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Family: Amaryllidaceae
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Boophone disticha (L.f.) Herb.
Collector/Expedition: Lovett, J.C. & Kayombo, C.J.
Collection number: 4913
Collection date: 13th November 1990
Filing region: Tropical Africa
Country/Territory: Tanzania
Barcode: E00289423
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00289423 HERB. HORT. EDINB. TANZANTA AMF Boophone det. R. Gereau (MO), 1999 Mbeya: Mbeya District Mi valley. Burnt wooded grassland ‘ with Bauhinia, Acacia, Dichrostachys, Commiphora, Cf -odendrum, Terminalia 08°51'S 33°15 'f 1300 m Anthers cream low, filaments red, sepals November 19909 ‘= e + + 2 es Tt ia , J.C. Lovett & C.J. Kayombo 4913 S0URT BOTANICAL GARDEN HE RBARTUM (MO) ROYAL copyright reserved N N m 2 2 © =
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Family: Amaryllidaceae
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Boophone disticha (L.f.) Herb.
Filing region: Tropical Africa
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01349411
No label status given
H. Baum, Reise nach Siidwest-Afrika. Kunene-Sambesi- Expedition. | M262 Bupa hanae AhishuAha Herd, be Hibange abort. Marsaca fiona, Kal GP ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E£01349411 Me@e0322 3 o PS i ® 0 ® ho Saad = Be he ES a ° a)
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Family: Amaryllidaceae
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Boophone disticha (L.f.) Herb.
Filing region: Tropical Africa
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01349412
No label status given
N N ® 2 ® = copyright reserved H. Baum, Reise nach Siidwest-Afrika. Kunene-Sambesi- Expedition. ie : ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN WM Hint teat a. re “ern “ae ee We a. 27: 72
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Family: Amaryllidaceae
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Boophone disticha (L.f.) Herb.
Filing region: Tropical Africa
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01349413
No label status given
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN 1 X16 28%, “Yf, EDINBURGH E01349413 HERBARIUM, ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN, EDINBURGH. 4 P Mufr Lie Lope @ he y Shh, yb A \. Aiea Martyr, hire Biyhlinde Prin 4 Ltt Pentel Afre CA. fhe Me th a i ow MW \ \\ vs SS) 4 f } q \) ii , YY) \ 7 th Y, HERBARIUM, ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN, EDINBURGH. 4 Y A a Cae flower of Feykt ned ; Psat 4Y ey, tly bobby bendp Sisghey long Elgin. Dima: Roy 2 nant «4 fly Pextiae whack pronttiale heslf Tauri ante Zs pe . he floww as Jipqnattid wis es Pittamele for She han. Cary thi tn hed tag brid. Ke the eee the Ceswet fvsks fort. SA flict thy tase Garg Drums for thas Carface ple frown’ A cs Av Afirrasnel of k Mian, Page nha Red push Alaers < he Laie) aneng Gelhimaae hy: CALE _ Nang. Chet ic. MQ00322 xo} ® < 7 7) co) is acl = > bey > a fe) to)
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Family: Amaryllidaceae
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Boophone disticha (L.f.) Herb.
Filing region: Southern Africa
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01349414
No label status given
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E01349414 @ N.W- LTD. 24472 UNIVERSITY OF NATAL HERBARIUM Name Locality Coll. WA Coll’s. No. | Date Notes xo] ca) c ® no ® = a = sh _ P) Qa fo) oO MQQ0322
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Amaryllidaceae
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Boophone disticha (L.f.) Herb.
Filing region: Southern Africa
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01349415
No label status given
HERB. HORT. EDINB. MQ00322 8 xo} ci Pa .— be) 77) 4 a = oy = 1 Qa fo] °o C.B, MOSS HERBARIUM (J) FLORA OF NATAL Boophane disticha (L.f.) Herb. South Africa | ,» Natal Umzinto District, Vernon Crookes Nature Reserve, Grassland on the plateau. ALT.: 000450 » HABITAT: Rocky grassland (recently burnt) On Cave sandstone, NOTBS; Scales of bulb brown. Tepals pink-red, Filaments pink; anthers cream, COLL.: K. Balkwill & M-J, Cadman NO.: 3098 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDE COLLECTED ON 31/08/1985 DET.: K. ibe PILING: Family: 341 AML GBNSPBC,: 1168.000-00190 | J number: 063799 = Genus / Species: 1168 hi £013494415 aie Collection(s}: Vernon Crookes Nature Reserve | Dup s: 5, Locality: 3030B¢0409
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Amaryllidaceae
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Boophone disticha (L.f.) Herb.
Filing region: Southern Africa
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01349416
No label status given
: Flora Africae australis. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH VO 1349416 +, \ MQQQ322 f ra ® n i aed & ion 5 Qa fe) oO
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Amaryllidaceae
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Boophone disticha (L.f.) Herb.
Filing region: Southern Africa
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01349417
No label status given
CCEOOOW a rex-Y,V iTS IBLELs)BT,Ve (ote) y Ol 6 tS] ys 9 G v ie A L bs ta) tetsiNt ters Naduvo es % E Py INn Anes | er een SR (anaes SO ene RE ee ||| ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E01349417 dei Ker b / W ELCEA oe .., if fk CCF Cn~ .
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Amaryllidaceae
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Boophone disticha (L.f.) Herb.
Filing region: Southern Africa
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01349418
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN OF HERBARIUM e LIINSTON: GOL. H. H- jo OFF buphane hg Coda tet Ww Bot. furs. xt. F, 25 75-. Ha. ¢ + ae: IT feat Oh 2. / ot: Lod g 7 “ c f ee er (Gx Dap cs 598 oO 72S- _ Gti Su * flew . [pr hye, Jlrrr [eo DIM LEELI ON tO th. foals se) ® c o 7 o Rew pa = - k= > a ° i) MQQ0322
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Amaryllidaceae
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Boophone disticha (L.f.) Herb.
Filing region: Southern Africa
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01349419
No label status given
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Family: Amaryllidaceae
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Boophone disticha (L.f.) Herb.
Filing region: Southern Africa
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01349420
No label status given
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E01349420 1 1 | | 1 1 | | 1 | 1 1 | | | 1 1 | | 1 | 1 1 | | | 1 1 1 | 1 1 | ' J } ) 1 1 N N om 2g ® ® = copyright reserved DUPLICATE EX UNIVERSITY OF NATAL HERBARIUM Name Notes Altitude... Collector Collector's No.
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Amaryllidaceae
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Boophone disticha (L.f.) Herb.
Filing region: Southern Africa
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01349421
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ey 7 ay) dane, HA fe Geel LO 2 7E 7. inet le) e)s GA ee (900. 4H ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH wt ee feta hae Ll fe flaw tn 7 N N om 2 © ® = ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH copyright reserved
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Family: Amaryllidaceae
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Boophone disticha (L.f.) Herb.
Filing region: Southern Africa
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01349422
No label status given
HERBARIUM OP COL. H. H. JOHNSTON, L209 B if hins thrhihe Mock. je fork. nae. gb. €, Leas. Har. Cay. rt, fo.242- (ppt | Ne Wood) Ones lide? Diner Ao £5.5- : ae Je. c2 aoe AnaG ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN bs ae INBU ln plead /Eivu, ficle?, EDIN GH i eee M@Q0322 se) ro 2 ® "7 e joe Fs =) =. > roy 3) 3)
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Family: Amaryllidaceae
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Brunsvigia Heist.
Filing region: Southern Africa
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01353439
No label status given
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Family: Amaryllidaceae
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Brunsvigia Heist.
Filing region: Southern Africa
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01353438
No label status given
CCEOOOW = rte ets Cake Nee 889) SINVLOG TVAOU perseses yUBUAdoo OL 6 8 2 3) g EDINBURGH ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN NM E01353438
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Family: Amaryllidaceae
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Brunsvigia elandsmontana Snijman
Collector/Expedition: Snijman, D.A.
Collection number: 1731
Collection date: 14th March 2000
Filing region: Southern Africa
Country/Territory: South Africa
Isotype of Brunsvigia elandsmontana Snijman
Barcode: E00132103
Label data completely captured
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN In HERB. HORT. EDINB. COMPTON HERBARIUM (NBG) NATIONAL BOTANICAL INSTITUTE, KIRSTENBOSCH, CAPE TOWN 3319 AC REGIO W Cape WORCESTER D Snijman LEGIT & 1731 ANNO FI. 14 March 2000 No. ALT. Brunsvigia elandsmontana Snijman Locality: Wellington, Elandsberg Private Nature Reserve; Vegetation type: Marginal fynbos close to renosterveld; Substrate: pebbly; Moisture regime: well drained; Exposure: open; Slope: flats; Biotic effect: area burnt one year previously; Plant features: about 500 plants localised in one area with 2 species of Leucadendon, Cliffortia and Serruria, population just beginning to flower; Perianth actinomorphic, vivid rose pink, unscented, leaves 4-6, flat on ground; margins pink, crisped; upper surface dark green, rough to touch; undersurface pale green, smooth. Leaves 8 July 2000. TYPE SPECIMEN D Snijman ko} o > i ® 7) co) i a = = = Pm) a ° a) MQQ0322ISOTYPE of Erunsvigia. elandsmontana. Sailmen a GARDEN ng 0 HERB. HORT. EDINB. COMPTON HERBARIUM (NBG) NATIONAL BOTANICAL INSTITUTE, KIRSTENBOSCH, CAPE TOWN 3319 AC GRID REGIO W Cape WORCESTER REF. D Snijman LEGIT & ANNO FI. 14 March 2000 1731 No. oe Brunsvigia elandsmontana Snijman Locality: Wellington, Elandsberg Private Nature Reserve; Vegetation type: Marginal fynbos close to renosterveld; Substrate: pebbly; Moisture regime: well drained; Exposure: open; Slope: flats; Biotic effect: area burnt one year previously; Plant features: about 500 plants localised in one area with 2 species of Leucadendon, Cliffortia and Serruria, population just beginning to flower; Perianth actinomorphic vivid rose pink, unscented, leaves 4-6, flat on ground; margins pink crisped; upper surface dark green, rough to touch; undersurface pale green, smooth. Leaves 8 July 2000. TYPE SPECIMEN D Snijman ae) co) Pad be ® n ® i ood o£ S = ) Qa ° o
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Family: Amaryllidaceae
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Brunsvigia grandiflora Lindl.
Collector/Expedition: Edwards, T.J. & Potgieter, C.
Collection number: 1921
Collection date: March 2000
Filing region: Southern Africa
Country/Territory: South Africa
Barcode: E00280331
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Herbarium sheetE00280332
HERB. HORT. EDINB. M@G0322 copyright reserved DUPLICATE EX UNIVERSITY OF NATAL HERBARIUM - Brie bay von dt Floya Lael a oe 05 cle Flo. OWeVe: ede aol uncle? Cw, ar Sox Wi el Ee oe Locality 2 Be ope Taear ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN a. i a ch Ac. Collector Shiewds ete LUNN gO Collector's No. He ee ia ek Name E00280331
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Amaryllidaceae
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Brunsvigia grandiflora Lindl.
Collector/Expedition: Edwards, T.J. & Potgieter, C.
Collection number: 1921
Collection date: March 2000
Filing region: Southern Africa
Country/Territory: South Africa
Barcode: E00280332
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Herbarium sheetE00280331
EDINBURG! DUPLICATE EX UNIVERSITY OF NATAL HERBARIUM mk Flowered Brawcuigs son, ia Fahlevel Gouv valol SAVES TATION, eH Locality Eastern” Ce ‘2 neac Me dear, —Elands _ Heigui-- a ee Altttide SS — Bele 3 Oe Collector A Ee Ausavas 4. C- J Collector’s No. | eet | @ KNOXPRINT 20-461 C203 MQ@Q0322 copyright reserved
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Family: Amaryllidaceae
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Brunsvigia grandiflora Lindl.
Filing region: Southern Africa
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01349374
No label status given
DUF ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN N N om © © fo) = ROYAL BOTANIC copyright reserved UNIVERSITY OF NATAL, fe f a Pine aad Hida.G€.4.€ ww . . NAME...OrudS.Vegia VV : * ; 4 Grrowing..19..97985...19.. chara Sthaa ber. &.,.. J Flawers.olark pink, Aameter0t Ahead. about (9-21, heaves. cabmut. AP longs hates. Caramen . / y fd mod ao | tocatity Ma tel. drakens berg...Qants.. Caste, oo 2. 7. ores." Hayle St. o. IL C ¢ “ / 7 7 fh COLL. No... Fi J.....DATE.AAPLA AGG. 2... NT..8 2B GSLE, 44 / DET. J. & M. 3777-11-61
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Family: Amaryllidaceae
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Brunsvigia grandiflora Lindl.
Filing region: Southern Africa
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01349375
No label status given
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH HN E£013493 FP Li OR A Our soe: o 97 tinder te a oles o BL. - Stati, ze hem, LOL er : Ln fremole, ; ee, eee Plots wit Bink al, Se hee OR. 7? y Z oe aig oan) tog Peres wea ne Z OP Cte alte Aemeerlneca) f Powe 2 he 2 Pane, ee re Vey Lark te | WB te O.M. Hil oa CAtaen JI.M. Hilliard nae Bale Burte l@Maned, 9). s a . NS copyright reserved MQQ0322
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Amaryllidaceae
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Brunsvigia grandiflora Lindl.
Filing region: Southern Africa
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01349376
No label status given
OTC Cg 7, ed DUPLICATE EX UNIVERSITY OF NATAL HERBARIUM Nara Bruns g(a. grandblera. kira Notes -Strgle : SEMEL... 2 Leal Ady Locality ZBled Altitude SSOOLL. ee Collector fh, Aerrae Collector's No. .92S- ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH i ® KNOXPRINT 7.57¢ 203 | 1 \ i | | | k 1 1 1 1 | | 1 1 | ! \ | I i | | 1 1 1 1 ! | | | 1 | | 1 1 \ ae] o e co) n o ta bet nay fo ‘= > 2 fe) o MQQ0322
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Amaryllidaceae
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Brunsvigia grandiflora Lindl.
Filing region: Southern Africa
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01349377
No label status given
CTEQOOW peniosai yyBiuAdoo t — ee ee az sie}auljuea mcm Sena renin EE Cony
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Amaryllidaceae
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Brunsvigia grandiflora Lindl.
Filing region: Southern Africa
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01349378
No label status given
eet fees. &s Fe 23. Fla « Ci. wet VWI fy 20 5 centimeters (Lier Mh dhe | Be. 2 ZF6 ey pill, S-F oY bi 4 fenncl (ap tee | Libre Vt Upcler, tf [248 FA. ($02, A KigDeneta | "Sf eniiiiil7 I | S = = S S QS Si copyright reserved ¥ ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH OMAR A E01349378
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Amaryllidaceae
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Brunsvigia grandiflora Lindl.
Filing region: Southern Africa
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01349379
No label status given
HERB. HORT. EDINB. copyright reserved 2929 BC, Mpendhle distr., Mulangane ridge, above Carter's Nek, TOOOy— 1300 EE. c.9- Ml Leaues, treed 5 eee ee pot Su Gun we het gully: Scattina » a ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN durbuy ed bay hebeuwre ATTN OM. Hilliard E i ve ee
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Amaryllidaceae
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Brunsvigia grandiflora Lindl.
Filing region: Southern Africa
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01349380
No label status given
MQ00322 ry Hee a th HH Mi HHH ae) ca 4 ) ” 2 = = oy] 5 Qa fe) oO Fev eececesWMecscnesettscreees © 292° CB. Underberg distr., Cobham Forest Reserve, Sipongweni .6gon-6 pup ft- Lbs a - IDOLS encer slighay, len ate rae Flowers Pte W& clark pik tf fos eackd “by babos ae he - —— pe Che ee i ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Phe, EDINBURGH OM, Hilliard \ ciel mae UI BL Burtt No lO.28- be 20%». 1993 E01349380
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Amaryllidaceae
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Brunsvigia grandiflora Lindl.
Filing region: Southern Africa
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01349381
No label status given
peaieses yyHUAdOO on < Loo) Pet AFR > FELD oO > Ron 7 ~ “ wf Xe “ a = G 2 = wy x= % y Vl ~ > ss Se w n Va) ” 2. elo Ags i % 96a CPRAL fh é EDINBURGH E01349381 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN oe ba 6 sri 42 rok 20 Aes set ot See = oT os
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Amaryllidaceae
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Brunsvigia grandiflora Lindl.
Filing region: Southern Africa
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01349382
No label status given
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN DINBURGH £01349: LS 5 4 |-™ 4on, Goere he Fadegmene bei... SL Meter Seehohe, TM Flora Africae australis. = Natal-Colony — Distrikt Alexandra Station Dumisa — Farm Friedenau. 7 et PA Bay Gifatties copyright reserved N N mm 2 S 2 =
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Amaryllidaceae
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Brunsvigia grandiflora Lindl.
Filing region: Southern Africa
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01349383
No label status given
N N nm 2 2 2 = copyright reserved ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH Wi £013493
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Amaryllidaceae
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Brunsvigia grandiflora Lindl.
Filing region: Southern Africa
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01349384
No label status given
N N m 2 S = copyright reserved noire 9a.. Peconic tiran. a A tha hs be, heer esa, finaatoerp Daag pt fmane lo fever Gua. Scape trenknic — Leaver ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN ani, O.M. Hilliard Date2e uv 7S AMAIA . BL. Burtt No. Sosy E01349384 ’
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Amaryllidaceae
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Brunsvigia grandiflora Lindl.
Filing region: Southern Africa
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01349385
No label status given
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E01349385 Pa sOan Awe Ost Ss OlUNl HBR Nee ACR Re liGiA 0 oe st bndr(t dcr te., { ate Ps hisses” Nadt poten fe rh farts < lshliwr . frakiy aD jhvcee Coxe No rhdjows , So ee if Amine sl bore ee . hie Van okt, Qirgne be dont pwc : aa (\ { Qo 2 hty Cr Pe Ve dines Che oor Shag Se ov dhas OM. Hildvard Date [€¢ &« 75 WAL Bali ee No. 1987 N N ® S = copyright reserved
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