OCR text
2 Si Ne © RON See ae enn iia | we a aA Qwurvlota |. Popular English Name AW ae The London Catalogue of British Plants, Eleventh Edition (1925), No. [4h 4 ey deg uo". Habitat rasta Aaah Ay mle Height above mean sea-level Jeet. a Aged Station D2 ees ae Eoladoarg Mahtid an ; Date qt Z fabs (1b Collector James Sinclair. Reference Number. aes oY. Remarks _ tov de oe ae Onde a Mentprfreilae Aka ts tne (fa ood ee Aboms savin ge _ ls RSTn nT ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH ie Eas _——_ 2) fs] copyright reserved Ea 7 6 a aRaDeE] 2 Oe Ao , 0 cm
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