OCR text
I Te ae ners ied ROYAL BOTANIC oP VeP Pay! EDINBURGH @ oe) RY xe) PLANTAE PALAESTINAE $ MOABITICAE i No iy Cf : G puns’ C} 9 j ; f 7 oO fe Nomen ¢ Ahan TA VA++t49t. LpA tr. X bed / r C fen : = \ Habitat @ hag Ata C2 a Locus. ¥/1A%@_4 Le i) Alt<7 5:2. ™ Datum L (pac {ZS 1 lL. nd ~ No..4 (M.be 7 / determ, J. E. Dinsmore, ay leg. Fred. 8. Meyers et J. E. Dinsmore. Se ee The American Colony, Jerusalem. Msurntia sehen (0 ides Det. Ian C. Hedge Sofeurhy, 402 OYAL BOTANIC GARDEN o EDINBURGH | E00383286
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet