OCR text
E copyright reserved Approbavit D. F. CHAMBERLAIN pe x 2h Grande LORA OF BURMA (NORTH) KACHIN STATE Sumprabum Sub-Division * Eastern approaches from Sumprabum to Kumon Range LAT.c. 26°40N. LONG. c. 97°20E. . PAW cA cdsadcan avno - Aromaa AS Sumpha Bum west ridge, In Rhododendron and bamboo forest. Tree to shrub 20 ft. high, No large specimens seen. Sparse and not gregerious. iInfruit. Seeds collected. | Leaves qiencous-arey beneath, Capsules | hairy. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN | EDINBURGH MN par Sth Ware 1962 au-9000 Fe, E00894951 J. Keenan, U Tun Aung & U Tha Hla
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet