S 64°30'wW 35 m Herb, 12 cms flowers Mauve. 19 January 1996 / ih Robert R. Brooks, oO | Gaede & G, Hueyo MSié60 MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN HERBARIUM (MO) E00314558
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Verbenaceae
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Glandularia J.F.Gmel.
Collector/Expedition: Brooks, R.R., Gaede, O. & Hueyo, G.
Collection number: MS87
Collection date: 15th January 1996
Filing region: Temperate South America
Country/Territory: Argentina
Barcode: E00314590
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~ ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00314590 Massey University Metallophyte Herbarium Metallophyte Flora of Argentina Ly3 ARGENTINA VERBENACEAE Glandularia San Luis Virorca copper mine. Copper mineralization in diorite intruding gneiss. National Geographic “Mercosur " Botanical Expedition - Jan./Feb. 1996 23°27'S 66°O9'W 1305 m Herb, 10 cm3 flowers pink. 15 January 1996 Robert R. Brooks, Gaede & G. Hueyo MS87 MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN HERBARIUM (MO) oO BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH ier Ro io) copyright reserved
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Verbenaceae
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Glandularia J.F.Gmel.
Collector/Expedition: Gillies, J.
Filing region: Temperate South America
Country/Territory: Argentina
Barcode: E00399621
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BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH ROYAL Ree cecal Vi Mee ‘ Gel’ Feua cnn or 4 On. Ls Comb ova >? ] Det. M.F. Gardner Ny Aor a9 10 fy af, x HKHLEALEL “oS en ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN co EDINBURGH SKA f LL tf) a ae ee £00399621
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Family: Verbenaceae
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Glandularia J.F.Gmel.
Collector/Expedition: Murray,
Filing region: Temperate South America
Country/Territory: Chile
Barcode: E00392048
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if @imnmnnnnn Pe 2 eyS <7} GARDEN EDINBURGH copyright reserved ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN borane 6 Praulosts 3p. | | | | | Det. M.F. Gardner H4.[014| 20,0 E00392048
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