OCR text
RHODODENDRON subsect. LAPPONICA poe ek oe ] coke atapreel be aft.- ~-< Det. M. N. & W R. Philipson Christchurch, New Zealand. M@ee@589 fey © Ul. copyright reserved Ya Beers —) .WesT YUNNAN 23 345 y No. a CoLt. GEORGE FORREST Qeeei92 © Alt. /coeoft-.. 7 Locality Cheer chiar - bre A erede Keak. 26e20'h.. hoe £99 +t.0 °E , heeded Bee a hot wheel pee ae 3 -GY = 1% At L@4in . lente & berk - RHODODENDRON subsect. LAPPONICA ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN — hrrcvp—le : aukin res- Cree - } EDINBURGH : ‘ : 2 povonte Heobefotnp. conste~te RI ane ag L ] / st i | ( / ) ) ‘ h Ee, E01476862 We OLS [ Card COCK Specemenw Det. M. N. & W R. Philipson Christchurch, New Zealand. Lo Feeney)
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