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is ATIVONTOONAOOTITONL CNHI copyright reserved FLORA OF MoRoCco Name Rh lycioies L. Ssp. oleoideL.) Jah- CF oe eae ci amginlina Cdes{.) Ball. Locaity GFAND ATLAS, ‘ village lower Asif Avis, Frutte Hapirat Ihicker ae j-2ld-Scae ALT. Remarks Moye Comuorty voy dwarfed tin Anck. het a, Apparc. te, mate fauna - ar (B),- ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN | EDINBURGH E00827730 COLLECTOR SKN, Spence REF. No. SL. Sa 231 Date 4 Je [s1. : (11503) Wt.76119/47 5000(4) 3/47 L.& 8. G67.
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet