OCR text
MQ@00589 E “2 arboreum Sms: ‘ subsp. ow bape Ssnbsp. Lele vay’ Det. D. F. Chamberlain EAE TT (ois RIE 8UTION) E No Field No. ROYAL BOING: > GARDEN a Bt Mi i Herb. G. Watt. xo} o Pa See co) no o + wa oad <= oD <= a) fo} ° oO ; Py ' a: PTT eH anna, Date geal 188: . Ge — ©) Localit ES A us , oak 4 Hf e FLD RA OF MUNIPHR ar. CAMA AMY, SOTA (ON THE EASTERN FRONTIER OF INDIA). ited ite foPra iy Jrmct trtnch | Meolexdf- Vtts buco $n-éd ie Lear! Yemen i Lt flare Llin. yood dev! “back Le a oa a ‘ —o tpiepaniy a0an fiplojet bok fo alice ee ue Mae Fr bd < on Marr op oa? fO-o we Ze os lhe be Ue cathe Bape ; Ee: + ed ea DATE. COLLECTED Oe : ; as ge ar Daring the Coucrnment Demargation Suyuey of 1881-82, LTT. Jun By GEORGE WATT. S CY) Field No. B 9 19 Herb, G. Watt
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