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Family: Ochnaceae
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Campylospermum reticulatum (P.Beauv.) Farron
Collector/Expedition: Conrau, G.
Collection number: 68
Collection date: 1899
Filing region: Tropical Africa
Country/Territory: Cameroon
Isolectotype of Monelasmum unilaterale (Gilg) Tiegh.
Barcode: E00292779
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So ; cpm by Purchevie Sen ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Sa EDINBURGH = E00292779 Campylospermum reticulatum (P.Beauv.) Farron Det.:P. Bissiengou 03 .XIl .2014 Nationaal Herbarium Nederland - Herbarium Vadense (WAG) A Gnact LL Zit. Byucve, iret 0 ene | Originale et spec. nov. reefers Pad olon, Coe 909 Ma é | W370 Slewanrn, C8 FE 0. se] ro > ‘“ ry n 2 aed = = r > roy fe) 6
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Family: Ochnaceae
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Campylospermum reticulatum (P.Beauv.) Farron
Collector/Expedition: Harris, D.J. & Moutsambote, J.-M.
Collection number: 9677
Collection date: 22nd March 2010
Filing region: Tropical Africa
Country/Territory: Republic of Congo
Barcode: E00397398
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Family: Ochnaceae
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Campylospermum reticulatum (P.Beauv.) Farron
Collector/Expedition: Harris, D.J. & Moutsambote, J.-M.
Collection number: 9687
Collection date: 22nd March 2010
Filing region: Tropical Africa
Country/Territory: Republic of Congo
Barcode: E00397430
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Family: Ochnaceae
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Campylospermum reticulatum (P.Beauv.) Farron
Collector/Expedition: Harris, D.J.
Collection number: 4618
Collection date: 15th February 1994
Filing region: Tropical Africa
Country/Territory: Central African Republic
Barcode: E00737049
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. 0, copyright reserved Specimen used for illustration by Rosemary Wise in Harris & Wortley (2008). Sangha Trees. C comply loxpermen op C oe 1A How's + Wortley 2U0P “Seng ha | reog Det. David J. Harris (E) 20 OF Flora of Central African Republic Ochnaceae Campylospermum reticulatum (P.Beauv.) Farron Det: Bissiengou, P 2014 ' Sangha-Mbaere: 25 km SE of Bayanga, Kongana research camp. 2°47'N, 16°25'E tnx Streamside tree 3 m high. Carpels black and calyx red in fruit. ROYAL ae an Collector: Harris, DJ 4618 ‘in | | | 15 February 1994 a 00737049 Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh (E) Se
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Family: Ochnaceae
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Campylospermum reticulatum (P.Beauv.) Farron
Collector/Expedition: Harris, D.J.
Collection number: 4703
Collection date: 19th February 1994
Filing region: Tropical Africa
Country/Territory: Central African Republic
Barcode: E00737062
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TERB. HORT. EDINB. a Ko Siete SSO So CJ) > — ca) no cD) —_ pent LS 22) Pa > | ok fo} oO} Flora of Central African Republic Ochnaceae Campylospermum reticulatum (P.Beauv.) Farron Det: Bissiengou, P_ 2014 Sangha-Mbaere: 25 km SE of Bayanga, Kongana research camp. 2°A47'N, 16°25'E Flowers yellow, beside stream. ai ama Collector: Harris, DJ 4703 | | 19 February 1994 E00737062 Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh (E) -
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Family: Ochnaceae
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Campylospermum reticulatum (P.Beauv.) Farron
Collector/Expedition: Harris, D.J.
Collection number: 5086
Collection date: 5th June 1994
Filing region: Tropical Africa
Country/Territory: Central African Republic
Barcode: E00737050
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00737050 Flora of Central African Republic Ochnaceae Campylospermum reticulatum (P.Beauy.) Farron Det: Bissiengou, P 2014 Sangha-Mbaere: Kongana research camp, 25 km SE of Bayanga. 2°47'N, 16°25'E Tree 2 m high, in stream. Collector: Harris, DJ 5086 5 June 1994 SSS Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh (E) ee copyright reserved
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ochnaceae
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Campylospermum reticulatum (P.Beauv.) Farron
Collector/Expedition: Harris, D.J.
Collection number: 5790
Collection date: 13th February 1998
Filing region: Tropical Africa
Country/Territory: Central African Republic
Barcode: E00737063
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xo} A) Po rT bo) 7 ® | =) | cd = | Da ee! > 2 ° ae Flora of Central African Republic Ochnaceae Campylospermum reticulatum (P.Beauv.) Farron €, Det: Bissiengou, P 2014 Sangha-Mbaere: Safari camp at the mouth of Babongo stream. 2°59'N, 16°13'E Shrub 0.5 m high beside road, possibly damaged. Sepals greenish yellow, rest of flower bright yellow. Seasonally flooded area. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH Collector: Harris, DJ 5790 | | | | 13 February 1998 sa OREN Be 2 EE E00737063 Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh (E) a ic i a ic ee i |
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Family: Ochnaceae
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Campylospermum reticulatum (P.Beauv.) Farron
Collector/Expedition: Fangounda, J.
Country/Territory: Central African Republic
Barcode: E00737069
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. Det.y% r. Bissjengou Zo ty Campytsspemin sp 2. are i 1A fleur + Uortte, LOOE - Snrgha [ree, Det. David J. Harris (B) 20€8 al copyright reserved Specimen used for illustration by Rosemary Wise in Harris & Wortley (2008). Sangha Trees. CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC OCHNACEAE Sangha Economique Kongana Camp, 22 km SE of Bayanga. O2°47"N 16°26" & Shrub. 13 April 1996 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH | | I Jean Fangounda 525 00737069 MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN HERBARIUM (MO)
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ochnaceae
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Campylospermum reticulatum (P.Beauv.) Farron
Collector/Expedition: Bates, G.L.
Collection number: 410
Collection date: October 1895
Filing region: Tropical Africa
Country/Territory: Cameroon
Barcode: E00702101
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Campylospermum reticulatum (P.Beauv.) Farron Det.:P. Bissiengou 03 .XIl .2014 Nationaal Herbarium Nederland - Herbarium Vadense (WAG) Df y - ; iu Ad. f ae oK Karten, G 1, Ba leg Gomphia ne ee ; £. Beacnv, Sivek, © hE, hs ia te Efile , ake coiibey . Dek 16-96. d Purchased 1896, ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN will \ E00702101 10 copyright reserved
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ochnaceae
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Campylospermum reticulatum (P.Beauv.) Farron
Collector/Expedition: Thomson, W.C.
Collection number: 95
Filing region: Tropical Africa
Country/Territory: Nigeria
Barcode: E00702103
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‘ Campylospermum reticulatum (P.Beauv.) Farron Det.:P. Bissiengou 03 .XIl .2014 Nationaal Herbarium Nederland - Herbarium Vadense (WAG) ee” Campylospermum reticuletum (P. Beauv.) Farron var. requiges a NN oer iic Al ccscleatsteetsndanpeanndeonendlly ROYAL BOTANIC GAR EDINBURGH 0 C. FARRON DETERM. ANNO 1924... 00702103 | fi teleha Git Fide or W. Dropical bs Hens, 1954 HBA 2 Datel Yr. Ad, ae tala x = — A. FD a ee 9 10 8 copyright reserved
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ochnaceae
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Campylospermum reticulatum (P.Beauv.) Farron
Collector/Expedition: Thomson, W.C.
Collection number: 95
Collection date: 1862
Filing region: Tropical Africa
Country/Territory: Nigeria
Barcode: E00702104
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Campylospermum reticulatum (P ‘Beauv.) Farron 03 .Xll 2014 se (WAG) \: Deva Bissiengou Nationaal Herbarium Nederland _ Herbarium Vaden: C, FARRON DETERM. ANNO 1974 RO YAL BOTANIC GARDEN IMM E00702104 a Vk Ake ~ Obl. Galata ‘, bo Nec 6 SE OYA v4 BOTANIC Wea DINBURGH A x) 8 copyright reserved q:°§ yA
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ochnaceae
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Campylospermum reticulatum (P.Beauv.) Farron
Collector/Expedition: Zenker, G.A.
Collection number: 4177
Collection date: 1911
Filing region: Tropical Africa
Country/Territory: Cameroon
Barcode: E00702105
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Campylospermum reticulatum (P.Beauv.) Farron 03 .XII .2014 Det.:P. Bissiengou - Herbarium Vadense (WAG) Nationaal Herbarium Nederland G. Zenker, Fior Flora vo von trun, a ay ene Bipinde, Urwaldgebiet. 197, ROYAL ee eune Seneen 10 copyright reserved Sa CS
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ochnaceae
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Campylospermum reticulatum (P.Beauv.) Farron
Collector/Expedition: Harris, D.J.
Collection number: 9467
Collection date: 27th June 2007
Filing region: Tropical Africa
Country/Territory: Republic of Congo
Barcode: E00424028
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Family: Ochnaceae
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Campylospermum reticulatum (P.Beauv.) Farron
Collector/Expedition: Harris, D.J.
Collection number: 7812
Collection date: 23rd May 2001
Filing region: Tropical Africa
Country/Territory: Central African Republic
Barcode: E00424029
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Family: Ochnaceae
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Campylospermum reticulatum (P.Beauv.) Farron
Collector/Expedition: Harris, D.J.
Collection number: 3619
Collection date: 27th October 1993
Filing region: Tropical Africa
Country/Territory: Central African Republic
Barcode: E00424030
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Family: Ochnaceae
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Campylospermum reticulatum (P.Beauv.) Farron
Collector/Expedition: Harris, D.J.
Collection number: 1180
Collection date: 23rd September 1988
Filing region: Tropical Africa
Country/Territory: Central African Republic
Barcode: E00424039
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Family: Ochnaceae
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Campylospermum reticulatum (P.Beauv.) Farron
Collector/Expedition: Harris, D.J.
Collection number: 126
Collection date: 13th January 1988
Filing region: Tropical Africa
Country/Territory: Central African Republic
Barcode: E00424040
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Family: Ochnaceae
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Campylospermum reticulatum (P.Beauv.) Farron
Filing region: Tropical Africa
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01123688
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Mee@Q@564 ae) Pr >< eo as Campylas permuy c iY re iC Nats VW. n\ Det. Ay \ Jo { A-Coob copyright reserved LAGOS UNIVERSITY HERBARIUM f L. Name : C)¢ ALE Bie L Gc , Ro rden vow. oc Loees ae \ . Locality & Habitat Kevtke NS Lisp @ ot Hg Cs wr~e Ws f we : i l Remarks : A Surchl T&R ¥P WwW 9 ft \tnoln < Y . NEP : ee Collector : AN DAR No. {( ah i ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN WM E01123688
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Family: Ochnaceae
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Campylospermum scheffleri (Engl. & Gilg) Farron
Collector/Expedition: Scheffler, G.
Collection number: 189
Collection date: 1899
Filing region: Tropical Africa
Country/Territory: Tanzania
Syntype of Ouratea scheffleri Engl. & Gilg
Barcode: E00702134
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SY YPE ay NT Y F Cc Rarer eaisinnis in ROYAL Noe ZOBRREN copyright reserved =a scheffleri (Engl. & Gilg) Farron Det.:P. Bissiengou 04 .XIl .2014 Nationaal Herbarium Nederland - Herbarium Vadense (WAG) L At Buca, 8 re LED goo Originale et spec. noy.
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ochnaceae
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Campylospermum scheffleri (Engl. & Gilg) Farron
Collector/Expedition: Warnecke, O.
Collection number: 245
Collection date: 1903
Filing region: Tropical Africa
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00702135
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH | | E00702135 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH copyright reserved Campylospermum scheffleri (Engl. & Gilg) Farron 04 .XIl .2014 et.:P. Bissiengou een lerland - Herbarium Vadense (WAG) Nationaal Herbarium Ned el 2 ey 2 | Cirdaved Ate gloge Xx er Pn tl) 77 a | Originale et spec. nov. _ Perew rec! ke Chelseea all AOL ARGC Sof Kita perese el J00A#L ‘ G SBeteeerh &- IPA Apel Campylopermum scheffleri (Engler ex Gilg) Farron Tomas ja Seheffier 199...
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Family: Ochnaceae
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Campylospermum schoenleinianum (Klotzsch) Farron
Collector/Expedition: Irvine, F.R.
Collection number: 2209
Collection date: February 1934
Filing region: Tropical Africa
Country/Territory: Ghana
Barcode: E00702138
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Campylospermum schoenleinianun (Klotzsch) Farron Det.:P. Bissiengou 03 .XIl .2014 Nationaal Herbarium Nederland - Herbarium Vadense (WAG) ACHIMOTA HERBARIUM Botanical Name Natural Order Veracular Name y Habitat E Collected by z Remarks Date lo Number - Farron C. FARRON DETERM. ANNO 1974... Campylospermum ¥ schoenleinianum (Klotzsch) ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00702138 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN ~ EDINBURGH a copyright reserved J a eu 2S Ss ws =
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Family: Ochnaceae
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Campylospermum serratum (Gaertn.) Bittrich & M.C.E.Amaral
Collector/Expedition: Wight, R.
Collection date: 1836
Filing region: India, Bangladesh & Pakistan
Country/Territory: India
Barcode: E00879421
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= ATIVE TT TNO TCHATTEATE copyright reserved Revised for Flora Malesiana ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH Gomphia serrata (Gaertn,) Kanis | UM A | E00879421 ae det. Ae KANIS 8 1967
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Family: Ochnaceae
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Campylospermum serratum (Gaertn.) Bittrich & M.C.E.Amaral
Collector/Expedition: Hohenacker, R.F.
Collection number: 89
Collection date: 1849
Filing region: India, Bangladesh & Pakistan
Country/Territory: India
Barcode: E00879422
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[I vi oa Uyustunsetinnatinliite Pl, Indiae or, (Terr. Canara.) Ed. R,.F. Hohenacker. 1849. s9. Gomphia angustifolia Vahl. Planchon. — Mig. Incolis: Punde-gida, In collibus prope urbem Mangalor. Floret tempore pluvio, Revised for Flora Malesiana za fs] 9 copyright reserved Gomphia serrata (Gaertn.) Kanis eel nee det. As KANIS 8 1967 meee Ee Pas men 5 Fi 0 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN i E00879422
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Family: Ochnaceae
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Campylospermum serratum (Gaertn.) Bittrich & M.C.E.Amaral
Collector/Expedition: Wight, R.
Collection date: December 1835
Filing region: India, Bangladesh & Pakistan
Country/Territory: India
Barcode: E00879423
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Revised for Flora Malesiana Harb. Wight. geepe Gomphia serrata (Gaertn.) Kanis 8 11967 Peninsula Ind. orientalis det. Ae KANIS ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN DINBURGH nu copyrig ht reserve
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Family: Ochnaceae
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Campylospermum squamosum (DC.) Farron
Collector/Expedition: Johnston, H.H.
Collection number: 92
Collection date: 21st February 1883
Filing region: Tropical Africa
Country/Territory: Sierra Leone
Barcode: E00702127
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* Campylospermum squamosum (DC.) Farron 03 .XIl .2014 Det.:P. Bissiengou Nationaal Herbarium Nederland - Herbarium Vadense (WAG) Campylospermum aquamnosum (pc. ) Farron ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN ey Remark, ere i FLsee e100 wyetty 2 ey errnse fa freer tX Sint. le fy eo Les CM 2 bef; Cre A “a2 ay & Ago + 2 / a Habitat,» Lene 6he aLeE Sz Lee £2 Lot DCL eds, a act, | ‘ , J? p a : z Station, GLC? , LAL Jie ie Deng Lee: b2 Lj eo a. 5 tbat onl ee lot Pe pier & | _s ni eee | Date, 2-74 af Ze os ZS See Collector, Henry Halcro pohmton Mif{ erence fo. ew Zo Y a D7 om ee, Ate; Ss Ne ur SC Ss gS = BOTANIC GARDEN ag EDINBURGH 9. :10 copyright reserved
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ochnaceae
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Campylospermum squamosum (DC.) Farron
Collector/Expedition: Johnston, H.H.
Collection date: 21st February 1883
Filing region: Tropical Africa
Country/Territory: Sierra Leone
Barcode: E00702128
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» ROYAL pone aes ii | | Campylospermum squanosum (DC..)..Farron....... C. FARRON DETERM. ANNO 19...74.. a bead IJOMINST Obd. Campylospermum squamosum (DC.) Farron 03 .XII .2014 Det.:P. Bissiengou : d - Herbarium Vadense (WAG) Nationaal Herbarium Nederlan Name, fe Kale, £2 te he, Cf xk oo BZ pee ee Habitat, ae a Ae Bee See Station, CLea2 (Sallis l- Fon Fates Ze - 4 bu : Ze Date,__Z re Xe Leuiry SIS: Collector, Henry Halcro Johnston Remark, Cae Mat, yf Ssh: _Llewtr ye blow, l 4 < ~ 13} O “4 10 copyright reserved MQQOSGA
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Family: Ochnaceae
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Campylospermum strictum (Tiegh.) Farron
Collector/Expedition: Harris, D.J.
Collection number: 4813
Collection date: 26th March 1994
Filing region: Tropical Africa
Country/Territory: Central African Republic
Barcode: E00424017
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Family: Ochnaceae
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Campylospermum sulcatum (Tiegh.) Farron
Collector/Expedition: Irvine, F.R.
Collection number: 493
Collection date: April 1927
Filing region: Tropical Africa
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00702100
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Campylospermum sulcatum (Tiegh.) Farron 02 .XIl .2004 Det.:P. Bissiengou Nationaal Herbarium Nederland - Herbarium Vadense (WAG) Campylospermum oliveranum (Gilg)Farron C. FARRON DETERM. ANNO 1974...... OurpATeA OLIVER LANA - GILG. Botanical Name Occ Hy ACERE Kighste:. . Tw: Natural Order Vernacular Name NN Cc Uses 3 KR. bua . Habitat [atrza Pe Collected by Aetiarbk Remarks ¢ agp Ohitr- I a At the dovcot ee : oe ie ALaw | (asrw? Date Pypwk (9 e) Number 4 G3 EDINBURGH iil 00702100 | | Determined by Imperial Forestry Institute, Oxford Date I2/ 2 1227. & geen | | ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN | 10 copyright reserved SI Ne u S S S =
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Family: Ochnaceae
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Campylospermum sulcatum (Tiegh.) Farron
Collector/Expedition: Kuroda, S.
Collection number: 43
Collection date: 19th April 1994
Filing region: Tropical Africa
Country/Territory: Central African Republic
Barcode: E00424025
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Family: Ochnaceae
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Campylospermum sulcatum (Tiegh.) Farron
Collector/Expedition: Harris, D.J.
Collection number: 9075
Collection date: 4th May 2007
Filing region: Tropical Africa
Country/Territory: Republic of Congo
Barcode: E00424032
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