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Family: Oleaceae
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Abeliophyllum distichum Nakai
Filing region: Japan
Country/Territory: Japan
Barcode: E01028246
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN wi E01028246 HERB. HORT. EDINB. V NaT. SCI Mus., Tokyo: FLORA JAPONICA EXSICCATA ee AS APONICA EXSICCATA 651. Abeliophyllum distichum NAKAI in Bot. Mag., Tokyo 33: 153 (1919) HONSHU Yamanashi Pref, : Uchino, Oshino-mura, Minamitsuru gun. 138°51’E, 35°27’N, 950m alt. Cult (LL RU peer sna ‘ ; : + CLI ERY A A ps BE + $s) AS TY AB AEP Py April, 20, ; pri 1983 Coll. M. Tocasut copyright reserved
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Family: Oleaceae
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Abeliophyllum distichum Nakai
Filing region: Cultivated
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01028247
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. mm N om fax) © © = am Fa ae = ahead = semana e * GRR em 2 > 2 fo} co) Ex Herb. Tohoku Universitatis Sendaiensis A eliophyllum distir hun Naka ( Oleaceae Cultivated ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN JAPAN; Yamanashi Pref., Minamitsuru-gun, EDINBURGH Oshino-mura, Uchino, alt.ca. 90 m HINA Apr. '7, 1983 E01028247 MAKOTO TOGASHI
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Family: Oleaceae
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Abeliophyllum distichum Nakai
Filing region: Cultivated
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01028248
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EX HERB. HORT. BOT. REG. KEW. Meee323 8 9 ht reserved i Presented on behalf of the RoyaAL HorticuLTuraL Sociery by the Eprvor of the BOTANICAL MAGAZINE. HERB. HORT. BOT. REG. KEW. rm Louhe, “Wwe ASD. Crton~ | ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Ihe-Cas i ae NA fros Mepants. ete, TH | 924, F01028248 ig p |
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Family: Oleaceae
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Chionanthus L.
Collector/Expedition: Sidiyasa, K.
Collection number: PBU417
Collection date: 9th June 1990
Filing region: Malay Islands
Country/Territory: Indonesia
Barcode: E00283415
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mm N * © © ® = ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH PROJECT BARITO ULU Lene ‘ f Des =e js ae” Pe Nea so. copyright reserved K rams pcan ey < ae PROJECT BARITO ULU Kalimantan Tengah (C.Ind. Borneo ) approx. 114.068 : 0.02¢ Kade Sidyasa PBU417 OLACACEAE Chionanthus Get. Cpe Base camp P.B.U and environs Off trail Jl. Banbang St 0 Date 9.6.90 Heath forest, very mossy. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDI R WCE AU E00283415 lristania-Dac ryodes, ll Small tree 8m,dbh 3 6cm. Twigs whitish, Flowers vellow,
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Family: Oleaceae
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Chionanthus L.
Collector/Expedition: Pius, G.,
Collection number: 143441
Collection date: 26th October 2000
Filing region: Malay Islands
Country/Territory: Malaysia
Barcode: E00274541
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. MQG0323 FLORA OF SABAH HERBARIUM OF THE FOREST DEPARTMENT SANDAKAN SAN No. 4439444 \ Family QLeaceae Botanical Name Chionanthua Det. Vernacular Dialect Locality (see reverse for map) TaBA® Wildlife Reserve, District Lahad Datu Alt. 808¢ m.a.s.l. Collector ius Ge& Tawadong T. Date 2699022000 Habita Lowland Ferest. Notes : Height of tree 10m;Clear bole 6mgGirth Sem Outer bark oreany and emoothy Inner bark pale reddiehySapwood pale whi tesFlovers: ‘yellow, v ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Duplicates to : K/L/SAR/KEP/SING/BO/PNH/AA/OX/(Z4 Herbaria receiving duplicates are requested to communicate new identifi- cations to the Forest Botanist, Forest Research Centre, Sandakan, Sabah. APC-12193 E00274541 P.K. 3931 (L) - 97
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Family: Oleaceae
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Chionanthus L.
Collector/Expedition: Ambriansyah & Arifin, Z.,
Collection number: 1078
Collection date: 16th December 1997
Filing region: Malay Islands
Country/Territory: Indonesia
Barcode: E00270211
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. mo N om © © © = xe) ® Pd i“ ® HERBARIUM WANARISET 8 FLORA OF EAST KALIMANTAN bed INDONESIA J on god = es) 2. Ambriansyah; Arifin, 2. Berau 1078 e 16 December 1997 xBuphexbiacmwae Chionanthus Ghetztkanthuxxspx Oleaceae Det.: Ambriansyah December 1997 Bast Kalimantan, Berau, km 35 from Labanan, transect E, Berau Forest Mangement Project (BFMP) Swakelola, Labanan. et 2° OO 'N. Long 217° 00s Primary forest. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Medium tree 17 m tall, 12 cm in diam. | EDINBURGH Bole straight, circular, columnar. Bark / smooth, thin, greyish. Young fruits zl purple. ; E00270211
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Family: Oleaceae
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Chionanthus L.
Collector/Expedition: Sugau, J.B.
Collection number: 225
Collection date: 25th May 1996
Filing region: Malay Islands
Country/Territory: Malaysia
Barcode: E00264942
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. FLORA OF SABAH | FOREST DEPARTMENT HERBARIUM, SANDAKAN So ® Pad i co n o = ond co D tS > a fe} oO No. JBS 225 Family; OLEACEAE Botanical Name: Chionanthus Vernacular name: Locality: Banggi, southeast of banggi hill. Habitat: Primary forest alt.: Note: Tree, 20 m tall, 30 cm diam. Bark reddish brown; inner bark reddish. Sapwood brown. Fruit green turning orange to red. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Collector: Sugau JB Date: 25 May 1996 EDINBURGH | \ | } New identification of this number should be sent to Forest lg 00264942 "i Department Herbarium, Sandakan, Sabah. (| Duplicates to: \¢tw, LE 1, \< =P Eby, sae, Mult
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Family: Oleaceae
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Chionanthus L.
Collector/Expedition: Newman, M F; Thomas, P I; Armstrong, K E; Sengdala, Khamphone & Lamxay, Vichith,
Collection number: LAO 891
Collection date: 5th November 2005
Filing region: Indo-China
Country/Territory: Laos
Barcode: E00222597
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. Vv FLORA OF LAO P.D.R. Chionanthus Khammouan: Near Nakai ade 4 N NOS 3) 51e Dry forests Tree to 5m; fruits green with yellow spots ff Collection Number: LAO 891 Collector: Newman, M.F., Thomas, P.I., Armstrong, K.A., Sengdala, K., Lamxay, V. Collection date: 5 November 2005 oS es Se jl Darwin Initiative Project 163-13-007 , ; Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh q Forest Research Center, NAFRI, Lao P.D.R. i ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN National University of Lao P.D.R. mn iz e communicate any new identifications to the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh
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Family: Oleaceae
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Chionanthus L.
Collector/Expedition: Hayes, Benjamin; Olsen, Kristin,
Collection number: 83
Collection date: 8th March 1997
Filing region: Indo-China
Country/Territory: Vietnam
Barcode: E00835058
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“HERB. HORT. EDINB. | SI < ea le) io copyright reserved Flora of Vietnam Oleaceae Chionanthus VIET NAM: Bac Kan: Cho Ra region, Ba Be National Park. Edge of secondary forest, nr. cultivation. Riveredge, sandy. 760 m. Tree to 3m. Stem green/brown, smooth white wood, no sap, fragrant smell, regular internodes 4 cm apart. Leaves smooth, glossy, dark green upper surface, light green underside, horizontal petiole, entire margin, pinnate venation, lanceolate, attenuate base, apiculate tip, no sap, no smell, alternate branching. Inflorescence: white, cruciform, 4- petalled flowers, 2 stamens, 1 pistil. Sweet smell. Thyrse cyme. Rotate flower. Grid reference: Sheet 6153 IV (series L7014) 635756 } B. Hayes & K. Olsen No. 83 | 8 Mar 1997 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00835058
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Family: Oleaceae
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Chionanthus L.
Collection number: 1527
Collection date: 5th March 1999
Filing region: Malay Islands
Country/Territory: Indonesia
Barcode: E00194427
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Family: Oleaceae
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Chionanthus L.
Collection number: 1527
Collection date: 5th March 1999
Filing region: Malay Islands
Country/Territory: Indonesia
Barcode: E00189280
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN HERB. HORT. EDINB. HERBARIUM WANARISET EAST KALIMANTAN, INDONESIA (FLORA OF EAST KALIMANTAN) copyright reserved Sidivasaj kK jan icin ls Zi 11527 5) Wiehe aleyeye) Family: Oleaceae Chionanthus sp. Det me Sidivasa, Ky Mar 1999 East Kalimantan, Kab. Bulungan, Gunung Lunjut, Kayan Mentarang National Park. ete So. Nie Long discuss. Alt. 1450m | ‘Well drained soil, slope. imuce 2 oem tall, 20 em diam. B pecs ie Inner bark pale pe Pruits globose, oc. 1.9 i : eae cm diam. Pale SBE PRUIT AND SEED COLLECTION In collaboration with K the WWF-I i ayan Mentarang Nation 2a al Park Project.
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Family: Oleaceae
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Chionanthus L.
Collection number: 1521
Collection date: 4th March 1999
Filing region: Malay Islands
Country/Territory: Indonesia
Barcode: E00194465
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Family: Oleaceae
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Chionanthus L.
Collection number: 1521
Collection date: 4th March 1999
Filing region: Malay Islands
Country/Territory: Indonesia
Barcode: E00194473
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Mi INBUR ED! il 001944 T il HERB. HORT. EDINB. HERBARIUM WANARISET EAST KALIMANTAN, INDONESIA (FLORA OF EAST KALIMANTAN) copyright reserved Sidiyasa, K.; Arifin, Z. 1521 4 Mar 1999 Family: Oleaceae Chionanthus sp. DSS 4 8 (Sakeliinyeysiey, Ve. Mar 1999 East Kalimantan, Kab. t Bulungan, G Lunjut, Kayan Mentaran Pa g National Park, Wat 2° 35'N Long 115° 25.5 Alt. 1400m | Well drained soil, on ridge. ies Cee Qe ala smooth. Inner ba Fruits subglobos diam. 25 cm diam. rk brownish, SS Kone cauibilntjsyexen, Bark greyish, ramiflorous. d up to 2 cm SEF FOLIT AND SEED COLLECTION | In collaboration with the WWF -Indonesia, Kayan Mentarang National Parkeproject .
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Family: Oleaceae
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Chionanthus L.
Collection number: 1641
Collection date: 12th March 1999
Filing region: Malay Islands
Country/Territory: Indonesia
Barcode: E00194587
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Family: Oleaceae
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Chionanthus L.
Collection number: 1641
Collection date: 12th March 1999
Filing region: Malay Islands
Country/Territory: Indonesia
Barcode: E00194627
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. greene eanna Ex. Herb teiDen | ei orervmteae HERBARIUM WANARISET EAST KALIMANTAN, INDONESIA (FLORA OF EAST KALIMANTAN) copyright reserved Sidiyvasa, Ko; Arifin, Z.. 1641 WA Mee aleyeye) ar Family: Oleaceae Chionanthus sp. Det.: Sidiyasa, K. Mar 1999 East Kalimantan, Kab. Bulungan, South of mount Mencah. Pats 7 tN tong 115° 35m Alt. 1450m Flat land, along the small Al bottom south of mount es 28 valley Small tree 15 m tall LS emmon ’ Tams Bark grey, smooth. Fruits subglobose, 2.8 cm diam., ripening yellow, ‘pulpy twhate? sweet, edible. §68 PRUTT AND SEEO COLLECTION In collaboration with the WWF-Indonesia, Kayan Mentarang National Park Project. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN iy
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Family: Oleaceae
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Chionanthus L.
Collector/Expedition: Hendrian, S.A., Newman, Mark; Scott, Steve; Saleh, Nazre M; Supriadi, Dadi,
Collection number: 832
Collection date: 20th February 2004
Filing region: Malay Islands
Country/Territory: Indonesia
Barcode: E00189504
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN copyright reserved EDINBURGH wy FLORA OF SULAWESI OLEACEAE Chionanthus Det.: Central Sulawesi: Poso District, Ulubongka Subdistrict, Mire, Gunung Katopas, Lembah Rupiah. Tree, 15 m. Leaves dark green above, mid green below. Buds green. Hendrian, Mark Newman, Steve Scott, M. Nazre Saleh & Dadi Supriadi 832 20” February 2004 Please communicate new identifications to Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh KEBUN RAYA BOGOR ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH
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Family: Oleaceae
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Chionanthus L.
Collector/Expedition: Newman, M F; Thomas, P I; Armstrong, K E; Sengdala, Khamphone & Lamxay, Vichith,
Collection number: LAO 3
Collection date: 8th February 2005
Filing region: Indo-China
Country/Territory: Laos
Barcode: E00205787
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10 ¢ Neawax De ce stins Det.: David Middleton 0 k. 2006 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH FLORA OF LAO P.D.R. Elaeocarpaceae Elaeocarpus Det: Lao PDR: Khammouan: Vicinity of Ban Nakai NBCA Protected Area office. 17°42'25.4"N 105°8'34.1"E Altitude: 545 m Evergreen forest with Pinus /atteri emergent Tree to 10m, dbh to 30cm; leaves dark green above, mid green below with yellowish midrib; fruits grey-blue. Coll. No.: LAO 3 Collector: Newman,M.F.; Thomas,P.1.; Armstrong,K.E.; Sengdala,K. & Lamxay,V. 08 Feb 2005 U7 Darwin Initiative Project 163-13-007 Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh D No. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN g Elaeocarpaceae a EDINBURGH Forest Research Center, NAFRI, Lao P.D.R, ll hl VM Te anc enecn ey ARWIN | By) Laurmesc IUCN, Lao P.D.R. RAE E00205787 | Det. M.J.E. Coode ( / & 2006 ; Please communicate any new identifications to the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh
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Family: Oleaceae
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Chionanthus L.
Collection number: 2985
Collection date: 13th April 2004
Filing region: Malay Islands
Country/Territory: Indonesia
Barcode: E00229386
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ee a | Nee ies <a ~ HERB. HORT. EDINB. ey o Ps oe m7 = Od 'S D = > <i ° co) HERBARIUM WANARISET c EAST KALIMANTAN, INDONESIA... ~ (FLORA OF CENTRAL KALIMANTAN) pidayasa jek. iS Ard fan Zi 2985 13 Apr 2004 Oleaceae Chionanthus sp. Detby.: Sidiyasa, kK. 2004 East Kalimantan, Sungai Wa in Protecte Forest, km 15 Balikpapan - 2 Samarinda. hate O8"S Long 116° So uE Alt. 10m ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN INUIULN NN Disturbed forest. (behind village) Smeliieree 10 m tal pale yellow. ee et Flower ee
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Family: Oleaceae
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Chionanthus L.
Collector/Expedition: Widjaja, E.A.
Collection number: EW 6190
Collection date: 22nd October 1992
Filing region: New Guinea
Country/Territory: Indonesia
Barcode: E00046779
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. lo +t PLANT OF IRIAN JAYA Under the BSP/WWF Asmat Ethnobotany Grant #7593 ke o 2 ® m7 2 ed = ey ‘= = roy re) a) Widjaja, Wally & Subari EAW + EW6e190 Rubiaceae det.: JJA+Wardi Tric ya sp. Ds. Sawa, Kec. Sawaerma, Agats District Merauke Irian Jaya eee Olm. Date 22/10/1992 Along the river bank pec? PC OL Trees 8 high. Leaves opposite. Flower axillaris. kt i ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN ° . i ie 7 | E—00046779
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Family: Oleaceae
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Chionanthus L.
Collector/Expedition: Newman, M.F., Labat, J.-N., Insisiengmay, O., Cecilio, L. & Ly, V.
Collection number: 2150
Collection date: 21st December 2008
Filing region: Indo-China
Country/Territory: Cambodia
Barcode: E00319036
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[rettably nol Kibjadene Det. Ce Sink co)D Chinrantaus Det. (\, Nomen 4 iy 201 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN WU 00319036 | Psy dn oka Det. C- Pu Cau) — 2a v 2009 FLORA OF CAMBODIA RUBIACEAE Treelet 5 m high. Leaves dark green, shiny. Fruit orange-red. Koh Kong, Thma Baing, Prey Kravanh 11° 39' 42.2" N, 103° 28' 17.1" E. Alt.: 455 m Collectors: Mark Newman, Jean-Noél Labat, Oudomphone Insisiengmay, Loic Cecilio and Ly Viboth Collection no.: 2150 21 December 2008 Distribution: E, P, RUPP, WU ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH MUSEUM NATIONAL D! HISTOIRE NATURELLE UNIVERSITE ROYALE DE PHNOM PENH FSP Sud Expert Plantes Please communicate new determinations to the Muséum National d’ Histoire Naturelle, Paris (P) MQ00323 ror a4 . Po ed SAS Seee or [oe copyright reserved
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Family: Oleaceae
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Chionanthus L.
Collector/Expedition: Newman, M.F., Labat, J.-N., Insisiengmay, O., Cecilio, L. & Ly, V.
Collection number: 2145
Collection date: 21st December 2008
Filing region: Indo-China
Country/Territory: Cambodia
Barcode: E00319113
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00319113 | Le\ “< FLORA OF CAMBODIA OLEACEAE Chionanthus Tree c. 20 m high. Bark pale grey. Petioles swollen at base. Petals white. Koh Kong, Thma Baing, Prey Kravanh OS Oe MN aOR 2 Sa GM Ali 88 mn Collectors: Mark Newman, Jean-Noél Labat, Oudomphone Insisiengmay, Loic Cecilio and Ly Viboth Collection no.: 2145 21 December 2008 ‘Distribution: E, KEP, P, RUPP ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH MUSEUM NATIONAL D' HISTOIRE NATURELLE UNIVERSITE ROYALE DE PHNOM PENH FSP Sud Expert Plantes Please communicate new determinations to the Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris (P) xo} $ be ® n 2 ad co Da es > fom ° (S)
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Family: Oleaceae
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Chionanthus L.
Collector/Expedition: Takeuchi, W.N.
Collection number: 10340
Collection date: 20th July 1995
Filing region: New Guinea
Country/Territory: Papua New Guinea
Barcode: E00310948
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Flora of Papua New Guinea Lae National Herbarium 10340 Oleaceae Chionanthus sp. (laxiflorus-oxycarpus group) East Sepik Province; April River; Bugabugi 2 above Natawe; diverse lowland hill forest on mafics, ascending crestline at elev. 300’ altimeter (c. 90 m); colls. centered on 4° 33’S latitude x 142° 34’E longitude. with 10341-10342; understory treelet; vegetative parts glabrous; leaves opposite, distichous, pliant, dark dull green both surfaces; infructescence below the leaves, ramifying, rachides opposed, axes puberulent and minutely bracteate; fruits rostrate, epicarp pale dull green; seed 1. Bugabugi name = ‘tau-mei.’ Useful only for house construction. NCI screening code: OFCZ-0749-X, -0750-Y, -0751-Z, -0752-A, -0753- C; corresponding to LF, SBK+BR, RT, SWD, infructescence; 11 herbarium duplicates distributed through NCI. coll. W. Takeuchi 10340 date: July 20, 1995 det.. WT MQ00323 copyright reserved
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Family: Oleaceae
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Chionanthus L.
Collection number: 6572
Collection date: 23rd December 2006
Filing region: Indo-China
Country/Territory: Thailand
Barcode: E00291619
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The Forest Herbarium - BKF National Park Wildlife and Plant Conservation Department Flora of Thailand Family: | Oleaceae Name: Chionanthus Locality: Songkhla, Singhanakhon, Ching Kho Strand vegetation, near roadside to Hat Sai Kaeo. Lat/Long: 7 15'16"N, 100 32'78" E Altitudes: 2 m. Habitat: Strand vegetation, near beach, Melaleuca dominent. Notes: Low shrub ca 50 cm; leaves dark green above, pale green below; fruits green turn orange. See Collectors: Pooma, R.; Pattharahirantricin, N.; Sirimongkol, S. Number: 6572 Date: 23/12/2006 Duplicates: BKF, A, E, L ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN | Det by: wi WM E00291619 National Science Foundation administered through the | Collected with financial support from the United States } Arnold Arboretum of Harvard University xo} ® Pa i ® 77) ® = tml = Da = a) Qa fe) (2)
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Family: Oleaceae
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Chionanthus L.
Collector/Expedition: Tuke,
Collection number: P5 1015
Collection date: 1994
Filing region: Malay Islands
Country/Territory: Indonesia
Barcode: E00292457
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. 7 i Vue CL leno ila: ne Det. copyright reserved FLORA OF CENTRAL KALIMANTAN No. P5 1015 Date: 1994 Family: Oleaceae Name: Chionanthus Det: M.M.J. van Balgooy 3 July 2002 Collector: Tuke Locality: Km 92 from Sangai (S.Mentaya), Kab. Kotawaringin Timur, 1°29'S 112° 31'E. Habitat: Lowland mixed dipterocarp forest Alt. c.50m ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH Notes: Plot 5. E00292457
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Family: Oleaceae
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Chionanthus L.
Collector/Expedition: Tuke,
Collection number: P1 1002
Collection date: 1994
Filing region: Malay Islands
Country/Territory: Indonesia
Barcode: E00292475
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00292475 < Okac - CE es deeut tee, Det. FLORA OF CENTRAL KALIMANTAN No. P11002 Date: 1994 Family: Oleaceae Name: Chionanthus Det: M.M.J. van Balgooy 3.July 2002 Collector: Tuke Locality: Km 92 from Sangai (S.Mentaya), Kab. Kotawaringin Timur, 1°29'S 112° 31'E. Habitat: Lowland mixed dipterocarp forest Alt. c.50m Notes: Plot 1. copyright reserved
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Family: Oleaceae
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Chionanthus L.
Collector/Expedition: Tuke,
Collection number: P1 1009
Collection date: 1994
Filing region: Malay Islands
Country/Territory: Indonesia
Barcode: E00295028
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. Dheae os Ch Me athus Det. se] o > ks om m7 2 G = D = > a ro) 3) FLORA OF CENTRAL KALIMANTAN No. P1 1009 Date: 1994 Family: Oleaceae Name: Chionanthus Det: M.MJ. van Balgooy 3.July 2002 Collector: Tuke — Locality: Km 92 from Sangat (S.Mentaya), Kab. Kotawaringin Timur, 1°29'S 112° 31E. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Habitat: Lowland mixed dipterocarp forest EDINBURGH | | | | | Alt. c.50m £00295028 Notes: Plot 1.
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Family: Oleaceae
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Chionanthus L.
Collector/Expedition: Tuke,
Collection number: P8 1005
Collection date: 1994
Filing region: Malay Islands
Country/Territory: Indonesia
Barcode: E00305121
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mm N om 2 fax} g = ROYAL BOTANIC LCF. SOs Ns EDINBURGH oe : hee r CZ CONnanth ur Det. copyright reserved FLORA OF CENTRAL KALIMANTAN | No. P81005 Date: 1994 Family: Oleaceae Name: Chionanthus Det: M.MJ. van Balgooy 3.July 2002 Collector: Tuke Locality: Km 92 from Sangai (S.Mentaya), Kab, Kotawaringin Timur, 1°29'S 112° 31'E. Habitat: Lowland mixed dipterocarp forest Alt. c.50m ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH i | | Notes: Plot 8. I E00305121
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Family: Oleaceae
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Chionanthus L.
Collector/Expedition: Newman, M.F., Labat, J.-N., Insisiengmay, O., Cecilio, L. & Ly, V.
Collection number: 2109
Collection date: 20th December 2008
Filing region: Indo-China
Country/Territory: Cambodia
Barcode: E00319278
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Oat Brantans Det WH Nerame Tix 20% FLORA OF CAMBODIA RUBIACEAE Psychotria Det. by: D.J.Middleton, 20 Bebehaey 2009 Tree 6 m high, 15 cm dbh. Leaves light green. Fruit green. Koh Kong, Thma Baing, Ta Tay Leu UA Sho 2) NOSIS 0) 53e/ BVAlt 507 m Collectors: Mark Newman, Jean-Noél Labat, Oudomphone Insisiengmay, Loic Cecilio and Ly Viboth Collection no.: 2109 20 December 2008 Distribution: E, P, RUPP, WU Itetebly rot “tbranac Det. J Sink 20/2 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH MUSEUM NATIONAL D' HISTOIRE NATURELLE wv UNIVERSITE ROYALE DE PHNOM PENH ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH ll E00319278 Please communicate new determinations to the Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris (P) | FSP Sud Expert Plantes ke) o > &S ® rm 2 ae = poy be 5 roy ° 3) MQ00323
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Family: Oleaceae
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Chionanthus L.
Collector/Expedition: Forest Research Institute Malaysia (KEP),
Collection number: FRI 41255
Collection date: 4th April 1994
Filing region: Malay Islands
Country/Territory: Malaysia
Barcode: E00004147
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. xo) co) > eo ® | ae a a <= D | = | ey foe ° [o) Flora of Borneo ii Distributed from Forest Research Institute Malaysia (KEP) FRI 41255 4 April 1994 A E. Soepadmo, T. Khalkausar, Rena George, B.S. John 4 & Dewol, S Sabah, Sandakan. Telupid, Bkt. Tawai Forest Reserve, Sg. Meliau, Occasionally flooded river-bank. Altitude (m):100 Treelet 5 m tall, 5 cm dbh. Bark smooth, whitish grey. Sepals green. Petals yellowish green, Vernacular name: Bangkulat (Kadazan/Dusun) ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN mn —
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Oleaceae
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Chionanthus L.
Collector/Expedition: Argent, G.C. & Reynoso, E.J.
Collection number: 444
Collection date: 18th August 1989
Filing region: Philippines
Country/Territory: Philippines
Barcode: E00016006
No label status given
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Mg | | E00016006 HERB. HORT. EDINB. National Museums Manila Stirling & Sheffield Universities joint expedition to Sibuyan Island, Romblon Province, Philippines No 444 Date 18 August 1989 (Tree no. Plot 2B) Family Oleaceae Name Chionanthus Collector G. Argent & E. J. Reynoso Locality Camp 2 above magdiwang on ridge leading to Mayos Peak. Habitat Submontane rain forest, 800m. Notes
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IIIF Manifest
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