OCR text
TUNE esi AHL Ey ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN in w (0 SYNTYPE of Rhadodendcern.\wNvaiden. Bap. ); of Reroast | lA Noiee Ray. BA. Gasd. Edinlovarg.12,\\2 Vasey. R. fulvum Balf.f. & W-.W.Sm. subsp. fulvoides (Balf.f. & Forr.) D.F.Chamb. Det. D.F. Chamberlain Nov. 1995 f Ay he y | fend a Or, Vane ho 182°75- "So ororg ao dees apis eatend Puhe ta fake Quy - ail bul dane 3 fo- 14 . of - g.,,., t £d be beple UL, pultresisn asf, ehetraea/ NG pe a MQ00327 copyright reserved
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Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet