OCR text
PeAseses }yBUAdOS NeLorype anclrum Bal. Fewagh brackyandrum) cheum Ver, = FB eelecteum = Determinavit A handate i bi) ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN ng 000 Bere uigS ~ é. OT MUNINAN,AWEST-CHINA 0. Coll. GEORGE FORREST feb, 9. am HOLOTYPE Bie ae ie oo Locality Kaku = K. wa, - Chg 5 4 : Th Ral. 28 6th, Koug! GR M75" E. aa ba Wed: i. haflft Irod Bhreh_o, —Aa- afl. Hower fl. ath rt dak. ; veeu, larhecl- b-w-e--eln WA unre 4 ou few , P ee ees r-€ Ri Vtea Bitti> Lo... QA 6 pe =
Fe Fo Sage % las ! A: Ltt? i pe goo @. Ltve ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH 9 = 19 copyright reserved Ee AN
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Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet