OCR text
F25b0 3.=25978 oa, flee shy Le 7 brtrete-5 Stamnes glalrerg ES | HTTTOTINUA TON TOO THT copyright reserved R ecleckeum (3a). {. bfowest vew.ecleckeum 2 ton be llatata— Det. D. F. Chamberlain t93°7 Bre ae i ae I Co.LL. GEORGE FORREST 2 5 6 0 3 No. fs a 192 Ga Alt. / ioee qt. Locality te | f Sebucdae Kiss Cheares aes kate | 27°78 'h.. Rong 97 °%07E. Cae Nhadi teh elinnr sf f | “- © je. Mower fure ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN is i) af | Ushi fl Sete EDINBURGH gp . Pe | e WINNT .: pda pence rm nme ky whahes E00901984
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