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Family: Compositae
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Calea trichotoma Donn.Sm.
Collector/Expedition: Bridgewater, S.G.M. & Goodwin, Z.A.
Collection number: 4021
Collection date: 15th September 2009
Filing region: Central America
Country/Territory: Belize
Barcode: E00544196
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Family: Compositae
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Calea trichotoma Donn.Sm.
Collector/Expedition: Goodwin, Z.A. & Lopez, G.N.
Collection number: 1427
Collection date: 7th May 2010
Filing region: Central America
Country/Territory: Belize
Barcode: E00544886
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Family: Leguminosae
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Calliandra emarginata (Willd.) Benth.
Collector/Expedition: Ibáñez Garcia, A.
Collection number: A34
Collection date: 19th May 1996
Filing region: Central America
Country/Territory: Belize
Barcode: E00815158
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Family: Leguminosae
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Calliandra houstoniana (Mill.) Standl.
Collector/Expedition: Whitefoord, C. & Quiroz, V.
Collection number: 106212
Collection date: 22nd October 2005
Filing region: Central America
Country/Territory: Belize
Barcode: E00377775
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Herbarium specimen/sheetE00377776
Family: Leguminosae
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Calliandra houstoniana (Mill.) Standl.
Collector/Expedition: Whitefoord, C. & Quiroz, V.
Collection number: 106212
Collection date: 22nd October 2005
Filing region: Central America
Country/Territory: Belize
Barcode: E00377776
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Herbarium specimen/sheetE00377775
Family: Leguminosae
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Calliandra houstoniana (Mill.) Standl.
Collector/Expedition: Gantz, C.
Collection number: 10
Collection date: 12th April 2003
Filing region: Central America
Country/Territory: Belize
Barcode: E00200764
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. is ’ MTTTUTCOU CONTENT nT copyright reserved ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN ui Oo7 il Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh MSc. Field Trip to Belize il) Leguminosae Calliandra houstoniana (Mill.) Standl. Belize: Cayo: Alongside road c. 5 km. from Las Cuevas base. Disturbed roadside of semi-deciduous forest with Cecropia sp. and other Mimosoids. 16°44'35"N, 88°59'46"W. Small shrub; c. 1.3 m. tall; 1 bright red flower present on shrub. Det by: Sam G. Bridgewater Crysta Gantz No. 10 12 APR 2003 |
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Family: Leguminosae
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Calliandra houstoniana (Mill.) Standl.
Collector/Expedition: Gantz, C.
Collection number: 11
Collection date: 12th April 2003
Filing region: Central America
Country/Territory: Belize
Barcode: E00200768
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. | TTT TUOLCO COAT xo} J) > ‘< ® 172) co) = ~ ont 2 cay ~~ a fe) oO Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh MSc. Field Trip to Belize Leguminosae Calliandra houstoniana (Mill.) Standl. Belize: Cayo: Approximately 5 km. west of Las Cuevas. Disturbed roadside of semi-deciduous forest with Cecropia sp. and other Mimosoids. 16°44'35"N, 88°59'46"W. Small tree; c. 2 m. tall; pods indumentous . SEE PRUTT AND SEED COLLECTION ROYAL ESNBURGH Det by: Sam G. Bridgewater Hh WN Crysta Gantz No. 11 12 APR 2003
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Family: Leguminosae
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Calliandra houstoniana (Mill.) Standl.
Collector/Expedition: Gantz, C.
Collection number: 11
Collection date: 12th April 2003
Filing region: Central America
Country/Territory: Belize
Barcode: E00200796
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Family: Leguminosae
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Calliandra houstoniana (Mill.) Standl.
Collector/Expedition: Ibáñez Garcia, A., Bridgewater, S.G.M., Gemeinholzer, B. & Percy, D.M.
Collection number: A125
Collection date: 27th July 1996
Filing region: Central America
Country/Territory: Belize
Barcode: E00200866
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Il il Eoo 20 i HERB. HORT. EDINB. FLORA OF BELIZE . 125 Al 27 July 1996 Leguminosae Calliandra houstoniana (Mill.) Standl. Det: Locality: Orange Walk District. Rio Bravo Conservation and Management Area. On the track to Lemonal, close to East Gate. Habitat: Open pine savanna. Recently burnt. Shrub to 50cm. Bark reddish, peeling off. Collectors: Alicia Ibafiez, Sam Bridgewater, Birigt Gemeinholzer & Diana Percy. se] o > eT ® m7 . oe ra = = > ri ) )
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Family: Leguminosae
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Calliandra houstoniana (Mill.) Standl.
Collector/Expedition: Hicks, J.R.
Collection number: 35
Collection date: 5th May 2007
Filing region: Central America
Country/Territory: Belize
Barcode: E00387477
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN | | EDINBURGH IN E00387477 | | | | Flora of Belize Leguminosae Calliandra houstoniana (Mill.) Standl. BELIZE: Cayo District: San Pastor Savanna, Chiquibul Forest Reserve. Savanna. north east corner of SPS. 40m into savanna from gallery forest edge. Growing next to old logging trail. Full sun. 687 m. 16° 41'27"N, 88°57'51.1"W. Midsized tree. 4-5m high x 2m wide, single stem. Green foliage, distinct light brown rachis. Pods with tarantula like hairs on outer surfaces. Sandy Soil E FRUIT AND SEED CC fie Common sabes Hicks, Jeff R No. 35 5 May 2007 a TTTUTNE OU TeT TT xo} cd) Ps ® 7) co , a Par HS (°)) AS > eh ° [o)
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Family: Leguminosae
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Calliandra houstoniana (Mill.) Standl.
Collector/Expedition: Hicks, J.R.
Collection number: 35
Collection date: 5th May 2007
Filing region: Central America
Country/Territory: Belize
Barcode: E00348644
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Herbarium specimen/sheetE00387477
Family: Leguminosae
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Calliandra houstoniana (Mill.) Standl.
Collector/Expedition: Goodwin, Z.A. & Barrientos, E.
Collection number: 1108
Collection date: 6th October 2009
Filing region: Central America
Country/Territory: Belize
Barcode: E00544674
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Ls ltl copyright reserved The Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh The Flora of Belize Fabaceae - mimosoideae Calliandra houstoniana (Mill.) Stand. Belize: Orange Walk, Road from Northern Highway (at Carmelita) to Maskall/Bomba, 3 miles; 50 m north of road. Site 7A 18° 01° 09.84" N 88° 31° 35.82" W (WGS84) Oak thicket, Quercus oleioides (D) 16 m, with few other trees such as Ficus sp (R) 15 m & Metopium brownei (O) 5 m. Dense understory of shrubs incl. many “savanna” species such as Calliandra houstoniana (A) 2 m, Curatella americana (A) 3 m, Davilla kunthii (F) 2 m, Acacia sp (O) 3 m, & Parathesis cubana (F) 3 m, as well as “forest” species; Croton sp (F) 2m, Hampea trilobata (A) 2 m, Coccoloba sp (F) 3 m & Guettarda combsii (O) 4 m. Herb layer consisting of grasses sparse due to dominance of shrub layer and thick leaf litter layer. Alt.: 20m Abundant shrub in oak thickets to 1.5 m; showy red stamens. Goodwin, Zoé A. with Barrientos, 06 OCT 2009 Eduardo 1108 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH | Ml E00544674 Darwin Initiative Project No.17022 Conservation of the lowland savanna ecosystem in Belize
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Family: Leguminosae
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Calliandra houstoniana (Mill.) Standl.
Collector/Expedition: Bridgewater, S.G.M., Ibáñez Garcia, A., Gemeinholzer, B. & Percy, D.M.
Collection number: 125AI
Collection date: 27th July 1996
Filing region: Central America
Country/Territory: Belize
Barcode: E00727143
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00727143 | FLORA OF BELIZE 125 Al 27 July 1996 Leguminosae Calliandra houstoniana (Mill.) Standl. Det: Locality: Orange Walk District. Rio Bravo Conservation and Management Area. On the track to Lemonal, close to East Gate. Habitat: Open pine savanna. Recently burnt. Shrub to 50cm. Bark reddish, peeling off. Collectors: Alicia Ibafez, Sam Bridgewater, Birigt Gemeinholzer & Diana Percy. MINNIE TOT TT xo} ® Pad MS ) n oO i i = Da = ) a fe) o
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Family: Leguminosae
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Calliandra houstoniana (Mill.) Standl.
Collector/Expedition: Byng, J.W.
Collection number: 15
Collection date: 14th January 2009
Filing region: Central America
Country/Territory: Belize
Barcode: E01464989
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Family: Leguminosae
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Calliandra houstoniana var. houstoniana
Collector/Expedition: Ratter, J.A.
Collection number: R5197
Collection date: 20th August 1986
Filing region: Central America
Country/Territory: Belize
Barcode: E00167062
No label status given
HERB. HORT. EDINB. is Re TTCCCU TOT =e 3] 9 copyright reserved EEE aca wee Calan dia houstoniona (miller) stendley var. [ fe) wo 0 ne : Det. > Ronce + sek, 2002 FLORA OF BELIZE Fi a a =e] 2:3 ee DA. C.Cowcs SP. 987 Calliandra fous teniana (Will) Wrercll . Near Spanish Lookout, Cayo Dist., 17°13'N 88°S57'W, alt. 50-100 m- wen Clumped subshrub to 1m tall. cm 0 In Oak/palmetto savanna on fairly dry soil. Date. 20 8 1986 _ a Colt: J.A. Ratter
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Family: Leguminosae
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Calliandra houstoniana var. houstoniana
Collector/Expedition: Ratter, J.A.
Collection number: R5211
Collection date: 22nd August 1986
Filing region: Central America
Country/Territory: Belize
Barcode: E00167063
No label status given
HERB. HORT. EDINB. xo] a) Po a 0) ” oO bes ie > oS Po) a ° [s) % oF ere (p02) Wrooll. Det. Lane 5° F987 Callionda® houstoniona (Milley) Standley var’: hosstonianan Det. S Pouce ; set, 2002. FLORA OF BELIZE j No.R 5211 | Calliandra randiFlora Centh, Nr Belmopan on the Western Highway, Cayo Distr., alt. less than 100 m. Shrmk with clumped shacts of annua’™ daration ta 1.5 m tal. Filaments. bright wah, Sauthers pale yellow. Guowaneg by roadsicie close to Calliandra sp. | R.5740, ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Date. 22 8 1986 EDINBURGH wnt BE. sheer £00167063
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Family: Leguminosae
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Calliandra tergemina (L.)Benth.
Collector/Expedition: Urban, A.L.
Collection number: 9
Collection date: 7th April 2003
Filing region: Central America
Country/Territory: Belize
Barcode: E00200769
No label status given
i HERB. HORT. EDINB. t MTTTUTOOLO TON On So oO Pd i co n cy be = oo sy — a) o's o oO Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh MSc. Field Trip to Belize Leguminosae Calliandra tergemina (L.)Benth. Belize: Cayo: Chiquibul National Forest: Guacamallo Bridge, Macal River. Semi-deciduous tropical forest. 16°52'07"N, 89°02'62"W. Contorted shrub to 0.5 m; terminal portion of filament pink, remainder white ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Riparian EDINBURGH ‘nN aoe eT Lillis Urban No. 9 07 APR 2003
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Family: Leguminosae
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Calliandra tergemina (L.)Benth.
Collector/Expedition: Bridgewater, S.G.M., Ibáñez Garcia, A., Gemeinholzer, B. & Percy, D.M.
Collection number: 153AI
Collection date: 30th July 1996
Filing region: Central America
Country/Territory: Belize
Barcode: E00200788
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Fae HERB. HORT. EDINB. ATTTUTEOU CCU On nT copyright reserved FLORA OF BELIZE 153 Al 30 July 1996 Leguminosae Calliandra tergemina (L.) Benth. Det: Locality: Orange Walk District. Rio Bravo Conservation and Management Area. On the track to Lemonal, close to East Gate. ; Habitat: Gallery forest within the savanna area Shrub to 1m. Collectors: Alicia Ibafiez, Sam Bridgewater Birigt Gemeinholzer & Diana Percy.
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Family: Leguminosae
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Calliandra tergemina (L.)Benth.
Collector/Expedition: Urban, A.L.
Collection number: 148
Collection date: 22nd April 2003
Filing region: Central America
Country/Territory: Belize
Barcode: E00200878
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. MITTAL TOUTE ET xo} co) Pd te o no A ad = D cS > a ° oO y Z Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh MSc. Field Trip to Belize Leguminosae Calliandra tergemina (L.)Benth. Belize: Cayo: Chiquibul National Forest: Guacamallo Bridge, Macal River. Riverine vegetation along seasonally flooded river. 16°52'07"N, 89°02'62"W. Shrub to 3m Semi-deciduous tropical forest a ee es Det by: Sam G. Bridgewater OL Feivkewina. 14 E00200878 22 APR 2003
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Family: Leguminosae
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Calliandra tergemina (L.)Benth.
Collector/Expedition: Urban, A.L.
Collection number: 149
Collection date: 22nd April 2003
Filing region: Central America
Country/Territory: Belize
Barcode: E00200763
No label status given
HERB. HORT. EDINB. no} ® PS & ® n a) te a = SS = > roy ° rz) Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh MSc. Field Trip to Belize Leguminosae Calliandra tergemina (L.)Benth. Belize: Cayo: Chiquibul National Forest: Guacamallo Bridge, @ Macal River. Riverine vegetation along seasonally flooded river, 16°52'07"N, 89°02'62"W. Shrub to 3.5m Semi-deciduous tropical forest ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN wu a Eoo20 Det by: Sam G. Bridgewater ih Il itis Urban No. 14 22 APR 2003
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Family: Leguminosae
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Calliandra tergemina (L.)Benth.
Collector/Expedition: Urban, A.L.
Collection number: 158
Collection date: 22nd April 2003
Filing region: Central America
Country/Territory: Belize
Barcode: E00200879
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. Lt a 7 SS So. TTTUTO CO EUA OOH TT xo} o Pa — o n 2 ~ os f°)) ES > fo} ° oO Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh MSc. Field Trip to Belize 7 . Leguminosae Calliandra tergemina (L.)Benth. Belize: Cayo: Chiquibul National Forest: Guacamallo Bridge, Macal River. Riverine vegetation along seasonally flooded river, 46°52'07"N, 89°02'62"W. Tree to 5m, green inner bark, grean-pea smell Semi-deciduous tropical forest ROYAL OINBURGH Det by: Sam G. Bridgewater A ue gens foo Eo0o0200879 22 APR 2003
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Family: Leguminosae
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Calliandra tergemina (L.)Benth.
Collector/Expedition: Urban, A.L.
Collection number: 8
Collection date: 7th April 2003
Filing region: Central America
Country/Territory: Belize
Barcode: E01465064
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Family: Leguminosae
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Calliandra tergemina var. emarginata (Willd.)Barneby
Collector/Expedition: Price, R.H. & Bridgewater, S.G.M.
Collection number: 102
Collection date: 5th April 2003
Filing region: Central America
Country/Territory: Belize
Barcode: E00200760
Label data completely captured
HERB. HORT. EDINB. PL ATTTUTNOU ETON copyright reserved Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh MSc. Field Trip to Belize Leguminosae Calliandra tergemina (L.)Benth. var. emarginata (Willd.)Barneby Belize: Orange Walk: 7kms due south of Hillbank field station, ! r Seasonally dry gallery forest. 25 m17°31'N, 88°42'W. td Small multistemmed wiry shrub, 1m high. Flowers white, bark smooth. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN i 00 Eo0o02007 200760 Det by: Sam G. Bridgewater ill R.H. Price No. 102 with S.Bridgewater 05 APR 2003
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Family: Leguminosae
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Calliandra tergemina var. emarginata (Willd.)Barneby
Collector/Expedition: Goodwin, Z.A. & Lopez, G.N.
Collection number: 1791
Collection date: 5th December 2010
Filing region: Central America
Country/Territory: Belize
Barcode: E00554097
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00554097 HERB. HORT. EDINB, | Ny Flora of Belize Fabaceae - Mimosoideae Calliandra tergemina (L.) Benth. var. emarginata (Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd.) Barneby Cayo: Savannah Bank; 7 Km southwest from Belmopan, 3 Km from Tapir Mountain on the bank of Roaring Creek downstream from Mountain Pine Ridge. 17°10'09" N, 88°49'56" W Rare (locally frequent) low shrub; attractive white inflorescences. Dense pine woodland, at western end of savanna patch. Abundant Pinus caribaea 15-18 m, Quercus oleoides | m (-5 m) & frequent Quercus cf purulhana 1 m (-5 m), Calliandra houstoniana | m, occasional Byrsonima crassifolia | (-4) m, Curatella americana 1-4 m & rare Acoelorraphe wrightii 1 m. Rich grass-dominated herb layer with many species of Fabaceae. Plenty of past human disturbance with evidence of logging & horses, undergrowth appears cleared however not burnt for several years. Damage to pine trees by recent hurricane (Richard, 6 weeks previously) with wind blown branches and a few fallen trees. Collector: Goodwin, Zoé A. With: Lopez, German N. 5 December 2010 179] Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh (£) Darwin Initiative Project - Conservation of the lowland Savanna ecosystem in Belize So ® Pad ae i) 7) ® — Cad co = I a) Qa ° oO
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Family: Labiatae
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Callicarpa acuminata H.B.K.
Collection number: A103
Collection date: 26th June 1996
Filing region: Central America
Country/Territory: Belize
Barcode: E00826253
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. OD 0 Ww gS g g = <a june elemecee ene ads ionamin copyright reserved Ex Herbarium Musei Britannici Flora Mesoamericana: BELIZE Callicarpa acuminata H. B. K A103 Cayo District. Chiquibul Forest Reserve. Grano de Oro Camp. : 16°40'N 89°02'W. 560m. SS ” Habitat: Disturbed open area, by track. Notes: Tall shrub c.3m., various stems. Bark orangish. Corolla whitish, easy falling. Anthers yellow. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00826253 | A. lbafiez Garcia 26 June 1996
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Family: Labiatae
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Callicarpa acuminata H.B.K.
Collector/Expedition: Goodwin, Z.A.
Collection number: 928
Collection date: 25th June 2008
Filing region: Central America
Country/Territory: Belize
Barcode: E01012103
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN i E01012103 HERB. HORT. EDINB. Flora of Belize Lamiaceae Callicarpa acuminata Kunth Corozal: Sarteneja, c. 2 km south of village along access road to La Isla. 10m 18°20'19" N, 88°07'25" W Common shrub 5 m; white flowers. Tropical, seasonally deciduous, lowland, broadleaf forest, canopy ~12 m dominated by Metopium brownei, Lysiloma latisiliquum, Bursera simaruba, Gymnanthes lucida & Caesalpinia gaumeri. Disturbed roadside in forest, thin red-brown soil over soft limestone. Collector: Goodwin, Zoé A. 928 With: Lloyd, Kate A. & Lloyd, Adam J.J. 25 June 2008 Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh (E) 10 cS) xo] ) Pad i ® ") ® = al fo D E Jewee* ° oO Oo) 0 wy g a g =
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Family: Bignoniaceae
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Callichlamys latifolia (Rich.) K.Schum.
Collector/Expedition: Goodwin, Z.A. & Akers, R.M.
Collection number: 729
Collection date: 12th May 2007
Filing region: Central America
Country/Territory: Belize
Barcode: E00544251
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN oO) 0 Ww fav) g g a BOTANIC GARDEN Flora of Belize Darwin Initiative Project - Developing Integrated Assessment of Biodiversity in Secondary Forest in Belize Bignoniaceae Callichlamys latifolia (Rich.) K.Schum. Det by Z.A.Goodwin on Jul 07 copyright reserved Belize: Stann Creek District, Cockscomb Basin Wildlife Sanctuary, 400 m S of Victoria Peak trail at 14 km Marker, plot 59. ' 16° 47° 30.9" N 88° 33’ 6.9" W (WGS84) Tropical evergreen, broadleaf, moist, lowland forest, canopy ~20 m dominated by Zanthoxylum sp, Spondias radlkoferi & Virola koschnyi, understory of numerous ferns & Araceae epiphytes. Altitude: ~150m Valley floor near river (within 100 m); thick leaf litter & dark soil; granite bedrock. Common canopy liana. Goodwin, Zoé Africa 729 12 May 2007 with R. Akers EDINBURGH E00544251
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Family: Commelinaceae
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Callisia Loefl.
Collector/Expedition: Banfield, L.
Collection number: 5
Collection date: 18th April 2006
Filing region: Central America
Country/Territory: Belize
Barcode: E00533673
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HERB. HORT. EDINB, copyright reserved Flora of Belize Commelinaceae Callisia Loefl. Cayo: Chiquibul Forest Reserve; 6 km ESE from Las Cuevas Research Station, Monkey Tail River. 550 m. 16°44'25" N, 88°56'08" W Sprawling herb, stems up to | m, reaching height of 0.75 m; flowers white, stamens with yellow theca and orange connective; collected at 15:20, most flowers closing. Disturbed broadleaf forest edge between track up to 3 m wide and river approx 20 m away. Soil on limestone. r~< ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN ii "3 EDINBURGH Collector: Banfield, Lisa 5 3 | | | 18 April 2006 SSS Ff. ae E00533673 Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh (£)
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Family: Commelinaceae
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Callisia Loefl.
Collector/Expedition: Harris, D.J.
Collection number: 7904
Collection date: 24th April 2002
Filing region: Central America
Country/Territory: Belize
Barcode: E01465032
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Family: Guttiferae
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Calophyllum brasiliense Camb.
Collector/Expedition: Hicks, J.R.
Collection number: 91
Collection date: 27th May 2007
Filing region: Central America
Country/Territory: Belize
Barcode: E00377630
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00377630 Flora of Belize Guttiferae Calophyllum brasiliense Camb. BELIZE: Cayo District: San Pastor Savanna, Chiquibul Forest Reserve Gallery forest/savanna edge, within a clearing of galley forest. Very north-east section of savanna. 687 m. 16°41'16.7"N, 88°57'44"W, Under-story shrub. 2m high, very strong bark, yellow/green rachis Light- green foliage. ; Clay soil. Uncommon Hicks, Jeff R No. 91 a es u 27 May 2007 8 x} co) Pa <i 0) ” o ps ae = om e.) a fe) (s)
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