OCR text
: oo J yes Haak ener ee Oe NO A Diet PLANTS OF E. TIBET AND S.W. CHINA. 6 BY, Couxorsy ny GEORGE FORREST. CorrucTor For A. K, BULLEY of NESS, NESTON, CHESHIRE. O st tt he oh kKeksteos cole gag ere RE. ‘ Forel | ou Me Whenecy ABelbuer oliocdhe heel— Leehkece. Lat. 2 10°, be. 10 — UU, 0-0-0 fl, Reft—190%. BF. Ube Paratype R. angust ii WRU. Hasmanthe “A € Re augustinii Hensley subspe . | chasmanthum (Diels) Cullene Dete Je Cullen, 1976. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH UUM ; E01491494 copyright reserved oO oO Ww a S g =
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