OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00437897 | / FLORA OF TURKEY ‘octane ree O.K.! we" O4 UNIVERSITY OF EDIN. PSA wa SiPaeIM Ral Zz Nios ete HOBAL A Ex ISTP Ue Walope MalacGiGae Wet (8. 6 rt ee, Loc, .... Istanbul (Bur..) hah gekmece;.12..km. Hab. ....... Dry..meadow. ie oe Dat, .... Absa501962....... Leg, Pie EL I INT 9 oh Lean em ie oe Det....... H-Demiriz.....10.11.196). ~ ROYAL BOTANIC LCP W ODS INE EDINBURGH ro) (a) Pa iS, oO o 2 ao) — Bed = as a. fo) [o)
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