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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN wi E01123589 { | FLORA OF NEW GUINEA, Distributed by the HERBARIUM AUSTRALIENSE, C.S.I.R.O., CANBERRA, A.C.T with the request to be notified of new identifications. i Coll. R. Schodde No. 3037 Date 18 Sept. 1962 Bcackencidgen oes Loc. Kokoda Trail, c. 7 miles north of Sogeri Central District, Papua. ; : Hab, mixed hill rainforest; alt. c. 2000 feet Notes Tree c. 12 m high, DBH c. 20 cm: bark fibrous, red-brown outside, redder insides apwood cream, heartw ink: 7 s eave rather 1 . ler aaa yx green cre .ecium white, copyright reserved
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