OCR text
Herb: W, Edgar Evans. [A CS Ss Se U CS le SS ? Ge \ ( ——— ¥ (Frtiedueed with grain ae z He igo6 13 [/ S| Coll. HA’ June 1900. ay . Leg. W. Epgar Evans. onl: Nak. Weak. AQOH p. 175; . ( of. A coe hel = eed ce i ) Pedicers not Longer thaw Lracts. S LIS channelled, PRESENTED 1940 8 xo] o = o a Ww Sl = D = 5 ro¥ ° rz) Cea 5 7 aaa it 6 ae fae 5 Gees 0) cm ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH | E00431074
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