OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH 3 ® Fs ten ® 179) Ma ped i = = 5 a ° a) ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH wi E00383324 \ ARIAMEHR BOTANICAL GARDEN FLORA OF IRAN No. 17673 Fam, Cruciferae CTN: | Erycimem relsro tote A i - « © ‘: | D— ants: ober ces . sepa caneconcetdl Rs acy, Prov. Fars: Bamu Protected Region, Chesmeh-IFil to ridge of Kuh-Bamu. Alt. 1900-2650 m Date 31.5 1975 Notes In crevices. Leg. P.Wendelbo & H.Foroughi Dupl. Ariamehr Det. Mm, ANNcody | I7-% Botanical Garden | |
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet