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Family: Amaryllidaceae
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Amaryllis belladonna L.
Collection number: 1722
Filing region: Cultivated
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00983532
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ZZEQOOW Im oL-Y UTITSL o] BCs foros 4 m0 8 TOUNANIGA Naqduvo
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Family: Amaryllidaceae
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Amaryllis belladonna L.
Collector/Expedition: Corcoran, M.R.
Collection number: MARC204
Collection date: 21st January 2015
Filing region: St Helena & Ascension
Country/Territory: Saint Helena
Barcode: E00844929
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH | | MU EX HERB. HORT. BOT. REG. KEW. EO THIS MATERIAL IS RESTRICTED. IT IS SUBJECT TO THE RBG KEW TERMS AND CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH IT WAS SUPPLIED. HERB. HORT. EDINB. _ Plants of the UK Overseas Territories Ascension Name: Ammaryllis belladonna 1G Det by: Locality: Ascension, Ascension, Green Mountain, Green Mountain, Red Lion; Anthropogenic; Disturbed area; 7.9491° S, 14.3510° W Alt: 690m Notes: Collector: Corcoran, M.R. Number: MARC 204 Date: 21 January 2015 Dups/associated: K, E, ASI, K New dets to: _ ukots.dets@kew.org Family: AMARYLLIDACEAE copyright reserved
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Family: Amaryllidaceae
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Amaryllis belladonna L.
Collector/Expedition: Prilipko, L., Bogdanov, M., Kadysheva, K. & Efendieva, S.
Collection date: 1st August 1939
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Azerbaijan
Barcode: E00896470
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN 1 E00896470 BOTANIK INSTITUTU | SSRI Elimlar Aqademijasb AzorBajcan Filialp INSTITUTUM BOTANICUM Filiationis Azerbajdzhanicae Academiae Scientiarum URSS Herbarium Azerbajdzhanicum 2 eVPtrope caucadita (Coty 9 Transcaucasia, Azerbajdzhan, distr. Ismailly.DYOP@..Dag. Buguy, in _umbro sis bumidiaq fsucis fl. Aghdzhbabars-tacuaj, cirea 4650 malt. Babes: ei M. Bogdanov, K. Kadysheva, _ yaaa i 5 ch. EYen eva. e109, Det Boe Sy Tun, Cepn nx Moaort. 1438—1500 copyright reserved
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Family: Amaryllidaceae
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Amaryllis lateritia A.Dietr.
Filing region: Northern Asia
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00983525
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ROYAL PO CANS oe iM —00983525 a ama? SON Be tage GL pl Kobe Ce, Aes Affe TWO bed tel BW. /27 : ae AmARYLLLS Mh MERIT IA BN. eo ge ae ‘s- On poe a ¢ eae ee ae Pr ae oe rare ’ Fe 5 a oe Ong loys copyright reserved M0322
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Family: Amaryllidaceae
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Ammocharis Herb.
Filing region: Southern Africa
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01349597
No label status given
X DONO, SENATE OF Fy COLLEGE, 'RINIT sGOW, 1931 af 4 H | ‘a i Go Ait 4, Dicge: 13 fH 74/2 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN | > AMMOCHAMS S/> TT TUK. Brunswigia ate | | } N i) m © a ® = copyright reserved
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Family: Amaryllidaceae
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Ammocharis Herb.
Filing region: Southern Africa
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01349598
No label status given
. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN i MQ00322 xo} ® Pad ee bo) on o i ed = = — a) a fe) Oo
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Family: Amaryllidaceae
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Ammocharis Herb.
Filing region: Southern Africa
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01349599
No label status given
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN mug i \ E01349599 UNIVERSITY OF NATAL HERBARIUM Name ..S\rsinecdnesiSe...0a Qiceccsicesc.. ete oes Pranaein. AN: Sorataye ss. Mer G Notes tem sneak ne... RQ BRAM. Locality GuAwsornds:... Mie Save. Gams Rese Altitude .....WYRE AN. Date .3° \s\\> 3, Collector ....9%2.. \ PS CCPC SCS ee eet eveesanes cee ceee & N.wW., UPD. 2207/5,000/25-10-49 M@Q@322 | re] ® © o 72) 2 Pd at Da 5 a ° iS)
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Family: Amaryllidaceae
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Ammocharis baumii (Harms) Milne-Redh. & Schweick.
Collector/Expedition: Baum, H.
Collection number: 273
Collection date: 18th October 1899
Filing region: Tropical Africa
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01349534
No label status given
__H. Baum, Reise nach Siidwest-Afrika, Kunene-Sambesi- Expedition, ° MAB Or min Ranma Yy os a ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN i MQ00322 3 o ra o a ® —_ — r= Fr) Fs > 2 ° 3)
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Family: Amaryllidaceae
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Ammocharis coranica (Ker Gawl.) Herb.
Filing region: Southern Africa
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01349590
No label status given
HERB. HORT. EDINB. MQ@QO0322 re] co) Pad i ) n o ed oy oe i= ) 2 ° iS) FLORA Or SOUTHERN AFRICA f\ f , , Kb Ge AYA OLA AN, orm maAter..\ At J has ‘ o nsvatseeesaseemierss ANA, 5000 PVA SU OEM as Sacsssnser sete <.) : : a Herts. Q I 3227 RA YotAw Lam aces} Panecr and Gihinrtr. ) , op ‘ aot Cy terra ; lest) batore€ ; Crmhreaacd Nn lan earth. Cloke d vs Bee ius fxs OnahLe Yo Atounke | LAAN 5 5 \ d\ AAA, “yp penLe re (hen —e ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN p EDINBURGH nee lt rl A Scendes ; N00 ee ei iing nee 4 vi B.L. Burtt No. 14}G9 Date “) Kil i k4 E01349590 fn. ce okisg VR
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Amaryllidaceae
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Ammocharis coranica (Ker Gawl.) Herb.
Filing region: Southern Africa
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01349591
No label status given
MQQ0322 5°] ra > — ® n 4 « = Boe = 1 roy ° 6 (i a RS es: a ae) UNIVERSITY OF NATAL, HERBARIUM Ji FAMILY... on octenartncy bole ole , j < ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH oe i WIN AUNT COLL. No... /877%......... DATE..d 6/4 S..8 Pee) ALT. HOCLE... £01349591 feet ee SEG — CES es eee
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Amaryllidaceae
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Ammocharis coranica (Ker Gawl.) Herb.
Filing region: Southern Africa
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01349592
No label status given
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN i N N om gS fox) a = copyright reserved DUPLICATE EX UNIVERSITY OF NATAL HERBARIUM AMR i geennnggrmnninnnnnystiinmne Date Galtecton ne Oe 7 Collector's No.
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Amaryllidaceae
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Ammocharis coranica (Ker Gawl.) Herb.
Filing region: Southern Africa
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01349593
No label status given
Natal Anibersity College Sevbiciom | Family A anda Leak mal { | | | Ne : ned: Ariane. | Cor, praiecsd Spent “bag a we CO : mee cote eer heal eden hi Beare fT AD. Or nen | Date 6: rm fu. Coll. by OS: AS Cee ee ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN | Ealick ne. 76 | ector’s iO: f- ch Rel win ees 2B nn E01349593 a ae | MQQ0322 xe] ® Pad i“ o n e aed oa fs = Py Qa fo) [?)
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Family: Amaryllidaceae
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Ammocharis coranica (Ker Gawl.) Herb.
Filing region: Southern Africa
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01349594
No label status given
N N om fox) fox) sg = BOTANIC GARDEN te copyright reserved ' Natal Gniversity College Herbarium \ ; No. _\ (gapzo | | Q@ lpppn . htaveg Anucounro ty oturats) Ate. F- pour Isteaeo oe a ) ~Capinde Ag iak Se am . a oy at | Locality oan. 2s bianchi. Prebelamente ugAlt. r Date ioe vin ery Coll. by /0.S - Aste ao ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN | Collector's No. 2 7%). pies EDINBURGH ha UT age £01349594
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Family: Amaryllidaceae
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Ammocharis coranica (Ker Gawl.) Herb.
Filing region: Southern Africa
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01349595
No label status given
N N mM 2 2 a = copyright reserved BH. 1794/26 « sAUMOCHARIS FAL ATA Hap wo a: #y& 4 iw, TI Re opens dace hia ge ne «& PS nr S ; * cee Se LFF LL ee g ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN | JA@IANTY 298 p ror B Sef e AoE DUC LASGOW. 1937] Ammocharis coracina Herb. : 2 G Tn
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Amaryllidaceae
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Ammocharis coranica (Ker Gawl.) Herb.
Filing region: Southern Africa
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01349596
No label status given
N N om 2 ® gS = a —_ { f 4 of Ammocharis coracina Herb, = |; 2.7. ROYAL BOTANIC oF a pas EDINBURGH copyright reserved ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E01349596
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Amaryllidaceae
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Ammocharis tinneana (Kotschy & Peyr.) Milne-Redh. & Schweick
Collector/Expedition: Schweinfurth, G.A.
Collection number: 1787
Collection date: 5th April 1869
Filing region: Tropical Africa
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01349523
No label status given
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN i 10 Ex Museo Botanico Berolinensi. | G. Schweinfurth, Iter Centrali-Africanum. N N ~ 2 Q © = copyright reserved
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Family: Amaryllidaceae
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Ammocharis tinneana (Kotschy & Peyr.) Milne-Redh. & Schweick
Filing region: Tropical Africa
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01349589
No label status given
MQ00322 xo] o Pad fe fo n 2 a Koy iy) ‘= P) fox fe) Oo EX HERBARIO RHODESIENSI (Salisbury — SRGH) FLORA OF RHODESIA ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH | £01349589 G.P. & S. 26247—20,000. AES
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Family: Amaryllidaceae
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Ammocharis tinneana (Kotschy & Peyr.) Milne-Redh. & Schweick
Filing region: Cultivated
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01349600
No label status given
HERB. HORT. EDINB. oo be LA. ~ ’ NF NS 4 “if ' \ \ E . ® n 2 aa) aon oe. oe ° o ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH CULTIVATED PLANTS Ammocharis tinneana PO? 87/11/16 Ver. C.Alexander, 16/11/87, ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH + UUM a eae E01349600
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Family: Amaryllidaceae
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Ammocharis tinneana (Kotschy & Peyr.) Milne-Redh. & Schweick
Filing region: Cultivated
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01349601
No label status given
HERB. HORT. EDINB. | MQ@QQ322 So ca © co) 77) a a co oy. +o} oy Qa fe) oO ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH | CULTIVATED PLANTS Ammocharis tinneana POO 87/11/16 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN uN Ver. C.Alexander, 16/11/97, 722528 AMRY 174 4344 Wisley
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Family: Amaryllidaceae
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Apodolirion Baker
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00227230
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Family: Amaryllidaceae
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Apodolirion buchananii (Baker) Baker
Filing region: Cultivated
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01350214
No label status given
HERB. HORT. EDINB, MQG0322 Se 4 als O69 mm copyright reserved ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH TN 01350214
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Family: Amaryllidaceae
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Apodolirion buchananii (Baker) Baker
Filing region: Southern Africa
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01349771
No label status given
HERB. HORT. EDINB. N N om 2 S ® = copyright reserved DUPLICATE EX UNIVERSITY OF NATAL HERBARIUM Name _Apadblirion. buchananie.. Baker... | notes Ctrowing in short burnt grasslar, | | ever Cave sandstone... fged ee | | | | ! I ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN eee ; Collector BL Teyer- UIT IN | caletars Ne. 82. ! £01349771
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Amaryllidaceae
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Apodolirion buchananii (Baker) Baker
Filing region: Southern Africa
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01349772
No label status given
== ea = ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E01349772 Sea FLORA OF Low Afven Name Apoclolixen Duden cg ae Boe. Locatity (Caw he Naxtaxe Rees Hisae Con Hin (ice t- ALT: s NVatat REMARKS J ~r7 veka @) Bent A) enbrrrt Cottector # /8. Myr A REF. No. Date Qu. 196g. (645) Wt.74459/74 10m(4) 5/53 L.&S. G67. N N mo g g © =
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Amaryllidaceae
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Apodolirion buchananii (Baker) Baker
Filing region: Southern Africa
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01349773
No label status given
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E01349773 DUPLICATE EX UNIVERSITY OF NATAL HERBARIUM Locality \.. Altitude. Collector Collector’s No. eae i © KNOXPRINT 94-571 1093 se] o Fs = ® m7 i Py FS DY — > rot fo 3) MQ00322
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Amaryllidaceae
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Apodolirion buchananii (Baker) Baker
Filing region: Southern Africa
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01349774
No label status given
SSS ey ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH HUN 01349774 Ex L. BACKHOUSE-80751—FORM 1 enna aN Dns cvseetenraRORANRNARR STE eee SOUTH AER I~ ; FLORA YW NAIA N N om fax) © © = copyright reserved
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Amaryllidaceae
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Apodolirion buchananii (Baker) Baker
Filing region: Southern Africa
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01349775
No label status given
MQ00322 Cmaerg > Flora Africae australis. Ss A 9 oda Fyprien o/ Getietee:' at, 5°) o > - d m7 2 “ = By ‘= > 2 ° 3) ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH ® E01349775
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Amaryllidaceae
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Apodolirion buchananii (Baker) Baker
Filing region: Southern Africa
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01349776
No label status given
EX HERBARLO NATALENSI. MQQ0322 Apodylirion Buchanani, Baker, aie : x . : ) flswhite tinted pink, \ nh \ in XT + f \ yo ahamhinna +3 | Pe): { LaANDaMNLOPe, Natal, ALL,voVU It, 3 7 Walia Ut AAA aoe AF 41 Ne HOS ety Lk Olisedese te NOOR LU, OA. J . se] o 3 od n ‘a i“) P= 3 = Fd > a ° 3) HERBARIUM DUMMERI NO. L EOE co Alt. $5.02. fated. MN pady Lhatit nu... Lia chen ane Boa, r ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH ; a : , se a / = = { tf AMM 0 Mele.s904... Legit. May bat... E01349776
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Amaryllidaceae
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Apodolirion buchananii (Baker) Baker
Filing region: Southern Africa
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01349777
No label status given
N N ~ fax) o © = ° a 4 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN # EDINBURGH DF WALNUT = 01349777 a 2 e % NATAL PLANTS. ? Presented by Joun Mepiey Woon, Esq.. d Curator, Botanic Garden, ie Gan: Be Tyee February 1889. NATAL GOVERNMENT HERBARIUM. Flower . { cee << Leit.)... - Weop UG? Ae 20% | pm he ae _—_—
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Amaryllidaceae
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Apodolirion buchananii (Baker) Baker
Filing region: Cultivated
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01349778
No label status given
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN DINB E URGH E£01349778 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN, EDINBURGH. CULTIVATED PLANTS. . 8009 Yh. 19¥0 Ape dotin MN ikl nacnicux Mohs ced Prom, ¥ A Munn g he a, (9009 Omgnatly wll iol from Nakot | Kam bberg Nair ae eee 69 1185 LD. | MQ@Q0322 | GS ca Pa ben 0) 77) £ | ad <= Rs — ) a fe) °
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Amaryllidaceae
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Apodolirion buchananii (Baker) Baker
Filing region: Southern Africa
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01353574
No label status given
NNo.. 24, .. Flower kd - ‘ Berdodiitm. MU Ceiai., Cbalbic... Nae Pree. NATAL GOVERNMENT HERBARIUM. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN 0 bIGS Presented by Jonny Mepiey Woon, Esq., Curator, Botanic Garden, Durban. N N om 2 2 2 = copyright reserved
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