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Family: Proteaceae
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Hakea cucullata R.Br.
Collector/Expedition: Morrison, A.
Collection date: 1st October 1902
Filing region: Australia
Country/Territory: Australia
Barcode: E00104010
Label data partially captured
DigiVol Label transcriptions: has no matches
<div>Transcribed name: Hakea cucullata R.Br.</div><div>: Proteaceae</div><div>Collector: Morrison, Alexander (Dr.)</div><div>Collection number: s.n.</div><div>Collection date: 01/10/1902</div><div>Country of origin: Australia Western Australia</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/21385261</div>
DigiVol Label transcriptions: has no matches
<div>Transcribed name: Hakea cucullata R.Br.</div><div>Collector: Morrison, Alexander (Dr.)</div><div>Collection number: s.n.</div><div>Collection date: 01/10/1902</div><div>Country of origin: Australia Western Australia</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/21385261</div>
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet
IIIF Manifest
Family: Proteaceae
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Hakea cucullata R.Br.
Collector/Expedition: Morrison, A.
Collection date: 3rd October 1902
Filing region: Australia
Country/Territory: Australia
Barcode: E00104007
Label data partially captured
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN | EDINBURGH crag SE 2 SEIS RN HERBARIUM A. MORRISON, PERTH, W.A. FLORA OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA. Loc. THE: Lael Sdertug Fiauge| Coll. Atnx. Morrison wn OY RG Hakea cucullata R.Br. Det. L.Haegi (AD) Feb. 1998 a Be O56 [--7--) 4 ae = Pr PEE CES SH} On %e copyright reserved ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH MQ 7 Eo00o0104007
DigiVol Label transcriptions: has no matches
<div>Transcribed name: Hakea cucullata R.Br.</div><div>: Proteaceae</div><div>Collector: Morrison, Alexander (Dr.)</div><div>Collection number: s.n.</div><div>Collection date: 03/10/1902</div><div>Country of origin: Australia Western Australia</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/21385249</div>
DigiVol Label transcriptions: has no matches
<div>Transcribed name: Hakea cucullata R.Br.</div><div>Collector: Morrison, Alexander (Dr.)</div><div>Collection number: s.n.</div><div>Collection date: 03/10/1902</div><div>Country of origin: Australia Western Australia</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/21385249</div>
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet
IIIF Manifest
Family: Proteaceae
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Hakea cyclocarpa Lindl.
Collector/Expedition: Morrison, A.
Collection date: 4th June 1904
Filing region: Australia
Country/Territory: Australia
Barcode: E00103135
Label data partially captured
i RENO INOOUTIONOTINI TTT xo} ci Pad Me o ” 4 aed & bey he > a. ° Oo ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH FLORA OF AUSTRALIA. HERB. OF DR. A. MORRISON, BEQUEATHED, 1915, | / msm Pv of datas wg ih worden Colm. t. sgoy | A mth MM D
DigiVol Label transcriptions: has no matches
<div>Transcribed name: Hakea cyclocarpa Lindl.</div><div>: Proteaceae</div><div>Collector: Morrison, A.</div><div>Collection number: s.n.</div><div>Collection date: 04/06/1904</div><div>Country of origin: Australia Western Australia</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/21384367</div>
DigiVol Label transcriptions: has no matches
<div>Transcribed name: Hakea cyclocarpa Lindl.</div><div>Collector: Morrison, A.</div><div>Collection number: s.n.</div><div>Collection date: 04/06/1904</div><div>Country of origin: Australia Western Australia</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/21384367</div>
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet
IIIF Manifest
Family: Proteaceae
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Hakea cyclocarpa Lindl.
Collector/Expedition: Morrison, A.
Collection date: 24th August 1897
Filing region: Australia
Country/Territory: Australia
Barcode: E00103129
Label data partially captured
= AMITVOTTOUATITOAT OCHA ce} o PS — ® n ® — a r= iy = > 2 ° 2) FLORA OF AUSTRALIA. HERB. OF DR. A. MORRISON, BEQUEATHED, 1915, Seen for W $595 | Preermronnth D. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Ford of Austral , EDINBURGH wavy on bach Pe 2,0 vigaD | .
DigiVol Label transcriptions: has no matches
<div>Transcribed name: Hakea cyclocarpa Lindl.</div><div>: Proteaceae</div><div>Collector: Morrison, A.</div><div>Collection number: s.n.</div><div>Collection date: 1897-08-24</div><div>Country of origin: Australia Western Australia</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/21384343</div>
DigiVol Label transcriptions: has no matches
<div>Transcribed name: Hakea cyclocarpa Lindl.</div><div>Collector: Morrison, A.</div><div>Collection number: s.n.</div><div>Collection date: 1897-08-24</div><div>Country of origin: Australia Western Australia</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/21384343</div>
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet
IIIF Manifest
Family: Proteaceae
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Hakea cyclocarpa Lindl.
Collector/Expedition: Morrison, A.
Collection date: 22nd September 1904
Filing region: Australia
Country/Territory: Australia
Barcode: E00103128
Label data partially captured
AMITVOTITVATIVOA OOH TT ro; oO Pa S ® o ®o = a cm f°) = > a ° 1S) Seen for O SS9A- Flora of Australia Ava. Bac le V1. 1987 FLORA OF AUSTRALIA, HERB, OF DR. A. MORRISON. BIQUEATHED, 1015, ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Bi wary Gham. 24.9.190n 03128
DigiVol Label transcriptions: has no matches
<div>Transcribed name: Hakea cyclocarpa Lindl.</div><div>: Proteaceae</div><div>Collector: Morrison, A.</div><div>Collection number: s.n.</div><div>Collection date: 22/09/1904</div><div>Country of origin: Australia Western Australia</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/21384339</div>
DigiVol Label transcriptions: has no matches
<div>Transcribed name: Hakea cyclocarpa Lindl.</div><div>Collector: Morrison, A.</div><div>Collection number: s.n.</div><div>Collection date: 22/09/1904</div><div>Country of origin: Australia Western Australia</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/21384339</div>
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet
IIIF Manifest
Family: Proteaceae
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Hakea cyclocarpa Lindl.
Collector/Expedition: Morrison, A.
Collection date: 22nd September 1904
Filing region: Australia
Country/Territory: Australia
Barcode: E00103436
Label data partially captured
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN m0 E00103436 Seen for \V S607 Flora of Australia Art) (avke vi. (287 HERB. HORT. EDINB. L ROYAL BOTANIC AMIMVATINUATONITOATLATI copyright reserved
DigiVol Label transcriptions: has no matches
<div>Transcribed name: Hakea cyclocarpa Lindl.</div><div>: Proteaceae</div><div>Collector: Morrison, Alexander (Dr.)</div><div>Collection number: s.n.</div><div>Collection date: 22/09/1904</div><div>Country of origin: Australia Western Australia</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/21384677</div>
DigiVol Label transcriptions: has no matches
<div>Transcribed name: Hakea cyclocarpa Lindl.</div><div>Collector: Morrison, Alexander (Dr.)</div><div>Collection number: s.n.</div><div>Collection date: 22/09/1904</div><div>Country of origin: Australia Western Australia</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/21384677</div>
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet
IIIF Manifest
Family: Proteaceae
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Filed as: Hakea cygna subsp. cygna
Current name: Hakea cygna
Collector/Expedition: Morrison, A.
Collection date: 11th October 1903
Filing region: Australia
Country/Territory: Australia
Barcode: E00103306
Label data partially captured
L AFM rae] Pa fae) i PAE Ce: ms) Loe Be Pr >S O69 --7--) 10 == Si 9 copyright reserved ES Sie a iss = v4 6 Hakea cygna Lamont ssp. cygna . ad | DET: L. Haegi (AD) Dec. 1999 NGO; She yi i} === a 5 2 | ROTALBORATICGAROEN) | ae J coinsurce | MUI OT a sacra er FLORA OF AUSTRALIA. HERB. OF DR. A. MORRISON. BIQUEATHED, 1915.
DigiVol Label transcriptions: has no matches
<div>Transcribed name: Hakea cygna Lamont ssp. cygna</div><div>: Proteaceae</div><div>Collector: Morrison, Alexander (Dr.)</div><div>Collection number: s.n.</div><div>Collection date: 11/10/1903</div><div>Country of origin: Australia</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/21384529</div>
DigiVol Label transcriptions: has no matches
<div>Transcribed name: Hakea cygna Lamont ssp. cygna</div><div>Collector: Morrison, Alexander (Dr.)</div><div>Collection number: s.n.</div><div>Collection date: 11/10/1903</div><div>Country of origin: Australia</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/21384529</div>
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet
IIIF Manifest
Family: Proteaceae
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Filed as: Hakea cygna subsp. cygna
Current name: Hakea cygna
Collector/Expedition: Morrison, A.
Collection date: 14th January 1905
Filing region: Australia
Country/Territory: Australia
Barcode: E00103432
Label data partially captured
Hakea erecta Lamont Det. L.Haegi. (AD) Feb. 1998 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN ng i i RMSE NNNTOTCCUONT ROYAL BOTANIC copyright reserved ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN CLASS HERBARIUM ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN gc HERB: A. MORRISON, PERTH, W.A, FLORA OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA. Loc Gia ae Gudbaeddes i e | Coll. Arex. Morrison. Vif bf lJ OE Hakea cygna Lamont subsp. cygna Det. L.Haegi (AD) Feb. 1998
DigiVol Label transcriptions: has no matches
<div>Transcribed name: Hakea cygna Lamont ssp. cygna</div><div>: Proteaceae</div><div>Collector: Morrison, Alexander (Dr.)</div><div>Collection number: s.n.</div><div>Collection date: 14/01/1905</div><div>Country of origin: Australia Western Australia</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/21384661</div>
DigiVol Label transcriptions: has no matches
<div>Transcribed name: Hakea cygna Lamont ssp. cygna</div><div>Collector: Morrison, Alexander (Dr.)</div><div>Collection number: s.n.</div><div>Collection date: 14/01/1905</div><div>Country of origin: Australia Western Australia</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/21384661</div>
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet
IIIF Manifest
Family: Proteaceae
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Filed as: Hakea cygna subsp. cygna
Current name: Hakea cygna
Collector/Expedition: Morrison, A.
Collection date: 10th November 1906
Filing region: Australia
Country/Territory: Australia
Barcode: E00104241
Label data partially captured
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN ni Ee ANIINNONITOOTINTOHAT copyright reserved Hakea cygna Lamont subsp. cygna Feb. 1998 rhea da HERB: A. MORRISON, PERTH, W.A. | FLORA OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA. Boh Loc. W2therce, Pies eis Coll. Avex. MORRISONG.. 2amee: MUG OB. eee
DigiVol Label transcriptions: has no matches
<div>Transcribed name: Hakea cygna Lamont ssp. cygna</div><div>: Proteaceae</div><div>Collector: Morrison, Alexander (Dr.)</div><div>Collection number: s.n.</div><div>Collection date: 10/11/1906</div><div>Country of origin: Australia Western Australia</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/21385948</div>
DigiVol Label transcriptions: has no matches
<div>Transcribed name: Hakea cygna Lamont ssp. cygna</div><div>Collector: Morrison, Alexander (Dr.)</div><div>Collection number: s.n.</div><div>Collection date: 10/11/1906</div><div>Country of origin: Australia Western Australia</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/21385948</div>
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet
IIIF Manifest
Family: Proteaceae
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Hakea drupacea (C.F. Gaertn.) Roem. & Schult.
Collector/Expedition: Morrison, A.
Collection date: 17th April 1904
Filing region: Australia
Country/Territory: Australia
Barcode: E00103427
Label data partially captured
HS92S nas Koemer * Schultes ) Der. oor. Ae a “i. 199P 3 ra Ps . ® 72) & ~ ee = c > 2 9 | a) } ROYAL BOTAIIC GARDEN EDINBURGH biten sneer me Chrrenee Keng er Lott. AM. V7 be 19 0% ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN 00 li nics MIO. ! BESS ae oF
DigiVol Label transcriptions: has no matches
<div>Transcribed name: Hakea drupacea (C.F. Gaertn.) Roem. & Schult.</div><div>: Proteaceae</div><div>Collector: Morrison, Alexander (Dr.)</div><div>Collection number: s.n.</div><div>Collection date: 17/04/1904</div><div>Country of origin: Australia Western Australia</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/21384645</div>
DigiVol Label transcriptions: has no matches
<div>Transcribed name: Hakea drupacea (C.F. Gaertn.) Roem. & Schult.</div><div>Collector: Morrison, Alexander (Dr.)</div><div>Collection number: s.n.</div><div>Collection date: 17/04/1904</div><div>Country of origin: Australia Western Australia</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/21384645</div>
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet
IIIF Manifest
Family: Proteaceae
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Hakea elliptica (Sm.) R.Br.
Collector/Expedition: Morrison, A.
Filing region: Australia
Country/Territory: Australia
Barcode: E00104250
No label status given
Te) SE < roy ae GARDEN EDINBURGH copyright reserved ikea elliptica (Sm.)R.Br. aegi (AD) * Feb. 1998 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN IE
DigiVol Label transcriptions: has no matches
<div>Transcribed name: Hakea elliptica (Sm.) R.Br.</div><div>: Proteaceae</div><div>Collector: collector unknown</div><div>Collection number: s.n.</div><div>Country of origin: Australia,New Holland</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/21385985</div>
DigiVol Label transcriptions: has no matches
<div>Transcribed name: Hakea elliptica (Sm.) R.Br.</div><div>Collector: collector unknown</div><div>Collection number: s.n.</div><div>Country of origin: Australia,New Holland</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/21385985</div>
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet
IIIF Manifest
Family: Proteaceae
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Hakea erecta Lamont
Collector/Expedition: Morrison, A.
Collection date: 24th September 1904
Filing region: Australia
Country/Territory: Australia
Barcode: E00103435
Label data partially captured
Ae TNOTNOOT NONI NTAIV NTT copyright reserved : HERB, HORT, REG. Sov. ZDIK FLORA OF AUSTRALIA. HERB. OF DR. A. MORRISON. BEQUEATHED, 1916. Fite Ht hcsse Mercssw ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Hakea erecta Lamont Celt aan 1 oe ie 0010 SoU
DigiVol Label transcriptions: has no matches
<div>Transcribed name: Hakea erecta Lamont</div><div>: Proteaceae</div><div>Collector: Morrison, Alexander (Dr.)</div><div>Collection number: s.n.</div><div>Collection date: 24/09/1904</div><div>Country of origin: Australia</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/21384673</div>
DigiVol Label transcriptions: has no matches
<div>Transcribed name: Hakea erecta Lamont</div><div>Collector: Morrison, Alexander (Dr.)</div><div>Collection number: s.n.</div><div>Collection date: 24/09/1904</div><div>Country of origin: Australia</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/21384673</div>
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet
IIIF Manifest
Family: Proteaceae
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Hakea erecta Lamont
Collector/Expedition: Morrison, A.
Filing region: Australia
Country/Territory: Australia
Barcode: E00103434
Label data partially captured
Hakea erecta Lamont Det. L.Haegi. (AD) Feb. 1998 copyright reserved a fg DigBs ine Kad baie Le pe win
DigiVol Label transcriptions: has no matches
<div>Transcribed name: Hakea erecta Lamont</div><div>: Proteaceae</div><div>Collector: Morrison, Alexander (Dr.)</div><div>Collection number: s.n.</div><div>Country of origin: Australia Western Australia</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/21384669</div>
DigiVol Label transcriptions: has no matches
<div>Transcribed name: Hakea erecta Lamont</div><div>Collector: Morrison, Alexander (Dr.)</div><div>Collection number: s.n.</div><div>Country of origin: Australia Western Australia</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/21384669</div>
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet
IIIF Manifest
Family: Proteaceae
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Hakea erecta Lamont
Collector/Expedition: Morrison, A.
Collection date: 14th January 1905
Filing region: Australia
Country/Territory: Australia
Barcode: E00103465
Label data partially captured
Hakea erecta Lamont Det. L.Haegi. (AD) Feb. 1998 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN ng i i RMSE NNNTOTCCUONT ROYAL BOTANIC copyright reserved ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN CLASS HERBARIUM ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN gc HERB: A. MORRISON, PERTH, W.A, FLORA OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA. Loc Gia ae Gudbaeddes i e | Coll. Arex. Morrison. Vif bf lJ OE Hakea cygna Lamont subsp. cygna Det. L.Haegi (AD) Feb. 1998
DigiVol Label transcriptions: has no matches
<div>Transcribed name: Hakea erecta Lamont</div><div>: Proteaceae</div><div>Collector: Morrison, Alexander (Dr.)</div><div>Collection number: s.n.</div><div>Collection date: 14/01/1905</div><div>Country of origin: Australia Western Australia</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/21384793</div>
DigiVol Label transcriptions: has no matches
<div>Transcribed name: Hakea erecta Lamont</div><div>Collector: Morrison, Alexander (Dr.)</div><div>Collection number: s.n.</div><div>Collection date: 14/01/1905</div><div>Country of origin: Australia Western Australia</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/21384793</div>
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet
IIIF Manifest
Family: Proteaceae
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Hakea erecta Lamont
Collector/Expedition: Morrison, A.
Collection date: 10th January 1906
Filing region: Australia
Country/Territory: Australia
Barcode: E00104254
No label status given
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN 0 E00104254 ~ TROTAL BOTATIC GARDEN ‘| EDINBURGH FLORA OF AUSTRALIA. »#HERDOOR DRY A. MORRISON, * PEQUEATIND, ‘1915, Wake Hakta evect. Kamonrt t Tam aN | AA) DET. KT tag do. 1979 C f i LEO: xo} i) rat co n 4 — £ 7) oj Es) 2. ° iS)
DigiVol Label transcriptions: has no matches
<div>Transcribed name: Hakea erecta Lamont</div><div>: Proteaceae</div><div>Collector: Morrison, Alexander (Dr.)</div><div>Collection number: s.n.</div><div>Collection date: 16/01/1908</div><div>Country of origin: Australia Western Australia</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/21386001</div>
DigiVol Label transcriptions: has no matches
<div>Transcribed name: Hakea erecta Lamont</div><div>Collector: Morrison, Alexander (Dr.)</div><div>Collection number: s.n.</div><div>Collection date: 16/01/1908</div><div>Country of origin: Australia Western Australia</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/21386001</div>
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet
IIIF Manifest
Family: Proteaceae
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Hakea erecta Lamont
Collector/Expedition: Morrison, A.
Collection date: 10th January 1906
Filing region: Australia
Country/Territory: Australia
Barcode: E00104257
No label status given
3 a) Pa = ® n ) —_ oo aS — — > 2 ° ° HERB. OF DR. A. MORRISON. EPLEQUEATIED, 1916, Hakta evecya KAmony- ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH my ii gyn _ tty ,, _— ye
DigiVol Label transcriptions: has no matches
<div>Transcribed name: Hakea erecta Lamont</div><div>: Proteaceae</div><div>Collector: Morrison, Alexander (Dr.)</div><div>Collection number: s.n.</div><div>Collection date: 16/01/1906</div><div>Country of origin: Australia Western Australia</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/21386009</div>
DigiVol Label transcriptions: has no matches
<div>Transcribed name: Hakea erecta Lamont</div><div>Collector: Morrison, Alexander (Dr.)</div><div>Collection number: s.n.</div><div>Collection date: 16/01/1906</div><div>Country of origin: Australia Western Australia</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/21386009</div>
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet
IIIF Manifest
Family: Proteaceae
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Hakea erinacea Meissn.
Collector/Expedition: Morrison, A.
Collection date: 24th September 1898
Filing region: Australia
Country/Territory: Australia
Barcode: E00103303
Label data partially captured
41 Hh FLORA OF AUSTRALIA PROJECT Hakea erinacea Meissn. Det R.M. Barker iv.1987 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN nq 00000 E00103303 ROYAL BOTAINIC G\RDEN EDINBURGH HERB: A. MORRISON, PERTH, W.A. FLORA OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA. Mahea tre, Oromancea, Wueczen. Lilie Ooucriag Meco i Coll. Arex. Morrisow............. LYY JE... is yp litilnitl copyright reserved
DigiVol Label transcriptions: has no matches
<div>Transcribed name: Hakea erinacea Meissn.</div><div>: Proteaceae</div><div>Collector: Morrison, Alexander (Dr.)</div><div>Collection number: s.n.</div><div>Collection date: 1898-09-24</div><div>Country of origin: Australia Western Australia</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/21384517</div>
DigiVol Label transcriptions: has no matches
<div>Transcribed name: Hakea erinacea Meissn.</div><div>Collector: Morrison, Alexander (Dr.)</div><div>Collection number: s.n.</div><div>Collection date: 1898-09-24</div><div>Country of origin: Australia Western Australia</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/21384517</div>
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet
IIIF Manifest
Family: Proteaceae
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Hakea erinacea Meissn.
Collector/Expedition: Morrison, A.
Collection date: 9th July 1898
Filing region: Australia
Country/Territory: Australia
Barcode: E00103302
Label data partially captured
copyright reserved ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN ANN HERB: A. MORRISON, PERTH, W.A. . we. We dlasenl eretan>, Sree. By? Coll. Arex. Morrisow.............. WU GF ae | a FS / FLORA OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA. . vt FLORA OF AUSTRALIA PROJECT Hakea erinacea Meissn. OVAGDOTAMIC GARDEN] _EDINSURGH af. Det R.M. Barker Vie OS
DigiVol Label transcriptions: has no matches
<div>Transcribed name: Hakea erinacea Meissn.</div><div>: Proteaceae</div><div>Collector: Morrison, Alexander (Dr.)</div><div>Collection number: s.n.</div><div>Collection date: 1898-07-09</div><div>Country of origin: Australia Western Australia</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/21384513</div>
DigiVol Label transcriptions: has no matches
<div>Transcribed name: Hakea erinacea Meissn.</div><div>Collector: Morrison, Alexander (Dr.)</div><div>Collection number: s.n.</div><div>Collection date: 1898-07-09</div><div>Country of origin: Australia Western Australia</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/21384513</div>
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet
IIIF Manifest
Family: Proteaceae
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Hakea erinacea Meissn.
Collector/Expedition: Morrison, A.
Collection date: 6th September 1899
Filing region: Australia
Country/Territory: Australia
Barcode: E00103301
Label data partially captured
4 FLORA OF AUSTRALIA PROJECT ae H Det R.M. Barker iv.1987 akea erinacea Meissn. Nek ¢ ] ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN ae \, oe EDINBURGH : Se Oe ay Ann SN BUY we, E00103301 ff HERBARIUM OF A. MORRISON, PERTH, W. A. FLORA OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA. Liat: Le eee cian ee Coll. ALex. Morrison 99/99. eae copyright reserved
DigiVol Label transcriptions: has no matches
<div>Transcribed name: Hakea erinacea Meissn.</div><div>: Proteaceae</div><div>Collector: Morrison, Alexander (Dr.)</div><div>Collection number: s.n.</div><div>Collection date: 1899-09-06</div><div>Country of origin: Australia Western Australia</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/21384509</div>
DigiVol Label transcriptions: has no matches
<div>Transcribed name: Hakea erinacea Meissn.</div><div>Collector: Morrison, Alexander (Dr.)</div><div>Collection number: s.n.</div><div>Collection date: 1899-09-06</div><div>Country of origin: Australia Western Australia</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/21384509</div>
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet
IIIF Manifest
Family: Proteaceae
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Hakea erinacea Meissn.
Collector/Expedition: Morrison, A.
Collection date: 22nd July 1899
Filing region: Australia
Country/Territory: Australia
Barcode: E00103300
Label data partially captured
a HNTMVOTITUATIVOTI OOH TT ROYAL BOTANIC EN GA copyright reserved 4p FLORA OF AUSTRALIA PROJECT ae Hakea erinacea Meissn. Det R.M. Barker iv.1987 ROYAL BOTAIIC GARDEN EDINBURGH HERB: A. MORRISON, PERTH, W.A. FLORA OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Ig. E00103300 Sa Ra al i al cl a is 55 i vseuih ile SSM NS a si : em eeeadial es —
DigiVol Label transcriptions: has no matches
<div>Transcribed name: Hakea erinacea Meissn.</div><div>: Proteaceae</div><div>Collector: Alex Morrison</div><div>Collection date: 1899-07-22</div><div>Country of origin: Australia Western Australia</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/21384505</div>
DigiVol Label transcriptions: has no matches
<div>Transcribed name: Hakea erinacea Meissn.</div><div>Collector: Alex Morrison</div><div>Collection date: 1899-07-22</div><div>Country of origin: Australia Western Australia</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/21384505</div>
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet
IIIF Manifest
Family: Proteaceae
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Hakea erinacea Meissn.
Collector/Expedition: Morrison, A.
Collection date: 10th April 1900
Filing region: Australia
Country/Territory: Australia
Barcode: E00103298
Label data partially captured
, 413! FLORA OF AUSTRALIA PROJECT ee. Hakea erinacea Meissn. Det. R.M. Barker iv. 1987 | EER CF D MORRISON foo NS EN. BEQUEATHED, 1015, [S/ | So] | 3 keg Lrunarea Mewsrn, " TM TG meron Lae R \* ¥ f Wa ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN \ J ; on wig un Sa Ss o Pa a o 77) o aoe) £ 2) ‘ > Qa. ° o
DigiVol Label transcriptions: has no matches
<div>Transcribed name: Hakea erinacea Meissn.</div><div>: Proteaceae</div><div>Collector: Morrison, Alexander (Dr.)</div><div>Collection number: s.n.</div><div>Collection date: 10/04/1900</div><div>Country of origin: Australia Western Australia</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/21384497</div>
DigiVol Label transcriptions: has no matches
<div>Transcribed name: Hakea erinacea Meissn.</div><div>Collector: Morrison, Alexander (Dr.)</div><div>Collection number: s.n.</div><div>Collection date: 10/04/1900</div><div>Country of origin: Australia Western Australia</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/21384497</div>
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet
IIIF Manifest
Family: Proteaceae
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Hakea erinacea Meissn.
Collector/Expedition: Morrison, A.
Collection date: 6th September 1900
Filing region: Australia
Country/Territory: Australia
Barcode: E00103297
Label data partially captured
= AS ONNOTT NONI NTONT TTT 5°] ‘a Pt — ® 72) 2 Coad = = ke > 2 ° a) 4138 FLORA OF AUSTRALIA PROJECT oe Hakea erinacea Meissn. Det R.M. Barker LV .1987 HERB: A. MORRISON, PERTH, W.A. FLORA OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN wg 0000000
DigiVol Label transcriptions: has no matches
<div>Transcribed name: Hakea erinacea Meissn.</div><div>: Proteaceae</div><div>Collector: Morrison, Alexander (Dr.)</div><div>Collection number: s.n.</div><div>Collection date: 06/09/1900</div><div>Country of origin: Australia Western Australia</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/21384493</div>
DigiVol Label transcriptions: has no matches
<div>Transcribed name: Hakea erinacea Meissn.</div><div>Collector: Morrison, Alexander (Dr.)</div><div>Collection number: s.n.</div><div>Collection date: 06/09/1900</div><div>Country of origin: Australia Western Australia</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/21384493</div>
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet
IIIF Manifest
Family: Proteaceae
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Hakea erinacea Meissn.
Collector/Expedition: Morrison, A.
Collection date: 4th August 1897
Filing region: Australia
Country/Territory: Australia
Barcode: E00103296
Label data partially captured
LE: AMITTONITUATITOAT OOH TT pacer A SS) <8) aM War copyright reserved e134 FLORA OF AUSTRALIA PROJECT Hakea erinacea Meissn. Det R.M. Barker iv.1987 RB, HORT, REG. SUi, BDIR. Hhaaws Ga Kf APA Ar AlloTe PLUKA Or AUST RALIA. HERD. OF DR, A: MORRISON. BEQUEATHED, 1015. uN a te. 8. 1897
DigiVol Label transcriptions: has no matches
<div>Transcribed name: Hakea erinacea Meissn.</div><div>: Proteaceae</div><div>Collector: Morrison, Alexander (Dr.)</div><div>Collection number: s.n.</div><div>Collection date: 1897-08-04</div><div>Country of origin: Australia Western Australia</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/21384489</div>
DigiVol Label transcriptions: has no matches
<div>Transcribed name: Hakea erinacea Meissn.</div><div>Collector: Morrison, Alexander (Dr.)</div><div>Collection number: s.n.</div><div>Collection date: 1897-08-04</div><div>Country of origin: Australia Western Australia</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/21384489</div>
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet
IIIF Manifest
Family: Proteaceae
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Hakea erinacea Meissn.
Collector/Expedition: Morrison, A.
Collection date: 30th July 1901
Filing region: Australia
Country/Territory: Australia
Barcode: E00103295
Label data partially captured
tintin xo] o Pd is ® 7) cy ih a] <= oa = > Qa ° iS) HO Qi FLORA OF AUSTRALIA PROJECT Hakea erinacea Meissn. Det R.M. Barker iv.1987 HERB: A. MORRISON, PERTH, W.A. FLORA OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH ‘ Coll. Avex. Monnisos AO [gop : MINN . E00103295 i:
DigiVol Label transcriptions: has no matches
<div>Transcribed name: Hakea erinacea Meissn.</div><div>: Proteaceae</div><div>Collector: Morrison, Alexander (Dr.)</div><div>Collection number: s.n.</div><div>Collection date: 30/07/1901</div><div>Country of origin: Australia Western Australia</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/21384485</div>
DigiVol Label transcriptions: has no matches
<div>Transcribed name: Hakea erinacea Meissn.</div><div>Collector: Morrison, Alexander (Dr.)</div><div>Collection number: s.n.</div><div>Collection date: 30/07/1901</div><div>Country of origin: Australia Western Australia</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/21384485</div>
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet
IIIF Manifest
Family: Proteaceae
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Hakea erinacea Meissn.
Collector/Expedition: Morrison, A.
Collection date: 24th August 1901
Filing region: Australia
Country/Territory: Australia
Barcode: E00103294
Label data partially captured
y ROYAL ee en ing we on \}\ FLORA OF AUSTRALIA PROJECT eet Hakea erinacea Meissn. Det R.M. Barker LVI? i EBRB, HORT, REG. BOT, EDIN FLORA OF AUSTRALIA -RISON BEQUEATHED, 19if Sorrel sell, orbit Coll UM. 24. 8.1901 es TT TT — ‘ ‘ ltl ce} a FS P< 0) 7) ® I ~ P= = = > a ° a)
DigiVol Label transcriptions: has no matches
<div>Transcribed name: Hakea erinacea Meissn.</div><div>: Proteaceae</div><div>Collector: Morrison, Alexander (Dr.)</div><div>Collection number: s.n.</div><div>Collection date: 24/08/1901</div><div>Country of origin: Australia Western Australia</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/21384481</div>
DigiVol Label transcriptions: has no matches
<div>Transcribed name: Hakea erinacea Meissn.</div><div>Collector: Morrison, Alexander (Dr.)</div><div>Collection number: s.n.</div><div>Collection date: 24/08/1901</div><div>Country of origin: Australia Western Australia</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/21384481</div>
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet
IIIF Manifest
Family: Proteaceae
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Hakea erinacea Meissn.
Collector/Expedition: Morrison, A.
Collection date: 4th August 1899
Filing region: Australia
Country/Territory: Australia
Barcode: E00103277
Label data partially captured
DigiVol Label transcriptions: has no matches
<div>Transcribed name: Hakea erinacea Meissn.</div><div>: Proteaceae</div><div>Collector: Morrison, Alexander (Dr.)</div><div>Collection number: s.n.</div><div>Collection date: 1899-08-04</div><div>Country of origin: Australia Western Australia</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/21384395</div>
DigiVol Label transcriptions: has no matches
<div>Transcribed name: Hakea erinacea Meissn.</div><div>Collector: Morrison, Alexander (Dr.)</div><div>Collection number: s.n.</div><div>Collection date: 1899-08-04</div><div>Country of origin: Australia Western Australia</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/21384395</div>
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet
IIIF Manifest
Family: Proteaceae
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Hakea ferruginea
Collector/Expedition: Morrison, A.
Collection date: 24th October 1902
Filing region: Australia
Country/Territory: Australia
Barcode: E00103279
Label data partially captured
top 'g.08 BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH copyright reserved FLORA OF AUSTRALIA. HERB. OF DR. A. MORRISON. BEQUEATHED, 1915. psaute 71AKoa fruginea SWEE ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN wo on. K. Help at 27
DigiVol Label transcriptions: has no matches
<div>Transcribed name: Hakea ferruginea</div><div>: Proteaceae</div><div>Collector: Morrison, Alexander (Dr.)</div><div>Collection date: 24/10/1902</div><div>Country of origin: Australia Western Australia</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/21384404</div>
DigiVol Label transcriptions: has no matches
<div>Transcribed name: Hakea ferruginea</div><div>Collector: Morrison, Alexander (Dr.)</div><div>Collection date: 24/10/1902</div><div>Country of origin: Australia Western Australia</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/21384404</div>
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet
IIIF Manifest
Family: Proteaceae
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Hakea florida R.Br.
Collector/Expedition: Morrison, A.
Collection date: June 1877
Filing region: Australia
Country/Territory: Australia
Barcode: E00104252
No label status given
FLORA OF AUSTRALIA PROJECT Wer Lta hoa ferme Kir. E00. ¢ Sate On fit 1987 Det. yaw) AUSTRALIAN PLANTS. RECEIVED, August, 1888. COLLECTED AND PRESENTED BY Dr ALEXANDER MORRISON, MeLBourNE. hc AS in a oer et Ee ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN In. se] ra > ca o Yn 4 ed Fy ey — > 2 ° 3)
DigiVol Label transcriptions: has no matches
<div>Transcribed name: Hakea florida R.Br.</div><div>: Proteaceae</div><div>Collector: Morrison, Alexander (Dr.)</div><div>Collection number: s.n.</div><div>Collection date: 1877-06</div><div>Country of origin: Australia Western Australia</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/21385993</div>
DigiVol Label transcriptions: has no matches
<div>Transcribed name: Hakea florida R.Br.</div><div>Collector: Morrison, Alexander (Dr.)</div><div>Collection number: s.n.</div><div>Collection date: 1877-06</div><div>Country of origin: Australia Western Australia</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/21385993</div>
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet
IIIF Manifest
Family: Proteaceae
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Hakea gilbertii Kippist in Meisn.
Collector/Expedition: Morrison, A.
Filing region: Australia
Country/Territory: Australia
Barcode: E00103470
Label data partially captured
€ | “" TROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN { i EDINBURGH i Rial s a y , FLOF A f HP Hakea gilbertii Kippist in Meisn. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Feb. 1998 Det. L.Haegi. (AD) oq L ATIVE ANAT T OTT ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH oi copyright reserved
DigiVol Label transcriptions: has no matches
<div>Transcribed name: Hakea gilbertii Kippist in Meisn.</div><div>: Proteaceae</div><div>Collector: Morrison, Alexander (Dr.)</div><div>Collection number: s.n.</div><div>Country of origin: Australia</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/21384813</div>
DigiVol Label transcriptions: has no matches
<div>Transcribed name: Hakea gilbertii Kippist in Meisn.</div><div>Collector: Morrison, Alexander (Dr.)</div><div>Collection number: s.n.</div><div>Country of origin: Australia</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/21384813</div>
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet
IIIF Manifest
Family: Proteaceae
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Hakea incrassata R.Br.
Collector/Expedition: Morrison, A.
Collection date: 5th July 1902
Filing region: Australia
Country/Territory: Australia
Barcode: E00103091
Label data partially captured
DigiVol Label transcriptions: has no matches
<div>Transcribed name: Hakea incrassata R.Br.</div><div>: Proteaceae</div><div>Collector: Morrison, Alexander (Dr.)</div><div>Collection number: s.n.</div><div>Collection date: 05/07/1902</div><div>Country of origin: Australia Western Australia</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/21384190</div>
DigiVol Label transcriptions: has no matches
<div>Transcribed name: Hakea incrassata R.Br.</div><div>Collector: Morrison, Alexander (Dr.)</div><div>Collection number: s.n.</div><div>Collection date: 05/07/1902</div><div>Country of origin: Australia Western Australia</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/21384190</div>
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet
IIIF Manifest
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