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Family: Malpighiaceae
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Acridocarpus natalitius A.Juss.
Collector/Expedition: Balkwill, K., Edwards, T.J., Manning, J.C., Getliffe Norris, F.M. & Norris, R.E.
Collection number: 1693
Collection date: 19th May 1984
Filing region: Southern Africa
Country/Territory: South Africa
Barcode: E00075335
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Family: Malpighiaceae
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Acridocarpus natalitius A.Juss.
Collector/Expedition: Steele, J.
Collection date: 3rd October 1978
Filing region: Southern Africa
Country/Territory: South Africa
Barcode: E00075334
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Acridocarpus natalitius Adr. Juss. 4 D HARVARD UNIVERSITY HERBARIA 1 Name } DUPLICATE EX UNIVERSITY OF NATAL HERBARIUM = ene: ADRS Rag-oan Aen. LON Mibiuls.. LA LUSS..... ere . iS gL 0c ki a dam, erat satin copyright reserved
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Malpighiaceae
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Acridocarpus natalitius A.Juss.
Collector/Expedition: Ward, C.J.
Collection number: 1927
Collection date: 8th December 1953
Filing region: Southern Africa
Country/Territory: South Africa
Barcode: E00075333
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rainy MAL PIG HI RC EAE SO = NAME.. HERB. HORT. EDINB. Cs ; * 3 Weve S2.3.....3 "NATAL. PARKS BOARD, HERBARIUM Ss) ws A ie ee Alte purl. Ger hee LKKEADOA GIL ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Acridocarpus natalitius Adr. Juss. Ig E00075333 ii 00753 Hl C. Cav. Davis Dec. 2002 HARVARD UNIVERSITY HERBARIA pie Goths, ae UA oe 62] 53 ns 600 fe ar 9 YET penta Si theta ah ta ga tS St a By 'e ay se nia os oy : s i a a =| o Ps +“ o o 2 ad iS Roy = ~ roy ° rz)
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Malpighiaceae
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Acridocarpus natalitius A.Juss.
Collector/Expedition: Balkwill, K., Getliffe Norris, F.M., Manning, J.C. & Hutchings, A.
Collection number: 1757
Collection date: 21st August 1984
Filing region: Southern Africa
Country/Territory: South Africa
Barcode: E00075332
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or-y,WE-l-t-¥ MLE] oJ BY,Ve (oye) t 2 i neat | | < © 5 =< o 5===n me =" ig ez on : Soa=e z S : 8 =" ws : =—— t- z — ' be t ‘ ' r FLO VIEW aa ALISUAAINN GUVAUVH C007 ‘99q SIABG 48D Ssnf “IPY snyyojnu sndavsopiiopy
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Malpighiaceae
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Acridocarpus natalitius A.Juss.
Collector/Expedition: Balkwill, K. & Cadman, M.-J.
Collection number: 2174
Collection date: 20th November 1984
Filing region: Southern Africa
Country/Territory: South Africa
Barcode: E00075331
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN a 33 Acridocarpus natalitius Adr. Juss. C. Cav. Davis Dec. 2002 HARVARD UNIVERSITY HERBARIA HERB. HORT. EDINB. copyright reserved
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Family: Malpighiaceae
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Acridocarpus natalitius A.Juss.
Collector/Expedition: Martin, A.J.
Collection date: April 1966
Filing region: Southern Africa
Country/Territory: South Africa
Barcode: E00075330
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MQQQALCEGA ROYAL copyright reserved | FLORA OF NATAL cnaenes apotepestecgeencconmemrenanertes ©* UNIVERSITY OF NATAL, HERBARIUM No..... FAMILY.......hbehepah Sus onc Att. Umgers (ver. ee... Locauity..9..Aficat..Nakeal : ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Acridocarpus natalitius Adr. Juss. (mgeni Rise vo. (O ane, ot Baynes Dri le, wn 0007 Ha C. Cav. Davis Dec. 2002 COLL. No... S.M. DATE i pril . (2b6 ALT. HARVARD UNIVERSITY HERBARIA este A a M1 mats - in a T.'k M. 1289-6-66
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Malpighiaceae
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Acridocarpus natalitius A.Juss.
Collector/Expedition: Wood, J.M.
Collection number: 217
Collection date: August 1888
Filing region: Southern Africa
Country/Territory: South Africa
Barcode: E00075329
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VIIDGIOW ox- YW I-S-1-9 BLE] o) BY Ve (eye) OL. 6 8 Z 9 G a VINVENAH ALISUHAINN GUVAUVH 700 “9° STAR “ABD “D x Lert wi Bee Wee ‘ssn Ipy snyypiou sndavzopiu9p Z2/ ae a it C2t¢ oc Atfh~<e? : : SOUTH AFRICAN PLANTS. F. SCOTT ELLIOT, E INTED BY G UA? Det. T. A. Sprague LIA’ cot Mert. Peer. tr le ope rie a eT, we = lu a « Sx ee Z23 a3 95 Ou = > 6 a —_—— =n S=4) =—ai) =r =o =>=oe >So Su ae
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Family: Malpighiaceae
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Acridocarpus natalitius A.Juss.
Collector/Expedition: Pooley, E.S.
Collection number: 238
Collection date: 10th December 1968
Filing region: Southern Africa
Country/Territory: South Africa
Barcode: E00075328
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN | o7' INBUR ogi i Acridocarpus natalitius Adr. Juss. C. Cav. Davis Dec. 2002 HARVARD UNIVERSITY HERBARIA 3 NW. LTD. 24472 UNIVERSITY OF NATAL HERBARIUM f} Name V 04 Locality Hk eacar pascnt IE Siboy.- N, Zontamd cL Coll. Gs Pool: d Coll’s. No. 238 Date tO Vet bf pear ia : Notes Shruk pee’: ow oftw hither fhe BA gut ¥ Agnus MH wma? Desk gran Ahn Satins FF Lad Fis o mudl byonchnd - Gu & ALOAMG) thapil bid, xo} o Pa +“ ® n ® See Pa po oD gad > co fo) é) MQQQLGA
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Malpighiaceae
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Acridocarpus natalitius A.Juss.
Collector/Expedition: Rudatis, H.
Collection number: 352
Collection date: 6th April 1908
Filing region: Southern Africa
Country/Territory: South Africa
Barcode: E00075327
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o Dec. 2002 HARVARD UNIVERSITY HERBARIA ay Acridocarpus natalitius Adr. Juss. C. Cav. Davis RIDOCARPUS NATALITIUS Juss. Ff Fide AR. ACUMINATUS MIEDEN2Y. | Ne. - cee sa 4°) “ee GED Flora Africae australis. Ce ee iy aP ee Fear Carrs, MeFi Ge. Natal-Colony — District Alexandra Station Dumisa — Z@#&_,.Meter Seehdhe. hletan oa wer, Fundort. “ere a | Be. Be... IGF leg. H. Rudatis. copyright reserved
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Malpighiaceae
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Acridocarpus natalitius A.Juss.
Collector/Expedition: Rudatis, H.
Collection number: 1257
Collection date: 3rd December 1910
Filing region: Southern Africa
Country/Territory: South Africa
Barcode: E00075326
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Aeripoc AARPOS WaATALITIUS JUSS. wide: VAR ACUMmINATOS NiEDEYZL. ‘Nietelonge in (bom wn. Uoahfuig ) 7 bk ta? Flora Africae australis. Natal-Colony — District Alexandra i Station Dumisa — PIG -Meter Seehohe. i 7é LA. anges a : 7 LEE LELVDVURALA + ao . AZ wt & wae. jeg, H. Rudatis. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Acridocarpus natalitius Adr. Juss. coe oe Baw = EDINBURGH IMMUN. bai Dex 202 E00075326 HARVARD UNIVERSITY HERBARIA | MeEeRECEA ad ae er or non) copyright reserved
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Family: Malpighiaceae
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Acridocarpus obovatus (G.Don)C.Cav.Davis comb. nov.
Collector/Expedition: Dalziel, J.M.
Collection number: 8085
Collection date: 25th January 1927
Filing region: Tropical Africa
Country/Territory: Sierra Leone
Barcode: E00075354
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EO & DI o NBURGH 0753 54 Ul Acridocarpus obovatus (G. Don) C. Cay. Davis comb. nov. C. Cav. Davis Dec. 2002 HARVARD UNIVERSITY HERBARIA dl 8085 ALLISON V. ARMOUR EXPEDITION 1925-1996 Meee@564 se] ® . od 177) £ Soa 4 oD - roy ° )
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Family: Malpighiaceae
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Acridocarpus orientalis A.Juss.
Collector/Expedition: McLeish, I.M.
Collection number: 661
Collection date: 6th June 1986
Filing region: Arabian Peninsula
Country/Territory: Oman
Barcode: E00450450
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. peAseses JUHIUAGOS FLORA OF THE SULTANATE OF OMAN — Acridocarpus orientalis A. Nuss , N-Oman: Wack from Al Aroolsi heading to Sebel Akhdar ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN ONAN i | Alt. c. 6 vi 1986 | 661 E00450450 I M McLeish No
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Malpighiaceae
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Acridocarpus orientalis A.Juss.
Collector/Expedition: Gallagher, M.D.
Collection number: 6733/1
Collection date: 23rd April 1983
Filing region: Arabian Peninsula
Country/Territory: Oman
Barcode: E00450451
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PpeAsose UB! Adoo | ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00450451 | FLORA of OMAN Nam: Scridocarpus orientalis A. JuSS* Arabic - Loc: Usads Bani Kyaus | Sakaryrt Coords ; 22°30 wv, 89°06’, Alt. 550 m, Descrip : Trea. om tele, f wad; Habitat : Date : 23 Aps 1983Coll é No. 6733/,
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Family: Malpighiaceae
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Acridocarpus orientalis A.Juss.
Collector/Expedition: Maconochie, J.R.
Collection number: 3091
Collection date: 10th January 1982
Filing region: Arabian Peninsula
Country/Territory: Oman
Barcode: E00450452
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copyright res HERBARIUM OF THE SULTANATE OF OMAN Flora of Oman Distr. bat. Long. ALL. Coll. J.R. MACONOCHIE 3091 Date 10/1/1982 Reridocavpns ormonteelus A oe! Family Sapindaceae pyyipiy (e1Acan= i 20Km Nth Nizwa ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN decal ity EDINBURGH notes Small shrub to 2m high, with winged fruit, Kl Growing along sandy drainage channel of 00450452 wadi. as
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Family: Malpighiaceae
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Acridocarpus orientalis A.Juss.
Collector/Expedition: Whitcombe, R.P.
Collection number: 975
Collection date: 14th July 1985
Filing region: Arabian Peninsula
Country/Territory: Oman
Barcode: E00450453
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. FLORA OF OMAN Name: Acridocarpus cf orientalis [{\ J)... Arabic : Family: MALPIGHIACEAE Locality; Wadi Nhart, just E. of Al Hauta {between Rakhyut and Ras Sajr) Co-ords: 16 46' N.53 31° E Alt: c. 30 m, PeAseses JUBUAdOS Habitat: Bushland to side of running wadi. Description & Uses: | Large bush with well-matured (old) fruit. ?Larger wings to fr. and more acute leaves than orientalis ? Ht. > c.2m on gate: 14.vii.85 Collector & No: | R.P. Whitcombe 975 E00450453 —E
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Family: Malpighiaceae
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Acridocarpus orientalis A.Juss.
Collector/Expedition: Miller, A.G. & Nyberg, J.A.
Collection number: M. 9544
Collection date: 28th September 1989
Filing region: Arabian Peninsula
Country/Territory: Oman
Barcode: E00450454
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. FLORA OF THE SULTANATE OF OMAN Acridocarpus orentalis A. Juss. Northern Oman: Isolated limestone hill near Wadi Musfa, c. 17kmS of Muscat. Open vegetation with occasional Acacia tortilis and Caralluma flava (only locality in N. Oman). Small tree to 3m; flowers bright yellow. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN No. M.9544 Alt. 500m 28 ix 1989 EDINBURGH | | | AG Miller & J A Nyberg E00450454 WMICATE. ee Fly ua —— OO
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Family: Malpighiaceae
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Acridocarpus orientalis A.Juss.
Collector/Expedition: Whitcombe, R.P.
Collection number: 2222
Collection date: 22nd July 1978
Filing region: Arabian Peninsula
Country/Territory: Oman
Barcode: E00450455
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° ° Ko) a =. ice] > Ca = i) n oO = < 17) 2. FLORA OF THE SULTANATE CF CYAN ee eee Heridocarpus orientalcs o. 2 q Oa ose * WAS Se Middle of Ghubrah Bowl. Shrub 1-3m. Dark seed pods. Flower yellow. Bordering small channel of broad wadi. Rocky terrain with sand and stones. OYAL BOTANIC GARDEN 7 EDINBURGH | E00450455 f Alt. 740m Date 22.7278 | =~ Coll. R.Whitcombe NO. 222 |
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Family: Malpighiaceae
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Acridocarpus orientalis A.Juss.
Collector/Expedition: Rubens, T.G.
Collection number: 3
Collection date: 26th February 1975
Filing region: Arabian Peninsula
Country/Territory: Oman
Barcode: E00450458
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9 copyright reserved ‘ FLORA OF MUSCAT & OMAN Acrvde Garpus erceublis Juss a wscat: Rausher, 00 kun Sw Muscat Ahere poet - Y- 100m, Rocks LTCUoN ACL Sparse, Muight 3m, Friennial bush ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH vO | Coll. T.G. Rubens oe 315
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Family: Malpighiaceae
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Acridocarpus orientalis A.Juss.
Collector/Expedition: Ash, R.E.
Collection number: 68
Collection date: 5th September 1984
Filing region: Arabian Peninsula
Country/Territory: Oman
Barcode: E00450457
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10 ved FLORA OF OMAN name: Acridocarpus oraentalia Atns. Arabic: Family: Locality: between Al Gayla & Al Beer on the main Muscat Nizwa Road. Co-ords : N. E. Alt: m. Hebilat: at the foot of a rocky prominence, along the line of a broken falaj. ye Description & Uses: Bush 2-24m. Broad leathery leaf, flower yellow 15mm across five petals, with toothed edges, top two petals curved ?to keep flower in shade bottom three wide open. Very common in this area. Date:5 9.84 Collector & No; RveeAShi. 68 Photo & specimen ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH 00450457 |
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Family: Malpighiaceae
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Acridocarpus orientalis A.Juss.
Collector/Expedition: Miller, A.G.
Collection number: 6587
Collection date: 15th October 1984
Filing region: Arabian Peninsula
Country/Territory: Oman
Barcode: E00450456
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2) oO xo) < = © > ee nd 0) on © = < @o os ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00450456 HERB. HORT. EDINB. ‘ — tel FLORA OF THE SULTANATE OF OMAN Acridocarpus orientalis A.Juss. Izki to Muscat Rd; wadi bed with Acridocarpus, Tephrosia, Acacia tortilis and Ficus salicifolia. Shrub or small tree to 3 om, leaves leathery. Alt.c. 150m 15 October 1984 A. G. MILLER No, 6591 Duc: kK, MCT, UPS -
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Malpighiaceae
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Acridocarpus orientalis A.Juss.
Collector/Expedition: Whitcombe, R.P.
Collection number: 291
Collection date: 6th September 1978
Filing region: Arabian Peninsula
Country/Territory: Oman
Barcode: E00443246
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ot YB TT T— 8 Be 18 Det. A. G. Miller i7]0/79. FLORA OF THE SULTANATE OF OMAN By track leading to Wadi Bank Khalid, near Sabt. Perennial shrub 1 - 3m. Rocky mountainside, steep. Plants especially in cracks, channels down side of mountain. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH | | Alt. 600 m. Date 69 78, E00443246 COlis. Re Whitcombe No. 291
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Family: Malpighiaceae
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Acridocarpus orientalis A.Juss.
Collector/Expedition: Edmondson, J.R.
Collection number: E. 3181
Collection date: 28th February 1980
Filing region: Arabian Peninsula
Country/Territory: Oman
Barcode: E00443247
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PS8A19Se4 JYHUAdOS ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00443247 1 ALOR OF ARABTA Acridtrarmy, onetalk, A. Juss. OMAN. W. Hajar mts: Jabal Akhdar (S. side) above Misfah, 10 km N, of Al Hamrah. Limestone crevices, cliff ledges, Tree wrth winged Fru . UIM ref: EA 3358 Alt: 1000 m 28.2.19809 J.R. EDMONDSON E, ° ix
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Malpighiaceae
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Acridocarpus orientalis A.Juss.
Collector/Expedition: Maconochie, J.R.
Collection number: 3342
Collection date: 6th April 1982
Filing region: Arabian Peninsula
Country/Territory: Oman
Barcode: E00443248
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. HERBARIUM OF THE SULTANATE OF OMAN Flora of Oman Distr. Lat. Long. ATE. Coll. J.R. MACONOCHIE 3342 Date 6/4/1982 Acridocarpus orientalis f\ Tugs. Family Malpighiaceae Locality 10km Sth Ibra, Oman NOTES Bush shrub to 2m high with yellow flowers. Growing in sandy wadi. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH | E00443248
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Malpighiaceae
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Acridocarpus orientalis A.Juss.
Collector/Expedition: Edmondson, J.R.
Collection number: E 3250
Collection date: 3rd March 1980
Filing region: Arabian Peninsula
Country/Territory: Oman
Barcode: E00443249
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00443249 FLORA OF ARABTA Acndstary us eran tale tr ull S. OMAN. W. Hajar mts: watershed between Wadi Shafan and Wadi Sarami Edge of cultivated terrace. a anaes arti. UIM réf:)- DB 6034 A1lt.: 800 m 3.3.1980 J.R. EDMONDSON Boe te Se . oO
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Family: Malpighiaceae
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Acridocarpus orientalis A.Juss.
Collector/Expedition: Whitcombe, R.P.
Collection number: 161
Collection date: 25th March 1978
Filing region: Arabian Peninsula
Country/Territory: Oman
Barcode: E00443250
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00443250 FLORA OF THE SULTANATE OF OMAN Oa Ulocaw , Be rrdocov pus ovaemt ali, Suss Wadi Bani Ghafir near Mahbab (W. of Rustaq) : Perennial, 4m. Going to seed, no flowers. In Wadi among Acacia spp pp. Alt. 700m Date25.3.73 Coll. R. Whitcombe No. 161
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Malpighiaceae
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Acridocarpus orientalis A.Juss.
Collector/Expedition: Rubens, T.G.
Collection number: 37
Collection date: 7th March 1975
Filing region: Arabian Peninsula
Country/Territory: Oman
Barcode: E00443251
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fok=y,Wtek-r-) BLO o) BAX [exe] ROYAL aNehee SAnveEN | FLORA OF MUSCAT & oman ?Aeerdocarpus Crenlaks fuss . way Wa ale Oia) Gary Shevibs rallgnr Cinmnmon thipugs fi ode Yo mar Coll. T.G. Rubens 1975
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Family: Malpighiaceae
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Acridocarpus orientalis A.Juss.
Collector/Expedition: Miller, A.G.
Collection number: 2692
Collection date: 12th October 1979
Filing region: Arabian Peninsula
Country/Territory: Oman
Barcode: E00443252
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00443252 FLORA OF THE SULTANATE OF OMAN Acridocarpus Dhofar: Wadi Ghayz. Upper tributary of Wadi Adownib, 28 km W of Salalah. Wadi sides with Acridocarpus and Ficus spp. Tree to 6 m, fls yellow. Alt. c. 150 m 12 Oct A. G. MILLER cree ec? No. 2692 copyright reserved
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Family: Malpighiaceae
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Acridocarpus orientalis A.Juss.
Collector/Expedition: McLeish, I.M.
Collection number: 1524
Collection date: 7th February 1993
Filing region: Arabian Peninsula
Country/Territory: Oman
Barcode: E00134083
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN ni qu HERB. HORT. EDINB. Flora of the Sultanate of Oman Acridocarpus orientalis A.Juss. Dhofar: 3.5km on road out of Rakhyut (Western Road) 16°44'N 053°24'E Alt. 250-500m I. McLeish No. 1524 07 FEB 199 3
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Family: Malpighiaceae
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Acridocarpus orientalis A.Juss.
Collector/Expedition: McLeish, I.M.
Collection number: 1525
Collection date: 7th February 1993
Filing region: Arabian Peninsula
Country/Territory: Oman
Barcode: E00134082
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. \ A Flora of the Sultanate of Oman | a Acridocarpus orientalis A.Juss. Dhofar: Wadi Mughsayl | wg i win oe
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Family: Malpighiaceae
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Acridocarpus orientalis A.Juss.
Collector/Expedition: Gardner, S.G. & Mackinder, B.
Collection number: 9085
Collection date: 23rd February 2015
Filing region: Arabian Peninsula
Country/Territory: Oman
Barcode: E01079985
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN WTO E01079985 FLORA OF OMAN ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH (E) Family: Malpighiaceae Acridocarpus orientalis A.Juss. Locality: Al Batinah, Wadi Bani Awf. 653 M. 23° 14° 26" N 57° 26’ 13" E Habitat: Steep sided gorge draining into main wadi Description: Shrub to 3.5m. Few branches with tight buds. Flowers not seen. Collectors: S. G. Knees, B. A. Mackinder, G. Al Issai, A. Al Hinai A. & D. Lupton. No. 9085 Date: 234 Feburary 2015 xo} o Pa Sen cH) n oO tes r= = Do | > Qa ° 1)
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