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Family: Rhizophoraceae
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Cassipourea elliptica (Sw.) Poir
Collector/Expedition: Urban, A.L.
Collection number: 181
Collection date: 22nd April 2003
Filing region: Central America
Country/Territory: Belize
Barcode: E00619549
No label status given
‘a 4. \ HERB. HORT. EDINB. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew copyright reserved Cassipourea elliptica (Sw.,) Poir. Det. G.T. Prance Ays, 20 (5 | 4 FLORA OF BELIZE “ Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh Rhizophoraceae Cassipourea guianensis Aubl. Belize: Cayo: Chiquibul National Forest: Guacamallo Bridge, Macal River. 16°52'07"N, 89°02'62"W. Mutlibranched tree to 3.0m, brown/red bark Habitat: Riverine vegetation along seasonally flooded river Vegetation: Semi-deciduous tropical forest Soil: Alluvial Determined by: Lillis Urban July 2003 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00619549 Lillis Urban No. 181 22-Apr-03
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Family: Rhizophoraceae
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Cassipourea elliptica (Sw.) Poir
Collector/Expedition: Urban, A.L.
Collection number: 183
Collection date: 22nd April 2003
Filing region: Central America
Country/Territory: Belize
Barcode: E00619548
No label status given
| ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00619548 | HERB. HORT. EDINB. | Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew Cassipourea elliptica (Sw.) Poir. Det. G. T. Prance Ay. 2019 FLORA OF BELIZE Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh Rhizophoraceae Cassipourea guianensis Aubl. Belize: Cayo: Chiquibul National Forest: Guacamallo Bridge, Macal River. 16°52'07"N, 89°02'62"W. Multibranched tree to 2.5m, grey bark Habitat: Riverine vegetation along seasonally flooded river Vegetation: Semi-deciduous tropical forest Soil: Alluvial Precipitation: Dry season Determined by: Jimmy Ratter July 2003 Lillis Urban No. 183 22-Apr-03 oT ee copyright reserved
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Family: Rhizophoraceae
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Cassipourea elliptica (Sw.) Poir
Collector/Expedition: Urban, A.L.
Collection number: 418
Collection date: 11th May 2003
Filing region: Central America
Country/Territory: Belize
Barcode: E00619547
No label status given
Notes “ Caps ale Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew Cassipourea elliptica (Sw.) Poir. Det.G.T.Prance Apr, 20 IG ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN ! | wii E00619547 | | FLORA OF BELIZE Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh Rhizophoraceae Cassipourea guianensis Aubl. Belize: Cayo: Chiquibul National Forest: Chiquibul Forest, Monkey Tail River. 16°44'26"N, 80°56'9"W. Multibranched tree to 2.5m Habitat: Fringing riverine vegetation along seasonally flooded river. Semi-deciduous tropical forest. Vegetation: Semi-deciduous tropical forest Precipitation: Dry season Determined by: Dr. Jimmy Ratter July 2003 Lillis Urban No. 418 11-May-03 HERB. HORT. EDINB. | v4 8 ie] copyright reserved 6
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Family: Rhizophoraceae
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Cassipourea elliptica (Sw.) Poir
Collector/Expedition: Goodwin, Z.A. & Lopez, G.N.
Collection number: 1721
Collection date: 8th November 2010
Filing region: Central America
Country/Territory: Belize
Barcode: E00554337
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. Cossipourea elliohea (Sux) Rie Det. ZAG codwin OSX 2017 xo} ® Po & cc) n 3 da co io) aS Pe) Qa ° iS) Flora of Belize Rhizophoraceae Cassipourea Aubl. Stann Creek: All Pines road; ca. 1 mile along road, 50 m north of road. 16°46'25" N, 88°22'06" W Occasional sapling 70 cm; glossy leaves. Dense pine savanna woodland turning into broken ridge. Canopy of abundant Pinus caribaea 12 (-15) m, shrub layer with frequent Byrsonima crassifolia 3 (-5 ) m, Acoelorraphe wrightii 1-3 (-5) m, Chrysobalanus icaco 4-5 m, Ilex guianensis 4 m, Erythroxylum guatemalensis & Davilla kunthii; sparse grass-dominated herb layer with abundant Cassytha filiformis. Not burnt for many years. Collector: Goodwin, Zoé A. : 1721 a With: Lopez, German N. oH 8 November 2010 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN iL = EDINBURGH Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh (E) | | | Darwin Initiative Project - Conservation of the lowland E00554337 ——______Savanna ecosystemin Belize
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Family: Rhizophoraceae
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Cassipourea elliptica (Sw.) Poir
Collector/Expedition: North, T.
Collection number: 4
Collection date: 15th January 2010
Filing region: Central America
Country/Territory: Belize
Barcode: E00544095
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Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew Cassipourea elliptica (Sw.) Poir Det. G. T. Prance Arp’ .20 iS copyright reserved ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH (E) Rhizophoraceae Cassipourea BELIZE: Orange Walk District: Rio Bravo Conservation and Management Area, Hill Bank Research Station. Forest with Palm (Roystonia) and Terminalia amazonia. 18 m. 17°34'55"N, 88°42'8"W. Tree 11m in height. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN North, Tom No. 4 EDINBURGH E00544095 | 15 Jan 2010
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Family: Rhizophoraceae
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Cassipourea guianensis Aubl.
Collector/Expedition: Bridgewater, S.G.M.
Collection number: 3994
Collection date: 18th August 2004
Filing region: Central America
Country/Territory: Belize
Barcode: E00940867
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HERB. HORT, EDIND: | atl. eC 5°) o Ps i ® 7) 4 a cs D ca > roy ° fz) FLORA OF BELIZE Casssipourea guianensis Aubl. Det: Caroline Whitefoord Cayo District Doyle’s Delight; Maya Mountains 16 0281938 W, 1824544 N (UTM, WGS Zone 17) c. 965 malt. 4 Tropical evergreen broad-leaved lower-montane forest ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN wii cn £00940 S. Bridgewater 3994 18 August 2004 i
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Family: Rhizophoraceae
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Cassipourea guianensis Aubl.
Collector/Expedition: Bridgewater, S.G.M., Ibáñez Garcia, A., Gemeinholzer, B. & Percy, D.M.
Collection number: S271
Collection date: 29th July 1996
Filing region: Central America
Country/Territory: Belize
Barcode: E00940896
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. a Cassi poucea Qpronensis Aubl, xo} oO > < ® ” i) i a <= h > Qa ° 1S) Det. Gam Beidgewoter FLORA OF BELIZE Coll No: S271 Date: 29/07/1996 Cassipeuren equaanentsS Det: ant. Description: Tree to 4m; flowers white. Locality: Gallery forest running through open pine/palmetto savanna; Programme for Belize Rio Bravo Conservation Area; close to East Gate. } ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN (c. 17732”N., 88’40”E) | i i | Bhs se Garcia, B. |
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Rhizophoraceae
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Cassipourea guianensis Aubl.
Collector/Expedition: Bridgewater, S.G.M., Ibáñez Garcia, A., Gemeinholzer, B. & Percy, D.M.
Collection number: S277
Collection date: 27th July 1996
Filing region: Central America
Country/Territory: Belize
Barcode: E00940976
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Wu NN E00940976 HERB. HORT. EDINB. Cassipourea Cpneners 5 Ab, Det. oa ay Bridgewoter FLORA OF BELIZE Coll No: S277 Date: 27/07/1996 Det: = Description: Tree to 16m; mottled grey brown bark. = Locality: Tall broadleaf forest; Programme for Belize — Rio Bravo Conservation Area; close to East Gate. (c. 17'32”N., 88’40”E) Coll: S. Bridgewater, A. lbafez Garcia, B. Gemeinhoizer, D. Percy.. im copyright reserved
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Family: Lauraceae
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Cassytha filiformis L.
Collector/Expedition: Goodwin, Z.A.
Collection number: 672
Collection date: 9th April 2007
Filing region: Central America
Country/Territory: Belize
Barcode: E00375647
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~ HERB. HORT. EDINB. Flora of Belize copyright reserved Darwin Initiative Project - Developing Integrated Assessment of Biodiversity in Secondary Forest in Belize Lauraceae Cassytha filiformis L. Det by Z.A.Goodwin on Aug 07 Belize: Orange Walk District; Rio Bravo Conservation Management Area; ~6 km S of Hill Bank field station; adjacent to East Gate road. 17° 32° 17.9" N 88° 42° 5.6" W (WGS84) Altitude: ~20m \ Open Acoelorraphe wrightii & Pinus savannah, very sandy soil. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Orange leafless parasite in herb | > whi | iii | ne g p ayer; white flowers & green E00375647 Goodwin, Zoé Africa 672 09 Apr 2007 with K. Viergever
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Family: Lauraceae
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Cassytha filiformis L.
Collector/Expedition: Milton, J.
Collection number: 2
Collection date: 4th April 2003
Filing region: Central America
Country/Territory: Belize
Barcode: E00200792
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rex=y,WE=s-1-) Le] 0) BLVe (ote) Ob (8 3) JL, ork | oe i] g8 @ 8 3 «|» ————.| and 04 APR 2003 L ally flooded nd Bucida. 17°31'N, ring the ground and climbing trees Cassytha filiformis L. ( : = | —<— = 7 == . —— —y : . id _ZPRI S Aa LN (\/ = = ~ Yo . { < x\ DoS Ne vA = == ~ ‘ a SS < \ = = = ~ ‘i a ‘ Se SS ats =y | WY a) fre \/ , ; \ 4) / ~ F = Oe A es . \ MSc. Field Trip to Belize ciation with Jacquinia a Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh ee oe / SS a. In |< STS =e He shrubs. Orange stems with white flowers Det by: Sam G. Bridgewater Joseph J. Milton No. 2 ~ Ce eee Belize: Orange Walk: 1 km. from Hillbank. Season soci ini Twining parasite, cove 30 ? £00200792 — > ~ ZES | WH y MWh QU \ ZY ‘ atone oe —— iy ~. eae / ee S <a a4 Sa ca = \g a ‘ Ne KS x ae : Ss WN
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Family: Lauraceae
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Cassytha filiformis L.
Collector/Expedition: Urban, A.L.
Collection number: 340
Collection date: 3rd May 2003
Filing region: Central America
Country/Territory: Belize
Barcode: E00198542
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. FLORA OF BELIZE Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh Lauraceae Cassytha filiformis L. Belize: Cayo: Chiquibul National Forest: Near Guacamallo Bridge, Macal River. 16°52'07"N, 89°02'62"W. Ground dwelling parasite Habitat: Oak-dominated savannah. Vegetation: Prominent graminoid understory. Other dominant families include Melastomataceae, Dilleniaceae, and Bromeliaceae. Determined by: Lillis Urban July 2003 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH IN | B nN lis Urban No, 30 E£00198542 30 03-May-03 3 ® > rT 7) rr) ® h Pa ro a i Ey 2 ° ce)
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Family: Lauraceae
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Cassytha filiformis L.
Collector/Expedition: Armstrong, K.E.
Collection number: 471
Collection date: 17th April 2002
Filing region: Central America
Country/Territory: Belize
Barcode: E00662456
No label status given
HERB. HORT. EDINB. Pe cS) a copyright reserved Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh Msc Trip to Belize 2002 auraceae Cassytha filiformis L. Belize District: Orange Walk New River Lagoon savanna, south of Hill Bank Research Station Open savannah woodland. 17°36'04"N, 88°42'04"W ALG 207-310) m Parasitic, leafless vine, stem orange, flowers white, fruit white. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN IK TAMA | Kate E. Armstrong No. 471 17 Apr 2002 E00662456
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Family: Lauraceae
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Cassytha filiformis L.
Collector/Expedition: Armstrong, K.E.
Collection number: 488
Collection date: 18th April 2002
Filing region: Central America
Country/Territory: Belize
Barcode: E00662455
No label status given
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00662455 HERB. HORT. EDINB. Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh Msc Trip to Belize 2002 Lauraceae Cassytha filiformis L. Belize District: Orange Walk New River Lagoon savanna, south of Hill Bank Research Station Growing in open savanna woodland on shrubs, rushes and sedges. 17°36'04"N, 88°42'04"W Alte 207-305 m Parasitic vine, stem orange, flowers and fruit white. Kate E. Armstrong No. 488 18 Apr 2002 ce} ® > i 7) 72) ® a 1 ~) = > a ° re)
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Family: Lauraceae
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Cassytha filiformis L.
Collector/Expedition: Forrest, A.D., Bramley, G.L.C. & Walkinshaw, S.
Collection number: 12
Collection date: 22nd March 2001
Filing region: Central America
Country/Territory: Belize
Barcode: E00662457
No label status given
r OYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00662457 HERB. HORT. EDINB. FLORA OF BELIZE Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh YW Cassytha filiformis L. Belize: Belize: Orange Walk Dist.: Rio Brava Location 1. Pine woodland savanna. és Tosa ES OWN i824 1 SOM Wie Flora dominated by tussock grasses. or Scattered shrubs with Pinus carribea trees. Spreading herb amongst ground vegetation. frequent. Forres (ey PMLEW Wo Wiel 12 G. Bramley & S. Walkinshaw 22 Mar 2001 RBGE M.Sc. Expedition 2000 oO = fo>) 3 o > — ® 7) ® = a 1 1 i ES rot ° a) 8 vA
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Family: Lauraceae
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Cassytha filiformis L.
Collector/Expedition: Goodwin, Z.A. & Barrientos, E.
Collection number: 1075
Collection date: 1st October 2009
Filing region: Central America
Country/Territory: Belize
Barcode: E00544133
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HERB. HORT. EDINB, .— > wf a’ WP a’ NA Sj ‘ZA 4 ee IG | AY Te eS Y l oo = wan’, a = Si a ite Yy/ <I \ AN J) =—/7/) a ee Be AS Ai APSR Ne DZ ZL SYP AR xo} cy = -— co n 4 ed ao Da = > a fe) cS) The Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh The Flora of Belize : Lauraceae Cassytha filiformis L. Belize: Belize, Western highway ~ mile 24; approximately 50 m south of road. Site 5. 17° 24° 15.93291" N 88° 29° 50.59303" W (WGS84) Medium dense woody savanna (orchard) dominated by Crescentia cujete, Camareria latifolia, Myrica cerifera, Dalbergia hm glabra and Heteropterys lindeniana 3-5 m. Herb layer dominated by sedges. Inundated. Alt.: 35m Frequent vine in shrubs & grass tussocks above water line. Goodwin, Zoé A. with Barrientos, 01 OCT 2009 Eduardo 1075 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00544133 Darwin Initiative Project No.17022 Conservation of the lowland savanna ecosystem in Belize
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Family: Lauraceae
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Cassytha filiformis L.
Collector/Expedition: Whiting, M.D.
Collection number: 3
Collection date: 12th January 2009
Filing region: Central America
Country/Territory: Belize
Barcode: E01464994
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Family: Lauraceae
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Cassytha filiformis L.
Collector/Expedition: Spellman, D.L.
Collection number: 1544
Collection date: 2nd July 1970
Filing region: Central America
Country/Territory: Belize
Barcode: E01073136
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN wn E01073136 wer Aide ‘Wd wert, 1999 PLANTS OF BRITISH HONDURAS Belize District Cassytha filifolia L. Ca. %-% mile north of Western Hwy. at Mile 15. Palmetto savanna. Blesica. | 5 m- Parasite growing over larger areas of other vegetation. Achlorophyllous. D.L.Spellman 15!) 2-4 July 1970 MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN HERBARIUM copyright reserved
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Family: Lauraceae
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Cassytha filiformis L.
Collector/Expedition: Ratter, J.A., Atkinson, R., Bisset, H.A. & Bridgewater, S.G.M.
Collection number: R6572
Collection date: 19th July 1991
Filing region: Central America
Country/Territory: Belize
Barcode: E01073153
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN ni ERB. HORT. EDINB. FLORA OF BELIZE No. R.6572 Cassytha Fil focme¢ Cn Vernacular name: Belize District. Gale’s Point (sea to Bar River), just south of Bar River mouth, Transect 1, c. 17°14’N 88°18’W In the scrubby remains of a cultivated area close to the sea. Parazitizing grasses and forbs. Stems green-orange. Flowers dirty cream. Date, 19/7199) Coll.: JA. Ratter, R. Atkinson, H.A. Bisset & S. Bridgewater Oo r o>) xo] ct) = i co) 72) “ od <= a rad P.) 2. ° 1) S) 1
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Family: Lauraceae
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Cassytha filiformis L.
Collector/Expedition: Whitefoord, C. & Quiroz, V.
Collection number: 106287
Collection date: 27th October 2005
Filing region: Central America
Country/Territory: Belize
Barcode: E00981151
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. xo} cd) > he co) n 2 dat £ DS = Py 2. ° 1) Ex Herbario Musei Britannici Cassytha filiformis L. Belize: Toledo District. Lowland broadleaved forest, BFREE Reserve, Palapaville clearing. Near river. 45 - 75 malt. Slender vine, in a tangle. All green. Whitefoord, C. & Quiroz, V., 106287 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN 27.10.2005 EDINBURGH UL rs rm ak £00981151 thank you. of any determination, tC» CD
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Family: Moraceae
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Castilla elastica Sessé ex Cerv.
Collector/Expedition: Goodwin, Z.A., Chan, I.J., Mora, N.J., Lehmicke, A.J. & Pop, I.
Collection number: 582
Collection date: 12th March 2007
Filing region: Central America
Country/Territory: Belize
Barcode: E00533943
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Family: Moraceae
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Castilla elastica subsp. elastica
Collector/Expedition: Urban, A.L.
Collection number: 314
Collection date: 1st May 2003
Filing region: Central America
Country/Territory: Belize
Barcode: E00198549
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Family: Urticaceae
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Cecropia peltata L.
Collector/Expedition: Bridgewater, S.G.M., Ibáñez Garcia, A., Gemeinholzer, B. & Percy, D.M.
Collection number: 197 AL
Collection date: 2nd August 1996
Filing region: Central America
Country/Territory: Belize
Barcode: E00189845
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Family: Urticaceae
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Cecropia peltata L.
Collector/Expedition: Bridgewater, S.G.M.
Collection number: 3965
Collection date: 15th August 2004
Filing region: Central America
Country/Territory: Belize
Barcode: E00940813
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Family: Meliaceae
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Cedrela odorata L.
Collector/Expedition: Queenborough, S.A.
Collection number: SQ95
Collection date: June 2001
Filing region: Central America
Country/Territory: Belize
Barcode: E00614364
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i. i a =G§GCoooO ~ z% = a — HERB. HORT, EDINB. copyright reserved FLORA OF BELIZE LOCALITY: Las Cuevas Research Station, Cayo 16°44'N, 88°59'W District, Belize HABITAT: semi-deciduous tropical forest on limestone DESCRIPTION: tree to 20 m ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00614364 DET: Cedrella odorata L. COMMON NAME: ceder COLL: S.A.Queenborough SQ95 !
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Family: Malvaceae
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Ceiba pentandra (L.) Gaertn.
Collector/Expedition: Goodwin, Z.A., Chan, I.J. & Lehmicke, A.J.
Collection number: 559
Collection date: 10th March 2007
Filing region: Central America
Country/Territory: Belize
Barcode: E00533932
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Family: Cannabaceae
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Celtis iguanaea (Jacq.) Sargent
Collector/Expedition: Goodwin, Z.A. & Akers, R.M.
Collection number: 715
Collection date: 11th May 2007
Filing region: Central America
Country/Territory: Belize
Barcode: E00544590
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Family: Cannabaceae
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Celtis iguanaea (Jacq.) Sargent
Collector/Expedition: Urban, A.L.
Collection number: 313
Collection date: 1st May 2003
Filing region: Central America
Country/Territory: Belize
Barcode: E00625065
No label status given
Family: Umbelliferae
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Centella asiatica (L.) Urb.
Collector/Expedition: Pérez-Espona, S.
Collection number: 8
Collection date: 18th April 2002
Filing region: Central America
Country/Territory: Belize
Barcode: E00202293
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Family: Umbelliferae
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Centella asiatica (L.) Urb.
Collector/Expedition: Galley, C.A.
Collection number: 3
Collection date: 18th April 2002
Filing region: Central America
Country/Territory: Belize
Barcode: E00625061
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00625061 , HERB. HORT, EDINB. MSC Trip to Belize 2002 Umbelliferae Centella asiatica (L.) Urb. BELIZE: Orange Walk District: 3 km south of Hillbank Research Station. Well drained savannah. m. 17°34'49.8"N, 88°42'07.9"W. Small herb spreading by underground stolon. Pink-white stolon; leaves with purple / red margin and white cerrate purple margin and white cerrate tips. Chloe A. Galley No. 3 David Harris 18 Apr 2002 xo] 7) Po ie Co) 77) ® = ~ & > 1 > a fe) [s) MQQO0322
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Family: Umbelliferae
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Centella asiatica (L.) Urb.
Collector/Expedition: Galley, C.A.
Collection number: 4
Collection date: 18th April 2002
Filing region: Central America
Country/Territory: Belize
Barcode: E00625060
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00625060 | HERB. HORT. EDINB. MSC Trip to Belize 2002 Umbelliferae Centella asiatica (L.) Urb. BELIZE: Orange Walk District: 2.5 km south of Hillbank Research Station. Drained savannah. m. 17°35'30"N, 88°42'11"W. Herb spreading by underground stolon. Stolon pink / white, found to 1 cm underground. Chloe A. Galley No. 4 David Harris, Silvia Perez-Esponaz 18 Apr 2002 xo} o = Sd ® 7) cy LI od a f°)] so > Qa fo) iS) MQ00322
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