OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN 1 E00938202 | GSsae 104994910) Diane (exe)| SS AP copyright reserved University of Birmingham Vicia pannonica subsp. striata (M. Bieb.) Nymen Det.: Nigel Maxted Date: 19 09 1995 (See oi INSTITUTUM BOTANICUM ACADEMIAE SCIENTIARUM BULGARIAE PLANTAE BULGARICAE EXSICCATAE Cent, VII 666. Vicia pannonica Crantz Stirp. Austr. 5:393. 1799; Hayek, Prodr. 1:802. 1926, Bulgaria occidentalis: in cultis prope urb. Sofia. 28, V. 1955 Leg, et det: B. Zeljazova
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet