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Family: Rutaceae
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Boronia ovata Lindl.
Collector/Expedition: Morrison, A.
Collection date: 18th November 1899
Filing region: Australia
Country/Territory: Australia
Barcode: E00126090
Label data partially captured
FLORA OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA. Siti api | | | Loe. he ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN ML E00126090 Coll, ALtEx. Morrison ........... Yufoy a Pa a o n ® = = ao D ae 4) fom ° oO
DigiVol Label transcriptions:
<div>Transcribed name: Boronia ovata Lindl.</div><div>Collector: Morrison, Alexander (Dr.)</div><div>Collection number: s.n.</div><div>Collection date: 1899-11-18</div><div>Country of origin: Australia Western Australia</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/23298947</div>
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Dasypogonaceae
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Calectasia cyanea R.Br.
Collector/Expedition: Morrison, A.
Collection date: 12th July 1902
Filing region: Australia
Country/Territory: Australia
Barcode: E00421503
Label data completely captured
tanto re: o > See 0) 77) | i — f= i) ra bP) 2 ° 3) _ m HERS. HORT. REC. BOT. EDIN. ! rm : FLORA OF AUSTRALIA. HERB. OF DR. A. MORRISON. BEQUEATHED, 1915, EDINBURGH x: paren Rip A sample has been removed for pollen analysis ‘ ' | | for: Alex Davey Swiiniieny - Nudhard femchon, WA 2 a E00421503 Sent to: E Date: 15 June 2011 Ref. No: 1409 * 44 : Wie pul i902 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN |
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Cupressaceae
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Callitris drummondii (Parl.) F.Muell.
Collector/Expedition: Morrison, A.
Collection date: July 1923
Filing region: Australia
Country/Territory: Australia
Barcode: E00131185
Label data completely captured
ATTN TTUA TNO ICHA THAI xo; i) Pa te co) 72) - eS ont Loy cS > 2. ° 1) HERBARIUM A. MORRISON, PERTH, W.A. FLORA AUSTRALIENSIS. ballibies Lrcmmaiaae BN fie tice MALL... LE Z EP" ; | wn qu Chic: Monin a rr ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN E£001311
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Cupressaceae
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Callitris preissii Miq.
Collector/Expedition: Morrison, A.
Filing region: Australia
Country/Territory: Australia
Barcode: E00236174
Label data completely captured
Carpological HERB. HORT. EDINB. copyright reserved FLORA OF AUSTRALIA | Family: Cupressaceae | | Callitris preissii Miq. |” -ROYALBOTANICGARDEN Collector: Dr Morrison | age) ange
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Cupressaceae
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Callitris preissii Miq.
Collector/Expedition: Morrison, A.
Collection date: 18th August 1908
Filing region: Australia
Country/Territory: Australia
Barcode: E00131151
Label data completely captured
MUTT TUOLACITOA OHA THHIT copyright reserved Callitris preissii Miq. A. Farjon 17 July 2000 HERB: A. MORRISON, PERTH. W.A. FLORA OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN INHUMAN i= Pema iy, ate Betenry 2G eee Coll. Arex. Morrison
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Cupressaceae
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Callitris preissii Miq.
Collector/Expedition: Morrison, A.
Collection date: 30th July 1910
Filing region: Australia
Country/Territory: Australia
Barcode: E00131170
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Cupressaceae
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Callitris preissii Miq.
Collector/Expedition: Morrison, A.
Collection date: 16th December 1911
Filing region: Australia
Country/Territory: Australia
Barcode: E00131171
Label data completely captured
/ xo) o = — ) n” ® I ad <= — — > Qa fe) oO HERB: A. MORRISON, PERTH. W.A. FLORA OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA. Gz G7 i ey : Lot... e oA 4A 0c net hacnen ot Loe se hte Netiiae. Al ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Coll. Anex. Morrison LEME : ni | Rae
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Cupressaceae
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Callitris preissii Miq.
Collector/Expedition: Morrison, A.
Collection date: 22nd April 1903
Filing region: Australia
Country/Territory: Australia
Barcode: E00131172
Label data completely captured
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN hh TT o13 | | | oN | Coll. Arex. Morrison HERB: A. MORRISON, PERTH. W.A. FLORA OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA. ‘ ee Z Bee 2 ZZ. (Alliefrdas 7obueta; Sf ~~ LYaMgeg. xo} o Pt i co n iD Se aed <= io) sj > a fe) (S)
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Cupressaceae
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Callitris verrucosa (Endl.) F.Muell.
Collector/Expedition: Morrison, A.
Collection date: May 1903
Filing region: Australia
Country/Territory: Australia
Barcode: E00236172
Label data completely captured
Carpological HERB. HORT. EDINB. M@@@322 | se] o > sh ® ro 2 ae) = ae — > 2 ° co) FLORA OF AUSTRALIA Family: Cupressaceae Callitris verrucosa (Endl.) F.Muell. Location: Western Australia; Bremer Bay | i orriso IC GARDEN | Collector . D M n ROYAL BOTAN oe ng
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Cupressaceae
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Callitris verrucosa (Endl.) F.Muell.
Collector/Expedition: Morrison, A.
Collection date: 16th January 1906
Filing region: Australia
Country/Territory: Australia
Barcode: E00131173
Label data completely captured
ss | ATITUTUUL INUIT TOH TENT SB cy Pa ke o n “a od = copyrig - ~~ - VerruUcoga HERBARIUM A. MORRISON, PERTH, W.A. FLORA AUSTRALIENSIS. Ciltitres Verraccsa, Kir ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN iyi gu 31
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Cupressaceae
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Callitris verrucosa (Endl.) F.Muell.
Collector/Expedition: Morrison, A.
Collection date: 16th January 1906
Filing region: Australia
Country/Territory: Australia
Barcode: E00131176
Label data completely captured
ATENEO TTUN TOO OTT ar 28, meee er < a Q ey elma S copyright reserved 28> A ce 6 ire OO AO FLORA AUSTRALIENSIS. ballitris verrtcosa, IMbr- L BOTANIC GA EDINBURGH wg oh stn ll E00131176
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Myrtaceae
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Calothamnus hirsutus Hawkeswood
Collector/Expedition: Morrison, A.
Collection date: 25th November 1905
Filing region: Australia
Country/Territory: Australia
Barcode: E00047132
No label status given
r 3 ® > See ® n ® — Cl = SS a > a ° a) sx HERB. HORT. REC. BOT. EDIN. FLORA OF AUSTRALIA, HERB. OF DR. A. MORRISON. BEQUEATHED, 1915, Cobo tann ; ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN ae ‘Ka ae Kirawtn Klawher cose! eee es villogur R. Py, Pet LL George Cominug/tonr WA, 7 ON. 19499? ng eo 7 7 (os r
DigiVol Label transcriptions:
<div>Transcribed name: Calothamnus hirsutus Hawkeswood</div><div>Collector: Morrison, Alexander (Dr.)</div><div>Collection number: s.n.</div><div>Collection date: 1905-11-25</div><div>Country of origin: Australia Western Australia</div><div>Transcription date: Bequeathed 1915. Herb. of Dr. A. Morrison</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/25056834</div>
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Myrtaceae
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Calothamnus hirsutus Hawkeswood
Collector/Expedition: Morrison, A.
Collection date: 24th January 1905
Filing region: Australia
Country/Territory: Australia
Barcode: E00047131
No label status given
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN in Eoo04 HA NN Aa Kamran Ares Klatt essed Det. A Gowege P OméK. 1997 mx HERB. HORT. REG. BOT. EDIN. - FLORA OF AUSTRALIA. HERB. OF DR. A. MORRISON, BEQUEATHED, 1915. Comnngtorr ,W)-A,, TMU TTHAT xo} co) Pd tT ® 177) ® i a no D ‘- > Q. ° oO
DigiVol Label transcriptions:
<div>Transcribed name: Calothamnus hirsutus Hawkeswood</div><div>Collector: Morrison, Alexander (Dr.)</div><div>Collection number: s.n.</div><div>Country of origin: Australia Western Australia</div><div>Transcription date: Bequeathed 1915. Herb. of Dr. A. Morrison</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/25056830</div>
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Myrtaceae
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Calothamnus hirsutus Hawkeswood
Collector/Expedition: Morrison, A.
Collection date: 28th February 1903
Filing region: Australia
Country/Territory: Australia
Barcode: E00047130
No label status given
| is FISSV19 BED MELT ESIC 4 | exrite (eo) * MILE xo} cy Pad a ) n co) be ot co dD oo es) a fo} oO Ca Ais) 9 calce Priest teen Det. 77g. ct. Af. Googe 7 2X. 197 vm HERB. HORT. REC. BOT. EDIN. FLORA OF AUSTRALIA. HERB. OF DR. A. MORRISON, BEQUEATHED, 1915, ~— Danbinglos 0)-A, Won Tt. Gh, Lay | 047130
DigiVol Label transcriptions:
<div>Transcribed name: Calothamnus hirsutus Hawkeswood</div><div>Collector: Morrison, Alexander (Dr.)</div><div>Collection number: s.n.</div><div>Collection date: 1903-02-28</div><div>Country of origin: Australia Western Australia</div><div>Transcription date: Bequeathed 1915. Herb. of Dr. A. Morrison</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/25056826</div>
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Myrtaceae
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Calothamnus quadrifidus R.Br. ex W.T.Aiton
Collector/Expedition: Morrison, A.
Collection date: 14th January 1905
Filing region: Australia
Country/Territory: Australia
Barcode: E00047134
No label status given
4 ~~ i BES) 19499Y9¢ A . — “_ia OL aot S “= —— = SS | a — IMTOO TOT Lf. “en \Z J , Z CEA al 1 28 copyright reserved LS Na Ee <r yA Det. Gil —Leege ? Cok. P97 Bel i = HERB. HORT. REC. BOT. EDIN. FLORA OF AUSTRALIA. 0) HERB. OF DR. A. MORRISON. BEQUEATHED, 1915. eth 7116 Wathrro N.A, TT petite: L BOTANIC GAR EDINBURGH ROYA E 00047134
DigiVol Label transcriptions:
<div>Transcribed name: Calothamnus quadrifidus R.Br. ex W.T.Aiton</div><div>Collector: collector unknown</div><div>Collection number: s.n.</div><div>Collection date: 1905-01-14</div><div>Country of origin: Australia Western Australia</div><div>Transcription date: 14th Jan., 1905</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/25056842</div>
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Myrtaceae
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Calothamnus quadrifidus R.Br. ex W.T.Aiton
Collector/Expedition: Morrison, A.
Collection date: 13th October 1903
Filing region: Australia
Country/Territory: Australia
Barcode: E00047136
No label status given
Es ltl xo} a) Pd he co) n o i od co os a > Qa. ° oO ROYAL En a en guaca fio KE. Det. AA Borg F Cov. (79) #x HERB. HORT. REG. BOT. EDIN. FLORA OF AUSTRALIA. HERB. OF DR. A. MORRISON. BEQUEATHED, 1915. CEhth gee ea —— Re { W = iad ing Prawaning 5 Bho -aurmury , ie site Qt. (%2
DigiVol Label transcriptions:
<div>Transcribed name: Calothamnus quadrifidus R.Br. ex W.T.Aiton</div><div>Collector: collector unknown</div><div>Collection number: s.n.</div><div>Collection date: 1903-10-13</div><div>Country of origin: Australia Western Australia</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/25056850</div>
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Myrtaceae
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Calothamnus quadrifidus R.Br. ex W.T.Aiton
Collector/Expedition: Morrison, A.
Collection date: 24th March 1900
Filing region: Australia
Country/Territory: Australia
Barcode: E00047142
No label status given
By TUTTO TTA xo] ® “ ® n co) i) a ao D = > Q. fe) o ROYAL Det. ZL George 7 Bok. 1°97 ux HERB. HORT. REC. BOT. EDIN. FLORA OF AUSTRALIA, HERB. OF DR. A. MORRISON. BEQUEATHED, 1915. ol Ate ae a Ceo nom sagt Darling tin ti Gare larry ball aoe wm QiLam. | 00471 Bs Ayan: B., 1900
DigiVol Label transcriptions:
<div>Transcribed name: Calothamnus quadrifidus R.Br. ex W.T.Aiton</div><div>Collector: M, A.</div><div>Collection date: 1900-03-24</div><div>Country of origin: Australia Western Australia</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/25056871</div>
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Myrtaceae
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Calothamnus sanguineus Labill.
Collector/Expedition: Morrison, A.
Collection date: June 1877
Filing region: Australia
Country/Territory: Australia
Barcode: E00047148
No label status given
AUSTRALIAN PLANTS. RecEIvED, August, 1888. | COLLECTED AND PRESENTED BY : f | Dr ALEXANDER MORRISON, MELBOURNE. ey ¥ Pia oat } y is ae Hes a 2 ae ee srifsaninesn ona nsaineceeeaese eee ee BES) 19499Y49C exrite Col 2 Det. HL fcr? ? ‘ se) ® > be ® ri 4 Pm <£ Ro} ct > row ° a) ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN ny 1 iia
DigiVol Label transcriptions:
<div>Transcribed name: Calothamnus sanguineus Labill.</div><div>Collector: Morrison, Alexander (Dr.)</div><div>Collection number: s.n.</div><div>Collection date: 1877-06</div><div>Country of origin: Australia Western Australia</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/25056895</div>
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Myrtaceae
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Calothamnus sanguineus Labill.
Collector/Expedition: Morrison, A.
Collection date: 4th June 1904
Filing region: Australia
Country/Territory: Australia
Barcode: E00047140
No label status given
| BSSae 19y99Y91C Po aiis) col Fe livntunnilinnstin lit L 8 copyright reserved eee oe r Cale K Aw nine Vien whlee> Kok? Det. Od. Gange P On. 1497 ax HERB. HORT. REC. BOT. EDIN. FLORA OF AUSTRALIA. HERB. OF DR. A. MORRISON. BEQUEATHED, 1915 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Dar (ing fon 7 bd). A., wn 0 lth pane (Gor
DigiVol Label transcriptions:
<div>Transcribed name: Calothamnus sanguineus Labill.</div><div>Collector: collector unknown</div><div>Collection number: s.n.</div><div>Collection date: 1904-06-04</div><div>Country of origin: Australia Western Australia</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/25056863</div>
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Dilleniaceae
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Filed as: Candollea cuneiformis Labill.
Current name: Hibbertia cuneiformis (Labil.) Sm.
Collector/Expedition: Morrison, A.
Collection date: 16th June 1877
Filing region: Australia
Country/Territory: Australia
Barcode: E00023737
Label data partially captured
DigiVol Label transcriptions:
<div>Transcribed name: Candollea cuneiformis Labill.</div><div>Collector: Morrison, Alexander (Dr.)</div><div>Collection number: s.n.</div><div>Collection date: 1877-06-16</div><div>Country of origin: Australia Western Australia</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/24947801</div>
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Dilleniaceae
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Filed as: Candollea glaberrima Steud.
Current name: Hibbertia subvaginata (Steud.) F.Muell.
Collector/Expedition: Morrison, A.
Collection date: 19th August 1899
Filing region: Australia
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00023740
Label data partially captured
BESae 19499Y91C Daa ks col & os tility xe o > i ® 172) 4 Sell cS D re Es 2 ° rz) HERB: A. MORRISON, PERTH, W.A. FLORA OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN IQ E00023740
DigiVol Label transcriptions:
<div>Transcribed name: Candollea glaberrima Steud.</div><div>Collector: Morrison, Alexander (Dr.)</div><div>Collection number: s.n.</div><div>Collection date: 1899-08-19</div><div>Country of origin: Australia Western Australia</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/24947813</div>
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Dilleniaceae
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Filed as: Candollea glaberrima Steud.
Current name: Hibbertia subvaginata (Steud.) F.Muell.
Collector/Expedition: Morrison, A.
Collection date: 25th October 1900
Filing region: Australia
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00023741
Label data partially captured
r LL AUTO En TT mail copyright reserved HERB: A. MORRISON, PERTH, W.A. FLORA OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA. o SfecedA. Le: Sdmliccsiente Dark fiaage— ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN MN | en E00023741
DigiVol Label transcriptions:
<div>Transcribed name: Candollea glaberrima Steud.</div><div>Collector: Morrison, Alexander (Dr.)</div><div>Collection number: s.n.</div><div>Collection date: 1900-10-25</div><div>Country of origin: Australia Western Australia</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/24947817</div>
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Dilleniaceae
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Filed as: Candollea glaberrima Steud.
Current name: Hibbertia subvaginata (Steud.) F.Muell.
Collector/Expedition: Morrison, A.
Collection date: 23rd September 1900
Filing region: Australia
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00023742
Label data partially captured
DigiVol Label transcriptions:
<div>Transcribed name: Candollea glaberrima Steud.</div><div>Collector: Morrison Alex</div><div>Collection date: 1900-09-23</div><div>Country of origin: Australia Western Australia</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/24947821</div>
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Dilleniaceae
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Filed as: Candollea glaberrima Steud.
Current name: Hibbertia subvaginata (Steud.) F.Muell.
Collector/Expedition: Morrison, A.
Collection date: 25th August 1906
Filing region: Australia
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00023743
Label data partially captured
DigiVol Label transcriptions:
<div>Transcribed name: Candollea glaberrima Steud.</div><div>Collector: Morrison Alex</div><div>Collection date: 1906-08-25</div><div>Country of origin: Australia Western Australia</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/24947825</div>
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet
IIIF Manifest
Family: Dilleniaceae
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Filed as: Candollea glaberrima Steud.
Current name: Hibbertia subvaginata (Steud.) F.Muell.
Collector/Expedition: Morrison, A.
Collection date: 19th August 1899
Filing region: Australia
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00023744
Label data partially captured
ning ig 0023744
DigiVol Label transcriptions:
<div>Transcribed name: Candollea glaberrima Steud.</div><div>Collector: Morrison Alex</div><div>Collection date: 1899-08-19</div><div>Country of origin: Australia Western Australia</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/24947829</div>
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Dilleniaceae
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Filed as: Candollea glaberrima Steud.
Current name: Hibbertia subvaginata (Steud.) F.Muell.
Collector/Expedition: Morrison, A.
Collection date: 10th October 1900
Filing region: Australia
Country/Territory: Australia
Barcode: E00023745
Label data partially captured
2 MELEE copyright reserved A Oe 20 oe oo IO HERB: A. MORRISON, PERTH, Stans. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN on Weeyaanater olan <tarin ee OWN a Te | E00023745
DigiVol Label transcriptions:
<div>Transcribed name: Candollea glaberrima Steud.</div><div>Collector: Morrison Alex</div><div>Collection date: 1900-10-10</div><div>Country of origin: Australia Western Australia</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/24947833</div>
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Dilleniaceae
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Filed as: Candollea glaberrima Steud.
Current name: Hibbertia subvaginata (Steud.) F.Muell.
Collector/Expedition: Morrison, A.
Collection date: 4th September 1908
Filing region: Australia
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00023746
Label data partially captured
r 3 ® > i“ ® 7 4 eet <= =) r ~ roy ° i) HERB: A. MORRISON, PERTH, W.A. FLORA OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN TT aC E00023746
DigiVol Label transcriptions:
<div>Transcribed name: Candollea glaberrima Steud.</div><div>Collector: Morrison, Alex.</div><div>Collection number: s.n.</div><div>Collection date: 1908-09-04</div><div>Country of origin: Australia Western Australia</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/24947837</div>
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet
IIIF Manifest
Family: Dilleniaceae
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Filed as: Candollea glaberrima Steud.
Current name: Hibbertia subvaginata (Steud.) F.Muell.
Collector/Expedition: Morrison, A.
Collection date: 2nd November 1905
Filing region: Australia
Country/Territory: Australia
Barcode: E00023747
Label data partially captured
is lmtinlintiluy xo} ® Pd te ® n 4 rd = D Es es) Qa fe) 1S) HERB: A. MORRISON, PERTH, W.A. FLORA OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA. @o. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN i 0 E00023747
DigiVol Label transcriptions:
<div>Transcribed name: Candollea glaberrima Steud.</div><div>Collector: Morrison Alex</div><div>Country of origin: Australia Western Australia</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/24947841</div>
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet
IIIF Manifest
Family: Dilleniaceae
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Filed as: Candollea glaberrima Steud.
Current name: Hibbertia subvaginata (Steud.) F.Muell.
Collector/Expedition: Morrison, A.
Collection date: 1st October 1898
Filing region: Australia
Country/Territory: Australia
Barcode: E00023748
Label data partially captured
a oISSV19 BED AE] BBO <P aac) fere)| * FS 4 ® r 4 — = = = ~ roy re) fz) HERB: A. MORRISON, PERTH, W.A. FLORA OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA. (eadob lex. Glaberriun/ Sfeadt- Loc. Diarleieghom, Durkee ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH Coll. ALEX. MORRISON coco GMO GER crn: EON la E00023
DigiVol Label transcriptions:
<div>Transcribed name: Candollea glaberrima Steud.</div><div>Collector: Morrison Alex</div><div>Collection date: 1898-10-01</div><div>Country of origin: Australia Western Australia</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/24947845</div>
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet
IIIF Manifest
Family: Dilleniaceae
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Filed as: Candollea glaberrima Steud.
Current name: Hibbertia subvaginata (Steud.) F.Muell.
Collector/Expedition: Morrison, A.
Collection date: 29th September 1910
Filing region: Australia
Country/Territory: Australia
Barcode: E00023749
Label data partially captured
os Poissy BED RE BDI | Ne xrite col x] S — ® 7 o & ae i fe) a ey a fe} Oo yw HERB. HORT. REC. BOT. EDIN. FLORA OF AUSTRALIA. HERB. OF DR, A. MORRISON. - BEQUEATHED, 1915. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN 0 29-9. 1910
DigiVol Label transcriptions:
<div>Transcribed name: Candollea glaberrima Steud.</div><div>Collector: Morrison A</div><div>Collection date: 1910-09-29</div><div>Country of origin: Australia Western Australia</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/24947849</div>
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet
IIIF Manifest
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