Family: Orobanchaceae
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Orobanche gracilis subsp.subvariegata M.J.Y. Foley
Name Det. qual. Type of det. Det. based on specimen Det. by and when Institution
Orobanche gracilis subsp.subvariegata M.J.Y. FoleyDet.E00053396Foley, M.J.Y. November 1996Lancaster,University of Lancaster (LANC)
Orobanche gracilis subsp.subvariegata M.J.Y. FoleyFideE00053428Foley, M.J.Y. 11th February 1998
Holotype of Orobanche gracilis subsp.subvariegata M.J.Y. Foley
Collector/Expedition: Foley, Michael James Yates
Collection number: 249
Collection date: 29th April 1993
Country/Territory: Spain:Andalucía
Collecting locality: About 1 km south of Puerto de Montejaque, between Ronda and Grazalema
Description: Parasitic on Lygos sphaerocarpa by roadside. Occurs in two forms: (a) robust with yellowish corollas and (b) smaller red form. Stigma lobes yellow; strong aromatic odour.
Kind of specimen: HERBARIUM SHEET
Barcode: E00053396
Herbarium region: 1 (Europe excl. Britain and Ireland)
Number of sheets: 1
Associated material:
Herbarium sheetE00053428
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet