OCR text
peniesas 1yBUKdoo HOLOTYPE ot Rhocleelenlean..nemettacedder..Balf f. Ul Sot Nokes. BCE. x. p.i2h-i25..((417).... _@ YUNNAN, WEST CHINA No. Coll. GEORGE FORREST Mh f Sepa, oo nor, of STbem setts, oy 1912. | The chy GR. shan ints fF lla 4l-. B.t/ @ i Weg miule , Mole Lowg ; ty Determinavit oie ogg 7 Et yes Wo“ hag gr * ed Be OTEK Type Specimen ROYAL Pht ae : Lobe. 4 AQ Gortiaetcou mii ee
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