OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN an E00947615 wea a Cas VON) 7 oa Det. Qt Renn sadpe QO FOREST FLORA OF PERU Bougainvillea Ptruviarer Humbe. ¥ Kenpl. Amazonas, Bagua Chico - Chirriaco, km 27 5°28.31°S, 78°31.25°W Arid zone, scrub above R. Maranon, 370m alt. Small tree to 6m high and 25cm dia, branching from near base, smooth grey bark, spreading crown, floral bracts pink, corolla tube pink, lumb pale cream inside, with pink central line outside, some branches bear short spines T.D. Pennington, A. Daza 16852 30.11.1999 Universidad Agraria La Molina (MOL) i) 8 xo] co) JE) = co no a a a D iS > [ok fe) oe
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