OCR text
| ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E007 14909 ! HERB. HORT. EDINRB. Plants of Dzha gyzstan 5" East Longitude Urumbash Ravine. Syr Darya Flora Region of former Soviet Central Asia 2000-099 Elevation about 1590 meters. 5 uils green to red to purpi Pain Rotate, Cheictanh 1H fiiCmate Miannon 2 » JON DB. idil, LNT ISLOPEl H. Dietrich, CMY Waliectl, & $2084 aT tT eee ‘TTT? Pat Mistury 2uUryey CiLLo) j Rok i een R Lsbeotes/ (eNO ) SJavu my Aco a ne} a) Pd I ® n ® ke a = 2 = Ey a we) ce)
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