OCR text
(i TCO NOUATTOTINOACOTI copyright reserved 2823 L. multiflorum Lam. Fl. Fv. iii. 621, 1778, Throughout Central and 8. Europe, W. Asia, N. Africa, Egypt, Natal but the plant records are confused with other species. : GES closely allied to L. Boucheanum (italicum ), but is annual, not perennial, has no tufts of barren leaves, and the spikelets have a larger number of flowers, i.e. 15-25 as against 12-15, Found by J. M. H. not infrequently and under several modifications on the banks oi the Gala and Tweed, Selk. and Roxb., 1907, but the actual origin is a little uncertain. Det. A. Thellung. : ae an colic of wanblifilorin Kam A iliet ae (ee. Cee 2 SVietu-y BGI) HERBARIUM OF : | MISS I. M. HAYWARD, F. L. 8. Colt. Fit; Raypunnrd , Ig. wo date. | PRESENTED 1940 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH | E00804189
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