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Family: Verbenaceae
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Chascanum adenostachyum (Schauer) Moldenke
Filing region: Southern Africa
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01377445
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OV 0 wn fav} S g Pau ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH. = xo} o Pa — co) a co) , ol Bony ce he my a ° ro) Chascanum adenostachyum (Schau. ) Moldenke Identified by H. N. M cE "i ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN y OLDENKE and cited EDINBURGH a LV £01377445 ee August, 1936
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Family: Verbenaceae
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Chascanum cernuum E.Mey.
Filing region: Southern Africa
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01377446
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Y 3 4 ged + 4 : YZ ee. WM Cir a ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH UUM E01377446 STAATS HERBARIUM STELLENBOSCH (Sie) €X GOVERNMENT | } | Grid Ref./ ag) ee Ruitverw. A. Fellingham Legit & 588 No. Chascanum cernuum (L.) E. Mev. 1 km from Witwater towards sea on Blands; water roade Fynbos on level sandy cockets in 1i ect 0 holes. Frequent divaricate sirubs wi LE t Oo pale mauve flowers. PRE 8A Det. | Ref./Verw. 7148/12 xo] cy Pd eS re no o + wa od = loom. = Pa) a ° oO MQ00589
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Family: Verbenaceae
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Chascanum cernuum E.Mey.
Filing region: Southern Africa
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01377447
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH UV 01377447 SOs ek: Family: Genus 3; Colour: Date : Site —: Me@e@e@589° copyright reserved Chascanum cernuum Vervbenaceae. Chuaseanum. (Buchea Mauve. eernua ) Oct. 6th 48. Level ground on aprog te mountain.
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Verbenaceae
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Chascanum cernuum E.Mey.
Filing region: Southern Africa
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01377448
No label status given
Chascanum cernuum (L.) E. Mey. Identified by H. N. Morpenxe and cited by him in his Monograph of the Genus August, 1936 SOUTH AFRICAN PLANTS. PRESENTED By G. F. SCOTT ELLIOT, Esq. é August, 1888. HERBARIUM NORMALE AusTRO-AFRICANUM. CONFLAVERUNT MACOWAN & BOLUS, 7 Regio Austro-Oce eg Fe Po Meath iwb pmereas 2 LAE CO Hit alt. ee peda, legit ae I ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH OY E01377448 9 copyright reserved oO © wn a go eg =
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Family: Verbenaceae
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Chascanum cernuum E.Mey.
Filing region: Southern Africa
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01377449
No label status given
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH. HERBARIUM NORMALE AUSTRO-AFRICANUM. Qa CONFLAVERUNT MACOWAN & BOLUS. 18 Purchs Legio Austra, oy }dentalis. 0 . sis aL y Li lh ¢5) a we ae ib tae Deering) Lethe fda i ae ROYAL EINE Oe: en A hia s A lpi EDIN some M62, Lefid. a ha | TOT, Chascanum cernuum (L.) E. Mey. Identified by H. N. Morpenxsg and cited by him in his Monograph of the Genus August, 1936 i) copyright reserved Me@00589
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Family: Verbenaceae
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Chascanum cernuum E.Mey.
Filing region: Southern Africa
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01377450
No label status given
WY FLORA Distris. EX Hers. Bonus. No. seed L. Chascanum cernuum (L.) E. Mey. Nerad tie CoAt1tcee, Jehaces Identified by H. N. Motpenxg and cited ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN ee nimtibers CAce Pee Moet EDINBURGH by him in his Monograph of the Genus A CT fae lormemnitintre August, 1936 E01377450 Logit Khlictecd Fron. ZL, Are. 1LOO peo xo] ® Pad - ® 7) 2 ie = = I Py Qa ° iS) MQ00589
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Family: Verbenaceae
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Chascanum cuneifolium (L.f.) E.Mey.
Collector/Expedition: Batten, A.H.
Collection number: 1205
Collection date: 1st October 1994
Filing region: Southern Africa
Country/Territory: South Africa
Barcode: E00983127
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(Feb O RA] OF SOUTHERN AFRICA, . , ] edge 7 tilek onnathe, 7 Sten 7 hart. : 22 -_ = ages ; (= Convers wh, fret, Tenged pi very / a2 Whe . eos a7 PVGAMVE Konig gre Oop be Leap. Ce (A aso Te {cor MWAEV eC eee Car ae owtaide Tee , LIT) Sone diitng 32 (G¢ (V2) yee abuve. doin) (eae She leng . i ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN ae oh. 22 i EDINBURGH (eek “2d . . titi We acta E00983127 No. AF i2oex xo} o - < Co) 72) CF) os — x aj ae pa 2) S ° oO MQ00589
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Verbenaceae
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Chascanum cuneifolium (L.f.) E.Mey.
Collector/Expedition: Drège, J.F.
Collection number: 33.10
Filing region: Southern Africa
Country/Territory: South Africa
Barcode: E01377459
No label status given
MQ00589 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH. Par Pa a Per, c Ae Cae Ee Sz 2 eyes Pad Chascanum cuneifolium E. M. 33.10. copyright reserved Chascanum dehiscens (L. f.) Ge Moldenke ‘ eve, Sa ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Identified by H. N. Morpenxe and cited EDINBURGH (Cia. me he i : £01377459 pee ge August, 1936 uy : : Ss
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Family: Verbenaceae
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Chascanum dehiscens (L.f.) Moldenke
Collector/Expedition: Batten, A.U.
Collection number: 1205
Collection date: 1st October 1994
Filing region: Southern Africa
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00026864
No label status given
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN QL E00026864 HERB. HORT. EDINB. M@GQ589 copyright reserved
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Family: Verbenaceae
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Chascanum dehiscens (L.f.) Moldenke
Filing region: Southern Africa
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01377451
No label status given
HERB. HORT. EDINB. a © Ww g g g = copyright reserved COM ect oes receserteners ere SRM coos oes toss cessconccoescecdics INO isc. 33] Deuiaeaslses Reowisionat name! ... han earrvasinn..... debrercenae (lf) me Molhente en? EASTERN ieee CAPE eee Grid ref.3 2325 BD a seers Major* ........4%. PPO Mi. Resear eseoarteee seer er csc see ene NG eee ee m/ft Minor ELEPHANT. NAT... PAR! ace Releve rte ee Preiss’ KOPPIE.IN...BOTANICAC..RESERVE \ettin op” = SPERBOOMVELD (VALLEY Busy Substrate® SONY Aueesvsseerensesewseecers Moisture regime 2 WELC~ DRAI NED SOill type essere cess ete eeees ee Mm an scisilcibscbensnsssccesstperrecccaen flees Exposure” FUL. SUN min ASDeCLS eee ec eae Slope"# FENTCE | Biotic effect'5 -_RECATIVELY ess YNDIST YR OA AMD a6 105 Caen nnn oon cncAeeiias, En tle oe dale allags ye bce a Sa pereinesun deta anoe erases aucisversotee eet deed a sce —— - ERECT SQUARE sTEmM | Ww ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN mart ne OWES. Ero PTION ALLY EDINBURGH STRONG SCEN 2 ONLY ONE NOTED UNO NOTES Local abundance? = es MAIR crise cenessttironiamagia
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Verbenaceae
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Chascanum dehiscens (L.f.) Moldenke
Filing region: Southern Africa
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01377452
No label status given
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURG | TOOT 01377452 ry ae a x PT ok 3296 (RC Ginhemebrn — Pot Hines Ee te Dhseii‘e Karnnts O.M. Bola. PA Oe Hilliard Burtt SOUTHERN AFRICA Wavelet. Cnsbla chute ’ Date 6 ete 1992 Ne. [097 copyright reserved Oo) oo Ww 2 g g =
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Verbenaceae
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Chascanum dehiscens (L.f.) Moldenke
Collector/Expedition: Drège, J.F.
Collection number: 33.10
Filing region: Southern Africa
Country/Territory: South Africa
Barcode: E01377453
No label status given
OV 0 Wa 2 a 2 = ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH copyright reserved SoA fricaDreee. ; c ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH UMA — E01377453 Chascanum cuneifolium E.M: | mm 33: 10.
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Verbenaceae
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Chascanum dehiscens (L.f.) Moldenke
Filing region: Southern Africa
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01377454
No label status given
| SOUTH AFRICAN PLANTS. Presented by W. Tyson, Esq., Forest Department, Cape of Good Hope. September 1889. Disrrie. ux Hers. Tyson. No. eee AY A4ect ys | | a yon __Leyit__ bdby tte ; ‘ | Be CY 606. alt, SEO are ped 2 sk (ROYAL BOTA NIG GARDEN Ghascanum dehiscens (L. f.) ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN ou: WT Identified by H. N. Motpeyxe and cited UO by him in his Monograph of the Genus August, 1936 oF 10 copyright reserved 0) eo ia) gS fox) 2 =
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Verbenaceae
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Chascanum dehiscens (L.f.) Moldenke
Filing region: Southern Africa
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01377455
No label status given
oO) 00 wn Co) ® iS = ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH i 0137745: Chascanum dehiscens (L. f.) Moldenke Identified by H. N. Motprnxer and cited copyright reserved by him in his Monograph of the Genus August, 1936 SOUTH AFRICAN PLANTS. PRESENTED By G. F. SCOTT ELLIOT, Esq. August, 1888. 7, . pf ve tice \ EE “Go ne ify go f + ae eee. \\
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Verbenaceae
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Chascanum dehiscens (L.f.) Moldenke
Filing region: Southern Africa
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01377456
No label status given
OV 0 wy fav) lox) S = |ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN i ¢ EDINBURGH. | 9 copyright reserved SOUTH AFRICAN PLANTS. Presextep By G. F. SCOTT ELLIOT, Esq. | Ex. HERB. | | G. F. SCOTT ELLIOT. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN INBUR EDINBURGH E01377456 Chascanum dehiscens (ae Pes) Moldenke E { | \ Identified by H. N. Morpenxe and cited i by him in his Monograph of the Genus August, 1936
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Verbenaceae
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Chascanum dehiscens (L.f.) Moldenke
Filing region: Southern Africa
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01377457
No label status given
68S000W : ayig Jo 7UIsIC ysnSny ‘Tg ‘eseqyu ‘opnyyye pargy oy Ut ‘Mopy Jo S[IIy ay} Uo sjods snoaed]eC) So 6 DINVLOG TVAOU Zz Lu oa x == ot or = 5s oo oz = 1 = i 6S > — Oo oa E01377457
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Verbenaceae
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Chascanum dehiscens (L.f.) Moldenke
Filing region: Southern Africa
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01377458
No label status given
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN HT ar ee ee es ee ee ee MQQ0589 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH S copyright reserved
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Family: Verbenaceae
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Chascanum garipense E.Mey.
Collector/Expedition: Nkoane, G.
Collection number: 246
Collection date: 9th June 2005
Filing region: Southern Africa
Country/Territory: South Africa
Barcode: E00656745
Label data partially captured
HERB. HORT. EDINB. MQ00589 copyright reserved DUP PRETORIA NATIONAL HERBARIUM (PRE) PRE 772391.0 Nkoane, G. Regio Northern Cape, South Africa Grid ref. 29° 6' 15" S 19° 15' 30" E [2919AB] Alt. Asp. &no. 246 Date 9/6/2005 |Chascanum garipense E.Mey. Legit Pofadder, Eytees-Boomrivier; T'Goob-se-Berg. Herb. Habitat: plain. Flower colour: cream. Soil: sand. Substrate: soil. Moisture: well-drained. Vegetation: nama karoo. Biotic effect: grazed. Lithology: sandstone. Exposure: partial shade. Karoo bush. Plant smells very bad. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH Ii E00656745 fo |. | Det. Retief,E. 2005 7148030 6 |
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Family: Verbenaceae
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Chascanum garipense E.Mey.
Filing region: Southern Africa
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01377460
No label status given
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN B wm Chascanum garipense E. Mey. Identified by H. N. Motpenxe and cited by him in his Monograph of the Genus a August, 1936 & |ROYAL BOTANIC GARDER| =r mi > Lb EDINBURGRH. Le tnt eR ARTE AT STIS | Plantae Schlechterianae Austro-Atricanae, Iter secundum. Regio namaquensis Stickhand Little Busch Manni leg. M. Schlechter. Ah ee MQ00589 copyright reserved
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Verbenaceae
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Chascanum garipense E.Mey.
Filing region: Southern Africa
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01377461
No label status given
Oo) 0 wy g fox) g a copyright reserved DUPLICATE EX UNIVERSITY OF NATAL HERBARIUM e POE a aieasane A Art NES tate Bn ttt wii KNOXP
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Verbenaceae
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Chascanum garipense E.Mey.
Filing region: Southern Africa
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01377462
No label status given
amy ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH P01 M0 01377462 ROYAL BOTANIC is) 6 ry v4 copyright reserved 5, 1 Pare) 0) OV 0 wn fav) g © i= cm
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Verbenaceae
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Chascanum garipense E.Mey.
Filing region: Southern Africa
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01377463
No label status given
HERB. HORT. EDINB. MQ00589 xo} co) > i“ ® n KJ a = coe = J fo} ° o C.E, MOSS HERBARIUM (J) f a FLORA OF THE CAPE PROVINCE } OR, Fernandes ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH TT 77463
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Verbenaceae
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Chascanum garipense E.Mey.
Filing region: Southern Africa
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01377464
No label status given
|ROYAL BOTANIC GARDER | | Regio occidentalis Plantae Schlechterianae Austro-Africanae. Iter ‘secundum. | MMW Geurton fryers haut Tus in collibus 2800 26 9 97 - 1 897. | \ ROYAL Seeune ae uN Chascanum garipense E, Mey. Identified by H. N. Mo.venxe and cited by him in his Monograph of the Genus August, 1936 iciemmiaienaini se a L8 copyright reserved a 0 wn g go g =.
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Family: Verbenaceae
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Chascanum gillettii Moldenke
Collector/Expedition: Thulin, M., Beier, B.A. & Hussein, M.A.
Collection number: 9784
Collection date: 13th November 1998
Filing region: Arabian Peninsula
Country/Territory: Yemen
Barcode: E01013703
Label data completely captured
(a | | Ex HERB. UNIV. UPSALIENSIS (V-095904) 183707 FLORA OF YEMEN Chascanum gillett;; Moldente (Verbenaceae) MAHRAH: Escarpment NE of Hawf. Lat/long: 16:39N 53:03E. Alt.: 0800 m. Anogeissus woodland. 13.X1. 1998 M. Thulin, B.-A. Beier & Mohammed A. Hussein no 9784 xo} cy) > < cd) ")) ) = ~ = io) Ss Pe) 2. ° oO
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Verbenaceae
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Chascanum gillettii Moldenke
Filing region: Tropical Africa
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01377437
No label status given
HERB. HORT. EDINB. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH OM 1377437 DUPLA EX HERBARIUM UPS ( V-49090 ) FLORA OF SOMALIA Chascanum gillettii Moldenke ( Verbenaceae ) GEDO : Escarpment 18 km N of Bardera along road to Garbaharrey. Acacia-Commiphora bushland on limestone. Flowers pale yellow. Alt.: 0200 m. S.Vi 1989 M. Thulin & Bashir A. Moh no 6890 mmees copyright reserved
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Verbenaceae
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Chascanum hederaceum (Sond.) Moldenke
Filing region: Southern Africa
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01377465
No label status given
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH UMA E01377465 & N.W. LTD. 24472 UNIVERSITY OF NATAL HERBARIUM Name Sec ge a 3.8 I pes O/ Locality£#? wey SCOT “ . } A dA Down RO MOC NATAL coll. CS. hooley a ¢ A Coll’s.No. 177 Date 2 Ha. t Grerend Ow me eas hod oe / 4 j / F hiaee 4 Cone CLAN / wy Vise daisetie LO og it. 68 Gu Notes dale yee fuie <a re s ple Grew ae ig | Vv tf to w/o Zn Ni. Zutice OF J ’ M@QQ589 3 ® > = § ® r i Saal r= = = > rot re) 3)
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Verbenaceae
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Chascanum hederaceum (Sond.) Moldenke
Collection number: 278
Filing region: Southern Africa
Country/Territory: South Africa
Barcode: E01377466
No label status given
Natal Batilefelts-GUN HILL, Ladysmith. MQ00589 her a4 ke ia cS mes Cree Ee a copyright reserved oo 7’ apes eaeey ess pees | > iia (anne > \auteran° aan [6 a pu vba A Cf h Dy WML: , Maa (. oe (fer fev nceie (pa: }- [Mm e egret isn Hel, Lactzg inte, 7 uM Pe 4
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Verbenaceae
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Chascanum hederaceum (Sond.) Moldenke
Filing region: Southern Africa
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01377467
No label status given
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E01377467 HERB. HORT. EDINB. C.B, MOSS HERBARIUK (J) | FLORA OF THE TRANSVAAL oe hederaceus Sond. | var. hederaceus | South Africa | , Transvaal 240 0310 ac | | Pilgrim’s Rest District, Timbavati Private Nature | Reserve, on the farm Vlakgezicht 75 KU. ALT, : 000350 a | HABITAT: NOTES: | cobb.: Ry Pynn : , NO: sin, COLLECTED ON 07/11/1990 DBT.: K, Balkwili FILING: Family: 265 VRB GENSPEC,.: 7148,000- J number: 073182, Genus / Species: rN _ me Special Collection(s): Timbavati Private Reserve up's: B, Locality: 2431Aco100 | MQQ0589 xo] co) Pa = ® n ® So da ony D = > Qa ° cS)
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Verbenaceae
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Chascanum hederaceum (Sond.) Moldenke
Filing region: Southern Africa
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01377468
No label status given
HERB. HORT. EDINB. MQQQ589 xo} ) Pa he A) n o = a = D ‘= 4) 2 ° oO ye (2 C.E. MOSS HERBARIUM (J) f "FLORA OF NATAL / KWAZULU i i Chascanuw i ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH AMA E01377468
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Verbenaceae
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Chascanum hederaceum (Sond.) Moldenke
Filing region: Southern Africa
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01377469
No label status given
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH ul I Mn 1377469 ; Altitude DUPLICATE EX UNIVERSITY OF NATAL HERBARIUM Locality Collector ...... Collector’s No. & KNOXPRINT 100-505 1083 i) xo] co) . rae n 4 PJ = 7) e 2 ° Oo MQQQ589
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