OCR text
HERB. HORT. EDINB, MQ00589 xo} cy) Pa i cd) n 2 ed = a = > 2. ° o Calystegia sepium (L.) R.Br. Provisional determination by R K Brummitt (added posthumously in 2015 from his notes) Province du Kovuy-Touxrov (Chine. ) Gonvolvlcccars (Ne: 7E79, 5) ‘Gal ys lege oa /, ‘ de ee! trang = [toon eh [Herrin Ly [Con = por: ! e ' Dany Gy Bates 3 : ay) 3 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN tlt Ong hSemenp Kuch, EDINBURGH MIA Lo ee E00855591 70 pain OF. Qu todeey EMILE RODINIER des Misstons-Etrangeres de Paris.
Province da Kovy-Tonnov (Chine. ) iE Convoliuleccals Cys 7679, ) MQ@Q@589 “SU l be moup- Ags Lee. fad eta Corele,, fey Z Ree Coney is fits EMite Bovinter x ee. a . des Misstons-Etrangeres de Paris ae ra > “ ® n 2 ae = D 7 > roy re) ) Calystegia sepium (L.) R.Br. Provisional determination by R K Brummitt (added posthumously in 2015 from his notes) Province du Kouy-Touxov (Chine. ) Gonvolulecears = (Mae 6 alys begia Ma ut, de Aas Fea. u of 2 i ae eh filerrn, Le {te ts COO Ong | a . @> and Ce; A oo ) C a (en, ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN “tq COngnlkbemeup Oyuehey 0 SS ae E00855591 70 petn OF. Au Coreg, EMILE RODINIER des Misstons-Etrangeres de Paris.
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet