OCR text
-_ HERB. HORT. EDINB. M@ee@589 xo} 7) Po = ® ” £ aor ce > = ) [ow fe) (2) The Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh Flora of Japan Ericaceae Rhododendron dilatatum Miq. Japan: Tokushima, Tsurugi town; Tsuzutou. Lat/Long: 33° 52’ 54.7" N 134° 3’ 11.1" E (WGS84) Description: Suckering shrub to c.2m tall. Alt.: 1127m Habitat: Steep NE facing slopes surrounding a small stream. Loose, moist, rocky soils. Cool-temperate forest with Pterostyrax corymbosa, Acer rufinerve, Carpinus japonica, Acer sp. Associated material collected: Seed. Edinburgh Iconic Kew Japan Expedition (Baxter, P., Christian, T., Hinchliffe, W. & Martin, K.) with Toshio Katsuki; Yasushi Ibaragi. EDINBU e RGH we MM re [L-4 27 September 2013 E00895739 : ae ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN
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