OCR text
YUNNAN, WEST CHINA an : Coll, GEORGE FORREST a 1919. Alt. 10 - 11 o-e-0—fL—. ; Locality Spat ~- eh Aru kk . Lel-.2 5-y aT k.. IT hid “e hfe be rare al pes IE: q Censnerd Wo ot : Ae The. ahr hb ay b bee ct as ua he liek tha oe -10 A lain te ice ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN ae HU ROYAL ony Ni Ker GARDEN SPN Ure E Ba Me@@e589 7.96 2.38 Allvalues.are batch averages 1.24 1.64 0.98 0.75 2 Don Wibliame copyright reserved D50 illuminant, 2 degree observer
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