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Family: Leguminosae
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Acacia ancistrocarpa Maiden & Blakely
Collector/Expedition: Morrison, A.
Collection date: 29th September 1905
Filing region: Australia
Country/Territory: Australia
Isolectotype of Acacia ancistrocarpa Maiden & Blakely
Barcode: E00819544
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YSOLECTOTYPE of Acacia.cunctshracasqa..Mat don. &. | Oe | selected by PG. KOKO ccna meetin.) = in. he hopea.7.(4):420.0.. CI9ARS.......... So cy = i ® n ® ts Pd nat oD = ) Qa ° iS) ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH HERBARIUM A. MORRISON, PERTH, W.A. FLORA OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN A ii a | ; Reacrq ancislrocay Da’ Procav po ‘Whe 7 OT Crmnerhre GeaUol 9 7x7
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Leguminosae
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Acacia densiflora Morrison
Collector/Expedition: Morrison, A.
Collection date: September 1897
Filing region: Australia
Country/Territory: Australia
Isotype of Acacia densiflora Morrison
Barcode: E00318341
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9° fe) Ko} < caf | = = Be] | © 7] | © = < i) 2. Type Specimen. A __T ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN A EDINBURGH ek HERB: A. MORRISON, PERTH, W.A. FLORA OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA. Lleacga densiflora tre, © Kd Megliox SGATOY 7. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Leguminosae
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Acacia pyrifolia DC.
Collector/Expedition: Morrison, A.
Collection date: 6th October 1903
Filing region: Australia
Country/Territory: Australia
Isotype of Acacia morrisonii Domin.
Barcode: E00318354
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ll ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00318354 a __ ISOTYPE Acacia movrisonii Domin (21-4) Bi blive Bot. SUFI Det indhay se PT Ae a a Type Specimen ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN | EDINBURGH | HERBARIUM A. MORRISON, PERTH, W.A. FLORA OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA. tacen pyrdfoteay OC LEDS tee. pete Loe. Ylote LE, Lich bea ge. Coll. Avex. Morrison... Vig ea. Sere xe] ® | > — ® ” ® — —— = | | i 4 > | a oO Oo fj
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Family: Rosaceae
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Acaena ovina A.Cunn.
Collector/Expedition: Morrison, A.
Collection date: 24th September 1892
Filing region: Australia
Country/Territory: Australia
Barcode: E00046924
No label status given
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Cupressaceae
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Actinostrobus acuminatus Parl.
Collector/Expedition: Morrison, A.
Collection date: 28th September 1904
Filing region: Australia
Country/Territory: Australia
Barcode: E00236180
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Carpological HERB. HORT. EDINB. FLORA OF AUSTRALIA Family: Cupressaceae Actinostrobus acuminatus Parl. Locality: Ebano Description: From a tree of 1ft diam. x 7Oft high x 20 ft ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN BURGH semen svrerson A Date: 28th September 1904 copyright reserved
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Cupressaceae
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Actinostrobus acuminatus Parl.
Collector/Expedition: Morrison, A.
Collection date: 13th September 1903
Filing region: Australia
Country/Territory: Australia
Barcode: E00236179
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Carpological "8 13th September 1903 | nn | : HERB. HORT. EDINB: copyright reserved FLORA OF AUSTRALIA Family: Cupressaceae Actinostrobus acuminatus Parl. Locality: Western Australia; Victoria Plains; between Wongan Hills and New Norica Collector: A. Morrison, ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN | ;
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Cupressaceae
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Actinostrobus acuminatus Parl.
Collector/Expedition: Morrison, A.
Collection date: 14th January 1905
Filing region: Australia
Country/Territory: Australia
Barcode: E00131054
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\ ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN wong 00 HERB: A. MORRISON, PERTH. W.A. FLORA OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA. CarGel Coll. Axex. Morrison M4fiflqos a SSE TO ITOn TTT xe) o = << cH 7) ca) — =) 2S 2 = ~~ Qa ° [o)
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Cupressaceae
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Actinostrobus arenarius C.A.Gardner
Collector/Expedition: Morrison, A.
Collection date: 14th October 1903
Filing region: Australia
Country/Territory: Australia
Barcode: E00131050
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eee ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN i ig iyi Actinostrobus A: Farjonw Ar AATIUS Cece. | | i Wloccgun elle Htet Hermans» NW- 3-19 84 [cot san tom ——_-____ “a ROVAL BOTANIC GARDE _ EDINBURGH a HERB: A. MORRISON, PERTH. W.A, FLORA OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA. | df ee Ae A, Rttemcenatecgs 2 Tavlos MINUTE TTOUATENI copyright reserved
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Cupressaceae
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Actinostrobus pyramidalis Miq.
Collector/Expedition: Morrison, A.
Collection date: 25th June 1904
Filing region: Australia
Country/Territory: Australia
Barcode: E00236178
Label data completely captured
Carpological HERB. HORT. EDINB. ik} ® P CT 7) 7) a) i ead 1 > a ° a) FLORA OF AUSTRALIA Family: Cupressaceae Actinostrobus pyramidalis Mig. i Location: Western Australia; Lower Canning River. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN > moo Date: 25"" June 1904 Collector: A. Morrison
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Cupressaceae
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Actinostrobus pyramidalis Miq.
Collector/Expedition: Morrison, A.
Collection date: 6th April 1899
Filing region: Australia
Country/Territory: Australia
Barcode: E00131057
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Cupressaceae
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Actinostrobus pyramidalis Miq.
Collector/Expedition: Morrison, A.
Collection date: 14th April 1909
Filing region: Australia
Country/Territory: Australia
Barcode: E00131058
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Cupressaceae
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Actinostrobus pyramidalis Miq.
Collector/Expedition: Morrison, A.
Collection date: 25th May 1901
Filing region: Australia
Country/Territory: Australia
Barcode: E00131059
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Cupressaceae
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Actinostrobus pyramidalis Miq.
Collector/Expedition: Morrison, A.
Collection date: 21st October 1911
Filing region: Australia
Country/Territory: Australia
Barcode: E00131060
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. HERBS LORIE: xo} ® es _ 3) on KS ~ c= 5) rs — a fe) [o) ff oo Ex HERB. HORT. REG. BOT. EDIN. ie CTINOSTQR2BUS FLORA OF AUSTRALIA Hers. Dr. A. Morrison Presented 1930 Nam on OO Camuar fw , Rckinoderdaus gugsmbhdis Mf] | Connie | Kixias ae ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH IMI tus one x (mid toi) oe QoQ
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Cupressaceae
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Actinostrobus pyramidalis Miq.
Collector/Expedition: Morrison, A.
Collection date: 24th July 1901
Filing region: Australia
Country/Territory: Australia
Barcode: E00131064
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2 nw a = a oT oma) t= | es as ¢ oO = ge : 5 = Qu wr 3 e aa : ° = ATUL TOUATITOAT gee ee = LC x : oO a xe, c) ® 7) 4 cS Pe > Qa ° Oo = aol ROYAL BOTANIC CARDEN CLASS HERBARIUM FLORA OF WESTERN F WESTERN AUSTRALIA. 1a ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Coll. Axux. Morrison Se ee wifi a | E0013
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Cupressaceae
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Actinostrobus pyramidalis Miq.
Collector/Expedition: Morrison, A.
Collection date: 21st February 1899
Filing region: Australia
Country/Territory: Australia
Barcode: E00131065
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oo) i ‘a co) 7?) ‘a ~~ c= aD 5 2. ° oO HERB: A. MORRISON, PERTH. W.A. ROYAL mua ae DEN Pier | | | Actinostrebus PYrami dalis Miq. Loc. Plats Ln ee Ts oll. Arex. Morrison - 42 Ff. | : : W, in. Det. A -Farjon Utrecht 4/9 / 1989
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Cupressaceae
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Actinostrobus pyramidalis Miq.
Collector/Expedition: Morrison, A.
Collection date: 17th April 1900
Filing region: Australia
Country/Territory: Australia
Barcode: E00131067
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TOTO OUI ONTO OUTTA xo} ® Po Po ® n no da = dD = a) Qa fe) iS) HERB: A. MORRISON, PERTH. W.A. FLORA OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA. | Loe. GAL Lowe Caney, daz tOvAN EDINBURGH | Coll. Arex. Morrison “Yh "9gc~7. ‘upg | ee
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Cupressaceae
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Actinostrobus pyramidalis Miq.
Collector/Expedition: Morrison, A.
Collection date: 28th January 1905
Filing region: Australia
Country/Territory: Australia
Barcode: E00131068
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ATITTOTTH AITO TTOLTONI xe. o Po ~~ co) 177) co) = a= ont DS = P) fol fe) oO HERB: A. MORRISON, PERTH. W.A FLORA OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA. Loe. Plog ae Coll. Anex. Morrison LY gas q ROYAL ne oe wg E00131068 | |
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Umbelliferae
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Actinotus leucocephalus Benth.
Collector/Expedition: Morrison, A.
Collection date: 7th February 1906
Filing region: Australia
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00008199
Label data partially captured
is OISSVTO BED RELI BSIe <P mies) col ‘ & SSM nmnn copyright reserved 86 mm HERB. HORT. REC. BOT. EDIN. FLORA OF AUSTRALIA. ; HERB. OF DR. A. MORRISON. b j BEQUEATHED, 1915. @ aye eee ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN MDAC AT | 7. 1906 E 4 00008199
DigiVol Label transcriptions:
<div>Collector: Morrison, Alexander (Dr.)</div><div>Collection number: s.n.</div><div>Collection date: 07/11/1906</div><div>Country of origin: Australia Western Australia</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/28053928</div>
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Family: Compositae
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Allittia cardiocarpa (F.Muell. ex Benth.) P.S.Short
Collector/Expedition: Morrison, A.
Collection date: 15th September 1889
Filing region: Australia
Country/Territory: Australia
Barcode: E00421464
Label data completely captured
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00421464 A sample has been removed for pollen analysis for: A.H. Davey Sent to: E Date: 17 March 2011 Ref. No: 1409* (ap. HERB: A. MORRISON, PERTH. W.A. FLORA OF WHE6-FERN AUSTRALIA. | | Brac come adware Fuh. | Ee, Frankston, Vctona | Coll, Anex. Morrison 1S : q: (SEG ie iE ATTN MTLCOTT OLATAIT 5°) o > he ® m7 4 Coad S D 4 Po) row ° a)
DigiVol Label transcriptions:
<div>Transcribed name: Allittia cardiocarpa (F.Muell. ex Benth.) P.S.Short</div><div>Collector: Morrison, Alexander (Dr.)</div><div>Collection number: s.n.</div><div>Collection date: 1889-09-15</div><div>Country of origin: Australia Victoria</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/23332236</div>
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Compositae
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Allittia cardiocarpa (F.Muell. ex Benth.) P.S.Short
Collector/Expedition: Morrison, A.
Collection date: 26th September 1891
Filing region: Australia
Country/Territory: Australia
Barcode: E00421463
Label data completely captured
| HSsa 18499Y9/C <P. ales col = TTT TOOT TANI copyright reserved HERB: A. MORRISON, PERTH. W.A. FLORA OF W&@=eeiebhy AUSTRALIA. E | Beachycomes Cardio carpa Ev, | “n Oak bagte, Vichona EDINBUR ee | Coll, Auex. Morrison ve: q: SQ | | | | Sent to: E Date: 17 March 2011 | E00421463 Ref. No: 1409* 15 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN GH removed for pollen analysis |
DigiVol Label transcriptions:
<div>Transcribed name: Allittia cardiocarpa (F.Muell. ex Benth.) P.S.Short</div><div>Collector: Morrison, Alexander (Dr.)</div><div>Collection number: s.n.</div><div>Collection date: 1891-09-26</div><div>Country of origin: Australia Victoria</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/23332232</div>
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Family: Zingiberaceae
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Alpinia oceanica Burkill
Collector/Expedition: Morrison, A.
Filing region: Pacific Islands
Country/Territory: Vanuatu
Barcode: E00149713
Label data completely captured
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN 0 E00149713 tie : i ae Naw Ktbrole 4] LeAnn Sn A Mom DAWG a ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN ng E00149714 ! x_A WATERHOUSE £. GEoRGIA i | | 1 Pu. hue OTTO ERO ET yx ¢ / fs } 4 Be i j Q Y “1 DOA ba AL Ya Ony ro ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH eas copyright reserved FLORA OF Nia, A pu©sa oieamea bie LOCALITY HastraT ALT. REMARKS DATE COLLECTOR Rer. No.
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Family: Cyatheaceae
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Filed as: Alsophila australis R.Br.
Current name: Cyathea australis (R.Br.) Domin
Collector/Expedition: Morrison, A.
Collection date: 27th March 1897
Filing region: Australia
Country/Territory: Australia
Barcode: E00990634
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Family: Apocynaceae
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Alyxia buxifolia R.Br.
Collector/Expedition: Morrison, A.
Collection date: 1st December 1871
Filing region: Australia
Country/Territory: Australia
Barcode: E00098257
No label status given
WOK Sako. Au. Det. Xk Watidon AAA HERBARIUM A. MORRISON, PERTH, W.A. FLORA AUSTRALIENSIS. YYAL BOTANIC GARDEN any ig Coll, Avex, Morrison! MALE LGD css 98257 xe) ca) Pa hes ® ve o te = co} fey 7 > fo} ° oO
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Apocynaceae
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Alyxia buxifolia R.Br.
Collector/Expedition: Morrison, A.
Collection date: 14th January 1893
Filing region: Australia
Country/Territory: Australia
Barcode: E00098256
No label status given
A XG \oux ae KO | Det. Aw Wadian OA HERBARIUM A. MORRISON, PERTH, W.A. FLORA AUSTRALIENSIS. Add huxifelia R.Br ROYAL goTANG oaRDEN OO Baglator.,... MeMaaae eee NWI Coll. Avex. MORRISON 0 SAE L NE NIB... conse E00098256 xo} ca Pe - ® ” co) i ood <= acy) = 4) 2. ° Oo
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Apocynaceae
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Alyxia buxifolia R.Br.
Collector/Expedition: Morrison, A.
Collection date: January 1897
Filing region: Australia
Country/Territory: Australia
Barcode: E00098255
No label status given
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN 0 Wa Koa nx ANARS \ bbe. Det. F aa Yaak WML Aah HERBARIUM A. MORRISON, PERTH, W.A. FLORA AUSTRALIENSIS. Coll, ALEX. MoRRISON............ Pus re aS xo} ® Pa ke ) n o — oa = Da = > 2. ° oO
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Apocynaceae
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Alyxia buxifolia R.Br.
Collector/Expedition: Morrison, A.
Collection date: 16th December 1887
Filing region: Australia
Country/Territory: Australia
Barcode: E00098274
No label status given
i 4 ‘ BY 7 | a y Ly v copyright reserved | LA Ve f 7, My z " y , Yuko Waxing, Qe. Det, 7 oe Wadtlian KOK HERBARIUM A. MORRISON, PERTH, W.A. FLORA AUSTRALIENSIS. Neca huxifela K-%. OYAL BOTANIC GAR - Loe...... 6 GA! RSMo, eed 46 SNE. A Picci eee WW Coll. ALEX. MORRISON........ 10.212. £1887]. fi comeee echo wii 8274
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Apocynaceae
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Alyxia buxifolia R.Br.
Collector/Expedition: Morrison, A.
Collection date: 21st February 1885
Filing region: Australia
Country/Territory: Australia
Barcode: E00098273
No label status given
| | | | Quia Ww Ka Che. Det. « \ \ \S \\ A 5 r Dagar Wedvgkar WAR HERBARIUM A. MORRISON, PERTH, W.A. FLORA AUSTRALIENSIS. Keay ca hunifela R.Ry Reach. LOG. Frankvior.... Victona. gia ae ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN ni Cott) tome: Mbxenets,,...0 oe. a xo} o Pa I co) ri - 4 o—] £ Do ‘= J Qa ° oO
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Apocynaceae
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Alyxia buxifolia R.Br.
Collector/Expedition: Morrison, A.
Collection date: 7th January 1885
Filing region: Australia
Country/Territory: Australia
Barcode: E00098266
No label status given
im OYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH HANI Eo00098266 \\ i ; SN (\ n Ko xk Qra Kb. 4 RE 5 Det. Dwr W Wer AWA HERBARIUM A. MORRISON, PERTH, W.A. FLORA AUSTRALIENSIS, Alyx. huxifeba R. Br. Sheng. Coll, Bumx. MORRISON ELE AGB ccccccsne S) Ate % copyright reserved
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Umbelliferae
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Ammi majus L.
Collector/Expedition: Morrison, A.
Collection date: 16th January 1892
Filing region: Australia
Country/Territory: Australia
Barcode: E00035797
Label data partially captured
te [DISSV19 BED BELO: <P aies) cole . ES AITO TTT copyright reserved Leaf material taken for phytochemical analysis Melissa Newman MSc. Pure and Applied Plant and Fungal Taxonomy, University of Reading 1996-1997. - i Det. = Ammi Mc) CS ees Melissa Newman M.Sc. Pure and Applied Plant and Fungal Taxonomy, University of Reading 1996-1997. HERBARIUM A. MORRISON, PERTH, W.A. FLORA AUSTRALIENSIS. povaLBoraniceanpen ss os ttt—<(ité‘é‘ I EDINBURGH ng et an, Mona. A 12 BID E00035797
DigiVol Label transcriptions:
<div>Collector: Morrison, Alexander (Dr.)</div><div>Collection number: s.n.</div><div>Collection date: 1892-01-16</div><div>Country of origin: Australia Victoria</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/28053955</div>
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Boraginaceae
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Amsinckia menziesii var.intermedia (Fisch. & C.A.Mey.) Ganders
Collector/Expedition: Morrison, A.
Collection date: 17th September 1885
Filing region: Australia
Country/Territory: Australia
Barcode: E00225289
Label data partially captured
copyright reserved Per Lassen LD (S852 AUSTRALIAN PLANTS. ic ¥ ( A ; } Punsincleca ie ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH RECEIVED, August, 1888, Gok ‘ ( Wry Z Couneoingp AND PRESENTED BY iT Dr ALEXANDER MORRISON, Mennourye. - Determinavit J.R. Edmondson t j % | A E00225289 | 1 ne peated. i | oe = ae
DigiVol Label Transcriptions:
<div>Transcribed name: Amsinckia</div><div>Collector: Morrison, Alexander (Dr.)</div><div>Collection number: s.n.</div><div>Collection date: 1885-09-17</div><div>Country of origin: Australia, Victoria</div><div>Locality: Caulfield</div><div>Habitat: In fallow field</div><div>Transcription date: 17-Sep-2018 13:32:25</div><div>Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/30929534</div>
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IIIF Manifest
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