Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron riparioides (Cullen) Cubey
Name Det. qual. Type of det. Det. based on specimen Det. by and when Institution
Rhododendron calostrotum subsp.riparioides CullenDet.E00010120Cullen, J. 1974
Holotype of Rhododendron calostrotum subsp.riparioides Cullen
Collector/Expedition: Forrest, George
Collection number: 25503
Collection date: June 1924
Country/Territory: China:Yunnan
Collecting locality: China:Yunnan:On the Shui-lu Shan west of Wei-hsi
Latitude: 27°12'N, Longitude: 99°12'E
Habitat: On rocky slopes and stony alpine meadows
Description: Shrub of 2 ft. Foliage aromatic.Flowers deep purple-rose with crimson spots, very deep in bud
Kind of specimen: HERBARIUM SHEET
Barcode: E00010120
Herbarium region: 4 (Inner China, Korea and Taiwan)
Number of sheets: 1
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet