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Family: Malpighiaceae
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Byrsonima spicata (Cav.) DC.
Collector/Expedition: Ratter, J.A.
Collection number: R6279
Collection date: 12th February 1988
Filing region: E. Tropical South America
Country/Territory: Brazil
Barcode: E00878939
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. FF EE OISSVIO BED REL B@ DP amit) col . ES COMET TNTUOTOTHATIOTT copyright reserved ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN i E00878939 FLORA OF BRAZIL Territory of Roraima No. R. 6279 d ‘ t Byrsonima ae (Gr) PC SEMA Ecological Reserve, Ilha de Maraca, Roraima. 3°22'N 61°25'w. Santa Rosa area, c. 4 km NE of Station buildings. At the top of the riverbank (never flooded) just upstream (across the igarapé) from the Casa de Santa Rosa. In broken riverine forest. Broad-crowned tree, 12m tall, 70cm dbh. Petals bright yellow. Vernacular name: Murici. Date. 22) 2 1988 Goll WAS Ratter, We Milliken 2 & Jose Ramos.
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Malpighiaceae
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Byrsonima spicata (Cav.) DC.
Collector/Expedition: Ratter, J.A.
Collection number: R6244
Collection date: 8th February 1988
Filing region: E. Tropical South America
Country/Territory: Brazil
Barcode: E00878940
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. (BS DISSW19 BED) HE] HBIe Nexrite col & se) ra ran tes o 7 4 a FS D a roel roy ro) 3) ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN | i E00878940 || FLORA OF BRAZIL j Territory of Roraima No.R 6244y ; Byrsonima asa (or) BE | SEMA Ecological Reserve, Ilha de Maraca, Roraima. On Trilha de Preguiga, 2-3 km N of the Casa de Maraca’ (3°21'N 61°31'w). a In low dense campina forest. Tree c.12m tall, 15cm dbh. Vernacular name: Murici da Mata. Vegetative ecological voucher. Date. 8 2 1988 Cou: JA. Ratter, W. Milliken, José Ramos & Cosme Damiao A. de Mota
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Family: Malpighiaceae
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Byrsonima spicata (Cav.) DC.
Collector/Expedition: Ratter, J.A.
Collection number: R6217
Collection date: 5th February 1988
Filing region: E. Tropical South America
Country/Territory: Brazil
Barcode: E00878941
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. OISSVIO BED RE) BSIe Pa aits) col xo} o Pa i ) 7) o h_ Pd = 5 a > 2. ° [S) ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN WM 1 E00878941 FLORA OF BRAZIL Territory of Roraima I No. R. 6217V Byrsonima spre Llu: ) LDC SEMA Ecological Reserve, Ilha de Maraca, Roraima. On Trilha de Preguica, 2-3 km N of the Casa de Maraca (3°21'N 61°31'W). Low,.dense, evergreen, terra firme LOreST. Tree, c.12m tall, 24cm dbh. Transect tree B6/4. Vernacular name: Murici da mata Vegetative ecological voucher, Date. 5 2 1988 cou: J+A. Ratter, W. Milliken , José Ramos & Cosme Damiao A. de Mota
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Family: Malpighiaceae
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Byrsonima spicata (Cav.) DC.
Filing region: E. Tropical South America
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00878942
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. L. [oISSV19 BED HEEL BBTe DP amit) col * ha INTEL copyright reserved 36 FLORA OF BRAZIL j Territory of Roraima i No. M. 336 Malpighiaceae y Byrsenima pinde. (WDC. : SEMA Ecological Reserve, Ilha de Maraca, Roraima. Secondary growth along track between the station and the river. 3°22'N 61°26'wW. Treelet, 5 m Galle 7 cm dbh, low-branching. Bark pale orange/ brown, smoothish, wood white. Underside of leaves paler. Inflorescence erect, Pedicels orange- brewa, Ceretla md Col RDEN ROYAL BOTANIC GA\ yx glands yellow ; Ankers EDINBURGH Date. /(, ‘ : i a, Cream , Faink scenk. NT Fe etties wie E00878942
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Family: Malpighiaceae
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Byrsonima spicata (Cav.) DC.
Filing region: E. Tropical South America
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00878943
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/DISSV19 BE REL BBL@ »<) xrite col copyright reserved ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN wi E00878943 ai ; i ‘ STUDIES IN NEOTROPICAL MALPIGHIACEAE Byesonimana sPlcaTA (Car) Ba William R. Anderson, University of Michigan Herbarium /7 £1 P oe DUTCH GUIANA PLANTS , No D£ ESSED, PRESENTED.
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Family: Malpighiaceae
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Byrsonima stannardii W.R.Anderson
Collection number: H50966
Collection date: 27th January 1992
Filing region: E. Tropical South America
Country/Territory: Brazil
Barcode: E00304831
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L OISSVTO BE HELI Ave | exrite col - NTTUTTU TOOT TTT ne] ) a i ® i) a = Li = ce fs > |i Q ° ce) Harley, R.M. 50966 Byrsonima stannardii W. R. Anderson W. R. Anderson March 1997 50966 Arvore até 5 m alt. Caules jovens com _pilosidade ferruginea: Folhas discolores, ferrugineas a acinzentadas na face inferior, verdes e brilhantes na face superior. Frutos jovens verde-claros passando a amarelos e a castanhos. PROJETO DOS CAMPOS RUPESTRES DO BRASIL Malpighiaceae . , Bytonime neces Stannard ii Wc. AndesSoyn Bahia. Mun. Abaira: Serra ao Sul do Riacho da Taquara. 13°15'N, 41°55'W. Alt.1800 - 1900 m. Beira da mata de galeria. H 50966 271992 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN D.J.N. Hind e R.F. Queiroz EDINBURGH | | | | | SPF, CEPEC, HUEFS, K - Patrocinio Royal Geographic Soc. £00304831 Please make sure the holotypes are deposited in Brazil
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Malpighiaceae
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Byrsonima stannardii W.R.Anderson
Collection number: 26292
Collection date: 26th November 1988
Filing region: E. Tropical South America
Country/Territory: Brazil
Barcode: E00046669
No label status given
HERB. HORT. EDINB. rvUTE : i ; . i HSSaH 194994910 DP ai) coh * ANITUNATVANTITONITU ATCO TVET TTA Harley 26292 Byrsonima stannardii W.R.Anderson, sp. nov. ined. DET: Anderson W.R. 1990 copyright reserved 26292 Arvore cerca de 7m de altura, com copa horizontal. Folhas discolores, creme-esverdeado na face abaxial. Flores com cAlice ocraceo, totalmente amarelas na antese, passando a laranja-avermelhado. As glandulas passando a vermelhas. a PROJETO DOS CAMPOS RUPESTRES DO BRASIL Byrsonima Bahia. Mun.: Rio de Contas. Pico das Almas.Vertente norte.Area de campos e mata,noroeste do Campo do Queiroz. 13° 31'S, 41° 58'W. Elev. 1550 m. Na orla do capao de mata. R.M.Harley 26292 26 novembro 1988 Con: B.Stannard, R.de Mello-Silva, D.J.N.Hind I.Cordeiro & L.Rossi i my gg | So, tera om. ove Geographic Soc, a
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Family: Malpighiaceae
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Byrsonima stipulina J.F.Macbr.
Filing region: E. Tropical South America
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00878951
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bs FEY AE] A D@ Ke x-rite col I TUTTE copyright reserved ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN i E00878951 fi ve HERBARIUM OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN a EY Byesonimaa ST/PuLaceg Ae. Juss. DETERMINED BY WR. Ondescon, 1977 2 ; O74
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Malpighiaceae
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Byrsonima stipulina J.F.Macbr.
Filing region: E. Tropical South America
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00878952
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i Moissy o PLEYEL Pyle Ne xrite col % bye FPUn~ Uta C4, pes ee F- 4 Pirnm ta JOKE a. a re - oo @ | ie ae ed = D oe a a. ° Oo ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN a E00878952 HERBARIUM OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Byesonima sTipucacea Aor. Juss DETERMINED BY {,), (2, Ancicon, 197?
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Family: Malpighiaceae
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Byrsonima stipulina J.F.Macbr.
Filing region: E. Tropical South America
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00878953
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Family: Malpighiaceae
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Byrsonima stipulina J.F.Macbr.
Filing region: E. Tropical South America
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00878954
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USTaH 194994910 <P alta) (ere) se) 7 > a (cam no § 4 Dol F =) E row fe) 3) ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN 0 E00878954 HERB Spindel: . MUS. PARIS HERBARIUM OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN , hoco, d Lob Byasonima stieucacen Ape. Juss. unosi( Rad pome) Vie “ au b Herbier de A. GLAZIOU vas poe IYO — donné par: Mme SIMARD, sa fille, en 1905 DETERMINED BY 4}. (2. Arduraen, (973 7 "1946
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Malpighiaceae
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Byrsonima subcordata Nied.
Collector/Expedition: Ratter, J.A., Bridgewater, S.G.M., Fonsêca Filho, J., de Lima, V.P. & Sanaiotti, T.
Collection number: R.6702
Collection date: 1st July 1993
Filing region: E. Tropical South America
Country/Territory: Brazil
Barcode: E00184935
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. a DISSVIO BED RELI Be Poel) col r xo} ) ol ® n - aed <= Da aie > i Qa fe) iS) FLORA OF BRAZIL State of Maranhao No. R. 6702 Byrsonima Vernacular name: Murici Morro de Baleia, c. 2km towards Carolina from Pedra Caida on the Estreito-Carolina road, 7° 03'S)47 27") Growing amongst rocks on the cliffside amongst cerrado vegetation. Small tree, 3m tall. Bark smooth, covered in yellow lichens. Petals pale pink. Stamens yellow. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN wi IN Byrsonima subcordata Nied. Date: 1 vid 1993 Com ra wan Ratter, S Bridgewater MTN Det. W.R. Anderson 2002 J. Fonséca, Valdir P. de Lima & i Tania Sanaiotti.
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Malpighiaceae
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Byrsonima subcordata Nied.
Collector/Expedition: Ratter, J.A., Fonsêca Filho, J., de Lima, V.P., Munhoz, C.B.R., De Oliveira, N.R. & da Silva, P.E.N.
Collection number: R.6853
Collection date: 15th July 1993
Filing region: E. Tropical South America
Country/Territory: Brazil
Barcode: E00184936
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. ss OISSV1O BED RELI BDTe Se xrite ee) tn xo} ® oi — ® 77) o — ad = DS af >i 2. ° oO FLORA OF BRAZIL State of Maranhao No. R. 6853 Byrsonima Fazenda Parnaiba, 150 km S of Balsas, 8°30'S 46°20'°W. In campo geral, i.e. a very dense cerrado about 2m tall. Slender shrub to 1.5m tall. Flowers the same pink as B. coccolobifolia. Date: 15 vii 1993 Colle: cae Ratter, S$. Bridgewater, aaerenae: E. Cardoso, V. de Lima, C. Munhoz, a iii Hyontna subcerdess Nica. N.R. de Oliveira, J.F. Ribeiro & 9 ‘WA PLEIN. da Silva, E00184936 Det. W.R. Anderson 2002
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Family: Malpighiaceae
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Byrsonima subterranea Brade & Markgraf
Filing region: E. Tropical South America
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00878955
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HISSaH) 19499Y9.1C ee Sats (ere) & INTTTUATOOUOTOOUATOOTED copyright reserved “A o™ Anglo/Brazilian Northern Mato Grosso Expedition 1967/69 FLORA OF MATO GROSSO No. R. $539 A hig Stl ee ee Fier trols Pal nhnal pe” EDINBURGH ; <7 | ee atd On ed. beats LVM es Wee a 7 Coll: F 00878955 TA Clb 9 Srp. Det. ' ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN
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Family: Malpighiaceae
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Byrsonima subterranea Brade & Markgraf
Filing region: E. Tropical South America
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00878956
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OISSVIO BED HELE BSTe Se xrite col a |e COCCOOTOUATTOTTTUATHTTIT See) s) if copyright reserved 6 p FLORA OF BRAZIL State of Goto No. R. 2¢65°4 be a Fgh + Mork pra ORLAtre Ragirn Sake ar. /adre. berrarclo LIS °30S GBPS W) aber [40 kun Sabkub. erro yellns (m growrd lager of bone TT le Cerrncls . 5 mi 3 yA EDINBURGH 2 9-/772 Date. 2/- : iii BT Ble 5 ok Voss. y R.A. 080 Cashes
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Family: Malpighiaceae
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Byrsonima subterranea Brade & Markgraf
Filing region: E. Tropical South America
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00878957
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN wii —£00878957 BRASIL - UNIV. DE BRASILIA Col.: HELDA LENZ CESAR N° SYEé Familia: Motpigliceon Espécie: Ryasmima tublerronea Prsede 3B Local: Fazenda Agua Limpa - DF; campo.sujo (47°56'WG/15°57'S); latossolo verme lho-amarelo,nao encharcado; declive suave;area de experimentacao sobre os e- feitos do fogo na vegetacdo herbacea-subarbustiva. ObSs= Data: (+/\o0 /49 HESay 19499Y91C Pais xo} cy > a ) 177) o a Ce = = — re a fe) oO ee)
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Family: Malpighiaceae
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Byrsonima subterranea Brade & Markgraf
Filing region: E. Tropical South America
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00878958
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN wii —£00878958 BRASIL - UNIV. DE BRASTLIA Col.: HELDA LENZ CESAR N° 5&6 Familia: Malprafriacense, Espécie: Bynemima subbennnen Reoke 2 Lf Local: Fazenda Agua Limpa - DF; campo sujo (472°56'WG/15°957'¢) - latossolo verme lho-amarelo,nao encharcado; declive Suave ;area de experimentacao sobre os e- feitos do fogo na vegetacao herbacea-subarbustiva. . Obs. Data: (+/19 /}# OISSVIO BED HE] BSIe Pale co] o Ps i ® 7) ® Ff the oho <= pe hen >i 2. ° Oo col
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Family: Malpighiaceae
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Byrsonima trinitensis A.Juss.
Filing region: Caribbean
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01124057
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a ss Cota é S Le Von Fl. Trinitatis. No. 54, | ‘ua ) /3 fe fee way re / 4 , a Capek fete Ltt FEV , Sere G £4 s bs 2 es INITENSIS, JUSS. Fide Necker, A ow She Sb beged beelpigh. 194 (925) ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN H iu £0112405 KX » \ y se] o “ o m7 ® i a 4 2 = ES a fo) 3)
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Family: Malpighiaceae
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Byrsonima triopterifolia A.Juss.
Collector/Expedition: Blanchet, J.S.
Collection number: 2568
Filing region: E. Tropical South America
Country/Territory: Brazil
Type of Byrsonima triopterifolia A.Juss.
Barcode: E00326556
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Herbarium sheetE00326557
ROYAL a . —— copyright reserved Pigsgin con bu flew ae ole 'on. J: 4 Jie Cw Pw. Sect jeert, po 256 8 FideN.2derns TES Malpesh | wa)’ IR an ne =aVO.7T ALCL 7 Fz | FOL f ya GA “tas WM Type Specimen a WW, Wopices - os
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Malpighiaceae
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Byrsonima triopterifolia A.Juss.
Collector/Expedition: Blanchet, J.S.
Collection number: 2568
Filing region: E. Tropical South America
Country/Territory: Brazil
Type of Byrsonima triopterifolia A.Juss.
Barcode: E00326557
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Herbarium sheetE00326556
Fide \ < COBEN a, (14 = ISb#P C4 Ma Gfagh = Se TA hc buen. 5 2 7 \ Herb. Walker Arnott. copyright reserved Byserina Avie pkaci fol e— . des Type Specimen WW - tee Cos.ocs ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00326557 |
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Malpighiaceae
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Byrsonima triopterifolia A.Juss.
Collection number: 26200
Collection date: 18th November 1988
Filing region: E. Tropical South America
Country/Territory: Brazil
Barcode: E00046076
No label status given
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN ng 0000 HERB. HORT. EDINB. Harley 26200 Byrsonima triopterifolia Adr.Juss. DET: Anderson W.R. 1990 26200 Arbusto cerca de 2m. Flores rosas a alvas. Estames creme. Estigmas creme-rosadas. Frutos imaturos verdes. PROJETO DOS CAMPOS RUPESTRES DO BRASIL Malpighiaceae Bahia. Mun.: Rio de Contas. Pico das Almas. Vertente leste. Na parte norte do vale abaixo do pico. 13° 32'S, 41° 58'W. Elev. 1575- 1600 m. Campo rupestre. Entre rochas a4 beira do riacho. R.M.Harley 26200 18 novembro 198g Com: B.Stannard & M.C.Assis Colab.:IBUSP, Univ. de S40 Paulo (SPF), CEPLAC Bahia & R.B.G.Kew (K)-Patrocinio do eae. L FOISSV1O BED Le) Ee exrite fee) r a copyright reserved
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Malpighiaceae
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Byrsonima umbellata Mart. ex A.Juss
Collector/Expedition: Munhoz, C.B.R. & Ribeiro, J.F.
Collection number: 184
Collection date: 31st July 1994
Filing region: E. Tropical South America
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00021732
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. ‘fs Bsa 19499Y9C Re x-rite col: i no} o 2 he o 7 re i Coal = D a > . 2 ° ° BRASIL GOIAS Sistema Herbario UB 3600-5 MALPIGHIACEAE Byrsonina umbelatta (Mart.) A, Juss. det.: C. Munhoz, //1994, Alto Paraiso de Goids. 2,5 Km de Alto Parafso em direcio a Teresina, Tio dos couros. 47° 30' 0" § 13° 46" 0" W. Ilha de Cerrado sobre pedra., Arvoreta 3,50 Q. Flor Branca. Muito frequente. Folhas ¢/ réseas; cdlice verde claro, pedicelos réseos, glandulas t onl pétalas de base amarela; estames amarelo, Ornamental QAM 2 Hate: 31/VIT/1994 bordas anbén
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Malpighiaceae
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Byrsonima umbellata Mart. ex A.Juss
Filing region: E. Tropical South America
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00878959
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN iii —£008789 E RIES) 19499Y91C 4 Daal) coli 5 ES RS INCCUATTTNNTTUATNIT copyright reserved FLORA OF BRAZIL Federal District No. R. 28/5" Barooninve. mblellat. Mad-. Fazenda Agua Limpa (University of Brasilia field station), near Vargem Bonita, c. 18 km. SSW of Brasilia TV tower. fe Shrek, Gor Kl Poke ie. /n a Tra 7 a Yi p wei des Lb." ol ol Kyu Date. 22-3- /9 76 ol Onca. Coll.: ay Vee - f.¢. cQ Puree.
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Malpighiaceae
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Byrsonima umbellata Mart. ex A.Juss
Filing region: E. Tropical South America
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00878960
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| foISSV19 BE BEL BDTe xP daies col g se) $ ae ® yn 4 = rd > a >i a fe) 3) FLORA OF BRAZIL Federal District No.R. 3826 Bayraanima mb bete Mat. Fazenda Agua Limpa (University of Brasilia field station), near Vargem Bonita, c. 18 km. SSW of Brasilia TV tower. Snel Slob, free, Yon Ae. [x Tre iA cf all, ~e 5 Ls oo J jot fs fi ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN A TS¢é ee ro Veer Pay n ¢ WM ome) a i Date. eH “1/0 = 19 76 008 con, JA Ratter, SG da Fonséca, J Fonsdce “ Filho, J F Riheiro &JC S Silva
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Malpighiaceae
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Byrsonima umbellata Mart. ex A.Juss
Filing region: E. Tropical South America
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00878961
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. | HESa 19499Y91C # Paice) col ‘ copyright reserved BRASIL DISTRITO FEDERAL Sistema Herbario UB 2987-4 NALPIGHIACEAE Byrsonina umbellata (Mart.) Adr. Juss. det.: P.C.M. Ramos, . Brasilia. Parque Nacional Brasilia. Cabeceira do Bananal 1.. CERRADO. 15° 53’ 0" § 47° 56’ 0" W. Alt.: 1020 1250 ao. Nargem da Nata. Ponto Arbusto 2,00 m. Flor Branca. Fruto Verde. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN leg.: P.C.M. Ramos; wi 0 m8 —£00878961
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Family: Malpighiaceae
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Byrsonima umbellata Mart. ex A.Juss
Filing region: E. Tropical South America
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00878962
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iin E00878962 EX HERB. HORT. BOT. REG. KEW. Anglo/Brazilian Northern Mato Grosso Expedition 1967/69 FLORA OF MATO GROSSO the se Camp of ¢ a Ok Ee Be Oe 54'Se — 51 52° Wy co270 km. Ne of the Xavantina — Sao Felix road). tube Reme 2 (OR eEs actin. f “Yee, Pan ALE | E Wiel Bil sm. gir eee have prom Cees wihetle ( iy cro no Crest LE OISSV1O BED HE] HMO <P aan) col a ATION ATOTOTTLAT So cy > — ) 177) oR pa oa = — — >i fo} fe) 1)
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Malpighiaceae
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Byrsonima umbellata Mart. ex A.Juss
Collection number: R.3566
Collection date: 8th September 1976
Filing region: E. Tropical South America
Country/Territory: Brazil
Barcode: E00878963
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ae BO Re onern iii FLORA OF BRAZIL Federal District No. R. § $66 @ Sten ho. Made. Fazenda Agua Limpa (University of Brasilia field station), near Vargem Bonita, c. 18 km. SSW of Brasilia TV tower. Finelh free, bom ie yee Obscom Be heat Plale olhe. nts Cia ree Orns wet oy te of oe or we a me Bt he rao sk J A Ratter, SG da’ Fonseca, J Foustea Filho, J F Ribeiro& JCS Silva Ec | DISSV19| ct) WEI ee Peale i xo ® = i cc) n 4 ad aang ce = a 2 ° [S) (ere)|
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Malpighiaceae
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Byrsonima umbellata Mart. ex A.Juss
Filing region: E. Tropical South America
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00878964
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. =o Ss OISSVIO BED RELI BSTC ie xrite col ‘ xo} ® ran — ® i) o — a ao = a a a ° Oo FLORA OF BRAZIL State of Goias Coll No: $225 5 Date: 30 v 1994 Byrsonima umbellata (Mart.) A. Juss. Description: Bushy tree 5m; trunk smooth, mottled grey/brown; branching close to the ground; sepals pink; petals white; stamens yellow. Locality: Chapada dos Veadeiros; streambank; Cachoeir: do Sao Bento. 8 km from Alto Paraiso (14°07'S, 47°31'W ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN near the road to the National Park EDINBURGH | | WAH | | | Coll: Samuel Bridgewater, Joaquim Fonséca Filho, José E00878964 Ferreira Paixao
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Family: Malpighiaceae
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Byrsonima umbellata Mart. ex A.Juss
Filing region: E. Tropical South America
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00878965
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Hii E00878965 HERB. HORT. EDINB. BRASIL GOIAS Sistema Herbario 0B 3600-5 MALPIGHIACEAE Byrsonina umbelatta (Mart.) A. Juss. det.: C. Munhoz, //1994, Alto Parafso de Goids. 2,5 Km de Alto Paraiso en direcao a Teresina, rio dos couros. 47° 30' 0" $ 13° 46' OW. Ilha de Cerrado sobre pedra,, Arvoreta 3,50 R. Flor Branca. Muito frequente. Folhas Ch réseas; cdlice verde claro, pedicelos réseos, glandulas t pétalas de base amarela; estanes amarelo. Ornamental, bordas anbén leg.: C. Munhoz; J.P, Ribeiro; no 184 31/VI1/1994 tal HSSae) 194994910 DP ait r copyright reserved (ere)
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Malpighiaceae
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Byrsonima umbellata Mart. ex A.Juss
Filing region: E. Tropical South America
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00878966
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN W000 E00878966 eh EX HERB. HORT. BOT. REG. KEW. Anglo/Brazilian Northern Mato Grosso Expedition 1967/69 FLORA OF MATO GROSSO | No. R. 2149 2 km E. of the Base Camp of th Expeditions (Base Camp 12° 54'S. ~ 51° 52" W, ce 270 la Ne of Xavantina). " Shrodk, 1S an fel. blown Coe < hee. a 6 a eee Date: 116761968 Coll.: JeARatter, RA. de Castro & Andrelinho. Det.; EL foISSV19 BED RE Ae 4 . Panes r col ‘ IT copyright reserved
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IIIF Manifest
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