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Family: Ochnaceae
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Campylospermum sulcatum (Tiegh.) Farron
Collector/Expedition: Kuroda, S.
Collection number: 42
Collection date: 19th April 1994
Filing region: Tropical Africa
Country/Territory: Central African Republic
Barcode: E00424037
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Family: Ochnaceae
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Campylospermum umbricola (Tiegh.) Farron
Collector/Expedition: Zenker, G.A.
Collection number: 1792
Collection date: 1898
Filing region: Tropical Africa
Country/Territory: Cameroon
Isotype of Monelasmum umbricola Tiegh.
Barcode: E00702106
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Vere ot ST TA I SIS CAE ah. oC Raa ieee Se ISOTYPE of .Mlomeioonnuum. uanvonigsla. Tegn. oe lo. Prawn. Sc. Nouk., cH, S248 ..104333.__ (1903) OZ=z Se Tas aire oa} aon copyright reserved Campylospermum umbricola (Tiegh.) Farron Campylospermum umbricolum (Engler ex van Det.:P. Bissiengou 03 .XIl .2014 Nationaal Herbarium Nederland - Herbarium Vadense (WAG) GALE... A SOSYREY RE of Monelasmum umbricolum ot Peemvan Ticshen C. FARRON DETERM. ANNO 19.74... LECTOTYPE in P. wu LIGA Bipinde, Urwaldgebiet. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00702106 189 ¥
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Family: Ochnaceae
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Campylospermum umbricola (Tiegh.) Farron
Collector/Expedition: Zenker, G.A.
Collection number: 2437
Collection date: 1902
Filing region: Tropical Africa
Country/Territory: Cameroon
Syntype of Ouratea umbricola (Engl. ex Tiegh.) Farron
Barcode: E00702107
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Campylospermum umbricola (Tiegh.) Farron Det.:P. Bissiengou 03 .XIl .2014 Nationaal Herbarium Nederland - Herbarium Vadense (WAG) copyright reserved C. FARRON DETERM. ANNO 19 G. Zenker, Flora von Kamerun. wh Tif lia bitin tunbunne tel Hy Bipinde, Urwaldgebiet. RO OYALE ee euKe eel ees pee il iia 190 a |
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Family: Ochnaceae
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Campylospermum umbricola (Tiegh.) Farron
Collector/Expedition: Zenker, G.A.
Collection number: 1848
Collection date: 1898
Filing region: Tropical Africa
Country/Territory: Cameroon
Isotype of Monelasmum marcophyllum Tiegh.
Barcode: E00702108
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Campylospermum umbricola (Tiegh.) Farron Det.:P. Bissiengou 03 .XIl .2014 Nationaal Herbarium Nederland - Herbarium Vadense (WAG) ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN G. Zenker, Flora von Kamerun. MM La Ff: a ‘fa Curate gegartialylla Loop 189% (oOBN) HES FAVS VAP TON IS “UY 4} ‘Wary wamfruda OW UNNITOYTUN YY 10 EDINBURGH MT E00702108 | | | | | | £ ROY 2 copyright reserved
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Family: Ochnaceae
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Campylospermum umbricola (Tiegh.) Farron
Collector/Expedition: Zenker, G.A.
Collection number: 4054
Collection date: 1911
Filing region: Tropical Africa
Country/Territory: Cameroon
Barcode: E00702109
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Herbarium sheetE00702110
ROYAL BOTANIC GARD! EDINBURGH - Campylospermum umbricola (Tiegh.) Farron E00702109 Det.:P. Bissiengou 03 .XII .2014 Nationaal Herbarium Nederland - Herbarium Vadense (WAG) G. Zenker, Flora von Naneein, Os Campylospernum. umbricolum (Engler.ex van Tieghem) Farron.. a ee stb thee gfe zl i eee ee : C. FARRON DETERM. ANNO 19.74... 1977 copyright reserved
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Family: Ochnaceae
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Campylospermum umbricola (Tiegh.) Farron
Collector/Expedition: Zenker, G.A.
Collection number: 4054
Collection date: 1911
Filing region: Tropical Africa
Country/Territory: Cameroon
Barcode: E00702110
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Herbarium sheetE00702109
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00702110 ! Campylospermum umbricola (Tiegh.) Farron Det.:P. Bissiengou 03 .XIl .2014 Nationaal Herbarium Nederland - Herbarium Vadense (WAG) Tieghem ) Farron C. FARRON DETERM. ANNO 19.74... Campylospermum umbricolum (Engl.ex van ‘= FE a ‘HERB. HORT. REG. BOT. EDIN. A OS dy Ouralty uabriaede, engl + GG Reounde Abuvoldgebeel- SGU. Sheek a CLG Kenkou, copyright reserved MOQQOBSGA
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Family: Ochnaceae
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Campylospermum vogelii (Hook.f.) Farron
Collector/Expedition: McDonald, K.
Collection number: 034
Collection date: 8th April 1993
Filing region: Tropical Africa
Country/Territory: Gabon
Barcode: E00292772
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. ) copyright reserved C. aah Vlospermum vogelij Ook.f. ex Planch.) Farron Det Bosna, : al Herbarium Nederland - Herbari 02 XI . 200 um Vadense (WAG) ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00292772 FLORA OF GABON Ouratea Glorious gallery. Gallery edge by stream. Shrub. Flowers yellow, turning red when fruiting. 8.4.1993 Karen McDonald No: 034 XE2002201X
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Family: Ochnaceae
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Campylospermum vogelii (Hook.f.) Farron
Collector/Expedition: Harris, D.J.
Collection date: May 1987
Filing region: Tropical Africa
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00737064
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copyright reserved Flora of Central African Republic Ochnaceae Campylospermum vogelii (Hook.f.) Farron Det: Bissiengou, P 2014 Sangha-Mbaere: 2°54'N, 16°16' E Alt: 350m ROYAL Oran aannm Collector: Harris, DJ S.n. wo be ee ee eee 00737064 Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh (E) se
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Family: Ochnaceae
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Campylospermum vogelii (Hook.f.) Farron
Collector/Expedition: Thomson, W.C.
Collection number: 96
Collection date: 1862
Filing region: Tropical Africa
Country/Territory: Nigeria
Barcode: E00702130
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t Ke) un 2 2 g = ( Campylospermum vogelii (Hook.f. ex Planch.) Farron Det.:P. Bissiengou 02 .XIl .200 Nationaal Herbarium Nederland - Herbarium Vadense (WAG me) i cy bs fee ® a 4 — is D .= Es) Qa fo) oO E Campylospermum.aff...vogelii..(Hook.f.). Far- f ron vel excavatum (van Tieghem) Farron requires further studies. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN ee ee te EDINBURGH E00702130 ld haba lon | Cc. FARRON | number at Kew DETERM. ANNO 19.74... Re Z ie ee lf 6 Pi Rei i Uf LA B zi F. a 2G Liao Ie fiw
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Family: Ochnaceae
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Campylospermum vogelii (Hook.f.) Farron
Collector/Expedition: Ndolo Ebika, S.T.
Collection number: 314
Collection date: 31st March 2008
Filing region: Tropical Africa
Country/Territory: Republic of Congo
Barcode: E00486191
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| | HERB. HORT. EDINB. Sera: Sm SEAT oa) oli etal eeRens| A Flora of Congo Ochnaceae Campylospermum vel sp. aff. squamosum —_(DC.) Farron copyright reserved Det: Ndolo Ebika, S.T.; Harris, D.J. 12 July 2010 Sangha Department: 36.99 km E-NE de Bomassa. 2°12:70' N, 16°31. 1405 Arbuste de 6 m de hauteur. Tranche rougeatre, moite. Inflorescences terminales. Fleurs jaunes. Forét a <em>Gilbertiodendron dewevrei </em>de terre ferme. Collector: Ndolo Ebika, S.T. 31 March 2008 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Sh EDINBURGH | | | Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh (E) Centre D'Etude sur les Ressources Végétales (IEC) E00486191 314 — hh ss
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Family: Ochnaceae
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Campylospermum vogelii (Hook.f.) Farron
Collector/Expedition: Ndolo Ebika, S.T.
Collection number: 306
Collection date: 15th March 2008
Filing region: Tropical Africa
Country/Territory: Republic of Congo
Barcode: E00486192
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00486192 HERB. HORT. EDINB. Flora of Congo Ochnaceae Campylospermum vel sp. aff. glaberrimum (P.Beauy.) Farron Det: Ndolo Ebika, S.T.; Harris, D.J. 12 July 2010 Sangha Department: 37.38 km E-SE de Bomassa. 2°10:991N, 16°31.32"E Arbuste de 3 m de hauteur. Tranche verdatre. Fleurs axillaires, par paires, jaunes. Forét a <em>Gilbertiodendron dewevrei</em> de terre ferme. Collector: Ndolo Ebika, S.T. 15 March 2008 io Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh (E) 306 Centre D'Etude sur les Ressources Végétales (IEC) SS e— copyright reserved
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Family: Ochnaceae
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Campylospermum warneckei (Gilg ex Engl.) Biss
Collector/Expedition: Warnecke, O.
Collection number: 468
Collection date: September 1903
Filing region: Tropical Africa
Country/Territory: Tanzania
Isotype of Ouratea warneckei Gilg
Barcode: E00702098
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Campylospermum reticulatum (P. Beauv.) Farron var. reticulatum Isotype of Ouratea warneckei Gilg ; Campylospermum warneckei (Gilg ex Engl.) Biss Det.:P. Bissiengou 03 .XIl .2014 Nationaal Herbarium Nederland - Herbarium Vadense (WAG) Ao Fane p ya Z Lieut tea Garver Originale et spec. nov. 4 dgpse eee oe LAathed, bw a Si heees 10-74, Ae copyright reserved ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00702098
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Family: Ochnaceae
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Cespedesia Goudot
Filing region: Caribbean
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01123694
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN wi E01123694 t. peg te t1rn CA ns oO ~ 5] o 4 ® r 4 ne , D = P<) a Fe) 6 Meee564
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Family: Ochnaceae
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Cespedesia Goudot
Collector/Expedition: Fajardo-Gutiérrez, F. & Torres, M.G.
Collection number: 5337
Collection date: 19th January 2019
Filing region: W. Tropical South America
Country/Territory: Colombia
Barcode: E01021821
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y HERB. HORT. EDINB. FLORA OF COLOMBIA OCHNACEAE Cespedesia xo] ® Pa Po ® ” 4 ad of a = rs) Qa ° (3) Det. by Rees, M 17 January 2019 Colombia, Antioquia, San Luis, Rio Claro Nature Reserve: On side road trail, ca 1.5km NW from basecamp, outside the reserve. 5°54'21" N, 74°51'29" W Alt: 421m Disturbed vegetation along roadside. Tall branched tree ca. 12m. Leaves clustered at apex. Flowers yellow, falling off quickly. Main inflorescence axis ca. 75 cm. Francisco Fajardo-G 5337 17 January 2019 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN with Mathew Rees i £01021821 Additional material: photos & silica dried leaf.
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Family: Ochnaceae
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Cespedesia bonplandii Goudot
Filing region: W. Tropical South America
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01123700
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN HAM E01123700 aes “Mwhite tipped. 4 i: AEL. see A, Lawrence - §6Collectox.. == « ‘r= H State of BOYSC&® —_—_—sRegion. EL Humbo i Leeality_I30_ miles dugmnorth of. ota. Flower, odor, color, ete. Yes-Slight-Butter- cup yellow with yellow stamens - 2 Fl'rng stems Material collected 2 S= =m nnn Flowers on huge woody _ Pruite: 232 jee Special notes. e leaves form a cup ar- on. AiRe ee nen passing under Tree oimoet entirely hides flowers from viey. Jeb Igem T9SSe - ; Lowering arms branching poten vith eles-directly under flo- 10 copyright reserved
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Family: Ochnaceae
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Cespedesia bonplandii Goudot
Filing region: W. Tropical South America
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01123701
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN niu E01123701 copyright reserved
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Family: Ochnaceae
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Cespedesia excelsa Rusby
Filing region: W. Tropical South America
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01123702
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Meee564 10 copyright reserved = PLANTA BOLIVIANE, A MicueL Bane Lecr#. Ex. Herbario Collegii Columbia, a N. L. Britton et H. H. Rusby distribute, (be fect yea. - Lz cele a Z Zeoby, g. Ze, L ce? s 4 WL pit Ee dec. /§22. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN va AD Puce 1298, nN £0112370
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Family: Ochnaceae
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Cespedesia excelsa Rusby
Filing region: W. Tropical South America
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01123703
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HERB. ROY. BOT. GARD. EDIN? I0 58a, Qoprdeyin exceleg [aby su LS. a = CHL: Tn, ise a We Bee. (B92. Wk. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN (mn E01123703 0 heen cia Cae ee Ear RC) Fs Fy Z (=) i] eB cS] FI 2 ue 9 ag copyright reserved 6 3 Ss Fi cm Meee6564
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Family: Ochnaceae
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Cespedesia macrophylla Seem.
Filing region: Central America
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01123693
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Herbarium sheetE01123704
ee LZ fy De ContEctED By Surron HayEs. Purchased 1892. VM E01123693 PLANTS OF THE ISTHMUS OF PANAMA ‘eal ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN ° BP) eh elas oe 10 copyright reserved
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Family: Ochnaceae
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Cespedesia macrophylla Seem.
Filing region: Central America
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01123704
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Herbarium sheetE01123693
Blin CR Kl Copa we Shh, SPEC zt 30H 0 Prey Ss Vo. 39. DP Ha +4 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN PLANTS OF THE ISTHMUS OF PANAMA. EDINBURGH Coruectep By Surron Hayzs. £01123704 ( SheetT. ) se) ® 2 ® r E ve = D 3 > a re) fz) Meee564
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Family: Ochnaceae
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Cespedesia spathulata (Kunz. & Pav.) Blanch.
Collection number: 16422
Collection date: 17th November 1998
Filing region: W. Tropical South America
Country/Territory: Peru
Barcode: E00189743
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a4 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN IgA qu HERB. HORT. EDINB. TREE FLORA OF PERU Cespedézia. sphddn (Muar Rawr Wada . Junin, Satipo to Pampa Hermosa 1523/8), 74° 45'W Roadside, pasture, shade trees. 1250m- Tree 10m x 25cm dia, branched from near base, steeply ascending branches, pale grey smooth bark, flowers bright yellow in large terminal clusters, no scent, young fruit yellow-green. A. Daza & TD. Pennington 16422 17V1998 Oo = xo] ® > A ® n ® bd oa fo fey) = Poy a ° (3)
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Family: Ochnaceae
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Cespedesia spathulata (Kunz. & Pav.) Blanch.
Collector/Expedition: Spruce, R.
Collection number: 4831
Collection date: August 1856
Filing region: W. Tropical South America
Country/Territory: Peru
Isotype of Cespedesia sprucei TIEGH.
Barcode: E00326360
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PpeAsesel yBuAdoo ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00326360 Os ofut plea ta ppanr Chute ta, (Re tf.) DA ROY 7 — a: thant Aw Ghe Tm P Dip wy : A IA, A 4, b ee mv ae ee 695, 6 (4 he ¢ : sf tVAL wv)
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Family: Ochnaceae
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Cespedesia spathulata (Kunz. & Pav.) Blanch.
Filing region: E. Tropical South America
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01123695
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. mo] co) 4 ® 77) 4 ad = o)] 5 = Py Qa ° cS) FLORA OF BRAZIL State of Mato Grosso No. R. 6998 Cespedesia spa tholate Pronek, Fazenda Furninha, 12km from Rondonopolis (16°29'S 54°37'W) on the Cuiaba road. In gallery forest. Tree, 8m tall, 20cm dbh, with long panicles of yellow flowers to more than 60cm long. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Hi E01123695 Date: 5 xi 1993 Coll.: Paulo Ernane da Silva, Newton R. de Oliveira & Edson Cardoso.
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Family: Ochnaceae
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Cespedesia spathulata (Kunz. & Pav.) Blanch.
Filing region: E. Tropical South America
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01123696
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN wn E01123696 HERB. HORT. EDINB. FLORA OF BRAZIL State of Mato Grosso No. R. 6998 Cespedesia spa tholale Hanch. Fazenda Furninha, 12km from Rondonopolis (eZ ors 54°37'W) on the Cuiaba road. In gallery forest. Tree, 8m tall, 20cm dbh, with long panicles of yellow flowers to more than 60cm long. Date: 5 xi 1993 Coll.: Paulo Ernane da Silva, Newton R. de Oliveira & Edson Cardoso. 9 ae) o P i ® 7] ® ps ot a D | = > 2. ° o
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Family: Ochnaceae
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Cespedesia spathulata (Kunz. & Pav.) Blanch.
Filing region: E. Tropical South America
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01123697
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se) ® > = ® m7 2 td = Body — Pa) 2 Fo) 3) FLORA BRASILIENSIS Mato Grosso MT Herb. Univ. Turic. (Ziirich) Z Coopecle sia Ap Yh la YA (R25) Dubs 1279 on 2-XI-1991 chon 14°55’S./60°01’W., Vila Bela da SS. Trinidad tie Ceca. aan slope forest near rivulet, 800 ft. mmiung AMAA tree, 4m tall; flowers yellow. det: Dr. B. Dubs i Giant. 199 E01123697 , B,C OE.
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Family: Ochnaceae
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Cespedesia spathulata (Kunz. & Pav.) Blanch.
Filing region: E. Tropical South America
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01123698
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. Meee564 xo} o ra ® n 1g od <= dD = > 2. ° ° FLORA OF BRAZIL BASS = een State of Mato Grosso No. R. 6999 Cespeelesia Spo thulebe Planck Fazenda do Senhor Anténio, Serra da Petrovina, Mun. de Tatuapé, 16°47'S 54°O6'W. In a gallery forest in a deep gully. Tree, 12m tall, 12cm dbh. R. 6998 is a flowering specimen of the same species. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Date: 7 xi 1993 EDINBURGH UMM ATH Coll.: J.A. Ratter, Joaquim Fonséca Filho, Joao Batista dos Santos, Newton R. de E01123698 Oliveira & Nelson Oliveira Pais.
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Family: Ochnaceae
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Cespedesia spathulata (Kunz. & Pav.) Blanch.
Filing region: E. Tropical South America
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01123699
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. mMeees564 se) $ i ® n z heed = = 4 > roy Fe) fz) FLORA OF BRAZIL State of Mato Grosso No. R. 6999 Cesheclesic Spathulate ee Fazenda do Senhor Anténio, Serra da Petrovina, Mun. de Tatuapé, 16°47'S 54°06'W. In a gallery forest in a deep gully. Tree, 12m tall, 12cm dbh. R. 6998 is a flowering specimen of the same species. Date: 7 xi 1993 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Coll.: J.A. Ratter, Joaquim Fonséca Filho, mT Joao Batista dos Santos, Newton R. de tT A Oliveira & Nelson Oliveira Pais. E01123699
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Family: Ochnaceae
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Elvasia bisepala Sastre & Whitef.
Collector/Expedition: Bridgewater, S.G.M.
Collection number: 3987
Collection date: 17th August 2004
Filing region: Central America
Country/Territory: Belize
Barcode: E00940874
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN wii UN —00940874 HERB. HORT. EDINB. FLORA OF BELIZE i Elvasia besepala Sastre & Whitefoord Cayo District Doyle’s Delight; Maya Mountains 0281938 W, 1824544N (UTM, WGS Zone 17) c. 1000 m alt. Tropical evergreen broad-leaved lower-montane forest Tree to 9m S. Bridgewater 3987 17 August 2004 me] ® 4 co) 77) co) a od £ 2] tee > Qa fo) oO Meee564
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Family: Ochnaceae
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Elvasia calophyllea DC.
Collector/Expedition: Spruce, R.
Collection number: 1792
Collection date: September 1851
Filing region: E. Tropical South America
Country/Territory: Brazil
Isotype of Elvasia sprucei TIEGH.
Barcode: E00326367
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J AoE ao y A EIS, ) bea cee ta iftiztla, Ltr Prope Barra, Prov. Rio Negro, coll. R. Spruce, Sept. 1851 Soa | “ Sr : ae es > ch Fide Vwoyex VA BULL, Terr, Sree Chal UXX ty q & ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00326367 | copyright reserved wed ed bed DO AAR... NF ds.
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Family: Ochnaceae
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Elvasia calophyllea DC.
Filing region: E. Tropical South America
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01123689
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No. 4. J Sluau'n cabfll ll. I R. H. ScHoMBURGEK. Brit. Guiana. Coll. 1837, &e. (Distr. by G. Bentham). ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN WA E01123689 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH copyright reserved
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