OCR text
ll ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBI Di E00 URGH 258124 ll Plants of the Gaoligong Shan Region, Yunnan, China Ericaceae Rhododendron arboreum Sm. subsp. delavayi (Franch.) D. F. Chamberlain Baoshan Xian: Lujiang Xiang, Nankang, on the E side of Gaoligong Shan near the divide between the Salween and Irrawadi watersheds. Elev. 2200 m 24° 49° 51" N, 98° 46? 4" E Broadleaved evergreen forest. Tree 3-5 m tall. Growing on a moist forested slope. Li Heng 10713, 21 October 1998 with Bruce Bartholomew and Dao Zhilin copyright reserved oO) 0 wy g a g =
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