OCR text
tinting com oe > | = oO ae Oe iad ww | ei ea a oe roe S) AwWnrcrr AcCUWA ae ies ace leo Veale Skate ct.) Sno ) Det. Sven Snogerup 1934 FLORA ARGENTINA | A fu iy acutug | ( , ma i ; a. Ze o CC 44 Aszet SS Sf 202. Ps | f \ j | 4cebe ala wee Tafa & | t| | 9 = j ‘e fed 2 A ‘A i>, cerca ae Soetcua de lac Cacas| j HERBARIUM OF JOHN BALL, F.RS. f ee LZ ie ‘ ie x | Siow. Awsze Axercd. \. @ PRESENTED BY HIs TrusTEES, 1591. | PST SSB SL. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN - _ ee EDINBURGH Sey ll E00514014
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