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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00752597 } Flora of Myanmar Flora of Myanmar Institutional Consortium (FoMIC) Expedition - The Kochi Prefectural Makino Botanical Garden (MBK) - 285 Bricaceae Rhododendron arboreum Sm. Subsp, ebelavays ae | Loc.: MYANMAR: Chin State; road through park, start point 7 miles from Park Office walking along the road 0.5 mile to 7.5 miles from Park Office, Kanpetlet Township, Natma Taung National Park. 2,474 m alt. 21°13'21.52"N, 093°58'53.45"E Notes : Semi evergreen forest, sunny, dry and open, roadside. Tree 7m high. Flowers red. Coll. ; Prachaya Srisanga, Monthon Norsaengsri (QBG); Robert Unwin (E) & Law Shine (Forest Department) Date: 20 February 2014 No. 097038 | ATION MLA TNOAT CHAT copyright reserved
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