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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH | E£00464181 | 1 mmationun Ch-) Gaertn. Citi i number; 168 ©) °RA OF TURKEY Name: Thistle (Carduus? ) Suty Vilayet; Samsun i Locality: Cetirli Pinar Kty (Bafra) Alt: 100 meters Habitat: Fallow fields, roadsides , Clay sofl. MG. ete. Notes: Large thistle of this area. Leaves smooth, light green and heavily blotch ed white. Height 3 feet, Common, Date: May 28, 1963 sexColl.C. Tobay Re? L. foIssv19 BE) MEL) ‘4 Daas) r E TOOT TOTTI copyright reserved
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