OCR text
ey MTiacles & ee Ty Ox aly eh | _y Se | CP Se} Ag Elcockarte atre purpurea ( Retz, ) C. Pres| Determinavit Kit Tan (35 EX MUS. BOT. UNIV., HELSINKI (H) BOTANICAL MUSEUM, UNIVERSITY OF HELSINKI Botanical excursion to Turkey in July 18 - August 1, 1981 with Erkuter Leblebici Eleocharis C2 MUGLA: Koycegiz, Dalyan StilUngtir Golt. (45) Aquatic shore meadow. - marsh, ara July 27, 1981 Pertti Uotila 30598 TANIC GARDE Bs ROYAL ET NBURGH Arto—Kurtto | | | KeistiinaHormia E00398669 apne a pe
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