OCR text
HERB. HORT. EDINB. M@00589 Calystegia sepium (L.) R.Br. Provisional determination by R K Brummitt (added posthumously in 2015 from his notes) PVBLiMise PLANET COREANRE, | | HABITAT. Laalfacrt toatl rep chat 7 Med LEGIT-TAQUET xo] o Pa + ® ” ® + we ol £ (°)) + > a ° (om. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN WML 3 E0085559
| 685000N | : ere Eesot-3 | MTC wo | “> Het | ce i iy OL 6 ee eee | ae A L 0 LEGIT-TAQUET ANET, COREANHA, oe oe SUBLiMise PLANET TTARL
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Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet