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Family: Verbenaceae
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Filing region: W. Tropical South America
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00872470
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copyright reserved J. STEINBACH: HERBARIUM BOLIVIANUM Standort ................ ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN : van. Samaipata Depart. Santa Cruz Him oe, ee E00872470 Datum 15° OKA LGAE | leg. José Steinbach.
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Family: Verbenaceae
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Filing region: W. Tropical South America
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00872471
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copyright reserved J. STEINBACH: HERBARIUM BOLIVIANUM Woe 72 StANMOnt as a. . Tink won Comarapa Depart. Santa Cruz ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN cn leg. José Steinbach.
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Family: Verbenaceae
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Filing region: Cultivated
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01377429
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7 (> ee - os HERB. HORT. EDINB. | MQG0589 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN, EDINBURGH CULTIVATED PLANTS Name Durrant oa Observations in cultivation Spay Shunk . Hovers mawe, fa brow 2 petels Unik w purple ships. xo co) Pad £ F ® no o bu a=) na oD & ‘= Pa) fo} ° oO Garden location PO4 Date 19 - 6-85" Donor Pkax ancdlsi- Det./Verif. Details of original collection E cucder - bot mreonw | Sante ond T 2c. } Foods ids banks | SOO mw ) ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Pbxandsr [17 & Pail fe ae EDINBURGH eee l rs P ake | £01377429 RBGE No. & 31401
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Family: Verbenaceae
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Filing region: Cultivated
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01377430
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN i SE E3 HERB. H. F. C. CLEGHORA. PRESENTED By Mason Spror, 1896. Ati M0Ge@589 copyright reserved
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Family: Verbenaceae
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Duranta erecta L.
Collector/Expedition: Ho, W.-f.
Collection number: 866
Collection date: 15th June 1998
Filing region: Inner China, Korea and Taiwan
Country/Territory: Taiwan
Barcode: E00310786
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. Oo) 0 wn g g g = copyright reserved Behe eT AEE (TAIF) Herbarium, Taiwan Forestry Research Institute Collect No.: 866 Verbenaceae HWE REL Duranta repens L. <2 #816 Collector: Wen-feng Ho(("J3c'S) Detector: Her-long Chiang@LAl#) Date: June 15, 1998 Locality: Taipei County(24bi#) Hsintien(t 5) (C4 57-0 Nee)” 32-70" B) ee Altitude: m Habitat: | | | | Phenology: Flowering E00310786
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Family: Verbenaceae
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Duranta erecta L.
Collection number: BERAU 214
Collection date: 11th October 1996
Filing region: Malay Islands
Country/Territory: Indonesia
Barcode: E00066633
No label status given
HERB. HORT. EDINB. M0QG0589 bce Sai bate npad mersia 1 ar, : + ; LEEoTy: ) HERBARTUM WANARISET LEELOEN: East Kalimantan, Indonesia. (Flora of East Kalimantan) copyright reserved Kessler et/al.,Berau2ia. cic eee apse Verb. es Duranta repens Indonesia, East Kalimantan, Ner aus INHUTANT I area, near t.abanan eo ALG, <.110 mee 5 Dake reso, Lone, Waste land with some trees Berau: Forest Management Project (BFMP) Swakelola, Labanan Shrub co. 4m s¢tald7-flowercblue, fruits oranges : wi qa ae : Collected with Arbainsyah/Ade jiansyayfy es
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Verbenaceae
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Duranta erecta L.
Collection number: BERAU 214
Collection date: 11th October 1996
Filing region: Malay Islands
Country/Territory: Indonesia
Barcode: E00066634
No label status given
HERB. HORT. EDINB. HERBARIUM WANARTLOSE T East Kalimantan, Indonesia (Flora of East Kaliman teary) Kessler et al. Berau2i4 Verb. dets: PP. kessier Duranta repens Indonesia, East Kalimantan, Re au, INHUTANI I area, near tabanan AVE. 110 fine 22 Dated ViI1Aevegs Waste land with some trees Berau Forest Management Project! (BFMP) Swakelola, Labanan Ghrub c.. 4¢m etald, flower blue, fruits orange, Planted ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN R EDINBURGH 34 Collected with Arbainsyalh/Ade tangyat EOOO666 copyright reserved oD oO wn a g g =
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Family: Verbenaceae
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Duranta erecta L.
Collector/Expedition: Botanical Expedition to Himalaya (1990),
Collection number: 9070018
Collection date: 24th July 1990
Filing region: Nepal
Country/Territory: Nepal
Barcode: E00083856
No label status given
Family: Verbenaceae
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Duranta erecta L.
Collector/Expedition: Dobremez, J.-F.
Collection number: 747
Collection date: 10th August 1971
Filing region: Nepal
Country/Territory: Nepal
Barcode: E00210420
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Family: Verbenaceae
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Duranta erecta L.
Collector/Expedition: Dobremez, J.-F.
Collection number: 2603
Collection date: 18th April 1974
Filing region: Nepal
Country/Territory: Nepal
Barcode: E00210421
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Family: Verbenaceae
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Duranta erecta L.
Collector/Expedition: Botanical Expedition to Far West Nepal (1991),
Collection number: 9160032
Collection date: 29th July 1991
Filing region: Nepal
Country/Territory: Nepal
Barcode: E00238012
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Family: Verbenaceae
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Duranta erecta L.
Collector/Expedition: Society of Himalayan Botany Expedition to Nepal (1994),
Collection number: 9455001
Collection date: 14th July 1994
Filing region: Nepal
Country/Territory: Nepal
Barcode: E00121858
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Family: Verbenaceae
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Duranta erecta L.
Filing region: Nepal
Country/Territory: Nepal
Barcode: E00985351
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Family: Verbenaceae
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Duranta erecta L.
Filing region: Nepal
Country/Territory: Nepal
Barcode: E00985352
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Family: Verbenaceae
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Duranta erecta L.
Filing region: Nepal
Country/Territory: Nepal
Barcode: E00985353
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Family: Verbenaceae
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Duranta erecta L.
Filing region: Nepal
Country/Territory: Nepal
Barcode: E00985354
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Family: Verbenaceae
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Duranta erecta L.
Filing region: Nepal
Country/Territory: Nepal
Barcode: E00985355
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Family: Verbenaceae
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Duranta erecta L.
Filing region: Nepal
Country/Territory: Nepal
Barcode: E00985356
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Family: Verbenaceae
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Duranta erecta L.
Collector/Expedition: Manaslu 2008 Expedition,
Collection number: 20815001
Collection date: 22nd July 2008
Filing region: Nepal
Country/Territory: Nepal
Barcode: E00651186
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Family: Verbenaceae
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Duranta erecta L.
Collector/Expedition: Gordon, K.J.
Collection number: 568
Collection date: 22nd June 1984
Filing region: Cultivated
Country/Territory: Yemen
Garden collecting location: Yemen
Verbatim garden collecting location: Yemen:Taiz in garden
Barcode: E00693279
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mie HERB. HORT. EDINB. { ' xo] ® > — ® o ® —_ — “= ) , > : om {o) (o} FLORA OF THE YEMEN ARAB REPUBLIC Duranta erecta L. Taiz, - in garden Cultivated, irrigated ErecGyShnuby jcomlSam: Blue flowers ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Aine, 4500 22.vi.1984 EDINBURGH ; K J Gordon E00693279 <= =
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Family: Verbenaceae
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Duranta erecta L.
Collector/Expedition: Boulos, L. & Al-Hasan, R.
Collection number: 15643
Collection date: 18th April 1985
Filing region: Cultivated
Country/Territory: Bahrain
Garden collecting location: Bahrain
Verbatim garden collecting location: Bahrain:Al-Budaiya Agricultural Station, 12 km south of Manama
Barcode: E00693280
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. V Ike copyright reserved ieee axeitoa L. Det. D.G. Long rk “UAL UNIVERSITY OF KUWAIT DEPARTMENT OF BOTANY AND MICROBIOLOGY Flora of Bahrain i (D645. ura repens. (= a plemiten Jacz.) HM. k. Bewhs Cetin’, 45 Bahrain: Al-Budai south of Manama shrubs, ya Agricultural Station, 12 km » cultivated ornamental trees and AL BOTANIC GARD ROY AN DINBURGH E00693280 18 April 1985 leg. L. Boulos and R, Al-Hasan
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Verbenaceae
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Duranta erecta L.
Collector/Expedition: Grierson, A.J.C.
Collection number: 71
Collection date: 26th January 1953
Filing region: Cultivated
Country/Territory: Yemen
Garden collecting location: Yemen
Verbatim garden collecting location: Yemen:Shaik Othman Gardens
Barcode: E00693281
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WW xo} cd) Pa I ® n “4 da co to?) = > fo} ° iS) uremic Cree es Det. D.G. Long Fed (AQzr FLORA oF Mea (07. Name Duranula mr LOCALITY hack Ce HABITAT Cclfevated ALT. Ge REMARKS Le Ahouwl EFS Me a Aauarve wile Std / : Te 4A Gx, KK Son Rer, Date 46 6/1 ye a2 UT i (645) Wt.74459/74 10m(4) 5/53 L.& 8. G67. ROYAL EDINguna GARDEN l
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Verbenaceae
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Duranta erecta L.
Collector/Expedition: Grierson, A.J.C.
Collection number: 73
Collection date: 26th January 1953
Filing region: Cultivated
Country/Territory: Yemen
Garden collecting location: Yemen
Verbatim garden collecting location: Yemen:Shaik Othman Gardens
Barcode: E00693282
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FLORA OF Apew pei NAME Dierdihe Puneet fa «Locality Gale Ls Se HABITAT CLL takeal Ar. Ce vo. Wag Aheoat A fe ae cn a ROYALE BOTANIC GARDEN COLLECTOR A. ae RSowW REF. Ni i i} pin 26 ee. (645) Wt.74459/74 10m(4) 5/53 L.& S. G67. xe) oO Pd i ® 17)) ® — — oS oy = P) a fo} (o)
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Family: Verbenaceae
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Duranta erecta L.
Filing region: W. Tropical South America
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00872472
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HON W NE Ke GARDEN EDINBURGH e SENS og copyright reserved Plantae Colombianae. Wee OS Sanentee Republica de Colombia “@<-2-~ prés de Bogota. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN i E00872472 eo 7 Coll: Frére Apollinaire.
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Verbenaceae
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Duranta erecta L.
Filing region: W. Tropical South America
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00872473
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K. Fiebrig: Plantae austro-bolivienses 1903-1904. | Li ae Pons Fag. Huayavilla. Z 400 “a : 19.41.03. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN NT E00872473 vie) . Sal siaiiclcarimami ae | mas
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Verbenaceae
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Duranta erecta L.
Filing region: W. Tropical South America
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00872474
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN im E00872474 PLANT BOLIVIANA. A Micugt Bane Lecra. Ex. Ilerbario Collegii Columbiz, a N. L. Britton et IT. IL Rusby distribute. Duranta Plumieri Jacq. No. 1798. ee MSIE ER SA Lai at et copyright reserved
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Verbenaceae
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Duranta erecta L.
Filing region: Cultivated
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01377344
No label status given
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH HA 1M 1377344 FLORA OF CYPRUS Name ‘Quanta nefpevr = LOCALITY Fomaguale |) Meo Othelts's Lower. HapitaT ff ttowlod we ALT. an Lurk a Ae REMARKS DATE) oO) Moy (E73 Coutector Jan 4 a Rer. No. xo} ® Pa ig ® o o bd ~~ £ oe i Ss 2. fe) oO M0@G0589
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Family: Verbenaceae
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Duranta erecta L.
Filing region: Cultivated
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01377345
No label status given
M0@G0589 fo) pa xo] ® Po ae cy n o - ad £ oom. = Sy a ° o ra) ce! cea ceca > leas °] 3 Davis 52442 f Duronla. Pumice Iv: ALGERIA. SS2 : Biskra, 120 m, Culti- ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN vated in public gardens. 3-l i. DINBURGH : a wn 0 singe. Tiere viaiat bisa’ * Patt E01377345
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Family: Verbenaceae
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Duranta erecta L.
Filing region: Cultivated
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01377346
No label status given
Duvamher dre L. Det. D.G. Long Fek AGA HERBARIUM OF THE UNIVERSITY OF AMOY FLORA OF FUKIEN, CHINA bhiife fez2. eadiulhanrd aaa CONF vy Chrfo Met ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN ss Sues mt ( turer MAB EDINBURGH Ali ee TT ai eee No.9 9 Yer xo} ® Po [as ® o ci) Pa va) Fea} 4 Ss Py Qa fe) oO /MQQ0589 |
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Verbenaceae
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Duranta erecta L.
Filing region: Cultivated
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01377347
No label status given
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBUR NMI E013773 GH i Ducanton Det. D.G. Long i Qnechy F2d. 1942 FLORA OF KWANGTUNG Sun Yatsen University, Cantcn; China, Field No. Datellay 20 9L92Q Hector Tsiang ° g Locality “' Altitude fe cu Halitat Cult ed Height 210° Diameter Bark_ Flower Fruit §reenish yel Name Duranta..Repens. Une 10 copyright reserved O7 © wn fav) fox) g =
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