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Family: Proteaceae
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Hakea lissocarpha R.Br.
Collector/Expedition: Morrison, A.
Collection date: 9th August 1898
Filing region: Australia
Country/Territory: Australia
Barcode: E00104014
Label data partially captured
ATITOATOOU TON TONTHATI HUBBY ba ken |issoca, pla Kix. DET. OR i ee i). ISP if 2) a) FS Se ® 77) ® i= Sel con} = = EY 2 ) 2) ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN | EDINBURGH HERB: A. MORRISON, PERTH, W.A. FLORA OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA. , Wil Sx Loc. Darbing tere, Larlaig A ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN | Coll. Avex. Morrison... VAI: TT. ie ee Eoo 104014 ee es pas. wl
DigiVol Label transcriptions:
<div>Transcribed name: Hakea lissocarpha R.Br.</div><div>: Proteaceae</div><div>Collector: Morrison, Alexander (Dr.)</div><div>Collection number: s.n.</div><div>Collection date: 1898-08-09</div><div>Country of origin: Australia Western Australia</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/21385277</div>
DigiVol Label transcriptions:
<div>Transcribed name: Hakea lissocarpha R.Br.</div><div>Collector: Morrison, Alexander (Dr.)</div><div>Collection number: s.n.</div><div>Collection date: 1898-08-09</div><div>Country of origin: Australia Western Australia</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/21385277</div>
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet
IIIF Manifest
Family: Proteaceae
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Hakea lissocarpha R.Br.
Collector/Expedition: Morrison, A.
Collection date: 24th March 1900
Filing region: Australia
Country/Territory: Australia
Barcode: E00104013
Label data partially captured
nas Sane NONI TOnT TTT | ROYAL BOPAWIG GARDEN | EDINBURGH Cie cee FLORA OF AUSTRALIA. HERB, OF DR. A. MORRISON aa. Re a Ly mn at prha WK... Darl. xo] o Po a ® ” e oad ££ = — > Qa fo] tS) nylon UGrresebiny hill, Dart, ~4 Marge, UF, : CAL Qa 24.38.1900 HHSSS U-atea [issocapeea KB. Pe LC. J ow MM. GUE ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN To wniyi
DigiVol Label transcriptions:
<div>Transcribed name: Hakea lissocarpha R.Br.</div><div>: Proteaceae</div><div>Collector: Morrison, Alexander (Dr.)</div><div>Collection number: s.n.</div><div>Collection date: 24/03/1900</div><div>Country of origin: Australia Western Australia</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/21385273</div>
DigiVol Label transcriptions:
<div>Transcribed name: Hakea lissocarpha R.Br.</div><div>Collector: Morrison, Alexander (Dr.)</div><div>Collection number: s.n.</div><div>Collection date: 24/03/1900</div><div>Country of origin: Australia Western Australia</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/21385273</div>
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet
IIIF Manifest
Family: Proteaceae
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Hakea lissocarpha R.Br.
Collector/Expedition: Morrison, A.
Collection date: 11th August 1897
Filing region: Australia
Country/Territory: Australia
Barcode: E00104012
Label data partially captured
= RSS TU TTINUTITOIINHATT Ss ci) c o n A Pd c= Do ‘= ey a. ° o ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN CLASS HERBARIUM HERB: A. MORRISON, PERTH, W.A. FLORA OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA. ey . * pg Naheea” {Td ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Loc. Lied Qarturg Kage? | a i E00104012 we hon Iissoca-pr&a Ke &. DET wee 1. Jara, 1999 ap he
DigiVol Label transcriptions:
<div>Transcribed name: Hakea lissocarpha R.Br.</div><div>: Proteaceae</div><div>Collector: Morrison, Alexander (Dr.)</div><div>Collection number: s.n.</div><div>Collection date: 1897-08-11</div><div>Country of origin: Australia Western Australia</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/21385269</div>
DigiVol Label transcriptions:
<div>Transcribed name: Hakea lissocarpha R.Br.</div><div>Collector: Morrison, Alexander (Dr.)</div><div>Collection number: s.n.</div><div>Collection date: 1897-08-11</div><div>Country of origin: Australia Western Australia</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/21385269</div>
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet
IIIF Manifest
Family: Proteaceae
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Hakea lissocarpha R.Br.
Collector/Expedition: Morrison, A.
Collection date: 30th July 1901
Filing region: Australia
Country/Territory: Australia
Barcode: E00104276
No label status given
{] CL (z Ve = 1 =, oa WV i — ji ae Ks NO s v s AMITTOTITUATTOTTENI ETT iS) Ey rs B o<s Ss copyright reserved HERB: A. MORRISON, PERTH, W.A. FLORA OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA. Mathes eceocar thea} FLORA OF AUSTRALIA PROJECT oi At Mabcahuilian. Ze Hakea lissocarpha ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Det. R.M. Barker oo. i 87 HEA Coll. Avex. gap ; 2 f PDYUG Oh. .
DigiVol Label transcriptions:
<div>Transcribed name: Hakea lissocarpha R.Br.</div><div>: Proteaceae</div><div>Collector: Morrison, Alexander (Dr.)</div><div>Collection number: s.n.</div><div>Collection date: 30/07/1901</div><div>Country of origin: Australia Western Australia</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/21386085</div>
DigiVol Label transcriptions:
<div>Transcribed name: Hakea lissocarpha R.Br.</div><div>Collector: Morrison, Alexander (Dr.)</div><div>Collection number: s.n.</div><div>Collection date: 30/07/1901</div><div>Country of origin: Australia Western Australia</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/21386085</div>
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet
IIIF Manifest
Family: Proteaceae
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Hakea lissocarpha R.Br.
Collector/Expedition: Morrison, A.
Collection date: 10th August 1899
Filing region: Australia
Country/Territory: Australia
Barcode: E00104275
No label status given
FLORA OF AUSTRALIA PROJECT Hakea lissocarpha Det R.M. Barker 4\> (0) ce LV aL 987 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN wm E00104275 ia. HERB. HORT, REG, BOT. BDIK. HERB: A. MORRISON, PERTH, W.A. FLORA OF WESTERN i Meee Mahia leorced tae Loc. ee Cauueug Feae/> Pm a Coll. Arex. Morrison... er, Le AIITOATNOUA TOT TANCE copyright reserved
DigiVol Label transcriptions:
<div>Transcribed name: Hakea lissocarpha R.Br.</div><div>: Proteaceae</div><div>Collector: Morrison, Alexander (Dr.)</div><div>Collection number: s.n.</div><div>Collection date: 1899-08-10</div><div>Country of origin: Australia Western Australia</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/21386081</div>
DigiVol Label transcriptions:
<div>Transcribed name: Hakea lissocarpha R.Br.</div><div>Collector: Morrison, Alexander (Dr.)</div><div>Collection number: s.n.</div><div>Collection date: 1899-08-10</div><div>Country of origin: Australia Western Australia</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/21386081</div>
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet
IIIF Manifest
Family: Proteaceae
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Hakea lissocarpha R.Br.
Collector/Expedition: Morrison, A.
Collection date: 24th September 1904
Filing region: Australia
Country/Territory: Australia
Barcode: E00104274
No label status given
- AIINTATITUATTOT TENT CET iS) Zz es Py 5° r) copyright reserved FLORA OF AUSTRALIA. i. HERS. HORT, REG. BOT, EDIN HERB. OF DR. A. MORRISON. BEQUEATHED, 1915. FLORA OF AUSTRALIA PROJECT orl Cblarne We. Hakea lissocarpha R.Br. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH hp . De RM. Barker 14.1987 pian Ag go E00104274
DigiVol Label transcriptions:
<div>Transcribed name: Hakea lissocarpha R.Br.</div><div>: Proteaceae</div><div>Collector: Morrison, Alexander (Dr.)</div><div>Collection number: s.n.</div><div>Collection date: 24/09/1904</div><div>Country of origin: Australia Western Australia</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/21386077</div>
DigiVol Label transcriptions:
<div>Transcribed name: Hakea lissocarpha R.Br.</div><div>Collector: Morrison, Alexander (Dr.)</div><div>Collection number: s.n.</div><div>Collection date: 24/09/1904</div><div>Country of origin: Australia Western Australia</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/21386077</div>
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet
IIIF Manifest
Family: Proteaceae
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Hakea lissocarpha R.Br.
Collector/Expedition: Morrison, A.
Collection date: 11th June 1903
Filing region: Australia
Country/Territory: Australia
Barcode: E00104273
No label status given
AMINVATITUA TOT TONIGHT copyright reserved .. HERB. HORT, REG. S07. EDINTT W HERB: A. MORRISON, PERTH, W.A. ' : | FLORA OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA. | Sao uf Loc. unighny Joe FLORA OF AUSTRALIA PROJECT 4\\ | { \O) Hakea lissocarpha R.Br. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Det R.M. Barker iv.1987 | m0 0 Coll. Atex. enn oa
DigiVol Label transcriptions:
<div>Transcribed name: Hakea lissocarpha R.Br.</div><div>: Proteaceae</div><div>Collector: Morrison, Alexander (Dr.)</div><div>Collection number: s.n.</div><div>Collection date: 11/06/1903</div><div>Country of origin: Australia Western Australia</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/21386073</div>
DigiVol Label transcriptions:
<div>Transcribed name: Hakea lissocarpha R.Br.</div><div>Collector: Morrison, Alexander (Dr.)</div><div>Collection number: s.n.</div><div>Collection date: 11/06/1903</div><div>Country of origin: Australia Western Australia</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/21386073</div>
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet
IIIF Manifest
Family: Proteaceae
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Hakea lissocarpha R.Br.
Collector/Expedition: Morrison, A.
Collection date: 27th August 1898
Filing region: Australia
Country/Territory: Australia
Barcode: E00104272
No label status given
Seen for & lo, fad Flora of Australia L. AS (Ten NenT NOnI NONI THT copyright reserved HERBARIUM OF AL MORRISON, PERTH, W. A. FLORA OF WESTERN _* sary * ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN WIGAN so ge
DigiVol Label transcriptions:
<div>Transcribed name: Hakea lissocarpha R.Br.</div><div>: Proteaceae</div><div>Collector: Morrison, Alexander (Dr.)</div><div>Collection number: s.n.</div><div>Collection date: 1898-08-27</div><div>Country of origin: Australia Western Australia</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/21386069</div>
DigiVol Label transcriptions:
<div>Transcribed name: Hakea lissocarpha R.Br.</div><div>Collector: Morrison, Alexander (Dr.)</div><div>Collection number: s.n.</div><div>Collection date: 1898-08-27</div><div>Country of origin: Australia Western Australia</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/21386069</div>
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet
IIIF Manifest
Family: Proteaceae
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Hakea lissocarpha R.Br.
Collector/Expedition: Morrison, A.
Collection date: 3rd July 1900
Filing region: Australia
Country/Territory: Australia
Barcode: E00104268
No label status given
HERB: A. MORRISON, PERTH, W.A. FLORA OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA. Coll. Avex. Morrisow................. ROYAL BO? CG SADE! EDINBURGH “ot iv.1987 FLORA OF AUSTRALIA PROJECT 0 Hakea lissocarpha R Br. ania Det R.-M. Barker
DigiVol Label transcriptions:
<div>Transcribed name: Hakea lissocarpha R.Br.</div><div>: Proteaceae</div><div>Collector: Morrison, Alexander (Dr.)</div><div>Collection number: s.n.</div><div>Collection date: 03/07/1900</div><div>Country of origin: Australia Western Australia</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/21386053</div>
DigiVol Label transcriptions:
<div>Transcribed name: Hakea lissocarpha R.Br.</div><div>Collector: Morrison, Alexander (Dr.)</div><div>Collection number: s.n.</div><div>Collection date: 03/07/1900</div><div>Country of origin: Australia Western Australia</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/21386053</div>
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet
IIIF Manifest
Family: Proteaceae
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Hakea lissocarpha R.Br.
Collector/Expedition: Morrison, A.
Collection date: 9th July 1898
Filing region: Australia
Country/Territory: Australia
Barcode: E00104267
No label status given
s ATENTOOTTVONTTTOOTV ATT WOzz REA oe ROd= ie) copyright reserved ROYAL BOTANIO GARDEN CLASS HERBARIUM HERB: A. MORRISON, PERTH, W.A. FLORA OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA. ay : yo Loc. Ureblacde: Neuccbuaniay Sinas ee Hakea lissocarpha R.Br. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN We EDINBURGH Coll. Atex. Morrison Ws i ae es deter. > iva NOM Vil} E00104267 —— FLORA OF AUSTRALIA PROJECT of Se |
DigiVol Label transcriptions:
<div>Transcribed name: Hakea lissocarpha R.Br.</div><div>: Proteaceae</div><div>Collector: Morrison, Alexander (Dr.)</div><div>Collection number: s.n.</div><div>Collection date: 1898-07-09</div><div>Country of origin: Australia Western Australia</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/21386049</div>
DigiVol Label transcriptions:
<div>Transcribed name: Hakea lissocarpha R.Br.</div><div>Collector: Morrison, Alexander (Dr.)</div><div>Collection number: s.n.</div><div>Collection date: 1898-07-09</div><div>Country of origin: Australia Western Australia</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/21386049</div>
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet
IIIF Manifest
Family: Proteaceae
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Hakea lissocarpha R.Br.
Collector/Expedition: Morrison, A.
Collection date: 24th August 1897
Filing region: Australia
Country/Territory: Australia
Barcode: E00104266
No label status given
ne HERBARIUM OF A. MORRISON, PERTH, W. A. FLORA OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA. Nthen Cascear ffi; HH6- a License Qacleag Macey | Coll. ALEX. MorrIsoNn [0297 Saintes ge J Wfefge._| Seen for Alo, 2O Flora of Australia Vkeat fokotogeaphed <3-/- 190 TI) ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN I E00104266 il | 4 copyright reserved
DigiVol Label transcriptions:
<div>Transcribed name: Hakea lissocarpha R.Br.</div><div>: Proteaceae</div><div>Collector: Morrison, Alexander (Dr.)</div><div>Collection number: s.n.</div><div>Collection date: 1897-08-21</div><div>Country of origin: Australia Western Australia</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/21386045</div>
DigiVol Label transcriptions:
<div>Transcribed name: Hakea lissocarpha R.Br.</div><div>Collector: Morrison, Alexander (Dr.)</div><div>Collection number: s.n.</div><div>Collection date: 1897-08-21</div><div>Country of origin: Australia Western Australia</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/21386045</div>
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet
IIIF Manifest
Family: Proteaceae
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Hakea lissocarpha R.Br.
Collector/Expedition: Morrison, A.
Collection date: 24th August 1897
Filing region: Australia
Country/Territory: Australia
Barcode: E00104309
No label status given
Family: Proteaceae
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Hakea lissocarpha R.Br.
Collector/Expedition: Morrison, A.
Collection date: 5th August 1905
Filing region: Australia
Country/Territory: Australia
Barcode: E00104246
No label status given
AIIMUATITUA TONITE CETT copyright reserved FLORA OF AUSTRALIA. HERB. OF DR. A. MORRISON, 4 | EIQUEATHED, 1915, Sint Trin, Derbr iE Seen for 10,724 i . le 004, | Flora of Australia ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN , sks . |p gi coxf, EDINBURGH ALAM. £ F: 19 os : Clas nap ti IDSs
DigiVol Label transcriptions:
<div>Transcribed name: Hakea lissocarpha R.Br.</div><div>: Proteaceae</div><div>Collector: Morrison, Alexander (Dr.)</div><div>Collection number: s.n.</div><div>Collection date: 05/08/1905</div><div>Country of origin: Australia Western Australia</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/21385969</div>
DigiVol Label transcriptions:
<div>Transcribed name: Hakea lissocarpha R.Br.</div><div>Collector: Morrison, Alexander (Dr.)</div><div>Collection number: s.n.</div><div>Collection date: 05/08/1905</div><div>Country of origin: Australia Western Australia</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/21385969</div>
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet
IIIF Manifest
Family: Proteaceae
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Hakea lissocarpha R.Br.
Collector/Expedition: Morrison, A.
Collection date: 5th July 1902
Filing region: Australia
Country/Territory: Australia
Barcode: E00104245
No label status given
DigiVol Label transcriptions:
<div>Transcribed name: Hakea lissocarpha R.Br.</div><div>: Proteaceae</div><div>Collector: Morrison, Alexander (Dr.)</div><div>Collection number: s.n.</div><div>Collection date: 05/07/1902</div><div>Country of origin: Australia Western Australia</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/21385965</div>
DigiVol Label transcriptions:
<div>Transcribed name: Hakea lissocarpha R.Br.</div><div>Collector: Morrison, Alexander (Dr.)</div><div>Collection number: s.n.</div><div>Collection date: 05/07/1902</div><div>Country of origin: Australia Western Australia</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/21385965</div>
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet
IIIF Manifest
Family: Proteaceae
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Hakea lissocarpha R.Br.
Collector/Expedition: Morrison, A.
Collection date: 26th June 1900
Filing region: Australia
Country/Territory: Australia
Barcode: E00104244
No label status given
L AMITTNOTTIAOOT NOTA BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH copyright reserved ease cr m Dr eaTA ones an. HERB. HORT. REG, 507, BL HERB: A. MORRISON, PERTH, W.A. FLORA OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA. Seen for Glo,723 Ly, See Jt, Qarlag Raage’ f Australia ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN e050 imaging | ee Fee E00104244 = Sore ek V A999
DigiVol Label transcriptions:
<div>Transcribed name: Hakea lissocarpha R.Br.</div><div>: Proteaceae</div><div>Collector: Morrison, Alexander (Dr.)</div><div>Collection number: s.n.</div><div>Collection date: 26/06/1900</div><div>Country of origin: Australia Western Australia</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/21385961</div>
DigiVol Label transcriptions:
<div>Transcribed name: Hakea lissocarpha R.Br.</div><div>Collector: Morrison, Alexander (Dr.)</div><div>Collection number: s.n.</div><div>Collection date: 26/06/1900</div><div>Country of origin: Australia Western Australia</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/21385961</div>
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet
IIIF Manifest
Family: Proteaceae
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Hakea lorea subsp. lorea
Collector/Expedition: Morrison, A.
Collection date: 4th October 1905
Filing region: Australia
Country/Territory: Australia
Barcode: E00104020
Label data partially captured
Er, y J | MSTA Fs] ki? Ete a%% 5 cd) ‘a ry ” 2 aa) Bl oy a ha > a fo} (S) HSAk. Hakea lo@a@ (RBr) RR. ‘ tee ; Det. W.R. Barker (AD) a 1Bti0199B 7 HERB; A. MORRISON, PERTH, W.A. FLORA OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA. | # 00 Aled Maven ¥ Wrseondarray, Ahahele cee how fivce > Coll. AtEx. Morrison i 4flofigos- ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Qi
DigiVol Label transcriptions:
<div>Transcribed name: Hakea lorea (R.Br.) R.Br. ssp. lorea</div><div>: Proteaceae</div><div>Collector: Morrison, Alexander (Dr.)</div><div>Collection number: s.n.</div><div>Collection date: 04/10/1905</div><div>Country of origin: Australia Western Australia</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/21385301</div>
DigiVol Label transcriptions:
<div>Transcribed name: Hakea lorea (R.Br.) R.Br. ssp. lorea</div><div>Collector: Morrison, Alexander (Dr.)</div><div>Collection number: s.n.</div><div>Collection date: 04/10/1905</div><div>Country of origin: Australia Western Australia</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/21385301</div>
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet
IIIF Manifest
Family: Proteaceae
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Hakea lorea subsp. lorea
Collector/Expedition: Morrison, A.
Collection date: 3rd October 1905
Filing region: Australia
Country/Territory: Australia
Barcode: E00104019
Label data partially captured
copyright reserved pROVL BUTI CARDEN EDINGURGH ¢ : f ts Avaca td ~ Cente 2 £9 + Se EV teh 630, drsraks, apy (ene a. Pree Lhaine % @S. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Wm 0 E00104019
DigiVol Label transcriptions:
<div>Transcribed name: Hakea lorea (R.Br.) R.Br. ssp. lorea</div><div>: Proteaceae</div><div>Collector: Morrison, Alexander (Dr.)</div><div>Collection number: s.n.</div><div>Collection date: 03/10/1905</div><div>Country of origin: Australia Western Australia</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/21385297</div>
DigiVol Label transcriptions:
<div>Transcribed name: Hakea lorea (R.Br.) R.Br. ssp. lorea</div><div>Collector: Morrison, Alexander (Dr.)</div><div>Collection number: s.n.</div><div>Collection date: 03/10/1905</div><div>Country of origin: Australia Western Australia</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/21385297</div>
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet
IIIF Manifest
Family: Proteaceae
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Hakea lorea subsp. lorea
Collector/Expedition: Morrison, A.
Collection date: 29th September 1905
Filing region: Australia
Country/Territory: Australia
Barcode: E00104018
Label data partially captured
DigiVol Label transcriptions:
<div>Transcribed name: Hakea lorea (R.Br.) R.Br. ssp. lorea</div><div>: Proteaceae</div><div>Collector: Morrison, Alexander (Dr.)</div><div>Collection number: s.n.</div><div>Collection date: 29/09/1905</div><div>Country of origin: Australia Western Australia</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/21385293</div>
DigiVol Label transcriptions:
<div>Transcribed name: Hakea lorea (R.Br.) R.Br. ssp. lorea</div><div>Collector: Morrison, Alexander (Dr.)</div><div>Collection number: s.n.</div><div>Collection date: 29/09/1905</div><div>Country of origin: Australia Western Australia</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/21385293</div>
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet
IIIF Manifest
Family: Proteaceae
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Hakea lorea subsp. lorea
Collector/Expedition: Morrison, A.
Collection date: 30th September 1905
Filing region: Australia
Country/Territory: Australia
Barcode: E00104017
Label data partially captured
DigiVol Label transcriptions:
<div>Transcribed name: Hakea lorea (R.Br.) R.Br. ssp. lorea</div><div>: Proteaceae</div><div>Collector: Morrison, Alexander (Dr.)</div><div>Collection number: s.n.</div><div>Collection date: 30/09/1905</div><div>Country of origin: Australia Western Australia</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/21385289</div>
DigiVol Label transcriptions:
<div>Transcribed name: Hakea lorea (R.Br.) R.Br. ssp. lorea</div><div>Collector: Morrison, Alexander (Dr.)</div><div>Collection number: s.n.</div><div>Collection date: 30/09/1905</div><div>Country of origin: Australia Western Australia</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/21385289</div>
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet
IIIF Manifest
Family: Proteaceae
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Hakea lorea subsp. lorea
Collector/Expedition: Morrison, A.
Collection date: 30th September 1905
Filing region: Australia
Country/Territory: Australia
Barcode: E00104016
Label data partially captured
Ge ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN mice ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN CLASS HERBARIUM. \ we »S 06 mn Zz ao [= ~ Bae i Os ae wu L ivvtinni lint copyright reserved
DigiVol Label transcriptions:
<div>Transcribed name: Hakea lorea (R.Br.) R.Br. ssp. lorea</div><div>: Proteaceae</div><div>Collector: Morrison, Alexander (Dr.)</div><div>Collection number: s.n.</div><div>Collection date: 30/09/1905</div><div>Country of origin: Australia Western Australia</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/21385285</div>
DigiVol Label transcriptions:
<div>Transcribed name: Hakea lorea (R.Br.) R.Br. ssp. lorea</div><div>Collector: Morrison, Alexander (Dr.)</div><div>Collection number: s.n.</div><div>Collection date: 30/09/1905</div><div>Country of origin: Australia Western Australia</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/21385285</div>
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet
IIIF Manifest
Family: Proteaceae
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Hakea marginata R.Br.
Collector/Expedition: Morrison, A.
Collection date: December 1898
Filing region: Australia
Country/Territory: Australia
Barcode: E00104263
No label status given
Pted >. Hakea marginata R.Br. Det. L.Haegi (AD) Feb. 1998 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN mg 00 E0010 HERB: A. MORRISON, PERTH, W.A. * FLORA OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA. Coll, Auf. MorRISON oA JE: Thi J copyright reserved
DigiVol Label transcriptions:
<div>Transcribed name: Hakea marginata R.Br.</div><div>: Proteaceae</div><div>Collector: Morrison, Alexander (Dr.)</div><div>Collection number: s.n.</div><div>Collection date: 1898-12</div><div>Country of origin: Australia Western Australia</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/21386033</div>
DigiVol Label transcriptions:
<div>Transcribed name: Hakea marginata R.Br.</div><div>Collector: Morrison, Alexander (Dr.)</div><div>Collection number: s.n.</div><div>Collection date: 1898-12</div><div>Country of origin: Australia Western Australia</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/21386033</div>
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet
IIIF Manifest
Family: Proteaceae
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Hakea multilineata C.F.W.Meissn.
Collector/Expedition: Morrison, A.
Collection date: 3rd October 1903
Filing region: Australia
Country/Territory: Australia
Barcode: E00103292
Label data partially captured
B Hake repullclans HM > (ar Laster Auotralian yortes) ee 3 pie 2z ro co DET. h ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN wg. 0 E00103293 livnulnnvslinnnturliu 9 Fa a) 7 oe pad ken oe S a 6 | ae Hatta swalli ith data. Wed, ae VPA a gn eetrie 5, Wt? NOYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDI iB uR .GH HERBARIUM A. MORRISON, PERTH, W.A. FLORA OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA. | Klien. pete H33dl | Loc. Weongan beth A. taheg maltilineata Mein. | . Including al ted ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN , oe on ioe; oo
DigiVol Label transcriptions:
<div>Transcribed name: Hakea multilineata C.F.W.Meissn.</div><div>: Proteaceae</div><div>Collector: Morrison, Alexander (Dr.)</div><div>Collection number: s.n.</div><div>Collection date: 03/10/1903</div><div>Country of origin: Australia Western Australia</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/21384473</div>
DigiVol Label transcriptions:
<div>Transcribed name: Hakea multilineata C.F.W.Meissn.</div><div>Collector: Morrison, Alexander (Dr.)</div><div>Collection number: s.n.</div><div>Collection date: 03/10/1903</div><div>Country of origin: Australia Western Australia</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/21384473</div>
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet
IIIF Manifest
Family: Proteaceae
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Hakea myrtoides Meisn.
Collector/Expedition: Morrison, A.
Collection date: 7th August 1901
Filing region: Australia
Country/Territory: Australia
Barcode: E00103321
Label data partially captured
DigiVol Label transcriptions:
<div>Transcribed name: Hakea myrtoides Meisn.</div><div>: Proteaceae</div><div>Collector: Morrison, Alexander (Dr.)</div><div>Collection date: 07/08/1901</div><div>Country of origin: Australia Western Australia</div><div>Transcription date: 07/08/1901</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/21384589</div>
DigiVol Label transcriptions:
<div>Transcribed name: Hakea myrtoides Meisn.</div><div>Collector: Morrison, Alexander (Dr.)</div><div>Collection date: 07/08/1901</div><div>Country of origin: Australia Western Australia</div><div>Transcription date: 07/08/1901</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/21384589</div>
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet
IIIF Manifest
Family: Proteaceae
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Hakea myrtoides Meisn.
Collector/Expedition: Morrison, A.
Collection date: 9th August 1902
Filing region: Australia
Country/Territory: Australia
Barcode: E00103320
Label data partially captured
L AMIMUATINUTONI TALENT copyright reserved HERB: A. MORRISON, PERTH, W.A. FLORA OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA. LY, : é - ; : ye | ect e ome. Sika Pens Coll, Avex. Monnsox.._ G/FJGJa».... Pj Clb FLORA OF AUSTRALIA PROJECT Hakea myrtoides Meisn. Det. L. Haegi ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN wn 00 000 E00103320 vii.1993
DigiVol Label transcriptions:
<div>Transcribed name: Hakea myrtoides Meisn.</div><div>: Proteaceae</div><div>Collector: Morrison, Alexander (Dr.)</div><div>Collection number: s.n.</div><div>Collection date: 09/08/1902</div><div>Country of origin: Australia Western Australia</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/21384585</div>
DigiVol Label transcriptions:
<div>Transcribed name: Hakea myrtoides Meisn.</div><div>Collector: Morrison, Alexander (Dr.)</div><div>Collection number: s.n.</div><div>Collection date: 09/08/1902</div><div>Country of origin: Australia Western Australia</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/21384585</div>
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet
IIIF Manifest
Family: Proteaceae
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Hakea myrtoides Meisn.
Collector/Expedition: Morrison, A.
Collection date: 12th July 1902
Filing region: Australia
Country/Territory: Australia
Barcode: E00103319
Label data partially captured
FLORA OF AUSTRALIA PROJECT HLObe Hakea myrtoides Meisn. Det. L. Haegi vii.1993 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN nq E£00103319 HERB: A. MORRISON, PERTH, W.A. FLORA OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA. iF s ATIMETTOUTONONLANT So ci Pa a co n ® pa r— £ = iS > Qa ° o
DigiVol Label transcriptions:
<div>Transcribed name: Hakea myrtoides Meisn.</div><div>: Proteaceae</div><div>Collector: Morrison, Alexander (Dr.)</div><div>Collection number: s.n.</div><div>Collection date: 12/07/1902</div><div>Country of origin: Australia Western Australia</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/21384581</div>
DigiVol Label transcriptions:
<div>Transcribed name: Hakea myrtoides Meisn.</div><div>Collector: Morrison, Alexander (Dr.)</div><div>Collection number: s.n.</div><div>Collection date: 12/07/1902</div><div>Country of origin: Australia Western Australia</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/21384581</div>
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet
IIIF Manifest
Family: Proteaceae
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Hakea myrtoides Meisn.
Collector/Expedition: Morrison, A.
Collection date: 9th August 1902
Filing region: Australia
Country/Territory: Australia
Barcode: E00103317
Label data partially captured
Ss RSS INNO NONINTNH IT aod Pi pe 6 (7) GARDEN EDINBURGH copyright reserved HERBARIUM OF A. MORRISON, PERTH, W.A. is e FLORA OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA. — Mithew mye Ieeceg Irecan Loc. i Dtstlueh i Seren tf? | Coll. Auex. Morrison ........... WGI 0z., ee FLORA OF AUSTRALIA PROJECT Hakea myrtoides Meisn. Det. L. Haegi ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN nq vii.1993
DigiVol Label transcriptions:
<div>Transcribed name: Hakea myrtoides Meisn.</div><div>: Proteaceae</div><div>Collector: Morrison, Alexander (Dr.)</div><div>Collection number: s.n.</div><div>Collection date: 09/08/1902</div><div>Country of origin: Australia Western Australia</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/21384573</div>
DigiVol Label transcriptions:
<div>Transcribed name: Hakea myrtoides Meisn.</div><div>Collector: Morrison, Alexander (Dr.)</div><div>Collection number: s.n.</div><div>Collection date: 09/08/1902</div><div>Country of origin: Australia Western Australia</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/21384573</div>
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet
IIIF Manifest
Family: Proteaceae
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Hakea myrtoides Meisn.
Collector/Expedition: Morrison, A.
Collection date: 4th August 1897
Filing region: Australia
Country/Territory: Australia
Barcode: E00103315
Label data partially captured
liitiilinntunliu ed wi} a Oo 7 ) GARDEN EDINBURGH copyright reserved ( ROYAL BOTEA:IIG GARDEN EDINBURGH HERBARIUM OF A. MORRISON, PERTH, W. A. FLORA OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA. Haken wigs Viuded Loc. DtiMaid Asem ale Coll, ALEX. Morrison ....... W997. Load FLORA OF AUSTRALIA PROJECT 70 ae Hakea myrtoides Meisn. Det. L. Haegi ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN oH 0 vii.1993
DigiVol Label transcriptions:
<div>Transcribed name: Hakea myrtoides Meisn.</div><div>: Proteaceae</div><div>Collector: Morrison, Alexander (Dr.)</div><div>Collection number: s.n.</div><div>Collection date: 1897-08-04</div><div>Country of origin: Australia Western Australia</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/21384565</div>
DigiVol Label transcriptions:
<div>Transcribed name: Hakea myrtoides Meisn.</div><div>Collector: Morrison, Alexander (Dr.)</div><div>Collection number: s.n.</div><div>Collection date: 1897-08-04</div><div>Country of origin: Australia Western Australia</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/21384565</div>
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet
IIIF Manifest
Family: Proteaceae
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Hakea myrtoides Meisn.
Collector/Expedition: Morrison, A.
Collection date: 8th July 1899
Filing region: Australia
Country/Territory: Australia
Barcode: E00103314
Label data partially captured
us AMITINOTTINOAT TOTEM xo} A) Pa & ® o co) = Cae oj Da ‘= > a ° 13) /ROVALBOPANTE GARTEN EDINBURG H FLORA OF AUSTRALIA. , / = aH LX c bs ‘ ee ee rae eb) -. Abe VPP ele alee / pe. 6 & £| S teeters, + Chung pe Cole, cveke| L berg aes Wr, Crore Gp Prwk, | , “seewson rt eae tthesrasie 5| Sin i ee es “A aed OM finn, “ae Or-£ O?-te aX ¢ 70-14 Fi, "TES a sos SMe tng FLORA OF AUSTRALIA PROJECT VN HUO" Hakea myrtoides Meisn. Det. L. Haegi ay / de Prank, ZL 4- ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Wg 00 00 E00103314 vii.1993
DigiVol Label transcriptions:
<div>Transcribed name: Hakea myrtoides Meisn.</div><div>: Proteaceae</div><div>Collector: collector unknown</div><div>Collection number: 81</div><div>Collection date: 1899-07-08</div><div>Country of origin: Australia Western Australia</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/21384561</div>
DigiVol Label transcriptions:
<div>Transcribed name: Hakea myrtoides Meisn.</div><div>Collector: collector unknown</div><div>Collection number: 81</div><div>Collection date: 1899-07-08</div><div>Country of origin: Australia Western Australia</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/21384561</div>
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet
IIIF Manifest
Family: Proteaceae
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Hakea myrtoides Meisn.
Collector/Expedition: Morrison, A.
Collection date: 2nd July 1904
Filing region: Australia
Country/Territory: Australia
Barcode: E00103313
Label data partially captured
- HTTNNOOTITOMTINTOH TT ° r FI P= ° cy GARDEN EDINBURGH e) i e} Z AREER ET j r ) i A L Bu! EDINBUI HERB: A. MORRISON, PERTH, W.A. FLORA OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA. copyright reserved Coll. Arex. Morrison FLORA OF AUSTRALIA PROJECT Hakea myrtoides Meisn. Det. L. Haegi vii.1993 | ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN og 0 00
DigiVol Label transcriptions:
<div>Transcribed name: Hakea myrtoides Meisn.</div><div>: Proteaceae</div><div>Collector: Morrison, Alexander (Dr.)</div><div>Collection number: s.n.</div><div>Collection date: 02/07/1904</div><div>Country of origin: Australia Western Australia</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/21384557</div>
DigiVol Label transcriptions:
<div>Transcribed name: Hakea myrtoides Meisn.</div><div>Collector: Morrison, Alexander (Dr.)</div><div>Collection number: s.n.</div><div>Collection date: 02/07/1904</div><div>Country of origin: Australia Western Australia</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/21384557</div>
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet
IIIF Manifest
Family: Proteaceae
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Hakea myrtoides Meisn.
Collector/Expedition: Morrison, A.
Collection date: 6th August 1904
Filing region: Australia
Country/Territory: Australia
Barcode: E00103312
Label data partially captured
L AMITTCOTT HOTT OAT CT TT xo] o i co 7) ) a — £ (°) = ry a. ° o oy ROYAL BOTANIC GARCEN LASS HERBARIUM | HERB: A. MORRISON, PERTH, W.A. FLORA OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA. FLORA OF AUSTRALIA PROJECT ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN H WOT, am yrtoi des Meisn. wo le as Sa elie ae et ale as a Sa Coll. ALEX. MORRISON 0c PPD f MGC Miffeavensere vii.1993
DigiVol Label transcriptions:
<div>Transcribed name: Hakea myrtoides Meisn.</div><div>: Proteaceae</div><div>Collector: Morrison, Alexander (Dr.)</div><div>Collection number: s.n.</div><div>Collection date: 06/08/1904</div><div>Country of origin: Australia Western Australia</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/21384553</div>
DigiVol Label transcriptions:
<div>Transcribed name: Hakea myrtoides Meisn.</div><div>Collector: Morrison, Alexander (Dr.)</div><div>Collection number: s.n.</div><div>Collection date: 06/08/1904</div><div>Country of origin: Australia Western Australia</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/21384553</div>
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet
IIIF Manifest
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